My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 256: Inheritance of the Holy Soul Sect

Tumushu Prison.

The weather is hot and the air-conditioning in the conference room is very full, but everyone is still sweating.

"My lord, we have to think of a way. Our prison must be cursed."

"Fart! What age is it now!? You told me that there are demons and ghosts? We are learning materialism!" The warden took out a cigarette and placed it in his trembling lips. After a few shots of the lighter, it still didn't light up. At ordinary times, some of his subordinates had brought the lighter that was ignited.

"Twelve have died. Some time ago, they were just prisoners. But yesterday, it was Malpati Avanti, my lord, everyone is panicking now and afraid that it will be their turn next time."

"Dilixiati! You shut up!"

"grown ups……"

"Report it, we can't handle it anymore."


In the cafeteria, everyone's faces were full of anxiety.

But living under strict rules for a long time, everyone still respectfully dare not overstep the thunder pool.

Tong Ya held his dinner plate expressionlessly and walked to the seat. Everyone was silent, only the sound of tableware colliding with the dinner plate and the sound of chewing.

"Why, I don't think you can finish eating, help you eat some, you are upset? Do you know that waste is shameful?"

Suddenly, someone at the next table shouted angrily.

Tong Ya looked up and saw that the fat guy was being bullied again. He is the person in Room 17 who likes to play tricks and bullies. Although this guy is tall and fat, he looks like Kong Wu is powerful, but he is actually courageous. Little fear, there is always such a thing in prison, constantly testing the bottom line of these cowards, every inch must be improved, life in prison is very boring, bullying is only a manifestation of their own strength, not necessarily who has offended whom .

"You are so fat, you should eat less to be healthy, understand?"


"So, today and tomorrow, you should lose weight and go on a diet, what do you think?"

"Okay... OK." Fatty looked at the man who leaned over to look at him with tears in his eyes. He is not the captain, but the person who likes to make trouble for himself the most. He hates him to death, but he dare not. When they resist, they will beat people to death, which is really painful.

Tong Ya suddenly felt that he liked to do these things before, but now looking back, it is full of childishness.

He pushed aside the plate and stood up.

"Tong Ye."

"What's the matter?" Tong Ya turned to look at the speaker. He had already let all the people in the account understand that he was not an annoying person, and he treated these scumbags like grandsons.

"Kanlati is a local and very powerful."

"and then?"

"A lot of people have died during this period, and everyone is very afraid. If there is any conflict... it will be very troublesome."

"Is it a big trouble? It's good to be a big trouble." Tong Ya sneered. It's best for a human brain to hit a dog's brain and kill a few. Otherwise, where can I find more souls?

He pressed the dining table and jumped over from above, picked up the plate on the other party's table, and put it on Kanlati's face.

When the people at the same table saw that Kanlati was beaten, they immediately jumped up and beat Tong Ya. Soon there was a mess in the cafeteria, and the people who usually had feuds and dislike each other all started to fight. .

The prison guard rushed in and blew a sharp whistle, but the dismissive people couldn't control so much. Tong Ya squatted to the corner early. Before, he took the opportunity of touching and sucked the souls of four people straight away. Among them, who knows what happened? As for the fallen, it is normal to be beaten to pass out and lose resistance.

More than a dozen prison guards rushed in and used electric batons to knock down the prisoners who were still fighting.

The prisoners who usually defend themselves, the prisoners who see the situation quickly, and the prisoners who calm down have long since left the battle group, and the center of the canteen is full of people.

"What's the matter? What's the matter with you? Are they all reversed?" The guard roared, his eyes red, and he wanted to draw out a submachine gun to slam these scumbags.

People were already panicked, and these prisoners made this incident, which really made him furious again.

"Crap all these people! Carry them to the infirmary! Those of the same number carry the same number, but there are not enough people to join the next door! Come on! You guys move me! Move! Move!"


"What happened? Did someone tell me?" The warden had a feeling of breaking down.

"It seems to be related to bullying."

"What is it like? How many times have I told you, we have been in a lot of trouble recently! Don't let them make trouble! How did you do it?"

"My lord, we really watched very tightly. From the monitoring point of view, it was the guy with the number 47226 who helped the fat guy next door get out. After a few hits, he escaped, and then the rest of the people controlled the fight. I can't help feelings anymore."

"Send him to a small black room! I'll be locked up for seven days, not for ten days! I want him to come out and won't even be able to say anything! He's all in jail, and he's still uneasy!"

