My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 356: plead

Bai Yu took the opportunity to hold Lu Qiu Hanyan's hand in his hand, only to feel that Lu Qiu Hanyan's palms soon sweated slightly. When she turned her head to look at her, she saw her pretending to be indifferent and indifferent, but even her earlobes Yanhong is now, proving that she is not so calm.

In the arena, Song Mutica's offensive was getting faster and faster, and his fists almost had a shadow, but Wu Kesu still dodges, dodges, and blocked, taking all of Song Mutica's attacks meticulously.

Apollo raised his eyebrows: "It's almost there."

Bai Yu nodded, then turned to Lu Qiu Hanyan and said, "If he can't attack for a long time, his momentum is weak. That's when Wu Kesu counterattacked."

Lu Qiu Hanyan asked, "I've heard that you will lose for a long time, so how do you explain this?"

Bai Yu replied: "That means that the defender is already weak. In fact, Wu Kesu is stronger than Song Mutica. After spending so long with him, he just wants to retain some strength and doesn't want to head-on with him. After all, there are still four days left. It's an 11-to-6 game. If you get injured, who can guarantee you can recover within four days? In the previous game, many masters were out of luck. They encountered the same masters and suffered a loss. After a narrow victory, the result was the next event. Can’t continue to participate, like Lee Eun Hyuk’s, it’s really lucky to enter the finals, even if it’s a strong brother, the front is severely injured, but fortunately our logistics keeps up..."

"How are the various Taoist classics?" Bai Yu asked again.

"Almost, fortunately, my aunt didn't ask me where I was." Lu Qiu Hanyan gave Bai Yu a strange look.

"Every two days, I will teach you the relevant knowledge of the meridian and acupoints of the human body." Bai Yu ignored this.

In the arena, Song Mutica's feet took a step slower, and there was a weak lag in the offensive. Bai Yu and Apollo said at the same time: "It's now!"

Sure enough, Wu Kesu, who was on the court, immediately noticed that Song Mutica's movements were no longer smooth.


A huge roar came, and it turned out that Wu Kesu had activated the ancestral warrior's fighting skills, bear roar.

Suddenly, there was a noticeable pause in Song Mutica's movements. Wu Kesu snatched into his midline and squeezed in front of him. Song Mutica quickly lifted his knees, trying to push against his ribs, but Wu Kesu moved even more. Quickly, the root of his palm was pushed on Song Mutica’s chest, and he beat him back four or five steps. Song Mutica forcibly stopped the retreat with the heel of his foot, but finally couldn’t help it with a mouthful of blood. Squirted out.

Wu Kesu fell on the ground like a wolf and pounced on Song Mutica. Song Mutica raised his leg, and his calf hit Wu Kesu's head with his face bone. Wu Kesu kicked his hind legs **** the ground and rose into the air. Turning halfway around, kicking out with his legs, Song Mutica clenched his fists and folded his hands in front of his chest, head slightly lowered, hiding behind his arms, but Wu Kesu's kick was so powerful that he He kicked him back seven or eight steps in a row.

Although he was not directly hit the body this time, the power of the attack was transmitted to his body without touching the ground, affecting the injury just now, and he spouted another mouthful of blood.

Wu Kesu landed, stood up, was about to attack again, watched his situation, but stopped.

Bai Yu turned to Lu Qiu Hanyan and said, "Congratulations! Little rich woman, win!"

Lu Qiu Hanyan hesitated and said, "Didn't you still admit defeat?"

Bai Yu shook his head and said: "Song Mu Tica just carried it in one breath. He no longer has the ability to fight back. Wu Kesu is also very strong now. He hasn't even shown his hole cards."

"Great! It's 500, it's 500!" Lu Qiu Hanyan said with joy.

"What's the bottom line? I'll make up for the shortfall of 500!" Bai Yu curiously asked.

Lu Qiuhan gave him a white glance: "I don't want your money."

Bai Yu shrugged: "It's up to you."

In the field, Wu Kesu confronted Song Mutica. After seven or eight seconds, Song Mutica finally couldn't hold on and fell to the ground.

There were torrential voices from the audience, some cheering for their bet, and some voices of misbetting and cursing mixed together.

Next, the referee went to the court to make a judgment. It was determined that Song Mutica had lost his combat effectiveness, and Wu Kesu was announced as the promoter of this game. The medical staff came on the court to lift Song Mutica down, and the host would check tomorrow's game. Make a match.

When the images of the two large screens are locked, the next battle is displayed:

Qiu Xiushuang VS Papatu Anza Truba

Bai Yu turned to look at Qiu Xiushuang: "No problem, he won't be your opponent, you will definitely win."

Seeing Qiu Xiushuang a little absent-minded, Bai Yu said strangely, "Are you worried?"

Qiu Xiushuang sighed: "I'm not worried about this Haitian voodoo wizard, someone is coming to me."

Bai Yu smiled and said: "A friend came from afar, not to mention, so far away, what can you worry about?"


"Ogissan, you are entangled in frost sauce every day, don't you need to practice?" Muratama.

"Ogissan, you should work hard to make yourself worthy of frost sauce. It's useless to stalk so hard, although no matter how hard you try, you won't be worthy of frost sauce..." Ji Xiang.

