My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 524: Attacking the camp, the dying Meng Qingyuan

The 1988 silver-armored horsemen in Qinzhou City were already armed with red and green armor to participate in the celebration banquet. Of course, there were other rotating soldiers garrisoned in the city not to mention.

After socializing with the officials, gentry, businessmen, and people who came to the celebration banquet, Meng Qingyuan returned to the Zhou Mansion.

"How?" Zhou Liangmu asked.

"Man slaves are just being demonized by my people in the Central Plains. They will also be injured and die. They are not the kind of undead who can kill with a few shots and a few shots. The people of the Central Plains have been in peace for too long, and they are happy. Political, civil and martial arts, the weapon of the country is rotten, and he does not want to admit that he is too useless. Only by infinitely exaggerating the strength of the opponent can he make his face better... Hehe, the man slave is indeed stronger than the current army of Dayun. More than one thing, 150,000 is enough to sweep the world..." Meng Qingyuan said.

"Where are we?" Zhou Liangmu asked.

"If you don't count those, give me 10,000 silver knights, it's enough to kill the slaves!" Meng Qingyuan sneered.

Zhou Liangmu sighed: "Where did we get ten thousand silver armored riders? We almost broke our wealth and only collected eight thousand. Your uncle took away three thousand. Now Qinzhou is only 50 million. You should not be too arrogant."

Meng Qingyuan nodded and said: "Don't worry, Aweng, I'm not the kind of person who likes to boast, but even if I only have five thousand silver armors, I can make these animals come back and forth. Not just for fun."

Zhou Liangmu's eyes were full of satisfaction: "Okay, okay, the greatest achievement in my life is to kick you out...hahaha!"

Meng Qingyuan said helplessly: "Aweng, for this matter, you are still being scolded in the official literary world..."

Zhou Liangmu disdainfully said: "Those sour scholars, what do they do? Is it because of the things of this generation, I watched you and Xin'er lover finally get married? There is no more male in the Zhou family, and the glory of the Zhou family does not depend on it. Who do you rely on? What other relationship is more reliable than in-laws?"

In the handsome tent outside the barbarian slave camp.

A Tsang Kneeled on the King of Khan Teng Huzi and sat in the main seat with a sullen face. Several patriarchs and chiefs beside him were not able to deal with A Tsang, and they asked to punish the defeated General A Tsang.

Teng Huzi endured his anger and said: "A victory or defeat is not enough to determine a hero! A Tsang Gu is a father Khan's favorite general. He is known for his courage and has made countless achievements for Mobei. This king has taught martial arts to Mobei since his childhood. , What have you done? Didn’t Acigu rush to the front, and you choose the cheapest? You won the battle, and you will be punished if you lose. Do you have to consume the Mobei warriors in this way? In fact, you are satisfied after killing A Thorn Gu? Look at him! Look at his face! This is all because of my Mobei injury! Which of you dare to take off your clothes and compare with him? Fat, white and tender, with no scars! Am I the Mobei Warrior?"

Acigu had tears in his eyes: "Little Khan!"

Teng Huzi stepped down from the main position and picked up Acigu: "Acigu, although you have lost this battle, you will not only have no mistakes, but also merit."

Ah Tsang got up and hesitated for a moment: "This..."

Teng Huzi said: "The enemy's armor is excellent. Although we have acquired a lot of Mocher Steel, we have to admit that compared with the Southern Dynasties, the weapons we built are still technically inadequate. You can see that they were cut off by the Southern Barbarian. A lot of weapons have been lost, so it can be seen that after the Southern Barbarians have dealt with the issue of military preparation seriously, their weapons and armor are far better than our Mobei..."

"This time, I discovered the truth and truth of Qinzhou, and Qinzhou will be a major disaster for me in Mobei!"

Everyone nodded slowly.

"If other prefectures are like Qinzhou... hehe, we should return to Mobei as soon as possible, but don’t be surprised, everyone, although Qinzhou has excellent armors, it doesn’t need money to make these armors? Such silver armors, certainly not. Much! Otherwise, relying on the vast land of the Southern Dynasty and the people of trillions of billions, we, more than a hundred thousand people, will be swallowed, even if the water can't splash. Fortunately, the Xingli emperor is a waste and toss a great dynasty. So weak, don’t take this opportunity to enter the Central Plains, wait for someone to seize the Southern Dynasty artifact, and create a prosperous world, hehe, then...we Mobei warriors are just a place to die without burial..."

"Therefore, this time the 463 people lost slightly, but they discovered the strength of Qinzhou. A Tsanggu has done nothing! Come here!"


"Wine appreciation!"

At this moment, A Tsanggu felt that he died for Tenghuzi immediately and he did not regret it. He was deeply touched by Miezhe's "Tenghuzi, the third of the seventeen sons, is the most Shaobenhan", no wonder he led an army to fight alone. Will fall on him.

"Khan King! What should I do next? If tomorrow is to attack the capital city of Qinzhou, the teenager is willing to do his best to go first!" Acigu said with red eyes, despite the stabbing of the drink, his face hurt.

Tenghu Zwen said: "A Tsanggu, don't worry, you can't beat Qinzhou, can we still beat Suzhou?"

He turned his face and said to the clan chief and head: "Strengthen the camp defense! Keep ten thousand people in the camp! I expect that Qinzhou will come to steal the camp tonight! Close the camp door tightly, and set up more horses, bells, and pits. No matter how many rockets you have, just wait for the stolen battalion horses to come, just shoot!"

A patriarch was startled and asked, "What about the rest...forty thousand people?"