"My lord, ten days... will it be too long?"

"Do you teach me to do things?"

"Okay, my lord, I'll make arrangements right away."

"Bah!" The office door was pushed open.

"Big...sir! It's not good!"

"Get out!" the warden roared.

The messenger quit quickly, brought the door, and knocked on the door.

"Get in!"

"grown ups!"

"What's wrong? Dead, four dead!"

"What did you say!? Say it again!!"

"My lord, four of them did not wake up and died!"

"Are they hurt badly?"

"Same as before... No cause can be found. There are just some skin injuries on the body, not enough to be fatal. You don't even need to recuperate..."

The warden leaned heavily against the back of the chair.

It's over, this time is really over. 16 prisoners have died in more than two months. I can't explain it at all. Perhaps resignation is the best result. Of course, it is more likely to be convicted of malfeasance.


The confinement room only has an area of ​​about one square meter. After closing the door, it is completely dark. For these ten days, Tong Ya can only stay in this ultra-small room, eating, drinking, pulling, and sprinkling here. The toilet is just more than a fist. In the small cave, there will be a small amount of water every day. This water includes drinking and flushing the toilet. The height is less than 1.5 meters. You can't stand up straight and sleep. The whole room is terribly quiet after the thick iron door is closed.

Tong Ya looked up at the small window on the iron door. There was an iron piece that could be pushed and pulled. It did not close well. There was some light coming out of the gap. A small window of 10 cm high and 30 cm wide could only be delivered. Into the food.

"Do you think this will make me break down?" Tong Ya sneered and sat down cross-legged.

The fiercest prisoner is also afraid of being imprisoned here. The longest record is that a prisoner was imprisoned for 6 days because of serious injury to others. When he was released, he was covered with excrement and dementia. It took more than half a year to recover slowly. Even after he recovered, once someone asked him about the six days, he would shiver and speak incoherently.

Tong Ya used the Imperius technique to collect the souls, and he still needs the skills he has learned to dissolve these souls in order to absorb the huge power of the souls for his own use. The founder of the Holy Soul Sect was born in Qin Shi Later, the first emperor burned books and confided Confucian scholars and carried out a large-scale elimination of alchemists and religions across the country. The Holy Soul Sect was built in the extremely remote Western Regions because it was a crooked way that was not tolerated by the world, so the inheritance was retained.

But time is the greatest enemy of all inheritance. After the Qin Dynasty, after the two Hans, when Wang Mang usurped the throne, the 21st generation Patriarch of the Holy Soul Sect defected to Wang Mang and wanted to gain a merit from the dragon. Who knew that the dominant Wang Mang was destined to be destined. The son of Liu Xiu was destroyed and the emperor returned to the Liu clan and established the Eastern Han Dynasty. It is said that the ancestors of the Holy Soul Sect fled back to the Western Regions with Wang Mang’s blood. The country was investigated one by one and simply adopted an indifferent attitude towards the countries of the Western Regions, in order to reduce the chances of the wild elements in the Central Plains using the name of Wang Mang and Yugu to make trouble-the contact was severed, what else are you doing? Even the countries of the Western Regions have been requesting the Han Dynasty to set up the Duhu Mansion in the Western Regions, but Liu Xiu refused. This also caused the Western Regions to gradually leave the control of the Han Dynasty, although at the time this policy was a decision made by weighing the relationship between the national power and the Western Regions. It is considered to be in line with the interests of the time, but for the late Eastern Han Dynasty, most of the Western Regions were controlled by the Huns, which contained a large amount of military power, resulting in the Eastern Han Dynasty’s inability to suppress the Yellow Turban Rebellion and planting the roots of destruction.

The Holy Soul Sect is based in such a chaotic Western Region. After several wars and turmoil, it has slowly declined. The leaders of the various countries have taken the cruelest suppression of the Holy Soul Sect, because this cult requires a large number of souls to improve their skills. Which country dares to let Is this kind of sect doing things in the country?

After the last generation of sacred soul inheritors died, they entrusted the sacred soul in a piece of jade. This piece of jade was passed by many people, and was finally buried in the tomb of a wealthy businessman in the Western Regions. It was at the time of the war before Taizu built the dynasty. , A tomb robber entered the tomb and stole everything. Before leaving, he was too flustered and left this jade pendant. During the labor reform, Tong Ya and other prisoners broke through the hole. After falling, he was wounded and bleeding, and finally activated. With this jade pendant, it was hidden in Tong Ya's body, and then he communicated with Tong Ya's soul and learned about the current situation. In order to ensure the uninterrupted inheritance, he taught the cultivation method to Tong Ya.

