My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 206: Landing as a lake

"I see this palace. There is a river around the waist, across the jade bridge, but the huge boulders at the sharp bends of the river are blocked. The jade belt has become a dragon and turned into a trapped dragon. What does the Qiu Taoist fellow think?"

"Daoyou Liang makes sense." Qiu Hong replied smoothly, but continued to walk a few steps east and a few steps west, slowly calculating.

"If I don't think so badly, this battle should be the dragon's heart-warming formation. The grievances that cannot ascend to the sky are gathered in front of the hall. Everyone who enters is fascinated by the grievances and disappears." Liang Ziqian said excitedly.

"Do fellow Daoists break the law?" Qiuhong continued to calculate according to his own way, and asked smoothly; Tang Xiaotian held his long sword in front of his chest, his face seemed to be a smile, but he didn't make a sound.

"You junior is so long-winded! If you can break it, it will break. What kind of garlic will be dressed up in front of your female partner? Can you be better than a female practitioner? I really want to kill you!" Master Demon suddenly angry! Scolded.

Liang Ziqian was stagnant, his face was blue and red, but Yun Qianchen said: "Senior Demon Dove, don't be impatient. Master Tianhuan has been overhauled in ancient times. Naturally, the secret array of the mansion must be more deliberate before daring to do it, otherwise it will cause some changes. I'm afraid there is a big danger."

"Think about it carefully, is there any girl in the Kit Kat Hall? She looks a little bit disgusting, think quickly, don't let those useless farts!"

After listening to Master Demon Dove's scolding, Tang Xiaoqian finally couldn't help but laugh out loud, even Zhai Yu had a weird smile on his face.

Liang Ziqian adjusted his breathing, but no longer dared to show off, so he took out the flag from the storage space.

"Daoyou Liang should wait, I don't think this is like a dragon and a heart-warming formation." Qiu Hong stopped when he saw that he was ready to do something.

"What are you waiting for? Could it be that Fellow Daoist Qiu wants to give pointers?" Liang Ziqian said coldly.

"I don’t dare to give pointers, and I want to understand some of them. I think this is like a seven-star illusion formation, and it is a set of formations. To prevent the enemy from retreating, there should be a killing formation behind the seven-star illusion. The killer is about to be attacked, and the daoists break through with the trapped dragon and the heart, I'm afraid it will cause an accident." Qiu Hong persuaded.

"Ha! Seven-Star Lost Array? I've heard of this. The sky is bright, fellow Taoist, there are half stars in the sky? The stars are hidden, how do you let this Seven-Star Lost Array borrow star power? Ha! "Liang Ziqian sneered, and started to set up the formation flag without talking.

Seeing that persuasion was useless, Qiu Hong pulled Tang Xiaoqian back, followed the two men's casual cultivators and glanced at each other, decided to persuade, and then retired.

"Senior Sister, really... is it dangerous?" Tang Xiaoqian whispered. He looked at the sky, and he could not see half a star? "

Qiuhong said calmly, "I guess, this danger is not small."

After a while, Liang Ziqian set up the formation flag, holding the formation plate far away, and activated the formation flag.

He uses the traditional method of breaking the formation to understand the weak operation of the spiritual power of the formation. When external forces intervene, the energy cycle is broken, and the natural formation will be blocked. When the obstacle is blocked, the formation will stop. , At this time, if the array is taken away, the formation will be completely disintegrated, so that you can also receive a set of arrays, just like when the computer is running, forcibly long press the power button to shut down, and then take out the memory, etc. Component, the computer cannot start normally.

Qiuhong sighed, "It's a pity that Haidao is a friend."

She was walking around the world in a simulation of ten feet of red dust. She was knocked and trapped many times. She no longer felt needless sympathy. Except for those close to her, and those in the same family, other people's sympathy. Life and death, she doesn't care at all, why would she care about Hai Wuyou's situation?

After the formation flag was activated, the formation method changed, and Hai Wuyou's figure reflected in the air was distorted and delayed.