I have a bad temper!

The blue veins on Bai Yu's forehead are really jumping, I know why Qiu Xiushuang looks helpless.

"Shuangchan, this man is useless, you can dump him!"

"Shuangjiang! You are so noble and beautiful, you should stay away from this vulgar man!"

"Your Highness, you can't be rude to Mr. Bai." The low voice sounded, it was the two loli's old servants, Da Yue Qinghao.

He squinted and saw Bai Yu again this time. He actually felt a huge threat from him. The last time he saw him, he just felt that he was very powerful. Maybe he could still fight him and couldn't beat him. At least you can flee with your two Highnesses, but this time...

Strong people can interact with each other. He feels that if Bai Yu really has a murderous intent, let alone protect the two majesty, even whether he can escape or not.

"Okay, Grandpa Qinghao!" Mura Yujixiang replied softly together.

"Mr. Bai, can I transfer my respect, can I have a few words with you?" Da Yue Qinghao said respectfully.

"Let's go, go to the small hall." Bai Yu nodded.

The small hall is specially designed for guests to taste cigars and discuss affairs. It is exquisite and compact. Unlike the living room, it pays more attention to privacy.

Bai Yu sat down, pointed to the sofa on the other side and said, "Please sit down."

Oyueqing Artemisia thank you for your seat.

"These two princes are charming and charming, but they are used to being pampered by everyone, and they are a little unsure of their words." Da Yue Qinghao said slowly.

Bai Yu nodded and said: "I know that, they like Xiushuang very much, and Xiushuang is my Taoist companion, so they are like little animals that protect food. I won't be angry because of this."

Dayue Qinghao breathed a sigh of relief: "Mr. Bai is elegant and generous, Qinghao is here to thank you on behalf of your two Highnesses."

Bai Yu shook his head and said, "Xiu Shuang also likes them, so there is no need to thank them. They are Xiushuang's friends and children. At best, they are just childish words, no big deal."

Da Yue Qinghao was silent for a moment: "What do you think of the Lord Sword Saint?"

Bai Yu said: "I don't look very much. He is very prestigious when he came to my country in Xia, so I will give him a good return."

Dayue Qinghao said: "Your Sword Saint wants to take advantage of the opportunity to challenge Xia Guo to break through, and his disciples are also very anxious, so they act radically. Can Mr. Bai be merciful?"

Bai Yu said: "His apprentice, Fengjian Huanbing, once came to my house, and the Shenying Club he belongs to, took action against my family, but I happened to be at home that day."

"Shenying Club does have some bad commercial tactics, but I think it is possible for them to pay a sufficient price to resolve this grievance?" Dayue Qinghao asked.

Bai Yu said lightly: "In what capacity did you come to tell me about this?"

Dayue Qinghao sighed: "He is the only sword saint in the cherry blossom country. I can't watch him find you to die. We already know how powerful you are."

The Kingdom of Sakura is the good son of the Kingdom of White Eagle. The battle between Apollo and Bai Yu is unknown to ordinary people, but for the upper class, it is not mysterious news. So when the monks of the Kingdom of Sakura learned that Bai Yu was in the white The Eagle Nation’s record actually evened Apollo, and even seemed to have the upper hand. Even the White Eagle Nation pinched his nose and endured it. For fear that Shiro Yu would rebirth in the White Eagle Nation, he sent Apollo to guard him every day. When the game was over to send the plague **** away, the senior officials of the Sakura Country suddenly panicked.

If Yuiyu Utsunomiya died, it would have caused the four pillars of the monk world of Sakura country to collapse directly. Moreover, unlike onmyojis, monks, and ninjas, kendo is a prominent school, so Yuiyu Utsunomiya has a high reputation among the people. Sakura country just thinks that even if it loses, it doesn’t matter. Don’t die in the hands of Bai Yu. Therefore, although being an important figure in the Onmyoji faction, each faction does not necessarily fall in love with each other, but it’s affected by the Sakura Kingdom royal family. Dayue Qinghao had to come to listen to Bai Yu's expression.

"So what? As a kendo master in Sakura Country, he is asked to sincerely admit his mistakes at this time. Can he do it?" Bai Yu sneered.

Dayue Qinghao said: "That's why we have come to apologize to you to see if we can obtain your forgiveness through financial compensation. After all, the disaster that Shenying will cause for economic purposes is not his instruction. And since this matter started from the economy, let it finally be economic! What do you think?"

Bai Yu shook his head and said, "I accepted his challenge. First, he initiated it. Secondly, many years ago, his division made a lot of killings in Xia Guo. This is why I can't let him go. The reason is that I want to survive. Yes, I can withdraw from the game. As long as I don't provoke me, I won't take the initiative to trouble him."

"Of course, if he doesn't want to retire for the sake of cherishing his fame, then I will definitely have his heart broken in the arena." Bai Yu said coldly.

"Mr. Bai, is it really not accommodating?" Da Yue Qinghao smiled bitterly.

"As Xiushuang's friends, I am grateful that you can come and cheer for her the day before the game. I invite three people to RIVEA to taste the food. No matter how unpleasant things are, it is not worth mentioning in front of the food, right? "Bai Yu stood up and smiled. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 356 Plea) reading record, and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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