My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 201: Refining

The work that needed to be soaked and re-fired was completed. It was the next afternoon. Looking at the dense packing boxes, Fan Yunju felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart. These tens of millions of materials were made into a pagoda. I don't know what kind of power it is!

The three of them were monks, and naturally there was nothing to be too tired to bear, and Bai Yu pulled out the jade piece connected to the stone crusher, walked to the furnace, and inserted it into the interface.

The light curtain popped up, the authorization was completed, and Bai Yu said: "Brother, ready to feed!"

"Material No. 1, Lengshan Sapphire, preheated at an initial temperature of 1,319.75 degrees, and a preheating time of sixty-eight..."

"The warm-up time is up, the temperature rises to 2117.88 degrees, and the heating time is thirty digits..."

"The warming time is up, the strong temperature reaches 4,003,3 degrees, and the strong temperature lasts seventeen numbers..."

After the intense temperature period is over, the Lengshan Sapphire that has been refined into the red jade liquid is injected into the mold from the discharge port, forming blocks of material, waiting for the final refining.

Next, a variety of materials enter the refining furnace for the final treatment before refining, and most of them are purified and mixed with other materials to form compatible materials.

This busy, another night passed, and finally the huge amount of materials was processed.

"Brother, next, we will formally refine the Heaven and Earth Linglong Xuanhuang Pagoda, how are you?"

"I'm fine, I can use my physical strength and spirit!"

A disciple rushed over and took out the mold from the storage equipment.

Bai Yu said happily, "At this time, the base mold is just right."

The so-called formation base is a series of thousands of lines of formations. The array runes are placed on its nodes, which can become the key to the spiritual power operation of the heaven and earth Xuanhuang Linglong Tower. Throw the materials in it with a brain to create a shape and mark it. These formations are not called refining magic weapons or creating objects, they are called alloy refining.

"First refine the tower base. The tower base bears the tower body. It is the foundation of the tower-shaped magic weapon. The tower base solidifies the tower. Those'mountains' are the best configuration ratios that we have collected from thousands of spiritual mountains data and compared and analyzed. Its composition is not weaker than any spiritual mountain in the world!" Bai Yu said proudly, shouting: "Incoming!"

According to Bai Yu's request, Fan Yunyu quickly placed the box on the mountain seat in the feed slot.

"If these boxes hadn't been refined using the Sumeru mustard technique, how could they hold more than 400 million catties of stone!"

The stone has only been broken, and has not been specially refined. At this time, I saw a steady stream of stones being sucked in from the inlet, and even the dust was never let go.

The next step is for the refining furnace to call the data in the jade slices by itself, heat and pressurize them to make these stones into magma with red light.

"Discharging, forming..."

The tower-shaped treasures have fixed-standard treasures. Bai Yu has never seen the real Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda. Naturally, he finds a pleasing and useful tower base template. This template comes with various cards and interfaces, which are made into an octagonal shape. The base has stone steps on all sides. The edge of the platform is waiting for the installation of railings. The cold mountain sapphire is used on it. The base has its own patterns, engraved with flowers, birds, insects, exotic animals, and rare birds. A regular octagon with a height of one meter and a length of ten meters on one side. The tower base that has been treated with high temperature and high pressure only needs to be driven into the Gushan, Ruyi, Feitian, Juling, Sumeru mustard, Sealing Demon and other runes. Heavy enough and hard enough, who can withstand the pressure of more than 400 million catties?

However, these runes need to be made by Fan Yunzhen himself, and can be engraved directly on the mold, but this requires more time for the creation to run in with the owner. It takes hundreds of years to run in and it can be compared to a day or two. Is the system cost-effective?

Next is a series of refining of the tower bones, tower veins, main control tower array, tower body, ornaments, various functional rooms in the tower, and various formations and veins. Three days later, the Xuanhuang II made from star-core topaz The characters are embedded on the top plaque, and thousands of basic runes are also made by Fan Yunju with the help of the rune auxiliary system, and they are embedded one by one into the nodes of the tower array to form an array.

"Brother, you can guide the spirit, but, this tower, I am afraid that the catastrophe will fall by then, can you be sure?" Bai Yu looked up at the dark sky with a secret worry.

"I've reached this point. If there is a catastrophe, I am afraid of it?" Fan Yun said with a smile. He has some experience in making creations by practicing his hands. He only feels that making simple creations is not so smooth and natural. Moreover, the white board Xuanhuang Pagoda that hasn't been introduced into the tower spirit is thick and exquisite at first glance, and a solid and reliable aura hits your face; even if it is refined by the master, it is better than it? Unexpectedly, such a device of respect would come out of my own hand. I was so proud in my heart, how could I still feel a little bit afraid of the robbery that day?

"Small tower! Guiding merit!" Fan Yun stomped at the tower spirit floating in the air.

Ta Ling floated up and down in the air as if nodded, and shook his head around Bai Yu and Fan Yun.

Bai Yu suddenly said, "Little Tower, don't touch the merits of brother, take it from me!"

Tarring paused and then turned, Bai Yu slowly emitted a golden yellow mist, which was drawn into filaments, and the filaments were slowly twisted into strands, and finally the strands were as slender as hair. The golden yellow thread is like twisted twine, turning into a thread with a thickness of two or three millimeters and a length of more than ten centimeters. The golden mist on Bai Yu's body, which is not too strong, becomes thin and transparent at this time. It's not much better than Fan Yunju.

