My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 388: Depravity, trading

Seeing St. Allen Fonda colluding with the followers of Mingguang Sect and reporters from major media, Bai Yu looked happily and without expression.

Wu Kesu said, "He has a strange smell."

Bai Yu Chuanyin: "What taste."

Wu Kesu: "The smell of the devil, the smell of hell, the smell of sulfur."

Bai Yu's face didn't show up, "Are you sure?"

Wu Kesu looked at St. Allen Fonda stubbornly, as if he couldn’t wait to peel off his skin with his eyes: "I had a fight with him, that hypocritical kindness, I already remember it very firmly. Now, a strange smell has been added to this smell."

Bai Yu nodded slightly: "I also think he is a bit strange, but I can't see where the problem is."

Wu Kesu said: "And... he has become stronger."

Bai Yu groaned: "I didn't feel the traces of death on him. Could it be that their gods really brought him back to life? It's a pity that Xiushuang is not here. Otherwise, let her call Shuying out, she is a ghost. She is professional in this kind of thing."

"Or, at night..." Wu Kesu suggested.

Bai Yu shook his head: "This has nothing to do with us, what about Mingguang Sect, we don't need to blend in."

Wu Kesu said: "I'm more worried about him coming over to make trouble for me."

Bai Yu said: "I know what you mean, don't worry."

On the stage, St. Allen Fonda calmly answered the questions of the reporters by quoting scriptures. The cardinal has a gentle smile. You can imagine what kind of sensation will be caused in the whole world after this press conference. What kind of sensation will Mingguang teach the world?


In the desert.

"Brother, what did you say to show me?" Wu Kesu asked.

Bai Yu asked: "How does the **** need to become stronger?"

Wu Kesu pondered for a while and replied: "Ancestral spirits need more believers to become stronger, or to devour powerful souls."

Bai Yu took out a jade talisman: "I banned the angel who was fighting with you. I wonder if the ancestor spirit would become stronger if he swallowed him?"

Wu Kesu said in surprise: "Are you going to give it to the ancestral spirit?"

Bai Yu nodded: "I need my friends to be stronger, because I have always been a monk in Zhonglu. The strength of Zhonglu has violated the interests of Baiying. This time I came to Baiying and I have encountered many targeted ones. I have an inexplicable sense of crisis, I always feel that something will happen..."

What Bai Yu was talking about was exactly the feeling that the monk had experienced with the heaven and the earth after his cultivation became deeper.

Wu Kesu nodded: "I also have the feeling you said. I always feel that something is spying on me, but if I'm being monitored, I should find out."

Bai Yu continued to take out the jade talisman from the ring, and while placing the jade talisman according to the location, said: "Yes, so we must become stronger. After all, we still have so many friends."

Wu Kesu said: "Don't worry, your friends are my friends, and I won't just watch them accidentally."

Bai Yu threw the jade talisman that had enclosed the angel into the array, and the jade talisman made a crisp cracking sound.

A light appeared in the formation, staying for a few seconds, rushing from the left to the right, but was always trapped in the formation of the jade amulet.

"Where is the Xiaokun Immortal Lock Magic Array that can be broken so easily?" Bai Yu sneered.

The light spot seemed tired and stopped. This was exactly what Bai Yu wanted. He only needed the power of the soul, the holy power in the soul, he was not interested at all.

The light spot slowly turned into a human form, and the wings on the back showed that he was the angel who once possessed Saint Allen Fonda.

"Cthulhu! Sinner! You are so courageous that you dare to imprison the angel under the Father's seat!" The angel shouted angrily.

"A two-winged angel, what kind of atmosphere, a fellow like you, there should be so many terrible places in your place?" Bai Yu sneered.

The angel sneered and said: "Stupid mortals! If it weren't for the army of angels to resist the other world, your disgusting world would have been purified! Dirty bugs! Disgusting sinners!"

Bai Yu shook his head: "Arrogance is also one of the sins in your doctrine. Why do you commit the same sin?"

The angel roared: "Shut up! Mortals! That's just a story that you mortal ancestors made up when you mortalized us! We are great angels, why do you need to comment?"

