My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 19: conflict

The morning reading time is the stage for the school's gossip little prince Mu Xiaolei.

"It is said that…"

"Oh, you have to listen to you every day, what news?" Bai Yu asked weakly, lying on the table.

"If I didn't know, I thought you were rubbed against the ground by Tong Ya..." Mu Xiaolei contemptuously said.

"It spread in school so soon?" Bai Yu sat up.

"Isn't that? I heard that you cleaned up Tong Ya, this guy has some energy, do you think about how to deal with it?" Mu Xiaolei asked worriedly.

"Since ancient times, the evil is invincible, and the evil will be knocked down by the justice. He... scum, can't make the climate..." Bai Yu said with a magnificent face.

"I also heard that Dao is one foot high, Devil is one foot high, the body died before the master, the middle Dao collapsed, died young, and the days do not holiday..." Mu Xiaolei sneered.

"Mu Xiaolei, don't talk trivial..." the squad leader on the podium greeted weakly.

Before Lu Qiu Hanyan transferred to another school, he was the second child of ten thousand years in the class. He was a nerd who read only sage books. He was not interested in anything except improving his grades and studying hard. After Lu Qiu Hanyan transferred to another school, he was transferred and removed. The vice character became the class leader, and the work of leading early reading fell to him, but he was not interested in it, and he couldn't give a bit of breath. It was just that Xiao Gui and Cao followed to maintain the early reading discipline.

"Sorry! Sorry!" Mu Xiaolei quickly admitted.

He got down on his stomach and stood up the book, hiding his face behind the book and it was not easy to get caught.

"I was named every time for Mao?" he complained.

"Nonsense, the villain died of talking too much, don't you know?" Bai Yu also imitated him, standing up a book to block him.

"What are you going to do? That kid is cruel, and he will definitely not give up." Mu Xiaolei asked, rolling his eyes because of choking.

"Your language level has improved recently? I use idioms well." Bai Yu praised.

"I'm telling you about business!" Mu Xiaolei was anxious.

"What to do? The water comes to cover the earth, and the soldiers come to block!" Bai Yu said indifferently.

"Cut, how many can you fight alone? He is entangled with a bunch of people to provoke you, don't you think you are arrogant?"

"What's the matter of fighting gas and turning horses?"

"That's, the first of the thirty-six strategies, run; don't care about these details, or do you avoid the limelight for two days? I ask for leave for you?" Mu Xiaolei hesitated, he also knew this was too bad. idea.

"An, there is a way, that kid...hehe." Bai Yu patted him on the shoulder.

"I always think you are hiding something from me." Mu Xiaolei squinted at Bai Yu.

During the exercise between classes, the music of the playground sounded, and the students filed toward the playground. For a time, the passage of the teaching building was full of crowded students.

Tong Ya led seven or eight people at the door of the classroom.

"Bai Yu, come out!" Tong Ya roared with a look of jealousy.

Mu Xiaolei grabbed Bai Yu who wanted to get up:

"Lao Bai, ignore them!"

"It's okay, I can do it!"

"Are you stupid? How many of them are?" Mu Xiaolei said angrily.

"Tong Ya, Lao Bai is my friend. Give me a face, so how about that? I will treat you tonight. If you have anything to do, you can tell me through the wine." Mu Xiaolei said solemnly.

"Oh~ Shao Mu, Shao Mu's face is still useful, right? Dinner at night, right? Big guy, there's a big dinner in the evening, how about someone treat me?" Tong Ya said strangely, talking and carrying a A large group of people walked into the classroom, and those who walked out of the class were afraid of causing trouble to the upper body. Those who had planned to go through the front door all diverted and walked through the back door.

"Young Master Mu dare not be it, Bai Yu has something to offend, don't take it to your heart." Mu Xiaolei watched them come over, and stood up.

"In this school, Bai Yu was the first person who made me lose such a big face. If you say so lightly, I think nothing happened. Do you think your face is so big? Fatty?" Tong Ya gently patted Mu Xiaolei's face.

This action was very insulting, but Mu Xiaolei endured it. Although his family was rich in wealth, Tong Ya did not dare to offend easily, but the jade and stone weren’t cost-effective after all. Tong Ya didn’t provoke him. He didn't want to have any conflict with him. At this time, for Bai Yu to stand up, it was not worthwhile to intensify the contradiction.

