My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 600: The Return of the Supreme God

Bai Yu then understood why Kalida was so secretive about her affairs before. Listening to what she said, it should be that their team broke into the world occupied by Cthulhu while performing the mission, and then the whole team was taken by Cthulhu. Lu chases and kills, even confuses the team members, and kills each other. As a medical doctor, Kalida had to personally end the lives of these unfortunate companions. In the end, only she and Campbell survived, so she has always been Full of guilt, I always hope to resurrect my companion.

In order to be able to resurrect these companions herself, she is probably willing to believe the misty legend and strive to accumulate points.

In the past six months, Kalida and Bai Yu faced each other day and night, and naturally gradually relieved their guard, and truly regarded him as a companion, so they frankly presented the last of their two biggest secrets to Bai Yu. .

Bai Yu silently hummed for a while before saying: "Don't think so much. It's not your fault. The fault is Cthulhu. They brought destruction and death. Without you, there would be other teams. Being sent to that world, and encountering the same things as you, fighting and dying... This is just a microcosm of the time when Cthulhu invaded the human world since the emergence of Cthulhu."

"It's really not my fault?" Kalida raised her head.

Bai Yu nodded heavily: "Apriel is not far away...Have you ever thought about how to get in?"

Kalida cleared up her mood: "I have a treasure that can conceal my breath of returning to the ancient elves, but it's useless just like this, how can we enter the temple?"

Bai Yu was surprised: "You actually have such a treasure?"

Carita sighed: "If there is really no way, how can I go crazy with you? This is after I retired from the battlefield in exchange for something called a'performer'. For a long period of time, it simulates the breath of various creatures. As long as it is not noticed by the gods, it will not be discovered. I once used this thing to return to the world of Rora and peeked at my parents once."

"How long do you mean by not long?" Bai Yu asked.

"About two to three hours," Kalida replied.

Bai Yu thought for a while: "In fact, some time ago, I had already felt it. If I can reach the temple, I will definitely be able to enter. This it effective for anyone? Can I use it?"

"It works for anyone." Kalida nodded.

Bai Yu: "I guess, as the most important holy city, Apurel must have all kinds of magic circles to prevent invasion, so the possibility of us sneaking in from the underground is extremely low. On the contrary, as long as the identity is difficult to pass, we will definitely be able to mix. Into the holy city."

Carita said: "However, there is only one ‘performer’, and we can’t get in between the two."

Bai Yu said: "So, I have a plan."

Carita asked, "What are you going to do?"


The holy city April is built on the roots of the World Tree. Here, the roots of the World Tree are intertwined and weave a space. The elves are born in the space protected by the roots. Here, you can see the World Tree when you look up. The bottom of the sky, like the sky dome, the highest place reaches nearly one kilometer, and the shortest place is only more than two hundred meters high.

In this space protected by the World Tree, from ancient times to the present, the elves slowly built the city of April, which became a holy land for all elves, because the temple of the Supreme God Stephanie was built in In this city, although the Supreme God has not known how long it has not manifested a miracle, countless elves still come to Appreel for pilgrimage every day.

Triste knelt in the highest temple of Stephanie. The statue of Stephanie looked no different from ordinary elves. It was difficult to distinguish between men and women, but it was suffocatingly beautiful and more inclined to women.

All the elves living in Apriel are staunch supporters of the ancient gods faction. They firmly believe that the power of the gods is just because of the sleep of Stephanie and several other gods. A group of unworthy gods took the opportunity to occupy the blank of the gods, and they were able to develop. The gods of the ancient gods were recognized by Stephanie, and they were granted priesthood and authority. The gods of the current gods The less advanced gods, the priesthood and the position obtained, are not legal.

Although the modern gods (modern gods) are not very popular with the ancient gods, they are gradually accepted by the elves because of the general trend. But from the bones, from the saints to every elves living in the city, Basically, for the gods of the current gods, they have an attitude of not serving, not believing, and not opposing. Although the main gods of the current gods and the priests under the gods hate them, they dare not openly. With the slogan of overthrowing this batch of elves in Apurel, the elves were actually split into two factions of the ancient gods and the current gods.

The sphere of influence of the ancient gods ends at Apurel, occupying great righteousness and reputation. It can be called orthodox, but the power is weak. The sphere of influence of the ancient gods covers all the planets in the Rola world, but because of Stephanie They are the creators of the elves, and they can't be wiped out. Therefore, they can only fight for believers with the ancient gods within a limited range of conflicts.