"Junior Brother!" Fan Yun said anxiously. The golden merits of drawing strands into silk and combining silk into threads all came from Bai Yu. He went back to the lathe to gain merit, but it was just a rubbing against his younger brother. At this time, for the creation of this world. The Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda has also extracted the merits of his junior brother, which makes him feel so embarrassed.

"Brother, if you don’t have a body of merit for a while, I’m only worried that you won’t be able to survive this calamity. If you’re a creature of merit, hehe, if you don’t have a calamity, how can you pass it easily. Now your merits have not been consumed, so the calamity will come." At that time, you have the merits, and the heavenly calamity can also open up. Besides, when you go to the secret palace, you don’t know what is going on inside, what dangers are there, and if you have merit to protect your body, your luck will flourish. In some dangers, you can also turn into good fortune. You and my brother, you can come back safely is the most important thing. A little merit is far inferior to your safety."

"Junior Brother's affection, I've written it down, let's have a long time to come!" Fan Yun sighed for a long time, Bai Yu said that this is the end, what else can he say? Before the transition from left to right, he will call it all! This guy's heart is so big that he has even considered crossing the robbery!

"Refining blood! Combine the spirit!" Fan Yun stomped softly, and the prepared knife cut through the wrist veins, blood spurted out wildly, but did not fall to the ground; after the spurted blood slowly formed a ball of blood in the air, Bai Yu applied hemostatic ointment on Fan Yunju's wound. After a while, the wound was closed and healed. It is just that the trauma is easy to treat, but the internal damage is difficult to heal. It needs to find another way to deal with it. After this large treasure is finished, it will still be needed. The master's essence and blood, if it were an ordinary person, would have lost so much blood, I am afraid that he has fainted to the ground, not to mention that so much is the essence of blood!

Ta Ling rushed in from the tower gate on the first floor carrying the blood cell and the energy of merit.

There was a dull roar, and even Xiao Gufeng shook slightly.

After losing a lot of blood, Fan Yunju's face turned pale. He took the pill that Bai Yu had handed, and threw it into his mouth without looking at it, staring at the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

The little lonely mountain shook slightly again, and the heaven and earth Linglong Xuanhuang Pagoda slowly left the ground and floated in the air.

"Brother! Don't go?" Bai Yu was overjoyed. Obviously, this pagoda has become more than half of it. It has a solid structure and can fly off the ground. Obviously it is functioning normally. When the master is refined, even if it is successful, it needs to be completely successful, or it has to wait. Tiandao put a mark.

Fan Yunjia glanced at Bai Yu gratefully, and gently jumped onto the base of the tower.

Landed on one knee, with one hand stretched out on the tower body, a feeling of blood and flesh came from the place where the palm of his hand touched the tower body, and Fan Yun stomped his divine consciousness into the tower body, only to realize that his divine consciousness had entered. , He was so powerful that he did not resist for a long time, and there was even a feeling of smoothness and excessiveness. His true essence traveled in the tower vein for a week and entered the main control part of the tower; under the induction of divine thought, one vaguely exuded gold The shining little tower spirit, when his divine consciousness came, the tower spirit entangled up, as if playing with his divine consciousness, Fan Yunyu vaguely felt that there was joy and intimacy coming from the tower spirit; There was a sharp pain, and Fan Yunju's eyes went dark, almost fainted, and a big mouthful of blood spurted out. It turned out that Ta Ling suddenly started to tear a piece of divine consciousness and trapped it in the tower, and his thoughts were the same as the tide. Slowly sent out by the tower spirit as if the tide was low, and finally withdrew from the state of divine consciousness, his vision returned to a normal state, only to see the blood that had just been sprayed from the tower body was slowly absorbed by the tower body.

"Smaller! Smaller!" Fan Yun jumped off the pagoda and shouted, with his hand pinching the magic trick. The pagoda was really like what he meant, getting smaller and smaller, and in the end it became only a foot high and fell on Fan. On Yunju's hand, the wind chimes on the tower of "Dingling Bell" came with a clear sound.

Looking at the handsome Fan Yunxu, Bai Yu couldn't help but produce a strong smile. Isn't the Ta Li Tianwang's sense of instant vision too strong? Except for not wearing a general uniform and leaving a long beard with five strands...I only hope that this brother will marry Qiuhong in the future, but don't give birth to a son called Nezha!

Bai Yu looked at the sky again, but it was still gloomy. Isn't this heavenly catastrophe coming?

The Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda fell on Fan Yunju’s palm. Fan Yunju looked at the nine-story tower. The shining light on the nine-story tower finally converged. By this time, the refining of the Xuanhuang Pagoda was finally completed. Suddenly crazily surged, Bai Yu frowned, "Still coming?"

Fan Yunxu raised his head and looked at the sky: "It's about to fall, Junior Brother, I'm going elsewhere, don't break your little lonely mountain!"

After that, Fan Yunju threw the tower in the air. The Xuanhuang Pagoda grew as soon as the wind saw the wind. Fan Yunju jumped to the empty space at the bottom of the tower, and pointed his hand casually in a direction: "Over there!"

Xuanhuang Pagoda led him to fly away, bringing out a soft yellow light.

Bai Yu watched him fly away, and muttered: "I hope everything goes well!" My dream can come true The latest chapter address: dream can come true full text Reading address: dream can come true txt download address : Https:// dream can come true Mobile reading: https :// the convenience of reading next time, you can click the \ "Favorites\" records the reading record of this time (Chapter 201 Refining), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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