"What do you want to do?" Mu Xiaolei whispered.

"I lost such a big face, I won't trouble him in the future, I can do it, but today, if I don't show him some color, what do other people think of me? You are not trying to brace this beam, are you?" Tong Ya also lowered The voice asked.

"You promise you will never trouble him again?" Mu Xiaolei increased his tone and asked slowly.

"No problem, Mu Shao's face is still to be given." Tong Ya took a step back, and said in a polite manner. Seeing that the atmosphere eased, the various glaring and evil followers next to him also put away "I am a horse." Zai" face.

"Lao Bai, go, don't fight them hard, just go through the scene." Mu Xiaolei sighed and turned to Bai Yu.

"It's okay, I know what to do, I owe you." Bai Yu slowly stood up and patted Mu Xiaolei's shoulder lightly.


"Why don't you go to... the rooftop?" Bai Yu looked at the surroundings.

"You... don't know how to write dead words? Why are you focusing on it, so... fresh?" Tong Ya couldn't help but smile.

"Lao Qi in the third year of high school, ah, if I get him, he will endure it, Su Qi, Duo Niu? Bring people outside to make trouble for me, and settle him in minutes... You? What are you? Something?" Tong Ya also punched and kicked the first few bad guys in the school after cleaning up the first few school masters. At this moment, he suddenly encountered a little grasshopper who dared to jump around, which made him a little bit irritated.

"In this school, I have never seen a person like you. Whoever I want to do, everyone has to bear with me. You dare to fight against me?" Tong Ya looked proud, clutching Bai Yu's collar. Tao.

"You try to engage the principal?" Bai Yu grabbed his hand and said calmly.

"What am I talking about, do you tell me to be the principal?"

"Fatty Mu's face, I can give it to you, but today I will inevitably have to clean up your meal. Later, when you see me, you can hide away from me, lest you send it to me again." Tong Ya let go and grasped. Hand with white feather collar.

"Brothers, give classmate Bai Yu a full set of big swords for a water bath."

Dabaojian means a violent beating, and a water bath refers to throwing urine in the urinal.

"No problem, Brother Tong!"

Seven or eight people rushed over, and Tong Ya retreated to the door of the toilet and lit a cigarette.

There was no one in the aisle. The radio amusement music from the playground aroused echoes in the aisle, and it seemed very far away. From the closed toilet, there was screaming and screaming. Tong Ya half-squinted. He took a big breath into his lungs and vomited it out slowly, but he was wondering where to go to catch the autumn breeze at night.

Inside the toilet.

Someone desperately approached Bai Yu and hugged his waist from behind. Bai Yu kicked his feet hard and kicked his feet into the air. He was kicking on the chest of the leaping forward. The guy suddenly retreated and slammed his back against the wall. on.

Another attacked from the side, punched out, and hit Bai Yu's side face.

Although Bai Yu's waist was charged, his hands were free. He caught the opponent's fist with his right hand and pulled to the left. The left hand missed from his right hand. He pressed his palm heavily on his face and heard a "click". If Bai Yu didn't leave a hand, it is estimated that this guy would be paraplegic in a high position, but just like this, it made him tilted to one side like a stiff neck. With a slight movement, a sharp pain came from his neck.

The person who hugged Bai Yu's back stood unsteadily, retreated, and was heavily squeezed against the wall by Bai Yu, like sandwich bread. He felt that heavier weight would press out the stomach and intestines, and he immediately lost his resistance.

The remaining four people saw that three of their companions had lost their combat effectiveness in an instant, and they suddenly felt timid, but thinking of Tongya's lewd power, Tongya's eating and drinking in peacetime gave them a lot of benefits, and their hearts were upset. Come up.

But the area of ​​the toilet is only so big, they swarmed on, and they didn't play a big role at all. Instead, they tied each other's hands and feet.

The spleen meridian of the White Feather Earth is already an introduction, not to mention that the combat power is inhuman, but at least it is also the physique of a national sportsman, plus the physical skills learned from the army in the mechanical doomsday, to deal with these combat rookies who have never seen blood. It took a lot of effort again, and the remaining four people fell to the ground, and they no longer dared to get up. Regardless of the filthy toilet, they lay down on the low ground.

The door opened with a creak, and Tong Ya opened the door with a cigarette in his mouth. He actually entered the toilet with his back facing the toilet to prevent anyone from passing by. He also carefully closed the door, locked it back, and pulled the latch.

