My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 241: uninvited guest

"Brother Qiang, stretch out your hand."

"What are you doing?"

"Doesn't recognize a master make a magic soldier born?"



"You two are fucking? Brother Qiang's wrist spurted blood!!"

"It's such a big tuft, and it **** a lot of blood. There's no way."

"Brother Yu, I'm a little dizzy."

"The blood pill walks away."

Three minutes later, Bai Yu hit a Rejuvenation Talisman, and the wound on Du Ziqiang's hand gradually healed, and he finally got out of the state of a human body spurting dragon head.

And the blood was slowly inhaled by the halberd as if it were falling on a sponge.

"What happens next?"

"Pick it up."

"It's so big, can I use it as a siege hammer?"

After absorbing Du Ziqiang's blood, the Ruyi Talisman on the halberd took effect, shrunk according to his wishes, and finally became about 2.4 meters in length.

"Goose roast! That's what Sun Dasheng's golden hoop is like? This is unscientific!" Mu Xiaolei exclaimed.

"Unscientific? The Pim particle and Thor's hammer are scientific, and you will be eagerly eager to watch the movie as soon as it is released."

"Okay, count me wrong." Mu Xiaolei rubbed his nose angrily and said excitedly: "What attributes?"

"It's not a game equipment..., it is about adaptive weight, sharpness enhancement, toughness enhancement, firmness enhancement, and strength less than the user. After being hit, the crushing effect may be triggered, and the strength is greater than the user being hit. Later, it may trigger the knockback effect, the slashing effect for small weapons, and the destruction effect for heavy weapons. This effect can be superimposed. After stacking to three layers, the weapon will be destroyed if hit; the halberd tip and crescent blade are attached The tearing effect, the wound cannot heal during the battle..."

"This is a violent weapon!" Mu Xiaolei was full of envy.

Du Ziqiang took the halberd in his hand, weighed the weight, the center of gravity and the weight were all weighing, swept left and right, and swept a vicious wind: "Brother Yu, what is the name of this halberd?"

"It's just for transitional purposes. If you have a good name, just call it the Azure Dragon Halberd."

Zibi Tianxing is born with heavenly calamity, heaven and earth Xuanhuang Linglong pagoda is born with heavenly calamity, and the cultivation version of the personal computer is born with merits and deeds...

Bai Yushi is no longer interested in giving it a name specifically for this kind of stupid and awkward ordinary weapon that hasn't even been mixed up with Heavenly Tribulation.

"Brother Qiang, you have to be careful of agile opponents with this halberd."

"It doesn't matter if he is agile or not, as long as I am faster than him, this is called a sticky injury or death by the side, a good weapon! A good weapon!" Du Ziqiang said in love.


On the second day (the seventh day of the official competition), the third round of the fighting contest was held. 205 entered 103 people, one bye, and automatic promotion. In the third round, all people familiar with Bai Yu did not encounter a strong opponent and successfully entered The Circle of Hundreds once again entered a two-day rest period.


The blue dragon halberd swept across, and the twig Crescent swept towards Bai Yu’s chest with a cold light. Baiyu leaned back over the halberd head with an iron bridge and turned his hand back. When he stood again, Du Ziqiang had already swung his halberd head and swept back .


"Brother Qiang, you are not proficient in using halberds now. Use more thorns and less sweeps. What you have to fight against is a single player, and they are all martial arts masters with high agility. They are easy to be used in gaps. Crescent The angle should be adjusted according to the situation of the other party."

"Brother Yu, it's too exhausting to fight like this." Du Ziqiang said in distress.

"You only succeeded in building the foundation, and closing the fight is also conducive to your control of your strength and speed. After all, these floors and grounds, if you let go, they will be destroyed in a few strokes. Besides, you use the blue dragon halberd to prevent it. Who has any magic weapon? With this halberd, few players in this game can truly be evenly matched with you." Bai Yu proudly.

After refining the Qinglong Halberd, it weighs more than two hundred kilograms. With the strange power of Du Ziqiang's foundation, even armored vehicles can explode. The contestants in this competition, except for some who are really carrying the big inheritance, are mostly ordinary and common. Martial arts, looking at all the martial artists who came to participate in this world martial arts fighting competition, how many dare to say that they can dismantle armored vehicles empty-handed?

Bai Yu and others are training here, the relevant situation has been spread all over the world, of course, this is not the treatment of Bai Yu alone, some more special players are also under observation.

White Eagle Country, Six-pointed Star Building.

"How did they bring such a weapon back to the hotel?"

"Perhaps... is detachable?"

