My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 214: Foodie

Originally there were eight people on the Feizhou, but after five people were missing, it was much more spacious. At least Qiuhong was the only woman in the previous eight people. It was extremely inconvenient in all aspects. She had to drive Feizhou, and there was no way to reach Feizhou Xiao. Resting in the cabin, there were two people left at this time, she thought to herself, if these two people are not unhappy, and if they are lucky, they can get out of the secret palace, they will naturally give them some opportunities, and even bring them into the Qiqiao Palace to become outer disciples. impossible.

Qu Jingxian walked over at this time, leaving Leng Xing at the stern.

"Lord, we are willing to make an oath now."


"If you don't pledge, I'm afraid the Lord will not worry about using the two of me. If we are still guarding each other at this time, I am afraid that we will not be able to hold on for a long time." Qu Jingxian smiled bitterly.

Qiuhong pondered for a long time and said, "What did Leng Xing say?"

Qu Jingxian said: "He is as good as my mind."

"it is good!"

Qiuhong put down a big stone in his heart. As long as he pledged his oath, he would not rely on human morality to maintain mutual relations. There is heaven to testify. If they rebelled in the future, they would not be able to bear the price.

Seven or eight days later, Qu Jingxian suddenly shouted from the boat head: "Master, master, I have found it!"

Qiuhong came out of the small room without being invaded by the wind and sand. After hiding in the room for a few days, she regained her delicate and tidy appearance. Only then did she deeply thank Bai Yu for her emphasis, no matter when, In the storage space, a lot of water, a lot of food, and a change of clothes must be prepared. She originally thought that water sources could be found everywhere, and she didn’t need to go to places short of water. This Junior Brother Bai was too cautious, but he couldn’t help. With some kindness, under his watchful supervision, the iron water tank was filled with several large boxes, and the dried fruit and dried meat were also collected in the house. I couldn't think of such a day.

These things, if she, Qu Jingxian, and Leng Xing save some use, it will be no problem for half a year, and they can even luxuriantly wring face towels every day to clean them.

"Jingxian, what have you found?" Qiuhong walked onto the boat head.

After the three people went through the chasing and killing of the drought, they were like frightened birds. For fear, they were approached by the drought. Basically, the head of the boat and the tail of the boat were one person. They were always paying attention. The three of them took turns on duty, but they did not encounter any danger. Leng Xing also came over.

"Old Qu, what did you find?" Leng Xing was a fat young man.

Qu Jingxian said: "That direction, the light is a little different, and there is a faint golden light."

"You're really good, can you tell the difference?"

"Although I am a normal cultivator, I am also cultivating eye skills. Of course, I can see clearly than you." Qu Jingxian said proudly.

"Yes, you do, Lord, do we want to take a look?" Leng Xing laughed, thinking that your eye technique is just something in the Qi refining period, and it has some advantages before the golden core.

"It's okay to go and see, I'm afraid there may be some chance." Qiuhong carefully distinguished the other side, and sure enough, there were some color differences, and it was fortunate that Qu Jingxian discovered it. If it were himself, I am afraid that it would not be noticed at all.

Qu Jingxian drove Feizhou to an acceleration, and then headed towards the golden light.

The more you fly forward, the more obvious the golden light, Leng Xing envied: "Old Qu, it seems that you are good at it. This may mean that some treasure is about to be born!"

Qu Jingxian proudly said: "Of course, as a casual cultivator, what is the most important thing? A pair of tricks! To know people, to know things, otherwise, if you miss some opportunities, you will be gone!"

Leng Xing also proudly said: "Of course recruiting is important, and the most important thing is to have a bottom line. If I don't have a bottom line, I'm afraid that I have been collaborating with those people. How do they know that the Lord has so many resources? I’m afraid it’s just for a sip of water to fight to death, right?"

"Is that a strange fire?" Qiu Hong muttered to himself.

"It's not like a different fire, if it's a different fire, I'm afraid the temperature is already extremely high at this time!" Qu Jingxian and Qiu Hong ignored Leng Fatty's bragging, and only discussed the golden light.

"Different fire may also be cold fire!" Leng Xing said.

"Can cold fire be this color?" Qu Jingxian asked rhetorically.

"There are so many wonders in the world, maybe there is such a kind of cold fire, and the color is warm?" Leng Xing insisted.

"Don't fight, if it's abnormal fire, you'll know on the ground." Qiuhong is not a monk who specializes in creation. She specializes in alchemy. As for fire and materials, she only learns the basics. Now a lot of Time is spent on understanding the properties of the medicine and enriching the pill, so at this time she can't be sure what the golden light comes from.

After flying for a while, they finally saw that it turned out to be a big tree, the whole body of which was golden, emitting a soft golden light.

"What kind of tree is this? Is this the mother tree with the golden branches of the Yan pattern?" Leng Xing asked strangely.