"The yang fire refines the shape and the yin fire refines the soul. This is a desert land. The energy absorbed by the sun's fire during the day is too rich. It takes a lot of time to guide the yin fire, which is really troublesome." Bai Yu frowned and said, Kechina consumes The power of a large amount of ancestral spirits is now very weak. It really puts him and the angel spirit body together. Who swallows it is really unclear, so Bai Yu must erase the thinking and memory in this spirit body. In addition to setting up a small sleepy fairy lock magic array, he actually also laid a Nine Nether Fire Array. He only needs to draw out the Nine Nether Fire and put the angel spirit body into the calcining, and he can restore him to the purest soul power. .

As soon as Bai Yu snapped his fingers, a faint light green fire suddenly rose on the sand.

"What is this? Sinner! Do you know what you are doing? You will fall into purgatory!" The light green flame is the Nine Nether Fire caused by the formation, which burns the soul, even if it is as strong as an angel. Those who do not get out of the category of spiritual bodies, but all spiritual bodies must be restrained by the underworld fire. If it is when the angels are in full bloom, only need to stir up the holy power in the body, then the underworld fire can be discharged, but at this time, this The arrogant and conceited angel's holy power is exhausted, how can anyone think that it will be captured alive?

"Father! Save your child! The sinner is burning me with filthy **** flames!" The angel was sorely burnt by the fire of Nine Netherworld, and howled miserably.

"Father! Why don't you respond to my request? Have you given up your child?" the angel screamed.

"If this is the test given to me by God the Father, please forgive me. I am no longer arrogant, and my piety is only in exchange for the glory of God the Father." The angel struggled hard, and the Nine Nether Flames had already burned to his knees.

"Why didn't you respond to me? I am a noble angel, is it because of my failure! Are you going to give up on me?" The angel complained miserably.

Bai Yu sneered and said: "Even if you have grievances, you are not afraid, but grievances are Jiu Ning Minghao's best fuel."

Sure enough, the underworld fire that had already burned to the angel's knee seemed to become more vigorous.

"I curse you! You promised to enter your country without suffering forever, you are a betrayer!" The angel was so painful that he suddenly raised his head and roared at the endless night sky.

"He...fallen?" Bai Yu looked at the angel's wings unexpectedly, and the white feathers unexpectedly emitted a black air from the tip.

The angel changed his mouth and pleaded: "Father, I was wrong, please forgive your child, I will not go to hell, I will always be your most pious apostle..."

The process of the angel’s fall was irreversible. Soon, the wings behind his back became completely black, and the Nine Nether Fire no longer harmed him, but it seems that the previous Nine Nether Fire caused huge damage to the angel’s intelligence, and the angel became He went crazy, cursing Mingguangshen for a while, and begging Mingguangshen for forgiveness for a while. After a while, he knelt on the ground again, resting his hands on the ground, shaking in pain.

Bai Yu frowned. He found a bigger problem. On the angel's back, something was squirming under the skin, and it seemed that something was about to break out of the skin! After the fall, the angelic personality has actually improved! Begin to transform from a two-winged angel to a four-winged angel! Under the four wings are angels and archangels, and the four wings are angels of power. Obviously, he is now the person of archangels.

But this angel did not become a four-winged angel in the end. It was still within the scope of two wings, because the protrusions on the back always failed to emerge from the skin of the back.

This can be called self-defeating. I clearly want to erase its intelligence. Who knows that it has fallen and raised its personality. Who is to make sense?

"Ah! I haven't seen it for a long time, the angel has fallen..." A voice suddenly sounded.

"You're finally here! I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Bai Yu whispered, and the Zibi Tianxing turned into a meteor, flying away with his voice.

With a sneer, the speaker fell from mid-air, but he didn't seem to be hurt, and he turned over and stood firm in the sand.

"Wait!" the man cried eagerly.

Bai Yu stopped his sword control technique, and the Zibi Tianxing sword pointed at the man. Bai Yu and Wu Kesu took a closer look. They turned out to be a white man with red curly hair and black eyes. He was wearing a shirt with big flower sleeves and a collar. In the waistband, the face is exquisite and handsome.

"You killed me, it doesn't make much sense. This is just a projection. Not only will it not cause any major damage to the body, but... it will also attract an enemy to himself, why bother?" The white man smiled. Said.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" Bai Yu looked at him vigilantly, unable to understand whether what this person said was true or false.

"My name is Lucifer. I am a projection of the great Hell Lord Lucifer. Yes, it is just a projection of the clone. Your world is too low for my clone to come." The young man squatted down and stood. On the edge of the trapped fairy lock magic circle, he looked at the fallen angels trapped inside with great interest.

