My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 218: see through

Tiandi Linglong Xuanhuang Pagoda not only has strong defensive ability, but also its ability to suppress the harvest. Although the golden branch phoenix tree belongs to the natural spiritual tree, it is the distracting monk who dominates the battle such as the three swords of Ouyang and the sword king. Here, I’m afraid there’s no good way to use it, but the harvest ability of Xuanhuangta Town perfectly restrains this kind of tree, rock, and river spirit that can only stay in place. The golden sycamore waved its branches and exploded. The flame was of no use after all. Fan Yun stomped the Xuanhuang Pagoda, and even collected a large pile of dirt on the ground, leaving an empty hole on the ground.

Returning to the meeting point again, after six or seven days, the casual practitioners who went out to find people turned back one after another, and finally recovered the two people, Yun Qianchen, the saint of Huayu Sect and Zhai Yu of Xuanzhen Sect.

Since entering the secret palace this time, he has lost more than ten people, including Liang Ziqian, the son of Tianfu Dao, the golden body Zonghai Wuyou, and more than ten people, and even the master of the overseas beast demon palace of Jindan Peak, which can be described as a heavy loss.

When the people gathered together, Fan Yunju’s exquisite Xuanhuang Pagoda fell on the ground, transforming to the size of its body (10 meters octagonal base on one side, about forty meters high). When everyone got on the tower base, Fan Yunju drove the Xuanhuang Pagoda. Going outside, along the way, various winds, thunder formations, five elements formations, and fierce soldiers formed endlessly, but hitting the pale yellow light cover on the periphery of the Xuanhuang Pagoda, they only stirred up ripples. The cultivators were speechless, but they said in their hearts: "This is the foundation of the top school. Even the Zhuji disciples are much better than the other Jindan cultivators."

In their eyes, as the monk of the Golden Core Peak, the person above the Demon Dove needs to hold a token to dare to walk through the formations. He did not dare to try the formation. However, Fan Yunzhen came and went in this formation all the time, obviously strong. Master Yu Mojiu even directly conquered the Drought Man who did not know what realm, but they didn't know that, in terms of his own cultivation, Fan Yunju was far from being an opponent of Master Manjiu, and even more arrogantly contended with Drought Man, but Just with the ability of defense, suppression and harvesting, coupled with the sudden appearance of Qiuhong, which absorbed the drought and the karmic fire, so that the drought could not move for a while, so that Fan Yunzhen had an opportunity to take advantage of, otherwise, even if the Xuanhuang Pagoda's defensive power is superb, In the face of the ghostly speed of the drought, Fan Yunju is at most a set of hard tortoise shells. For the real strong, I can’t flatten the tortoise shells, but the ones in the shells are smashed to death. Is the tortoise okay? So all these coincidences, the cultivators didn't know in their hearts, but they sat on the tower base in a regular manner, watching those array attacks fall on the outer yellow light curtain in vain.

In a little while, the Heaven and Earth Linglong Xuanhuang Pagoda has flown to the front of the God’s Mansion, and everyone has fallen to the ground. Yuan Ruosheng, who departed from the God’s Mansion nearly a month ago, has more than 20 people, but now only eleven people have returned, and more than half have been lost. But thinking of the golden branches and phoenix trees, I am afraid that they are the golden branches of Yan-pattern that Tianhuan God asked for. This trip is considered to be the completion of his entrustment, and he will take out the treasures to give away. The heart is hot, Fan Yunzhen is even more happy in his heart, and makes him more happy However, the exquisite Xuanhuang Pagoda suppressed the drought in the underground palace at the bottom of the tower, and it provided energy for the Xuanhuang Pagoda all the time, and the karma fire, burning the tower body, made the entire tower harder. The promotion of the Xuanhuang Pagoda faintly feeds back on Fan Yunjue. The Xuanhuang Pagoda was born to cross the catastrophe, and his cultivation base grew sharply. At this time, the Xuanhuang Pagoda was strengthened invisibly, and his cultivation base grew again. At this time, His realm unexpectedly did not know when, he had already broken through the late stage of foundation building, if supplemented with a pill, and retreat for a while, reaching the peak of foundation building would be just a flip-flop! In other words, Master Jindan is already in front of you? What is the concept of Master Jin Dan, who is more than 20 years old? This time it finally surpassed Junior Brother Bai once, which made Fan Yun stunned.

"Fan Yun of Tiangongmen begged to see God." Fan Yun said loudly.

The palace gate opened, and an old voice said: "Come in, the famous senior, it's really extraordinary."

San Gong slowly emerged, and he looked at Fan Yunzhen up and down: "You are face-to-face. Didn't the Demon Dove carry these juniors before? Why did you become you now?"

Fan Yun said: "I have seen this matter, the gods will know about it, and the predecessors have to lead the way."

Sangong looked uncertain, and said in his heart: "Obviously they were sending blood and food in, so why did they come out safely? And it's not too much damage?"

After a while, under the guidance of San Gong, a group of eleven people entered the temple of the gods.

Fan Yunju vaguely felt the power of the gods and the guardian of the Fazhen, and did not dare to Meng Lang. He respectfully took out a golden branch from the storage space, but he used the heaven and earth exquisite Xuanhuang Pagoda Town to collect the golden branches and sycamores in the tower, Ta Ling Under the control, the world in the tower became a realm of its own. The golden phoenix tree did not have any ability to resist. It was chopped off a small branch, and there was a Phoenix Nirvana Fire on it.

Seeing him take out this thing, the gods finally couldn't bear it, Huo Di stood up: "You actually got this thing!"