Liang Ziqian said with joy: "It's done!"

He got up and was about to rush in, but suddenly saw dozens of long swords floating beside Hai Wuyou.

The sound of scoffing was endless, and the long sword went straight back and forth, passing through the body, piercing Hai Wuyou, who was still groping in the formation, into a sieve!

"No, no, it's impossible! Shouldn't it!?" Liang Ziqian turned his head suddenly with a look of fear.

"This is obviously the Dragon Snatching Heart Formation! If it's not the Dragon Snatching Heart Formation, why don't you stop me? You killed Fellow Haidao!" Liang Ziqian hissed.

"My senior sister told you that this is a seven-star fascinating formation! And there is a killing formation behind it. If you don't listen to persuasion, you must activate this formation, but my senior sister is to blame? I told you not to believe it, and You blame it for not discouraging you? How to persuade you? Have you ever had a fight with you? How come you have been released from a crowd like you? Isn't this harmful?" Tang Xiaoqian sneered.

"Impossible! This is obviously the trapped dragon being blocked. Where did the sky star come from? This bright day! Where did the star come from!" Liang Ziqian looked terrified, this Hai Wuyou was dead in his hands. The Heavenly Talisman Dao and the Golden Body Sect are not only similar in power, and are held accountable for this matter, how can I escape!

"Daoyou Liang, this is a small world. How can there be stars in the sky? Even if there is, it must be the celestial nucleus taken by the Master Tianhuan and buried in the ground. This is not only a seven-star maze, but also a Kunweitian and Ganwei The earth’s anti-seven-star maze formation, I just walked around and calculated that I was looking for the star core, speculating that it might be possible. The terrain alone is not enough to determine the formation. With the power of the **** of heaven, how could it be possible to deploy only one? A simple trapped dragon grabbing the heart formation? The formation has its own spiritual power flow. Only by clarifying the context of the spiritual power flow can we reversely determine which formation it is, Xiaoqian, here, dig three feet, if I guess it is right , There should be a star core below this, which is also considered a very precious treasure of heaven and earth. If you support Sister Sister so much, Sister Sister naturally can't treat you badly." Qiu Hong walked to one place and pointed to Tang Xiaoqian.

"Senior Sister, why is this embarrassing?" Tang Xiaoqian declined.

"You call me Senior Sister, I won't give you any benefits, it's not for nothing!" Qiu Hong said with a stern face, but there was a smile in his eyes. He could still trust his family. If he said something, he unconditionally believed it. Myself, what can I do without giving some benefits.

The rest of Sanxiu looked at Qiu Hong with eyes, and one of them, Zhu Ji, who was in his sixties, almost blurted out his senior sister, hoping for some benefits.

"If Peng Dao is right, the seven formation eyes and formation materials of this seven-star maze formation belong to my junior and the other fellow daoists who came with us, what do you think?" Qiu Hong raised his head and asked.

"You little baby is really funny. If you say you are cruel, you have it, if you say it is kind, it is too much. These casual cultivators, if you don't kill them, are already their good fortune. You give them this opportunity. Tsk tsk, don't worry, the formation is broken by you, as you please, even if I take the left and right, it's just a matter of replacing some spirit stones." Master Demon Dove shook his head.

"You can handle it with fellow Taoists, I have no opinion." Others answered one after another.

Tang Xiaoqian said, "Senior Sister rewarded me, but I would be disrespectful to Junior Brother! It's boring if we divide them together. They are a whole set, so that's it. This whole set of formations will be sold out when we leave the secret palace and sell the spirit stones. 70%, can you get 30%?"

The casual cultivators who came with Qiuhong and Tang Xiaoqian almost shed tears of joy. This kind of proprietor would take a few lifetimes to meet him! Treasures are actually of no use to them, not to mention that the treasures that are dismantled in this formation are also a scourge. This kind of disciples of the high school are safe to shoot, and wait for the ghost stone to not fragrant. ? 30%? Even 10% is burnt high incense! Thirty percent is the price of conscience. What's more, now that you have not even entered the Dao Palace, you have already got these benefits. What's next?