"Have you done it? We will withdraw after the water bath, and let Fatty Mu give us the best at night, Ma Dan, actually let me give him noodles..."

Tong Ya locked the door, turned his face, and the cigarette in his mouth fell off. He saw that these "strong soldiers" under him were beaten to the ground, and the people he wanted to clean were washing their hands at the sink. .

Tong Ya turned around and tried to pull the door, only to realize that it was not only locked, but also latched.

"If you dare to go, I would dare to beat you up in front of everyone in the school so that you can't take care of yourself. Believe it or not?" Bai Yu shook the water in his hand and walked towards Tong Ya.

Tong Ya slowly turned around and said with a strong smile: "Brother Yu, I don't know Taishan. In the future, where Brother Yu is, I will retreat!"

"Is the idiom used well?" Bai Yu stretched out his hand and wiped off the water stains on Tong Ya's clothes.

"Brother Yu, I was wrong. I will definitely not trouble you anymore!" Tong Ya said in horror, but vowed in his heart that he would find someone who could beat him. How could Bai Yu mess with him if he didn't clean up?

"Are you thinking about finding someone to clean up me?" Bai Yu said slowly.

"I don't dare, I really don't dare." Tong Ya quickly explained, just wanting to get through it quickly.

"You, you, you, you all stand up for me." Bai Yu didn't catch him with his eyelids, and said while lying on the ground with Ban Jia to Ban Geng.

"You are all lined up, you are school students, the flowers of the motherland, what kind of mental outlook is this? You are silly, keep your head up and your abdomen!" Bai Yu walked over, hitting his elbow on the belly of his classmate, and said to classmate. Muffled, his face turned pale suddenly.

"Very well, isn't Tong Ya going to give me a complete set of the great sword? Come, now you guys will give him a set of great sword."

"Bai Yu, don't overdo it!" Tong Ya said with a change of color on his face.

"I'm too much? Why didn't you feel that you were too much when you forced the girls to come out? Why didn't you feel too much when you took your classmates to gamble? You are a natural bad kind, I really don't know why people can be bad So bad? So bad? So bad?" Bai Yu laughed furiously, and hit the wall with a punch. Suddenly, the tiles on the wall were damaged like a spider web.

"Tong Brother, I'm sorry, you can bear it!" The attendants who were shocked by Bai Yu's punch finally reacted. Just now, Bai Yu didn't make a cruel move at all. With a punch, you can guarantee that you are better than the tile. hard?

"You are upside down!" Tong Ya said angrily. Before he could finish speaking, he was beaten to the ground by the entourage.

"Flower cat, what are you special about..."

"Oh! Pizi, remember it for me!"

Tong Ya, who was beaten up in a ball, threatened these followers with harsh words, but this aroused the anger of the followers.

"You are so ridiculous and bullying, I feel embarrassed!"

"Labor and management have given you all the pocket money every week, when will you show me a good face?"

A violent hammer beat Tong Ya to scream again and again.

"Okay, stop."

Bai Yu said with his arms leaning against the wall by the door.

"I'm pooh!" The last attendant who stopped his hand spit heavily on Tong Ya, turned his face and smiled and said to Bai Yu:

"Brother Yu, I've seen him displeased a long time ago. There are five people and six people all day long, thinking that he is a big brother..."

"Ah... Pizi, you are so special, you are dead!" Tong Ya said **.

"You're so hard-headed!" The former Tongya named Pizi made a heavy kick, but he was secretly worried, what if he retaliated afterwards? It seems that I can only hold Bai Yu's thigh tightly.

"Didn't it mean that there is still a water bath?"

The attendants glanced at each other, Pi Zi said:

"We all did it today, do you think we still have a chance to go back?"

Tong Ya was distracted by his kick, couldn't make a sound, couldn't threaten others, and could only look at these people with bitter eyes.

The followers didn't dare to look at Tong Ya, lowered their heads, raised him, and threw him in the urinal trough.

"Come on, don't tell me to let me come alone!" Pi Zi glanced at the other people threateningly.

Bai Yu didn't want to look any more, and walked out of the toilet.

At this time, the radio exercise had already completed six sessions, and Bai Yu took the toilet door and walked to the classroom. The latest chapter address of my dream can come true: dream can come true. Read the full text address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 19 Conflict) reading history, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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