My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 568: convince

Yuxin spit out her tongue: "Thank you Uncle Bai for the treasure!"

Pulling her younger brother around and leaving, of course she knows that Mo Baiyi has been chasing Shi Yun for years. Who knows that after turning a position, Shi Yun only treats him with courtesy. There is no feeling of renewed old feelings, Master Uncle. Suddenly mentioning the regrets of her master, she was not blind to see, and quickly took advantage of the situation to leave.

"Lao Bai, come back, I seem to have heard you say before that I want to take everyone away? I want the Azure Spirit Sword Sect to be merged into the Heavenly Sect?" Mo Baiyi asked.

"In the general trend, the number of my Haogang people is not much, and there are dozens of sects, each with a human orthodoxy, each with its own philosophy, and the dispute is not the blessing of Haogang." Bai Yu replied.

"But you also know that if they are asked to give up the orthodoxy, how could they be willing?" Mo Baiyi shook his head.

Bai Yu sneered and said, "I'm not in Tiangongmen, but I want to enjoy the new world I have found. Is there such a good thing?"

Mo Baiyi hesitated and said, "If you use justice to crush you..."

Bai Yu said: "Then stay in Haogang and wait for death. I am not targeting the Azure Spirit Sword Sect. If the head of Meng cannot convince the other elders, I will be too lazy to say, just take away these 20,000 ordinary people, Haogang The inheritance of blood depends on these ordinary people. Many sects are reluctant to be a native emperor in their own sects, so keep it, and I will not force anyone."

Mo Baiyi smiled bitterly: "It shouldn't be so."

Bai Yu said: "Then you are willing to follow me to leave?"

Mo Baiyi sighed and said, "You and my brother, how can I love the power of the stack? Besides, I'm just an ordinary elder outside the door, just Shi Xiaoniang..."

Bai Yu said: "Shi Xiaoniang hasn't solved the knot of happiness yet? I think you are also undestined."

Mo Baiyi replied reluctantly: "It's nothing more than human beings. I lost her in the front, so I should pay it back. If the Azure Spirit Sword Sect really wants to stand by the Taoism and wait for death... The little lady will definitely not leave, you take Yuxin and Yu Zhixian to leave. Right."

Bai Yu solemnly said: "White clothes, listen to me, I will not lie to you, staying on Haogang star is really only a dead end, no matter how great the ability is now, even Haogang star can't get out, the outside world is cold. Frozen, all kinds of heaven, material and earth treasures are difficult to discover. When the resources are exhausted, it is a dead word. Moreover, there are extremely dangerous demons lurking under the earth. I guess it won't take the day when your lifespan is exhausted and the demons reappear. , Will surely bring extinction to Haogang Star."

For a long time, Mo Baiyi remained silent, and Bai Yu knew that it was useless to persuade him, and the two fell silent.

After all, it was Mo Baiyi who was a landlord, and it was not easy to be cold. He changed the subject and said, "Where is the fat man? How is he?"

Bai Yu smiled bitterly: "Fatty Wei is also unlucky. He has suffered a bit. Now he is seriously injured and is about to be raised. Fortunately, there is no worry about his life, and there will be no future disasters. It is just that his sister Wei Zixi has not escaped from this big disaster. Robbery..."

Mo Baiyi said in surprise, "Sister Zixi is so unlucky?"

Bai Yu nodded, and Mo Baiyi asked again, "Didn't Yue Nu follow you at all times? Why don't you see her?"

Bai Yu said: "I came out to pick up people this time. She has no spiritual mind and can't control the aircraft I refined, so she has to stay at home."

As the two talked, Meng Yuanqin walked back with a group of elders.

"White head." Meng Yuanqin said.

Bai Yu returned the gift and asked, "Has the head of Meng ever discussed with the elders?"

Meng Yuanqin said: "The Qingling Sword Sect has been established thousands of years ago. Although it has a deeper foundation than Tiangongmen, it also has its own heritage. If it is merged into Tiangongmen, we will lose our original traditions, and we will be ashamed. The ancestors of the past..."

Bai Yu was silent for a while, then nodded and said: "Orthodox matter is really important. If the head of Meng and the elders have decided to stay, then the poor Dao can't be forced, but those people, the poor Dao must be taken away."

Meng Yuanqin said, "If all the people are taken away, and my Qingling Sword Sect will no longer be able to make up for it, wouldn't it be...when the life of the existing gate is exhausted, it will be the time when the Qingling Sword Sect is destroyed?"

Bai Yu sneered and said: "I have already told you that it must be a dead end here. You don't want to live, do you want to drag the people to death?"

An elder said angrily: "The White Sect is so sure about the matter, but he just wants to make money from the people under my Qingling Sword Sect!"