Foundation-building monks are like the innate masters of the world, how powerful is their power? Tang Xiaoqian took out an iron gun and used the tip of the gun as a shovel. With a pry, a large piece of mud flew away.

Some casual cultivators went up and said, "Friend Tang, I should wait for such crude things! I have a handy guy!"

Tang Xiaoqian jumped out of the pit and looked at the shovel in his hand. He smiled and said, "Why are you a monk and bring this guy with you?"

"Hey, the little ones sometimes come across small graves and small tombs, this, let's help to repair the temple, accumulate points of Yin Gong, accumulate points of Yin Gong..."

Tang Xiaoqian puffed, and pointed to the pothole: "Go! Get more spirit stones at that time!"

Everyone knew that he was nothing more than a cover-up, but the casual cultivator was in this state of existence, and everyone didn't say anything, even Qiu Hong shook his head speechlessly.

After a while, there was a ding sound.

Ran Xiu said loudly in the hole: "Qiu Fairy, really digging! Hey! It's so heavy! Who will follow!"

With a whirr, a tuft of black stones flew up, and San Xiu gently and skillfully took it down.

Qiuhong said again: "You should touch the star core, there should be jade, spiritual wood, etc., otherwise the star core has already sunk to the bottom, and the thing that puts the star core can also be immersed in the star power. Fold some spirit stones."

"Thank you Qiu Xianzi! Thank you Qiu Xianzi!" The San Xiu hurriedly thanked him, and the monks on the ground also looked at Qiu Hong with grateful eyes.

"You girl, it's almost time to buy people's hearts? So what kind of sword formation can break the law?" Master Demon Dove rolled his eyes strangely.

"It will take some time, Master; that place, that place, that place... these places are where the Seven Star Mysterious Star Core is located. Go and unearth it." After the words, Qiu Hong picked it up from the ground. A stone was thrown into the formation, but there was no movement.

"Why did it inspire the sword formation?" Qiu Hong thought.

This array was different from the phantom array that had been working just now. There was no way to clarify the context along with the spiritual power, so I had to look back at the terrain again.

"The sleepy dragon is a sleepy dragon... the Bailin sword formation of the sleepy dragon? Something resembles but not all resembling..." Qiu Hong muttered to himself.

"No! According to the terrain, the sharp bend is where the dragon's Nilin is!" She looked up and jumped onto the flying boat, ascended into the air, looked around, and finally found the reason.

"It turns out that the stone did not stop the dragon from ascending into the sky, but the dragon ball contained in the dragon's mouth! As for the dragon head, it has been cut off! This is the Dragon Soul Slashing Sword Formation!"

Qiu Hong took a closer look at the terrain and finally determined what he thought.

"Girl, can you find out?" Master Demon Dove's face was a little flattering.

"Although the Poor Dao Formation is not refined, I still see some clues. This should be the Dragon Soul Slashing Sword Formation." Qiu Hong replied.

Liang Ziqian muttered: "It is clearly the trapped dragon hundred lin sword array, turning the trapped dragon's lin into a sword."

"A trapped dragon is a living dragon, and a living dragon has vitality. God of Tianhuan... Hey, this is clearly the house of God of Tianhuan. I am like a tomb robber. Facing the robber, how can God of Tianhuan use vitality? Will the dragon deal with it?" Qiu Hong shook his head, then sighed:

"Unexpectedly, God Lord Tianhuan so dared to start, actually cut the water veins of the Secret Mansion dragon energy, this dragon energy mixed with water veins, originally had the opportunity to become a blue wave water dragon, when I don't want to be cut into the water veins when the dragon is transformed, Shi Cai, I When I flew up to see where the dragon head was, there was a pool of lake water in the distance, and the dragon couldn't be transformed, and his head was cut off! The dragon head fell into water, and the stone was the dragon ball in the mouth of the dragon!"My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 206 Landing as the lake), and then open the bookshelf next time see! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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