My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 233: shield

As soon as Bai Yu entered the Xiangge Hotel, she was greeted by a woman calling her husband. She was taken aback and stepped back:

"Sorry, did you admit the wrong person?"

"Ayu, how could I admit you wrong."

Qiu Xiushuang took Bai Yu's arm and said, "Thank you for your cooperation, the kid behind is too disgusting."

"Xiu Shuang! Who is he?" The handsome man behind hurriedly followed, looking at Bai Yu with hatred.

Bai Yu slowly pulled out his arm: "I have never seen this lady, and didn't know her. Maybe she thought your entanglement made her intolerable, so she pulled me as a temporary shield."

"Why are you doing this? Can't you cooperate?" Qiu Xiushuang groaned.

"A woman like you who pulls people as a shield if you don't agree with each other, have you ever thought about the trouble you cause to others?" Bai Yu turned and looked at the woman.

"How can you talk to Xiushuang like this?" the handsome man angered.

Bai Yu stroked his forehead, what a pair of live treasures!

"Thank you, get out."

"Head of Qiu, please don't block Mr. Bai's way." Gong Baisheng said with a calm face.

"I thought it was all rumors outside. I didn't expect that the three of you really went to Baixian?" Qiu Xiushuang said with a smile.

"You are over-scheming and impure, you care about gains and losses in everything, and you don't have the determination to move forward, so you have failed to break through the great master?" Bai Yu heard this, his eyes flashed.

The smile on Qiu Xiushuang's face closed, and he looked up and down Bai Yu.

"It's not easy to be able to subdue the three of them. I'm still young, and the great master doesn't bother about it. It's you who took them three as soon as you came. Are you planning to do something in the southwestern world?"

"The entertainment circle is too messy, not suitable for monks, please quit early." Bai Yu walked around her and walked to the elevator.

"Boy, how do you talk to Miss Qiu?" The handsome man was very angry, reached out his hand to grab Bai Yu's shoulder, Du Ziqiang took a step next to him, and slammed his shoulder over.

The handsome man felt a huge threat on his left, stopped, and concentrated his breath. The needle-pricked sensation touched his shoulder lightly. The boy passed by him, and the two men intersect with each other. After taking a small step back quietly, the young man also shook his figure. He turned his head and glanced at him uncertainly. Without a word, he followed Bai Yu's side.

The handsome man looked dignified and turned his head to his left arm, where the sleeves of the casual suit suddenly turned into fragments and fell like butterflies.

"You are also here to participate in the competition?"

Du Ziqiang sneered, the force of the other party invaded his right shoulder. Originally, he wanted to "lightly" knock the girl cannon into the air, but he didn't expect that the girl cannon was not a silver-rod wax gun head. On the surface, he seemed like nothing. In fact, I know that the breath in the entire right arm meridian is disordered, and the pain is extremely painful.

Bai Yu patted Du Ziqiang on the shoulder, snorted, and a force flew out of Du Ziqiang's fingers and sank into the marble floor.

"Yes, I hope I can meet you in the game."

Seeing the followers also enter the elevator, the elevator door closed, the handsome man looked solemn:

"Unexpectedly, Xia Guo also has such a powerful character."

After saying this, no one took the conversation. When he turned his head, he realized that he was empty behind him. Where was Qiu Xiushuang's figure, and his expression was stagnant. How could this happen?

At this time Qiu Xiushuang was already in the car.

"Miss, do you really withdraw from Gaoji Bangguo?" the woman called Yuqing asked nervously.

"Fake, I'm not mentally ill, so much investment, isn't it money? Frightened him."

"That's good!" Yuqing patted her chest, and then said: "In fact, he is still good, you are very infatuated with the young lady."



"How many years have you been with me?"

"I entered the Yuan Gong Sword School at the age of six, and I have been serving young ladies for 20 years."

"Remember your family?"

"Miss, this is a joke. I have joined the Apes Sword Sect. I am a member of the Apes Sword Sect. The Apes Sword Sect is my home, and my family is my family. How can I remember my family?"

"Very well, don't talk about Li Eun Hyuk in front of me in the future, is there a problem?"

"No problem, miss."

"Furthermore, you haven't found out the details of Bai Yu, you have to work harder."

"But, miss, that's the only thing about him, we didn't find anything special."

"Hehe, how much work did I spend, how much did the treasures in the faction use to reach the Grandmaster Realm, and I can't break through the Grandmaster. He can see it at a glance. What does this mean?"

"Explanation... I don't know."

"It means that his realm is above me, Grand Master, 18-year-old Grand Master? He is going to be the second Zhang Junbao? If he is such a stunning and brilliant genius, how could he be silent?"

"Grandmaster!? Miss, don't you kidding me!"

"I'm kidding? Following him, Du Ziqiang, and flying with us, I just thought he was also an ordinary martial artist. I just observed carefully and found that... he is not a simple person."