He seemed to feel that his behavior was a little abnormal, and he sat back on the throne, and tried to control his voice, but his voice still trembled: "Have you met... what wonders did you encounter?"

Fan Yunju did not answer him, and asked: "This thing is the gold branch with flame patterns needed by the gods? The desert is so huge, and the younger generations also spent countless efforts to find this small part. The azure branch promised by the predecessors Can the pen, "The Fragment of Tianqin" and Kunji's thick soil be fulfilled?"

The guardian Fa Zhenjun shouted violently: "Junior, the gods ask you something, you are so brave, you actually ignore it!"

Suddenly the candle flame in the hall was extinguished, and everyone felt weak. Under the power of this true monarch, they wanted to soften to the ground. At this moment, the small tower like a hairpin on the top of Fan Yun's head suddenly came out, and Fan Yun's long hair fell, and the pagoda It grew bigger and pierced a hole in the roof of the temple, and a series of yellow qi fell into a pale yellow light curtain to protect the eleven monks.

"Gongde Baoguang!" Tianhuan Shenjun lost his voice.

"If it is not convenient for the gods to exchange the gold branches with the flame pattern with us, then the younger generation will not dare to force them, so they will leave." Fan Yunju will not be so arrogant that he thinks that he has the most defensive treasure of the Xuanhuang Pagoda and dares to be in the Mahayana realm. The gods resisted, and at this time they gave up the intention to withdraw.

"Where's Hong Lian! Didn't you meet Hong Lian after you entered? How about her?" Tianhuan Shenjun sternly said.

The **** was angry, and the secret palace seemed to be stuck in glue. The servants shivered with San Gong as the capital, and the guardian Fa Zhenjun also had an ugly face and seemed to be resisting.

"The **** knows that among the thousands of miles in the scarlet land, there is a dry mane?" Fan Yun clenched his fists.

"Yes, this **** knows how? If you wait for the greedy villain, if it is not for the treasure of the god, why should you enter the dangerous place!? People die for money, and birds die for food. You should just enter the red land to become Red pity of blood!" Tianhuan Shenjun sternly said.

"So that's the case, how are the gods preparing?" Fan Yun suddenly realized, only that what is called red pity is the wife of the **** of heaven, but for some reason, the two are in the secret palace, thousands of miles away from the gods. For these monks, it was just a stone's throw away, but the two of them couldn't get together, they really didn't understand.

"Where is she now?" Tianhuan Shenjun said anxiously. It is reasonable to say that this group of juniors, at most in the late stage of foundation building, can't hurt their skin and hair, but it is reasonable to say that they shouldn't be in a thousand miles of red land. Hong Lian's **** food, at this time, all had to stand in front of him, which logically became unreasonable. Maybe they really had any means to hurt Hong Lian!

"Junior has collected the drought in the tower!" Fan Yunju replied.

"I'm so courageous, don't let her come out!?" Tianhuan God Lord shouted angrily.

"The Drought Yan was confused, the younger generation let her out, no matter how difficult it is to take it back, and it is even more uncontrollable, but the gods eat us for her blood, forgive the younger generation for not being able to live!

"Hehe, I actually negotiated terms with me, greedy junior, what do you want, tell me your terms." Tianhuan Shenjun sneered.

"I originally wanted to exchange treasures with the gods as agreed, but at this time, the juniors just want to leave safely with their companions, please raise your hands high!" Fan Yun said solemnly.

"Do you dare! If you don't release the red pity, I will make you inseparable from my Divine Sovereign Mansion for half a step." Tianhuan Divine Sovereign threatened.

"Shenjun can't take action for any reason?" Suddenly, a cold voice sounded, and it turned out to be Yun Qianchen, the saint of Huayuzong.

"Joke, in this God-Sovereign Mansion, how can this God-Sovereign not be able to take action?" Tianhuan God-Sovereign sneered.

"With the power of the gods, we are only a backhand. Even if Fan Daoyou has any special skills, or use the pagoda to refine the drought, it is not a matter of a while. The gods can take us and slowly crack them, even It’s not a problem to directly destroy the tower and release people, but at this time, I only threatened me with words. Is there any rule that prevents the **** from waiting for me?" Yun Qianchen pressed harder, she felt strange before. , If according to the meaning of the **** of the day, then Hong Lian is his wife, this kind of hatred of his wife being imprisoned, how can there be any truth to it, first start to talk about people, the power of the gods can be lightly insulted?

But this divine monarch is just letting Fan Yun let go, which is weird.

"Why is this **** to bully the younger generation!?" Tianhuan **** said angrily.

Yun Qianchen was even more sure, turning his head and slamming at Fan Yun: "Fan Daoyou, I'm afraid I've guessed the poor Dao. This **** can't wait for me. Since he is unwilling to complete the agreement with us, we will leave the secret house. Well, the gods are right. People die for money, and birds die for food. If you can't control greed, it will be a disaster!"

Fan Yunzhen is also considered a great opportunity in this secret mansion. Although the treasures of heaven and earth are good, he still has to keep his life for enjoyment, right? Then he nodded and said: "The Taoist fellow said it well, since the gods can't keep us, let's leave now."

"Everyone, go up to the tower."

The pagoda suddenly became bigger, the roof of the temple was propped up by a big hole, and various bricks and tiles fell one after another, but they were bounced off by the light yellow curtain, without hurting everyone. Everyone jumped on the base of the tower and Fan Yun stomped Pinching Jue was about to drive away the pagoda, and the guardian Fazhenjun yelled to himself, all kinds of threats, but there was nothing to do with everyone.

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