Bai Yu locked his gaze on Meng Yuanqin: "Head of Meng, how did these people come from? How did your Azure Spirit Sword Sect survive? Do you want to wear this seat? When will these people become your Azure Spirit Sword Sect again? People?"

Meng Yuanqin said in embarrassment, "Elder Jin, be careful! The White Sect has great favor with my Qingling Sword Sect."

The elder Jin muttered to himself: "There is a great kindness, but if you pay it back, why do you have to take all the people away!"

Bai Yu's heart became irritable, and his momentum slowly let out: "Don't blame me for suppressing people, you are stubborn, not just to enjoy the life of the master of the school, you are extremely stupid! You know, Cthulhu broke the world. Come, I can easily squeeze the Sun Star, even if I meet him in a combined state, I am not an opponent! This Cthulhu is lurking underground, I don’t know what conspiracy is, I don’t even dare to explore it, but the whole Haogang Star The weight has been reduced a lot, so now it’s easy to jump very high. If you don’t leave at this time, you have to wait for death here? You have to drag the people to die together? How many years have you cultivated? Your brains have been cultivated into bean dregs. Huh?"

Meng Yuanqin only knew that Bai Yu had contended against a certain evil demon that day, and then lost in the universe, but did not know that there were so many inner feelings in it. At this time, she heard it vaguely or rationally, but she was really unwilling to let her give up the orthodoxy. No matter how good another family's practice is? It is of course a good thing to be able to learn from and adopt the essence of her own system, but she didn't even want to use the ancestor master for the exercises.

So Meng Yuanqin opened his mouth and said, "If the Qingling Sword Sect is merged into Tiangong Sect, will the disciples also revise all Tiangong Taoism?"

Bai Yu said: "It's not necessary, each family's traditions can be kept separately, but it can only be commensurate with a courtyard under the Tiangong gate, which is located under the Tiangong fifth courtyard."

Meng Yuanqin said: "What about the daily expenses and the resources for disciples' practice?"

Bai Yu said: "A whole new world, I will delineate the scope of each hospital, cultivate materials, and harvest them separately, and will hand over 70% to Tiangongmen every month."

Meng Yuanqin hesitated and said: "White head, it too much?"

Bai Yu shook his head and said, "Not much at all..."

He looked at the surrounding terrain, and suddenly rose from the ground, and had already fallen to the foot of a mountain. Meng Yuanqin and other elders were also picked up by his spirit and landed at the foot of the mountain together.

Meng Yuanqin and the elders had such ugly expressions. Under Bai Yu, there was no resistance at all. If he used a strong force, how could the Azure Spirit Sword Sect resist?

Bai Yu pulled out the neck leather, and the Great Thousand World hanging on it took off. Under Bai Yu's control, the Great Thousand World grew like a bubble.

"The head has a try."

Meng Yuanqin put his divine thoughts into it with suspicion. After a long while, Huarong recoiled his divine thoughts, stuttering: "Fang... just opened up, opened up the great world?"

Bai Yu nodded and said, "Yes, this is a huge world owned by Poor Dao's private person. Poor Dao has obtained a large number of cores of the world by coincidence and cultivated by hand! Poor Dao's own world, you are unwilling to join Tiangongmen, how can you Can you share with you? Every planet, every inch of land, and every treasure of heaven and earth belong to the poor Dao private! The poor Dao is saving you! If you have to die on the Haogang star, the poor Dao has nothing to do. Say."

Meng Yuanqin has red lips, but he is speechless, full of bitterness, yes, someone else’s private world, let you live in...

It’s like meeting a strong man and others let you into the house to hide. You have to strongly ask others to give away the property rights of the house you’re avoiding, and even rent out that house. The host is kind and allows you to take 30% of the benefits. Not satisfied yet?

Other people’s request is just to come in as a family...

What's wrong with only letting my own people come in in my own house?

Meng Yuanqin was upset, and Bai Yu's request was not excessive, but he just picked the brand of Qingling Sword Sect in this way, and he was really unwilling to accept it.

But Meng Yuanqin is also a respected faction anyway, categorically saying: "White head, I am more than greedy. In this way, give me time for incense, and I will discuss with the elders."

Bai Yu sighed: "That is to say, the Azure Spirit Sword Sect has a deep connection with me, no matter, half a time, please make a quick decision by the head of Meng."

Bai Yu avoided far away. Here, Meng Yuanqin told the elders what she had seen in mind, and suddenly, the old and the young, a group of women chattered and argued.

"What is the boss?"

"It turns out... it's a great world, and that great world is actually owned by the head of the White House." Meng Yuanqin sighed.

"How can it be?"

"What's impossible? The white head has a deep blessing and has acquired a large number of cores of the world. He has cultivated a large world by himself. I think that the world has evolved and formed. I am afraid that it will not be long before you can be born. Time is far stronger than Haogang star, this is the beginning of the creation! In the beginning of the creation of the world, how many treasures of heaven and earth have all the elders ever thought about? We are only 30%! The white head is already very kind. , This is 30% of this world to us!" Meng Yuanqin said.