"I haven't seen it. It should be some good material. I will pick some branches and leaves and collect them later. I will go back to the temple to find the master to identify it." Qiuhong thought for a long time, but couldn't figure out what kind of tree it was.

When they got closer, the three people discovered that the swaying leaves on the branches were actually beating flames. From time to time, flaming leaves fell to the ground, but the flames were absorbed by the roots like running water. When they looked closely, Those fallen leaves turned into little phoenixes in the air, and the sky was full of petite phoenixes flying, which was really beautiful.

"Just... I'm afraid it's really a strange fire!" Leng Xing said dumbfounded.

At this time, Qiuhong's spirit had some changes. She only noticed that the pill furnace spirit residing in the spirit was beating eagerly in the sea of ​​consciousness, and her heart moved and released it.

"Indus Jinzhiyan! Indus Jinzhiyan!" An idea came from the soul.

Since receiving the Pill Furnace Spirit, this little thing is lazy and arrogant, and even ignores his master. He only likes to sleep in Qiuhong’s sea of ​​knowledge. The big tree in front of you appeared.

Knowing the name of this tree, Qiu Hong suddenly realized that although she did not identify the golden phoenix inflammation, it was also Danxiu anyway, and all kinds of strange fires could be regarded as listening.

Legend has it that in ancient times, there was a phoenix, a beast that lived on phoenix trees. There is a different kind of phoenix tree. It can grow from wood for tens of thousands of years. It will also be contaminated with the characteristics of the phoenix’s Nirvana and rebirth, and will return to the tree after being burned into ashes; because this fire turns from life to death, from death to life, the power of the flame is confined between life and death, so no heat is emitted. When he was first discovered, he was almost cut off as cold fire, and he has a great reputation among different fires. As a pill, after the golden pill can drive the pill fire, the emperor becomes the sun **** to drive the fire, and then return it. There are sky fires and thunder fires. These are natural fires. They are not comparable to the different fires that are born and have spirituality. The different fires refine alchemy and qi, and have magical effects. What's more, this different fire with the characteristics of life and death is the best alchemy. The most important thing about the beloved species is that only the alien fire can swallow other alien fires for nourishment and growth!

Dan Lu Ling seemed extremely excited, Qiu Hong's heart moved: "Can you stop the fire?"


"There is no danger, right?"

"Pill furnace, fire, a pair!" A consciousness came from the spirit of the pill furnace.

"How to collect it?" Qiu Hong asked.


Seeing Qiuhong descending the flying boat, Qu Jingxian said, "Master, is there any danger?"

Qiuhong said: "I ask for wealth and danger. This is my chance. If God doesn't take it, I will take the blame!"

"Master, be careful." Leng Xing worried.

Qiuhong nodded, lightly jumped off the flying boat, and the pill furnace spirit that was parked on her shoulder flew out with a whistle, turning the golden branches and phoenix trees for a few times, and suddenly rushed in. The pill furnace cover was opened, and a large was born. Suddenly, those little phoenixes in the air could not help being sucked away by it.

Qiuhong changed color and said, "Hurry up!"

She jumped on the flying boat, the tail turned into the head, and quickly retreated. Just leaving the place, she slapped a crisp sound, and a golden twig was drawn at the previous position of the flying boat like a whip, suddenly bursting into flames.

"Lord! Come on! Come on!" Leng Xing's face was as earth-colored, and the sea of ​​fire was rolling in like a wall of fire, the heat was radiating, and the hair was faintly scorched.

Qiu Hong looked back and looked terrified. He took out a piece of spirit stone and shot it into the hole of the spirit stone on the boat. Suddenly, the speed of the flying boat exploded, leaving the flames far behind him.

Seeing that the sea of ​​fire could not catch up with the speed of the flying boat, and knowing that it was a relief, the three of them relaxed, and then looked at each other, each of them had their beards, eyebrows and hair curled, showing that the flame temperature was so high that it might be involved. , Can only pick two and two ashes out.

Qiuhong screamed: "Smelly pill, food pill! Are you going to kill me? A waste of me an intermediate spirit stone!"

Dan Dan was the name she gave to Na Dan furnace. When she received the spirit of the Dan furnace, she often communicated with it in the sea of ​​knowledge, so she gave it a name, but this guy is too arrogant and not big. Take care of people.

Not long after, a silver flash broke through the sea of ​​flames, wasn't it the greedy pill furnace spirit? It didn't say hello, and went directly into Qiuhong's body, but it went straight into her sea of ​​consciousness. Qiuhong observed the sea of ​​consciousness, only to see that Dandan did not move. It was originally a silver furnace body, which was invisible. There was some red light, and I didn't know if this guy couldn't digest it. He called twice, but he didn't agree. Qiu Hong didn't know whether it was good or bad, so he had to withdraw from the sea of ​​consciousness.