"I want him!" Lucifer turned his head and pointed to the fallen angel.

Bai Yu said solemnly: "Why?"

Lucifer said: "He is ours now, don’t you see it? Besides, he is beginning to become stronger, don’t worry, because the reason for his fall was caused by you, so I won’t let him hurt you. , It's a reward."

Bai Yu shook his head and said: "I use him to be useful, you can't just take him away like this."

Lucifer asked in amazement: "Do you take your own life seriously? You won't be his opponent. This is very dangerous? I guess, you want the spirit body of that little guy to swallow Athos, right? Oh, Ah Soth is the guy inside. He is lucky, and he has actually been upgraded to an archangel!"

"You're right, but even if he becomes an archangel, I can still restrain him steadily. Even if the Jiu Nether Fire can't take him, what about the pill fire?" Bai Yu banged in front of him and lit a ball. Fireball.

Lucifer's complexion changed, and he stretched out his finger to point on the fireball. Suddenly, his finger was ignited. He shook it, but the weak flame did not go out. As he placed it in front of him, it still burned stubbornly.

He blew a breath of extreme cold, and the flame on his fingers went out, revealing his scorched fingertips, but soon, the black mark on the fingertips slowly faded, and the appearance of whiteness and innocence was restored.

"Well, I admit, your fire can hurt us, so... shall we make a deal?" Lucifer put away his unruly expression.

"Make a deal with the devil?" Bai Yu laughed.

"My friend, the devil is the devil, and we are us. The devil likes to play with people's hearts and use the gaps in contracts to deceive human souls, but we won't." Lucifer said sternly.

"No, I won't make a deal with you. I don't want to study your contract. You can trade something." Bai Yu shook his head.

Lucifer shook his head and said, "You are so cautious, okay, what do you want to change?"

Bai Yu pointed to the fallen angel Assos and said, "A blank soul of the same quality as he is now."

Lucifer exclaimed in pain exaggeratedly: "What are you talking about? A blank soul at the level of an archangel? Am I crazy or are you crazy?"

Bai Yu said coldly: "You can choose not to swap."

He screamed, threw out a pill furnace, and threw it into a ball of pill fire.

Lucifer said anxiously: "Wait, discuss, discuss, how is this possible at the Archangel level? Do you want your friend's ancestor spirit to evolve? He can't digest the Archangel level! It will explode! !"

"How many angel-level souls can be exchanged for an archangel-level soul?" Bai Yu asked.

"Angel level is impossible! Angel level! It is Hellboy level! You asked me to give you 3 Hellboys?" Lucifer said anxiously.

"Not three, but six, don't you consider the quality of your soul?" Bai Yu sneered.

Lucifer calmed down instead: "Three Hellboys, I can promise you."

"Impossible, you are looking for him, not I need him, and he is an archangel who hates Mingguangshen. He is about to change into an angel of power." Bai Yu said calmly.

"Coming soon? You said it was coming? Hahaha! Ignorance! Do you think the evolution of angels is so easy? Maybe for thousands of years, he couldn't change from an archangel to an angel of power!" Lucifer laughed wildly.

"Oh? That's your business. I think one and a half archangels will be used to convert the blank soul of the Hellboy, and it will be doubled." Bai Yu activated the Sunda wind formation in the pill furnace, and Feng helped The intensity of the fire, the pill fire strung up high, bursting out strong heat, roasted on Lucifer's face, Lucifer's face muscles twitched.

"You know this is impossible, cunning Zhonglu people, you are too good at doing business. I guess in this world, no one can compare to you except the Jewish people. According to you, three Hellboys, I In addition, 9 blank souls at the commander level will be converted into hellboys, and the friendship of **** will be added. Make a deal with friends." Lucifer persuaded.

"The downward conversion has to be doubled, dear friend, it should be 18 blank souls at the commander level!" Bai Yu said with a smile.

"F***! Damn Mid-Continent monk, I hope you betray your **** system! I hope you switch to the **** system! I will put you on a fork and bake it in a frying pan!" Lucifer was furious. Roar, walking around quickly.

"If you still want to bargain, I will increase the price!" Bai Yu reminded.

"Deal!" Lucifer stopped and gritted his teeth. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 388 Fall, Transaction) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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