"But what about Orthodoxy?"

Meng Yuanqin said: "The White Sect only asked us to send together, but he didn't say that we must cultivate Tiangong Mendaism. It was only named as the Qingling Courtyard. You have heard of this before."

"Head, is that great world real?"

Meng Yuanqin said unhappily: "I haven't been dazzled to that level yet? Although I haven't been born yet, the aura in it is almost a thousand times stronger than my Azure Spirit Immortal Sect. Cultivating in it means there is no heaven and earth treasure. , Even a pig can survive the catastrophe and become immortal, right?"

"Since the orthodoxy can be continued, it is such a good, no, let's go to the white head!"

Meng Yuanqin cursed: "What does it mean to be the head of Bai, knowing that the head gives us a chance, we have to seize it. According to him, there are demons hidden in the ground. If demons break out, how can we survive? This is life. I have broken the inheritance of my Azure Spirit Sword Sect. When the time comes, you and I will all be sinners from the sect, faceless facing the ancestors of the ancestors!"

Sure enough, after a stick of incense, all the elders of the Azure Spirit Sword Sect agreed to be merged into the Tiangong Sect. More importantly, their own sect is well-preserved. Presumably even if it is incorporated into the Tiangong Sect, it will not be too weak. But they don't know that now Tiangongmen is just two or three kittens.

But Bai Yu didn’t worry about their great troubles. In his vast world, Bai Yu could even act on behalf of the sky. If anyone was greedy enough, and even troubled Tiangongmen and Bai Yu, he would know what doom is all about. Things are not going well.

Although the entire world is enclosed in a bubble, it is actually vast and vast inside. Even if it is the cultivation base of the White Feather Conjugation Stage, don't even think about flying from one end to the other with your physical body, if it weren't for him to be the lord of the world. , You can choose the planet to fall at will, I'm afraid you can only choose a planet in the marginal area to build the headquarters, and in the center of the world, Bai Yu has already set the sun and lunar in this world, naturally the life planet in that place is the most suitable As for the place where the foundation was established, as for the Azure Spirit Sword Sect, he followed himself at this time, and when the population exploded, it needed to be colonized. It was not impossible to refer to the life planet near the Tiangong headquarters to develop the Azure Spirit Sword Sect.

Other minor factions, let them be on a planet, it is enough for them to develop. As for ordinary people, they can find a planet for their survival, with the help of monks, and the biotechnology of the Sanctuary continent. I believe that the human race can quickly Develop.

At this point, the journey of the Azure Spirit Sword Sect was completed. With more than 20,000 people as the base, the blood of the entire Haogang Star Clan finally had a chance to continue.

After that, I started to pack my luggage in a rush. Fortunately, the monks didn’t have so much trouble to move. They only took out everything and equipment, and most of the things were just stuffed inside. Even the flowers, flowers, and grasses that were reluctant to throw away. It can be collected and taken away by the magic of Sumina mustard seeds. The people enter through the connecting passage and walk into the hall of the aircraft, but after all, it is also a medium-sized martial art with thousands of people. For more than a few hours, Meng Yuanqin waited and looked back at the towers, mountains and rivers of the Azure Spirit Sword Sect. His eyes were full of tears. Of course, they also understood that if it was really like what Bai Yu said, it would be another life. There was no chance to return to the gate of the Azure Spirit Sword Sect on Haogang Star.

Bai Yu said: "You don’t have to hurt your arms. The Azure Spirit Sword Sect does not exist because of any mountain or water. Where is the descendant of the Azure Spirit Sword Sect, where is the Azure Spirit Sword Sect. Actually, if my Haogang bloodline continues, To rejuvenate the human race, it is not impossible for you to re-establish the mountain gate. My Tiangongmen provides a great world. I only hope that you will not be asked to join the Tiangongmen because of the sect disputes. There is no intention of annexation. Now the total number of ordinary people, together. The number of newborns is less than 30,000, so I can't stand your toss."

At this time, the aircraft was flying in the air. Going to the next place, Bai Yu asked Er Yatou to control the aircraft, while he explained the situation to the Qingling Sword Sect and other small sects who were received in the aircraft.

Hearing what he said, the people didn’t know why, but with the addition of the Qingling Sword Sect, the tens of thousands of cultivators moved in their hearts. Indeed, as Bai Yu said, at this time, no one has the right to talk about sect disputes, and a whole world is formed. , What else is controversial? The struggle is also a matter of weak spiritual energy, aging of the world, and lack of resources. At that time, I have either already been promoted to immortality or I have already been promoted to immortality. What do you think about future generations? The latest chapter address of my dream can come true: dream can come true. Read the full text address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 568 Persuasion) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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