My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 230: Cage bucket

Wu Kesu walked in slowly, his eyes fixed on the werewolf.

"This is our Indian warrior. It doesn't seem to be that strong, but he has never failed since he participated in the cage fight. Let us see! Puff! He has participated in five games in total since he joined this one. The next cage fight, okay, this is a 100% winning rate. Let’s watch our odds. Werewolves win 1:1.3, Indian fighters, 1:2.1. See, everyone has confidence in our Indian fighters. Isn’t it very high, ah, sorry, there is one minute to end the betting, but more spectators bet on the werewolves. The odds for the werewolves are now 1: 1.17, and the odds of the Indy Warriors are adjusted to 1: 1.28, why not What about buying an underdog? Indo-warrior, what do you think everyone thinks you will lose?"


"Well, our Indian warriors are very vulgar and let me go. I hope you lose more slowly. Please note that there are more ways to bet. There are life and death bets, ten seconds KO, and half a minute KO. Yes, please refer to it yourself. After I quit the cage, the battle will officially start, and the betting channel will be closed at the same time. Hurry up!"

"Ten, nine, eight... three, two, one!"

"Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah!" The lights of the entire underground cage are extinguished one by one, leaving only two super bright chasing lights projected on the werewolf and Ukya.

The sound of heartbeat came from the speakers.

"Tom Tom! Tom Tom! Tom Tom!"

Wu Kesu carefully looked at the werewolf on the opposite side. Behind the hair were the werewolf’s blood-red eyes, but he felt a wild grief from the werewolf. It was a yearning for freedom and hatred for the cage. The werewolf yearned. As he returned to the ice and snow, he hated being surrounded by greedy eyes even more-he was the king of the ice and snow, not a clown waiting to be rewarded.

"Howl!" The werewolf raised his head and roared, this was his declaration of battle.

Wu Kesu stepped back cautiously, and the audience outside the cage shouted and cursed:


"Come on! What are you giving back?"

"Die! I bought you and was killed within 10 seconds!"

The werewolf kicked his feet and launched an attack. His right hand was raised high, and one claw grabbed it diagonally.

Wu Kesu raised his wrist and rested it on the werewolf's right paw wrist. There was a sharp pain in his wrist.

"The power is so strong!"

The werewolf’s right hand was framed, and his left hand pierced forward. His fingers were slender and his long nails were covered with black mud. Wu Kesu pushed his right hand on the wrist stabbed by the werewolf, and the werewolf opened his left hand to the middle door. Opening wide, Wu Kesu kicked forward and hit the werewolf's chest. The werewolf was kicked to fly more than three meters, hit the iron cage behind, and bounced back to the ground.

In the box.

"See? My Indian warrior is very powerful." Ann River waved his fist.

"This can't hurt the werewolf, it will only irritate him." Ashler replied lightly.

The host spoke very quickly and explained: "The Indian warrior blocked it! He not only blocked the two attacks of the werewolf, but succeeded in counterattack! F...! The werewolf was actually hit! He stood up again! Ha! Yin! Emperor boy, your strength is too weak! You did not cause much damage to the werewolf!"

The host was extremely hostile to Wu Kesu News, and he did not conceal his bias in the commentary.

The werewolf fell back to the ground and bounced quickly.

Seemingly different from the previous prey, he no longer rushed to attack, and slowly circled Wu Kesu, he needed to look for Wu Kesu's flaws or weaknesses.

"Good fellow! The werewolf became cautious, he began to calmly look for the opportunity to attack! Let us see the time, twelve seconds! The battle has started twelve seconds, betting on the KO Indy Warrior within ten seconds, gentlemen, I am very sorry, you Lost this wealth!"

Outside the cage, some people angrily threw their betting tickets into the air. They were all knocked down within ten seconds of buying Wu Kesu.

Wu Kesu took a step forward, and the werewolf stepped back agilely, but when Wu Kesu's back foot lifted off the ground, the werewolf rushed forward with force.

Wu Kesu took another step, carrying the power of the center of gravity to move forward, punched out, facing the werewolf's fist, slammed the ground, the two fists smashed together, Wu Kesu hurriedly punched, naturally not comparable The attacking werewolf staggered back a few steps, leaned back heavily on the iron cage, and shook the iron cage for a while.

"The Indian Emperor seems to have overestimated his power. He made a mistake! A collision of pure power! This is a collision of pure power! In such a collision of power, our beasts, our werewolves have never Lost!"

"Kill him!" an audience yelled frantically.

The werewolf was not forgiving and clung to it. The werewolf grabbed the cross again to form an "X" form. Wu Kesu jumped high and passed over the werewolf's head. The werewolf slammed on the iron railing of the cage. There were bursts of fire.

He grabbed his backhand and only heard a stab. Wu Kesu’s trousers were ripped apart, and Wu Kesu’s left calf was also caught with blood. The werewolf raised his hand and looked at the cloth in his hand. He threw the piece of cloth on the ground fiercely, and leaned back into his body again. The dull expression on Wu Kesu's face finally changed into a bitter smile.

"He is injured! The Indian Emperor is injured! This is a good start. Now it is the opening seventeen seconds, friends who bet thirty seconds, hold your breath, maybe you can reap your wealth!"