From a doctrinal point of view, there is not much difference between the doctrines of the ancient gods and the current gods. However, in the gods' genealogy, the ancient gods insisted on only believing in and worshipping the known ancient gods, while the current gods are the opposite, even greater. The praise of the present-day gods of the gods is the importance and achievements of the development of the elves.

In the case of elves, where the religion and state are united, the split of elves’ beliefs is nothing more than a dispute caused by the loss of balance in the distribution of benefits. The elves of the ancient gods pray day and night for the reappearance of the gods they believe in to save the fallen beliefs of the elves. The elves of the current gods hope that everyone will look forward and strive to achieve the revival of the elves. Strictly speaking, there is nothing wrong with the two. The ancient gods do not forget the beginning, and the current gods look forward to the future.

However, the stubbornness and arrogance of the elves ruined all of this, leading to the split of the elves’ beliefs, and the weakening of the elves. Since more than 100,000 years ago, no elves have ignited the fire and condensed the gods to become the new elves. Gods.

From the perspective of human psychology, the elven race is actually a race with serious mental illnesses. In summary, it is stinky, unrealistic, unnecessary stubborn, arrogant, xenophobic, and indifference to the ancients, but it doesn’t help the elves’ appearance. It’s really high, so these bad problems don’t seem to be unacceptable. What's more, the elves do have good achievements in carving, painting, music and other arts. These bad problems have become similar to the characteristics of lonely self-admiration, but in fact , And the dwarves who fell in love with the elves and killed them for not knowing how many years have the most say:

"Pointy ears are just a bunch of spoiled children."

Even Tiehanhan, who has a hot temper and a straight-forward character like a dwarf, has nothing to do with the arrogance of the elves. The elves are really bad-tempered.

Stephanie’s idol is listed in the main position. His left hand is a little lower, and there is a **** of the sky. The **** of the sky, Brigett, is more male in appearance, and the **** of the earth, the **** of the earth, is standing on the right hand. Deli is obviously inclined to women. Under these two deities, a series of deities Sunlight, Moonlight, Starlight, Wind, Rain, Thor, Forest God, and Art are arranged along the walls on both sides. There are more than ten main gods such as gods. As for the subordinate gods of these main gods, they are arranged in the side halls formed by the main temples next to them.

Praying to the Supreme God Stephanie is the work and instinct of the saint Triste day after day. Her work will be handed over to the new saint after she resigns. On the day of her imperial appointment, it is hers. The day of death.

The selection of the saint will be appointed by the previous saint before the death. The reincarnated person will be born within half an hour after the death of the previous saint. Bai Yu heard that this method of inheritance once secretly thought about it, but it is somewhat like the reincarnation of the Tibetan Buddha The way.

The saint is basically the spokesperson of the supreme **** in April. What's more peculiar is that every saint at the peak of her appearance will tend to become closer and closer to the face of Stephanie’s idol. One exception, therefore, this also made the elves of the ancient gods sure that the Holy God never stayed away. He is still paying attention to the elves, but the split of the elves has hurt his soul, so he does not want to appear. miracle.

Today’s Triste, as in the past, chanted a large part of the ancient gods doctrine, praised the ancient gods, and then prayed to the vast emptiness, hoping that the supreme and great existence bowed down with pity and pity. The believers in the dust report to the great beings about the attacks and battles in the elven world, and ask the gods to manifest miracles to expel alien invaders.

Halfway through the process, Triste suddenly felt the light and shadow shaking in the entire hall. She involuntarily raised her beautiful face. The wooden dome of the hall saw a beam of golden sky light falling on the statue of Stephanie. , The unspeakable fragrance lingered on Triste’s nose, and the sound of harp, flute, and chorus of unknown people came from her ears, and Triste’s eyes were full of tears, she Understand the repeated lyrics:

"High! High! High!"

It has been hundreds of thousands of years since the Supreme God Stephanie lost his response. This is such a long time, and the gods he believes in have responded. This is a miracle!

"The highest! The highest! The highest!" Amidst the singing, a faint thought came, and Triste received it.

There were dense footsteps from outside the temple, and a large number of **** servants, supreme priests, and paladins rushed in from outside the temple, seeing the bright beam of light, hearing the sacred and magnificent chanting, and knelt down one after another.

A quaint and gentle majesty swept across the entire April.

"Miracles! The great Supreme God did not abandon us!"

"Great God, you finally set your sights on us insignificant beings!"

The entire elves of Appreel felt this mighty power, and knelt down in the direction of the Supreme Temple.

"The Supreme God! Back! The Supreme God!"

Every elves in April shed tears, and this sentence echoed in his heart. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 600 Return of the Supreme God), next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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