"You missed a piece of information. Two days ago, their people bought a lot of metal. You told me, so much metal, which weighs a ton in total, why do they use it?"

"You mean they made this weird spear out of these metals?"

"What if this is the case?"

"They must have mastered a magical metal extraction method, or alloy formula, look here."

Pulling the video timeline, Du Ziqiang waved the iron rod in his hand. The picture was not very clear, but it seemed to be a galvanized water pipe.

The galvanized pipe was knocked on the crescent blade facing upwards, as if there was no hindrance, and it broke into two pieces.

"Let the insiders find a way to get this weapon in their hands."

"It's dangerous, sir, it's not easy to get their trust."

"Such alloy technology has threatened the safety of the White Eagle Empire! Whether it is sailing or aerospace, the White Eagle Emperor needs such an alloy formula, and Xia Guo's government must not be allowed to obtain this technology."

"Okay, I will make such a request to the insiders, but it is difficult, because this long gun, Ziqi Du almost never leaves his hand, but every time I leave the training hall, this thing is gone."

"This is exactly the question I want to talk to you. Even if it is detachable, have you seen that they have a special case and bag for carrying this gun?"

"It does not seem to be. The weird blade on that gun is so sharp that it is not easy to carry."

"Yes, so where did they go? According to our survey: surveillance videos of hotels, streets, and gyms all show that they enter empty-handed, leave empty-handed, and at most they bring a change of clothes, so what method do they use? This gun with you?"

"Our people will do their best!"

"No, no, it's not a hard work, but a must, you know? Think about it, this kind of technology that we don't understand can make objects invisible or disappear. If it is obtained by the government of Xia Guo, it will be applied to various fields: aircraft, missiles …What kind of disaster is this for the White Eagles? Go ahead, for the national security of the White Eagle Empire, no matter what method you use, you must get this weapon."

"Sir, but they are now participating in the World Martial Arts Fighting Competition. The eyes of the world are focused on the two major divisions. Our people are not easy to use, and they are very powerful."

"What is more important than national security? Send our strongest fighters. I don't care if you steal or rob, I need you to get this weapon as soon as possible."


Bai Yu held a brush and practiced running runes on white paper. Whenever this happened, Hua Wu would consciously go farther, so as not to affect Bai Yu.

There was a sound of peeling his beak from the door, Hua Wu opened the door, and Qin Lie stood outside.

"Ms. Hua, Qiu Xiushuang wants to see the teacher."

"She? What is she looking for Xiaoyu?"

"She didn't say that if the teacher doesn't want to see me, I will send her away."

"I ask Xiaoyu."

Bai Yu's ears are keen, and he has heard the conversation at the door, put down his pen and said: "Let her come, the head of the dignified group, it's not easy to leave it alone."

"Yes." Qin Lie respectfully said, turning and going downstairs.

For a moment, Qiu Xiushuang was taken to the living room of the suite.

"Mr. Bai!" Qiu Xiushuang greeted with his hands.

"Miss Chou, please sit down." Bai Yu led her into a seat. This was the first official meeting between the two.

Qiu Xiushuang was wearing a black shirt, and his skin was as snowy. Du Ziqiang said that she was pretty good. She was a very clean woman, but it was hard to think that this was the goddess of the nation of Xia, the white pity of the movie and TV song.

Hua Wuzhiji offered tea.

"Mr. Bai's charm is amazing, and even the girls from the Hua Family in Beijing are willing to serve." Qiu Xiushuang glanced at Hua Wu and said, with her eyesight, it was natural to see that Hua Wu is no longer a mundane person.

"Ms. Hua is my good friend, treats me like a brother, and I treat her like a elder sister. I am not a prince and grandson. I have never been used to serving others. She just helped me entertain Miss Chou. What can I do for Miss Chou? "

"Qin Lie's realm is now elevated, what does it have to do with Mr. Bai?" Qiu Xiushuang asked, staring at Bai Yu.

"The cultivation base involves personal privacy. It is not convenient for me to answer Miss Qiu's words." Bai Yu shook his head.

"Qin Lie's physical fitness has begun to decline. As early as three years ago, he was not my opponent, but now he seems to have made another huge breakthrough, and he is willing to be headed by Mr. Bai. This must be related to Mr. Bai!"

"What does Miss Qiu want to say?"

"Mr. Bai has a more complete heritage?" Qiu Xiushuang asked.

"Miss Qiu's earthly incarnation, Bai Lianshuang, is completely different from her current face. What method was used?"

"Mr. Bai, if needed, I can offer it with both hands."

Bai Yu is very distressed, isn't this a secret? Just disarm like this?

"This...inconvenient, right?"