"Wild spirit!" Wu Kesu's wolf tattoo faded a little.

Powerful power is injected into Wu Kesu's body. When becoming an ancestor of the ancestral warrior, there will be elders tattooing various animal patterns on the ancestral warrior. These tattoo designs are not just tribal totems or are made with secret medicine for beauty. The tattoo ink that comes out can absorb the abilities of the animals you killed into the pattern, and you can use the power of the soul to call out these powers for your own use during battle, but every time you call these powers, if you don’t get the same kind of energy in time In addition, the tattoo will fade until it disappears. At that time, you need to re-pattern the disappeared animal pattern, hunt and absorb the animal power again before you can use it again.

I was thinking about the World Martial Arts Fighting Tournament that I will participate in later. I don’t know how many powerhouses I have to face. It’s best to use it at that time, but this werewolf hurt himself a little bit. If he still cherishes his strength. , He might not be able to defeat the werewolf in front of him, and he might even be killed on the spot.

When the power of these animals is absorbed into the body, they basically absorb two to three abilities randomly. When activated, they also randomly reflect one of the abilities. Wolves have five abilities: agility, latency, smell, persistence, and bloodthirsty. , Wu Kesu only felt tyranny and anger coming from deep in his heart.

"This is bloodthirsty warfare?" A burst of battle jade hope filled Wu Kesu's mind. With the blessing of bloodthirsty warfare, Wu Kesu no longer suppressed his instincts, and looked up to the sky.

As if he had a strong heart, the werewolf seemed to understand Wu Kesu's challenge, and also issued a long howl of challenge.

The audience outside the cage heard the roar of the two people, as if they were surrounded by the beasts in the mountains, and even the female guest was frightened by the two's momentum, Hua Rong turned pale, and screamed in fright.

"Oh! My God of Light! The Indian Emperor also roared like a beast! The werewolf responded, yes! Go and tear him up!"

The two rushed together. There was no more temptation. Suddenly, blood was splattered, but after all the werewolf's **** overwhelmed reason, fighting only relied on instinct, and although Wu Kesu was blessed by bloodthirsty warfare, he still retained his humanity, so he was attacking. At that time, try to greet the werewolf’s vital points, but when dealing with the werewolf’s attack, you will try to block as much as possible to attack your vital part. If you can’t block it, you can take the non-lethal parts. But most of what Wu Kesu suffered were skin injuries, while the werewolf suffered more severe injuries, which made him weaken very quickly.

The blood flowed down, and they were trampled everywhere. This was even worse for the barefoot werewolves, because the strongest strength needed to be steady on the ground and then exert force, barefoot stepped on the greasy blood. , It’s very difficult to stand firm, so how can you talk about exerting strength?

Wu Kesu stood up steadily, his shoulder was severely bitten by the werewolf, and a big wound was torn, and several claw marks were cut from the chest to the abdomen. He did not expect that the werewolf's dirty nails would actually be taxed. Profit is like a dagger. If it weren't for his chest and abdomen, his stomach was taken out by the werewolf. At this time, these claw marks were opened, and the blood quickly soaked his open-footed trousers.

Outside the cage was originally excited by the blood-splattered battle between the two. At this time, the two separated. It was Wu Kesu who stood up, cursing, sighing, and screaming.

"My God! Actually... he actually stood up? Impossible? How could he defeat our werewolf?" The host shouted incoherently while holding the microphone.

And the angry gambler boiled:

"Kill it! Kill the werewolf raised by this dog!"

"Kill this rubbish! It made me lose!"

"Unscrew its head! Indian Emperor kid, let me see more blood!"

Wu Kesu walked in front of the werewolf. The werewolf struggled to stand up, but he was unable to grasp it. Half of his ribs were broken by Wu Kesu's heavy punches. A part of it had been pierced into the internal organs, and one arm was unnaturally twisted. .

"Kill it!"

"Kill it!"

"Kill it!"

The sporadic roar slowly became neat.

Wu Kesu knelt on one knee, put the werewolf's head on his arm, and let the werewolf's upper body leaned on his bent leg. The werewolf wanted to resist, Wu Kesu raised his other hand and raised his index finger. , Put on the lips:


Wu Kesu put his left hand on the werewolf’s chest and chanted gently: "My brother, we yearn for the verdant green of the mountains, the cold snowy peaks, and the fragrance of the grass, running and jumping in the wind, welcoming the sweet fragrance of honey, I You need your fur to keep out the cold, and you need my muscles. We live on each other. After we decay, we will turn into soil. The grass stems will grow stronger in the coming year. The grass stems will feed deer, cattle and sheep; we have no killing and hatred. Our strength will blend together, and our children and grandchildren will become each other’s prey. Thank you for giving me fur, muscles, blood..."

The werewolf did not understand what he said, but miraculously recovered his consciousness, and murmured a word in his **** mouth:


Wu Kesu's hand pressing on the werewolf's chest suddenly flashed a faint light, and the werewolf's eyes stared at the darkness behind the dazzling light, slowly losing its luster. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 230 cage bucket) reading record, and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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