My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 592: Campbell's exquisite life

The Aipuli Plain is located in the eastern plate of the planet Rola, or the edge of the eastern continent. It is named after the **** of spring in the elven **** system. The Chamber of Commerce is 12217 kilometers away from the Aipuli Canyon. The reason is named after the **** of spring. It is because the four seasons are like spring, and there is the main priest temple of the **** of spring. In the words of the Yanhuang family, this is the official Taoist place, and the other places are just branch temples.

But this place has been completely occupied by the Chamber of Commerce forces, but after all, they are all under the Western gods and are in the same camp. Therefore, although the Chamber of Commerce has occupied the main priest temple of the Spring God, it will not directly burn the Spring God’s temple. It just controls The priests and priests of the God of Spring were escorted to the world where the Chamber of Commerce headquarters is under custody. Therefore, the four-member team consisting of Bai Yu, Kalida, Belkan, and Sidney did not encounter any danger after departure. Or, with the abilities of these few people, what major danger can there be if the boundary of the chamber of commerce is pushed through by the army of the Chamber of Commerce?

"Why don't we go to the temple of the Spring God in one go?" Sidney asked.

Bai Yu walked in front, when the Zibi Tianxing had been unsheathed, surrounded by Bai Yu, his sword opened the way.

"Because we are a private mission, this mission is not registered on the Chamber of Commerce platform. It flies in the sky. Within two days, everyone in the Chamber of Commerce will know everything. Therefore, we must avoid the route opened by the Chamber of Commerce during the battle. The mission must be kept secret!" Kalida said in a bad mood.

Now everyone’s chosen route has reached the depths of the jungle. There are so many mosquitoes that make people angry. Karida was bitten by mosquitoes with a bullae on her forehead, itching and painful. It has not disappeared for three hours. Going down, she naturally didn't get angry.

It was Bai Yu who saw that they were bitten by mosquitoes, and finally gave them a talisman to avoid the biting of mosquitoes.

"Why don't you tell me the content of the task? Just let me follow?" Sidney said dissatisfied.

"You can choose to go back. It is only more than two thousand kilometers away from the logistics department. You can arrive in at most an hour. Think about it, with petals, a warm hot bath, snow-white towels, fragrant fruit wine, and a soft bed. …Tsk tsk, why follow us out to suffer?" Campbell said, even when he came out to do a mission and travel through the jungle, he was wearing a snow-white gown. He has traveled for more than two thousand kilometers. This scumbag has a little bit on his gown. There are no wrinkles.

"Huh, I'm not someone who can't bear hardship, you let me go back? I don't want to go back! I want to see what the **** you guys are doing!" Sidney sneered.

At this time, it was almost noon, the leaves were so dense that even the sun could not get in, but the temperature was very sultry.

"My dear, would you like some juice with ice?" Campbell held a glass of fruit wine in his hand, as if attending a banquet. The rocks and fallen tree trunks under his feet didn't have any influence on him. It seems that this is the place. Banquet hall with red carpet.

"Call me my dear again, and I promise to stitch your mouth on with a needle." Kalida said coldly.

"Oh, no, no, no, you say that, it really makes me sad. On such a hot day, you should rehydrate in time so as not to harm your delicate skin." Campbell's tone was full of sadness.

"Give me a drink!" Sidney said with a rolling throat.

"No problem, as long as you pay 10 points, I will provide all the drinks along the way." Campbell said.

"I'm so poor that I don't know what to do, can I be in debt?" Sidney asked.

"Yes, you can just write down the notes, but you have to count 9 out of 13." Campbell nodded.

"Forget it." Sidney refused.

"Bai Yu, slow down a bit, my puppet servant can't keep up a bit." Campbell said to the Bai Yu who opened the way in front. At this time, Bai Yu had already thrown them far behind.

"Who told you to bring so many things!? We came out to do the task, not out for an outing! Look at you? Do you want to bring all the banquet halls?" Kalida sarcastically.

"Life must have a sense of ritual,, Karida, people always have to be a little rushing when they are alive, right? Exquisite life can improve people's cultivation, and a paladin like me should pay more attention to the cultivation of their own morals. Therefore, a high-quality life is essential, and this is also part of my practice!" Campbell explained.

"I don't think you can endure the hardship." Sidney pushed him.

"I don't understand your thinking very much. Why do I have to endure hardship if I can enjoy it? It's just a puppet. If it doesn't need to be kept secret, I would rather bring five chefs." Campbell argued.

"That's not enough to bring ten puppets. If it is a fighting puppet, I will bear it. What are you doing with ten puppets with cooking ability!?" Kalida finally broke out intolerably.