"That kid? I just know how complicated is he looking at you, Miss?"

"If I say that I am right with him empty-handed, there is no certainty that I will win, do you believe it?"

"How is this possible!? He is so strong?"

"If it weren't for his extraordinary qualifications, then his inheritance is very remarkable. You said, the same school, two unknown teenagers, suddenly became masters of martial arts, this believe it?"

"From the perspective of their position, behavior, and way of speaking, their master-slave relationship must be Bai Yu as the master. Du Ziqiang is the slave. Qin Lie is also a person with a face and face in the southwest. Suddenly following this young man, it must be a big deal. The benefits made him bend his waist, hum, in a martial arts like ours, besides the opportunity for breakthrough, what else can make him soften? He could tell at a glance that my breakthrough failed. You said, besides his amazing inheritance, there is also What other reason? So, after searching for a long time, all you found were useless information. I want you to dig out his deeper secrets."


"Brother Yu, that kid is so amazing, he almost suffers."

"Don't keep your hands when you start. This is the hotel. What you can't get up and down is pure trouble."

Bai Yu pressed Du Ziqiang's veins and listened carefully to the zhenqi luck in the meridians, and found that there was no major problem and withdrew his hand.

"Don't take cold showers today and tomorrow, eat lighter ones."

"I don't feel anything."

"There is no big problem, take it warmly to avoid future troubles."

"Unexpectedly, it looks like a mother-in-law, really a bit capable."

"It's okay. If you really fight, he may not be your opponent. He is brave and diligent, and the bottom is vain. Gao Ji Bangguo's kungfu pays attention to graceful posture and great opening and closing. There are a few real kungfu that make the fight easy. Immortal? Really fight with eyes and goug your heart and attack Xia San Lu, do everything you need; if you want to combine the three methods of drill, practice, and play, Hua Lang Dao is greedy enough." Bai Yu sneered.

"When you meet him on the field, when he gets out, he loses."


"You can see that by watching their Hualangdao video."

Du Ziqiang left the room, and Bai Yu took out the phone.

"Hello, Mr. Zheng."

"Mr. Xiaobai, what's your order?"

"Mr. Zheng, you are polite. You are the acting chairman. How dare I say the word command."

"The headquarters of the Clan Association is already in the process of hiring you as the president of the Jindu Branch. Sooner or later, you will be the person in charge of the Jindu Clan Association. It is okay to listen to your instructions."

Bai Yu has a headache: "Do you all do things like this? What qualifications do I have to airborne to this position? Other sects have no objection? Isn't it too big to watch the excitement?"

Zheng Pingbo smiled bitterly and said: "It is estimated that those sects are usually not interested, whoever is in that position will do, so..."

"Okay, help me check the players in Gaoji Bangziguo this time. It is best to have his video information and send it to Du Ziqiang."

"Ok, no problem."

After the call, Bai Yu just put down the phone, and the phone rang.

"My hair is all gone." Hua Wu's cold voice came on the phone.

"Hair? Nothing?"

"You pay for my hair, the surname is white. You coaxed me to soak your poison soup. I shed my skin all over, so I won't say anything. Now my hair has fallen out. Did you deliberately?"

"Let me explain!"

"You said, I'm listening, I won't make a fuss and tell you that I don't listen, you say."

"Besides the blood, you can soak in that medicine to stimulate vitality and blood, and make up for vitality. The skin, hair, and nails will be replaced one by one. Don't worry, the ones that grow again will be better! Look, kid Don’t you have to go through tooth replacement?"

"You call me naive?"

"No! No no! Absolutely not!"

"Then you think I'm old? I tell you, the surname is Bai. If I can't grow my hair, I will fight with you."

"It's guaranteed to grow dark and thick, and it's tough and supple. You won't lose two in a year!"

"Do you know? I think I'm just like the ghost in the painted skin right now. My legs are itchy the day before yesterday, and they will tear when I scratch them. When I tear them, they will fall off. How do I see people?"

"Don't worry, look at your new skin, is it better than before? Don't lie to you!"

"Hmph, count you through the border, I will fly to Delhi the day after tomorrow."

"Don't come here in such a hurry."

"Tell you one thing, you're done."

"What am I going to do?"


"Wait, don't call you mom, just call... forget it, just you, what's wrong with mom?"

"Counting you are acquainted, my mother said: Every day in the advertisement, we recommend Sanyin's World Martial Arts Fighting Tournament, and they will also come over, so please ask for more blessings!"

"What's up? Who told her? You didn't persuade?"

"How do I know who told her? I persuaded, I said that this place is messy and dirty, it is better to go to Gaul State to see the Art Palace and the tower, she has to come here, what can I do?"

"Uh, I'm sorry. Forget it, she is coming, wait, you say them, who are they?"

"All, including your Uncle Wu."

"Let me die."



"Ha! If you reach the finals, you can take your harems to see the concubine!"

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