Benjue only worked for this master. Although she was a young girl, she acted calmly and was quite knowledgeable. She was indeed the demeanor of a Dapai disciple. At this time, I heard her scream and lose her attitude. Qu Jingxian and Leng Xing were saved by the master. But she was a young girl in her twenties, and her temperament appeared when she was anxious.

Qu Jing Xianren smiled and said, "Master, what shall we do next?"

"What else can I do? I found the way back again. The golden sycamore is alive. It should have been swallowed by a lot of flames by my pill furnace. I am angry. I am afraid that there is nothing good to provoke. I wanted to pick some of it. "It's a pity this good baby." Qiu Hong said depressed.

Qu Jingxian and Leng Xing drove the boat back, while Qiu Hong went back to the hair room and took care of his brittle hair. After walking for a while, Qiu Hong suddenly felt Feizhou paused and stopped.

"My lord, I found some traces of other people." Leng Xing's voice came from outside.

Qiu Hong tidied up briefly, and hurried out of the booth, and asked:

"What trace?"


Feizhou descended, half of a human leg was exposed in the yellow sand, Qu Jingxian waved a palm, the yellow sand flew away, a big smell came, Qiu Hong only frowned, but did not back away.

The yellow sand was exhausted, and the body hidden underneath was exposed.

"It's a casual cultivator who followed the saint Yun Qianchen in."

"Can you see the cause of death?" Qiu Hong asked.

"Because they killed each other, the neck, shoulders, and chest were wounded, the neck was cut, and the large blood vessel was broken. Even if there were no other injuries, it is estimated that they would not survive. There was a puncture wound on the chest, which is also a fatal injury. , The shoulder was severely injured. It should have been cut. If it was dry, there should only be scratches and bites. The sand under his body became darker and compacted together. Obviously, it was bleeding blood, and Drought would drain the blood. "Qu Jingxian said.

"Can you tell how long you have been dead?"

"The temperature here is too high, and the rate of corruption is very fast. If it is outside, it will take about seven or eight days, but here, it is probably one or two days." Looking at the slightly raised belly of the corpse, Qu Jingxian guessed.

"Why kill each other?" Qiuhong looked at the muddy eyes of the corpse's swollen face, and the mouth that seemed to open because of the roar, feeling the dead man's extreme nostalgia for life.

"Can't guess, it's mostly because of resources. No matter how they save, they probably don't have much water and food." Leng Xing said, very happy that he had bet on the right treasure.

"Buried it, it's all cultivators, and it's too pitiful to expose the corpse to the wilderness." Qiu Hong sighed.

The three of them dug a hole in the sand very fast and buried the body of the deceased.

"Lord, if they start to kill each other, shall we still look for them?" Qu Jingxian asked.

"Go, why don't you go, find someone to ask for some news, it's better than we bump into it like a headless fly. Let's draw a circle around this corpse." Qiuhong nodded.

This time, Qiu Hong didn't return to the small room anymore, just stood on the head of the boat and looked at the ground together.

"Over there!" With a flash of light, Qiu Hong pointed in the direction of the flash.

Qu Jingxian followed the direction Qiuhong pointed out, changed his forward direction, and soon flew to the shining spot, and when he landed, it turned out that it was a long knife.

"Things used in casual cultivators can be regarded as precious blades for cutting gold and iron in the mundane world, but for monks, they are not very useful. After all, the weapons of the sect disciples are much more sophisticated, and most of them can drive the magic arts."

Qiu Hong looked back at the direction where the cultivator had been buried before, and the two points formed a line.

"Go over there, it's probably a group of people."

The three of them got on the flying boat, speeding up and flying forward.

After a short time, I saw another monk lying down on the ground and looked closely, but it didn't seem to have been hurt.

"Lord, I and Leng Xing are going to investigate, you just need to cope on the flying boat." Qu Jingxian whispered.

"Okay, try to be careful." Qiu Hong stopped Feizhou in the air, and the two of them jumped off the Feizhou.

Qu Jingxian held a giant sword, looked left and right, and looked alert, looking extremely alert, while Leng Xing turned the man over.

"Chen Mazi!" Leng Xing exclaimed.

"One more breath, bring water!" Qu Jingxian handed over the water bag and continued to be alert, while Leng Xing poured water into Chen Mazi.

Chen Mazi woke up suddenly when he was in a coma and was irritated by cold water. He only felt sweet in his mouth. He grabbed the water sac and swallowed it wildly. He swallowed too quickly and coughed. That's it, and he couldn't bear to let it go. Water sacs, snot and tears are all over the place.

"You don't want to die! Choking you to death!" Leng Xing felt sick in his heart and snatched the water sac.

"More... Give me another sip, just one sip, cough, cough, cough!" Chen Mazi's voice was so hoarse that he coughed heartbreakingly after saying this. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 214), and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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