"Why do you think the space for storage rings is limited? I can't install them without installing anything else? Or do you think I will be the kind of nouveau riche who wears ten storage rings? Bring ten It's because each puppet only has one type of cuisine!" Campbell said aggrieved.

Bai Yu was very fortunate that he rushed to the front and opened the way. From the outside, the three people behind were constantly talking and attacking each other. Of course, it was Carita and Sidney who targeted Campbell.

Everyone is dressed according to the needs of wild adventures, and the things they bring are also related to long-term survival in the wild, but Campbell is carrying ten puppets, each carrying a large number of items on his body, and Kalida was about to collapse at that time. a feeling of.

Bai Yu was so confused by the three of them that he couldn't bear to rush forward to clear the way. In fact, he just wanted to be clean.

"Passing through this forest will officially enter the Spring God Plain. Can you work harder? The Spring God Plain can rain heavy rain at any time. We have to hurry up." Bai Yu couldn't help but turn around and said.

"Don't be afraid, it's a romantic thing to walk in the spring rain." Campbell replied.

"Can't stand you anymore! We only have seventeen days! We are not here for an outing! Are you romantic by yourself!" Kalida said angrily, took a few steps, and chased after the white feather that had pulled the crowd nearly two hundred meters away.

"Hey, don't go so fast! My puppet can't keep up!" Campbell said anxiously.

"Your puppet's ability to distinguish terrain is not good, let me see, tusk, it seems to be the ninth generation version... no wonder." Sidney looked closer and said.

"What do you know? I brought them because of their cooking ability! The old products are as good as the old ones, don't you know? And these ten puppets, you didn't see me being maintained like new ones? They were on sale from the beginning The 40 points are worth 1227 points! And one of them is a private customized version! The factory number is 0000077, and this number alone is worth 300 points! Forgive you for not knowing who used the number 0000077! What is more important than value-added? Since you are a nobleman, do you know how many points it costs to maintain them every time?" Campbell sneered.

Sidney is speechless. He is Rachel’s son. Although he is only an illegitimate child, he has never experienced poor life. Although Rachel will not give him too many points to spend time and wine, but the cost of food, clothing and training resources are all It’s the best to use it closely. I consciously think that the standard of living and quality are the best. But when doing adventure tasks, I use antiques worth 1227 to cook for myself. This is the first time I have seen this behavior. Let’s be honest. Yes, compared with Campbell, he feels like he's a poor man.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! On a puppet behind Campbell.

Sidney's face changed: "I saved you!"

Campbell's face changed: "Damn it! My Raymond! It's an elf remnant!"

Sidney pounced on the ground: "Who is Raymond? Get down!"

Campbell ignored him and hid behind a tree: "I won't do this kind of lost identity! Raymond is it! Damn it, sheet metal, shape repair, hole repair, sanding, polishing, and paint are all necessary. A lot of points!"

"You gave your puppet a name? You have a weird hobby! Have you found the enemy?" Sidney asked.

"Of course, they have served me for more than two hundred years! It's weird to have a name?" Campbell drank the fruit wine in one sip, put the glass away, and took out a round shield.

"Damn it, it must be the remnants of the elves! Did the people in the warhead grow up eating shit? The place so close to the headquarters was not cleaned up! I must complain to them!"

There was the sound of fighting from a distance, but it quickly subsided. It turned out that Bai Yu and Kalida rushed to the attacker and quickly subdued her...

"Let go of me! You bastards! You invaders!" A delicate voice yelled, speaking in elf language like singing. Although full of anger, it still seemed to be singing, but everyone took it. I have been familiar with drugs in various languages, so I can understand them all.

Sidney and Campbell looked at each other, and Sidney said, "Is it really an elf?"

In a few seconds, Bai Yu and Karida appeared in front of Sidney and Campbell. Bai Yu was carrying a little cat like a kitten. The elf girl came over. The elf girl looked eleven or twelve years old. , Struggling desperately, punching and kicking to attack Bai Yu, but she has short hands and short feet, being held in the air, unable to make any effort, and unable to hit Bai Yu at all.

"The murderer has been found, it's this...little guy!" Bai Yu put the elf **** the ground.

"You're a little guy! You short-lived species! I'm already one hundred and sixteen years old!" The lingjing girl said angrily, her pointed ears moving.

Bai Yu squatted down and told me, "Who are you? Why are you attacking us? Is anyone instructing you?"

Campbell also walked over, stood beside Bai Yu, and said, "Little things, you are on the verge of trouble. Your arrow is worth at least 600 points. It seems that you can only make up for it by selling you to someone else as a slave. Now."My dream can come true, the latest chapter address: .htmlMy dream can come true Full text reading address: My dream can come true txt download link: dream can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 592 Campbell’s Exquisite Life). Record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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