Teng Huzi said: "After the sky is getting dark, people will hold their horses and wrap their hooves. After walking for five miles, they will go to Suzhou Fucheng!"


In the ugly time, Meng Qingyuan had already washed his face in cold water, and when he finished his stay, a little bit of snowflakes floated in the sky.

He nodded in satisfaction. Although it was cold, it had brought a lot of benefits to his sneak attack. At least, the enemy could not easily detect this kind of weather.

He brought six hundred of the strongest archers, all of whom are good at using strong bows. Yes, he never thought about rushing into the enemy's formation. It would be a joy to be so happy, but don’t forget, this is just a partial teacher. , There are 100,000 barbarians, he doesn't have to fight with them, so his purpose tonight is just to harass, not to attack.

At the second quarter of Ugly, about half past two in the morning, Meng Qingyuan and six hundred archers had arrived near the Barbarian Camp. The Jianbi Qingye near Qinzhou performed well, and there were few trees with thick wrists, and the slaves couldn’t stand up. The wall of the village had to be enclosed in a circle with heavy vehicles.

Dragging these barbarian slaves here is the best way to run out of supplies. It is best to make these barbarians so hungry that they can't move. At that time, the barbarian slaves will be defeated without a doubt.

At a distance of more than four hundred meters, Meng Qingyuan stopped.

Ten scouts were sent to touch the enemy camp, but after a short while, they came back.

"Master, the other party has set up a lot of traps, more than a hundred steps forward, there are trip ropes and hoof pits, and there are bells hanging on the trip ropes..."

Meng Qingyuan said solemnly: "This savage King Khan really has a little way, but fortunately, we didn't really want to kick the camp when we came here..."

But shooting distance is a problem. Although the 600 people brought out this time are all good archers with large arm length, they did not go so far as to shoot an arrow five or six hundred meters away. These six hundred people were about 300 meters away. It’s the limit, so you have to get closer to it. For a camp of 50,000 people, based on a radius of two miles, the entire camp has an area of ​​12.56 square miles and a perimeter of 12.56 miles. It’s about more than 6,000 meters. Is the circle set up with organs and traps?

Meng Qingyuan said: "Take a circle to see where there is a gap."


Meng Qingyuan guessed well. After all, they found several locations where there were no cloth bells and hoof pits. Meng Qingyuan brought the archers to the wall of the camp surrounded by heavy vehicles and whispered: "Three breaths." ! Shooting upside down!"

After speaking, he took out a big gong and knocked it wildly.

Immediately after more than six hundred rockets broke through the air and fell into the slave camp. Meng Qingyuan stopped the gong and listened carefully. The start point was a spark in the slave camp, mixed with curses and screams, and it was really chaotic. Up.


It was ugly. At about three in the morning, the savage soldiers who were sleeping soundly were shocked by the sound of rockets and gongs. They all jumped up. If they did not explode the camp, even if they were of high quality, some of them assembled and waited for orders, and the other was. Hurry up and put out the fire. When the fire was extinguished, the whole army was ready, but the enemy was silent. Only nearly 10,000 people stood shivering in the snowy clearing. Only then did the soldiers who touched the direction of the rocket return: No trace of the enemy army was seen.

The remaining main general said angrily: "It must be the Nanbans who see that we are prepared and dare not really attack the camp! Shameless!"

The slaves who had been tossing for more than half an hour were cold and sleepy, and gradually complained more. The master was unable to, and had to order the slaves to rest.

Outside the camp, at one moment in time, Meng Qingyuan, who had already approached the enemy camp along another direction with no organs, heard the camp calm down, and waited for another two moments:

"Three breaths, shoot up..."

All the archers were laughing and laughing, and the owner of the family was stubborn and stubborn...

The same formula, the same taste.

"Boom boom boom..."

Dense gongs sounded, followed by rockets bursting into the air, burning tents, screaming soldiers... Wait until the detective soldiers return to report: When the enemy is nowhere to be seen, the savage slave owner will cry without tears, how can it be done? ?

"Bring me six thousand people! I will kill them myself!" The barbarous slave master will roar wildly.

"I can't do it! General! King Khan told him to fight back with rockets!" The soldier next to him said anxiously.

"I'm so angry!"

It was another toss. It was not until six quarters in the morning, that is, 4:30 in the morning, that everything in the camp was restored to normal. At this time, the slave man would cry without tears, and the fight was not easy. There were 10,000 people distributed in the camp. He didn't dare to withdraw to the center, he said cruelly: "Give me a jail, the clothes will not be armored, the soldiers will not leave! Keep it!"

Seeing the enemy's camp fire shining brightly, the soldiers said: "Master, it seems that the slave is ready, let's withdraw!"

Meng Qingyuan said: "No, wait for dawn!"

The soldier said anxiously: "Lord, it's too dangerous at dawn!"

Meng Qingyuan turned around and asked the soldiers, "Are you afraid?"

Someone said: "What is there to be afraid of following the lord's charge, besides, the barbarians have sealed the camp to death, and they can't come out by themselves. What are we afraid of? At most, we just shoot some arrows... just get colder. !"

Meng Qingyuan smiled and said: "Originally, drinking was not allowed during the war, but when you go back, you are allowed to drink half a catty by yourself!"

Suddenly the eyes of all the soldiers beamed, and the soldiers sighed. Of course, he could not be the master of the lord. At most, it was really dangerous. He would not let the lord be injured at all before he died. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on \"Favorites\" below to record this time (Chapter 524 Attack on the Camp, the dying Meng Qingyuan) reading Record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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