"There is no inconvenience. The left and right are just mundane disguise, Mr. Bai, if you need it, just give it to you."

"I am not used to owing favors to people without merit."

"Qin Lie, Xia Yinong, and Gong Baisheng, I have always known the popularity of these three people, but these three have made a lot of progress. Mr. Bai’s companion, Mr. Du, was just an ordinary high school student before, and Ms. Hua was just an ordinary family member before. Girl, but now they are no ordinary people..."

"You found it in detail, so what?"

"Xiu Shuang offended Mr. Xiushuang!" Qiu Xiushuang apologized.

Bai Yu said with a headache: "What's the matter with Ms. Qiu looking for me? Can you please be straightforward?"

Qiu Xiushuang sighed and said, "Before, someone instigated me and my husband as enemies, but it was just when I was preparing to break through the realm. Fortunately, I didn't offend him."

"When I made a breakthrough, I found out that the current environment is extremely difficult to break through the innate. But a few days ago, Mr. Du and Shingo Shibasaki from the Sakura Country slashed the Sakura Country. I visited the Sakura Country the year before. Once Shingo Shibasaki, although this guy is fat and stupid, he is indeed the strongest yokozuna in the Sakura country. If it is unarmed, I am definitely not his opponent."

"This realm is equivalent to mine. If he really breaks through the innate, the Sakura Kokukaku Arrival technique may indeed have a great improvement in technique. Of course, if I fight him with a sword, he will definitely die in the end."

"But if you can defeat him with bare hands, you must be a great master above the master. I sneaked into the place where he stopped and checked his injuries. I'm afraid that Mr. Du who killed him is also in the innate state."

"Mr. Bai, let me take the liberty to ask, are you a great master now?" After saying so much in one breath, Qiu Xiushuang finally stopped and looked at Bai Yu with piercing eyes.

Bai Yu pondered for a long time. He now understands the classification of martial arts in the real world. Both Grand Master and Grand Master belong to the title. Grand Master in the realm corresponds to the nurture, and Grand Master corresponds to the innate. Compared with the dream world, before the foundation was built, it was refining qi and refining qi. Approximately corresponds to the day after tomorrow, and building a foundation corresponds to the innate.


Qiu Xiushuang let out a long breath.

"Xiu Shuang wants to make a deal with Grand Master."

"I don't want to make a deal." Bai Yu shook his head. This woman didn't want to use it for her own use, nor did she want to owe favors, so she took the trade as a matter of course, but this kind of idol who has already begun to march into the world can't handle it. It must be that cause and effect are too involved. For the monk, the cause and effect are more terrible than poison. Why is there nothing to trouble you?

"Doesn't the great master listen to Xiushuang's conditions?" Qiu Xiushuang said in a daze. Since her debut, no man has refused her so cleanly.

"Is there anything else Miss Qiu?" Bai Yu started the tea ceremony.

It means, guests, please have tea, please leave after drinking tea.

Qiu Xiushuang asked unexpectedly: "Does the great master hate Xiushuang?"

"I'm just a story about Wufu and Miss Chou. I can't mix things up. If that's the case, it's even more difficult to find out what the matter is. So everyone, after drinking tea, they are friends. I can do nothing about other things."

Qiu Xiushuang's eyes dimmed and he bit his lip.

"It's Xiushuang Menglang, too. Xiushuang has incomplete etiquette. I will talk about this later and I won't disturb the Grand Master." Qiu Xiushuang got up and saluted.

"Fifth sister, you send Miss Chou on my behalf."

After a while, Hua Wu came back slowly, propped his chin, and looked at the painted symbols of Bai Yu.

For a long time, Hua Wu finally said, "Are you really not curious at all?"

"What's so curious about? It's nothing more than a breakthrough. I want to find some way from me, and I will trade with me? No interest." Bai Yu said calmly.

"Such a beautiful girl, you don't save any face, you are really hard-hearted." Hua Wu sighed.

"It's not beautiful or not." Bai Yu frowned, and while talking to Hua Wu, while constructing a talisman, he still had an effect after two uses. He crumpled the paper into a ball and threw it aside.

"Have I affected you?" Hua Wu asked when he stopped writing.

"Don't count, I was going to stop."

"She is so beautiful, so you don't have any ideas? I really can't figure out how she came from the appearance of Bai Lianshuang. They are all beautiful." Hua Wu said in amazement.

"What do I want? This woman has a deep mind, and I don't want to get into any trouble." Bai Yu Tanshou said.

"Huh, you are good." Hua Wu smiled and Mimi got up, Bai Yu watched her come out like a butterfly with a smile. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 241 Uninvited Guest) reading record, and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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