Tong Ya was imprisoned in this small black room. Of course, there was also the reason for the warden's anger. In the prison, most of them were violent temperaments, and each of them had nowhere to vent their energy. Fighting was normal, but The death of a person makes the situation extremely serious. Although there is no evidence pointing to who killed the person with the black hand, it is always two things mixed together and can only be dealt with as one thing, so the warden is right It is logical that the punishments for causing this death in a fight should be heavier, quicker, and severe.

But Tong Ya didn’t care about it. Instead, he was just a retreat. He was usually in the room with a lot of people and didn’t have much time to practice. At this time, he moved his mind, did he just do something from time to time. , So that I have more opportunities to stay in the small black room for a few days?

Ten days have passed. According to previous experience, at most two days, the prisoners who are locked up will start to become abnormal, or yelling, crying, or muttering to themselves, and even blocking the wall to self-harm, but Tong Ya was detained. After entering the prison, they said nothing and were extremely calm, which made the guards and prison guards puzzled, or the meals sent in every day were eaten cleanly, they almost doubted whether this person was already dead inside. .

"It's evil, I've never seen a prisoner with such a good spirit when he comes in and out." The prison guard Jia said.

They opened the iron door of the small black room and informed Tong Ya to come out. Although he hadn't changed his clothes for ten days, it was just a normal smell of sweat. It was different from the previous prisoners who were covered with excrement and urine. Tong Ya was clean. The skin on his face turned pale, although his face was pale, his eyes were gleaming, and he was even fatter.

"Awesome, Ma Dan, I have never met such a powerful prisoner." Prison guard Y also said.

After being taken to the bath room for washing, Tong Ya returned to the number room. It was dinner time, and he was taken directly to the cafeteria.

Seeing him come in casually, everyone almost stared out, saying that if it is closed for more than a week, it will be abandoned? Why is there no situation at all?

Tong Ya had a meal and found the group of people in his room and sat down.

Everyone looked at him with admiration: "Boss, welcome back."

Tong Ya nodded.

Seeing that he was very peaceful, the prison guard warned: "You guys should be honest. If you dare to make trouble, shut down the small dark room."

Watching him leave, several captains from other rooms came over, and one of them said: "Boss Tong, great, what will happen in the future, hello, we admire the hero the most, you are this! "Speaking, he made a big thumb.

"It's easy to talk." Tong Ya nodded, and slowly put a green vegetable into his mouth.

Tong Ya slowly finished the meal, and said to several horns: "Wait a moment, I will say a few words."

He stood up and said, "From now on, in the dining hall, people are not allowed to grab other people’s food. They have been specially remodeled and they are not allowed to eat? If anyone has opinions, come to me, I am not afraid of being locked up in a small dark room. If you are not afraid, then go into the little black room together!"

The trumpet captains got up and said loudly, "Boss Tong said, did you hear that? Don't be so so unreliable that they even grab someone else's food!

Tong Yadao: "Since I have come in to reform, I will try to reform and be a good man. Whoever is looking for trouble in the future, don't blame my Tong Ya for talking to you with my fist."

"Thank you, boss! Thank you, boss!"

When some cowardly prisoners who were usually bullied heard this, their tears almost fell. At this moment, they couldn't help but sincerely thank this kind and compassionate man and a hero who saw the injustice on the road.

However, the prisoners who roared happily were beaten to the horror after returning to the number room. Tong Ya didn't say much. The next day he beat a few troublemakers. In his opinion, I You have to commit the things that have been announced, and that is to do things, that is, to pick things out, and then he was locked in the small black room again. After six days of practice without any distractions, he finally entered the realm of the master, that is, the Qi refining period.

But his reputation is getting bigger and bigger. Whenever there are disputes and fights in prison, he will stand in the middle of it. It doesn't matter if he is locked in a small black room. The result is that he is deeply embraced by vulnerable groups and vaguely becomes a prison. The biggest boss, at least, where he was, no one would dare to lightly tell the incident. Of course, this was also what he used to fight forcibly with the fighting power of the Qi refining period.

During the period of his assimilation of those few souls, the discipline and style in the prison have actually become better, which is not to be mentioned. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Collection\" below to record this reading (Chapter 256 Inheritance of the Holy Soul Sect), next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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