My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 716: Broken protective cover

In Ditterson City, the situation is very urgent.

"Arrange for the evacuation of people to other cities." Kostu said lightly, looking at the densely packed evil creatures outside the protective shield, and Cthulhu who followed behind.

"My lord, can't you keep it? Can you let other cities support it?" the guardian asked desperately.

"It doesn't make much sense to come, we were abandoned." Kostu replied, staring at the shaky protective shield.

"This is already a Jedi, no matter how many resources are added in, it is useless. Therefore, the above decision is estimated to be abandoning. Or, what is the four people sending some resources in front?" Kostu sighed.

"No, if we retreat and then retreat, there will be no retreat. Fighting Cthulhu will always be so collapsed. How many retreats do we have? Shouldn't they be blocked in a certain world? Isn't it just right here? Is it? Maybe the high-levels are... mobilizing the army?" The Guardian guard muttered.

"Those... the team that sent the resources? They must know something! Hehe, they are outside the city, and now there are no living people outside the city... They are also abandoned..." The guardian **** remembered something, But immediately he gave the answer by himself.

He cheered up, bent his right arm and patted his left chest twice to show respect. This is Palani's military salute: "My lord, it is an honor to serve you over the years. I will arrange for the civilians to retreat first."

Kostu also patted his left chest twice in return.

Watching him leave, Kostu looked up at the protective shield. Those Cthulhus were still more than fifty meters away from the protective shield. At this time, the protective shields were about to disappear. There was no shortage of sacred stones, but the biggest problem was not counting. The damage caused by the collision of countless snakes, rats, insects, ants and other animals is no longer the protective cover. It is conceivable that as long as those Cthulhu move to the protective cover, they may only need to pierce or tap their tentacles. , The entire protective cover will collapse.

He called another guard: "Notify all soldiers outside the city to return to the city."

The guard was startled: "My lord, cannon fodder..."

Costeur said sharply: "What cannon fodder is there now? We are all cannon fodder! Let them in! They shouldn't be abandoned! At least they shouldn't be abandoned by us!"

Guard: "..."

Kostu's voice softened: "Go, before you die, don't let the monsters outside read the jokes. Our human race will not use the same race as a shield. At most, we will die."

The guard's throat choked a little: "Yes! Big...human!"

"How is the condition of the magic cannon?" Kostu continued to ask.

A guard in charge replied: "My lord, most of the forts have stopped, and the magic circuit can no longer be loaded."

"Fill the energy supply parts of these forts...fill them with sacred stones, and when the shield is broken, Cthulhu will approach the city wall and be killed!" Kostu said.

"My lord! Can we evacuate? It's not worth dying here in vain!" the guard said anxiously.

"Where to withdraw?" Kostu asked.

The guards were speechless.

"Other cities? The entire world is occupied by Cthulhu. Almost all Cthulhus in this world are concentrated in Dickson. Which city we go to and which city is the next Dickson, even if we escape, What's the point? It's better to solve a few here and execute the order." Kostu said lightly.


"Bai Yu, what shall we do next?" The four wilds are silent. All creatures, but those who are not in the city with a protective cover, have been demonized by Cthulhu. All these demonized creatures are going to attack Ditterson. Now The whole world is like a ghost field under the background of the black hideous plants.

Bai Yu glanced at Lowell, who was transformed into a baby chicken, still in the egg.

"Wait for the captain to complete the breakthrough, the human city still has to be saved."

Anthony lost his voice: "Save? We...the five of us, how can we ask for it? Even if the captain breaks through the realm of gods, it is not a realm of stabilization. Can't kill those Cthulhu from the realm of gods?"

Alise also whispered in a low voice: "Baiyu, your weapon is very strong, but it is not a few dozen Cthulhu, but a few hundred...we don't have a chance."

Bai Yu shook his head and said, "Guess, can we leave the path we came in? If we don't have a chance to leave, we must find a way to protect ourselves. We must save those cities. If there is no base, how long can we escape?"

Anthony knew that what Bai Yu said was true, but it was human nature to hope that he could live longer than others when faced with danger. Anthony and Alise also made the same mistake.

"I listen to the captain, but the captain will definitely not agree to just flee like this." Babray said in a murmur.

"Look, you guys are not as clear as Babel." Bai Yu said with a light smile.


"What sound?" Alise jumped up.


Everyone turned their eyes to the golden egg.

"The captain is hatched!" Arise cheered, and then quickly covered her mouth.

"I'm not a bird egg! Alise, you... don't talk nonsense!"

With a click, the golden egg was hit with a gap, a fist was stretched out from the gap, and Lowell's voice came from the gap.

"Captain, did you hear that? Hey?" Alise laughed dryly.

"I heard it all! Bai Yu said rightly, we must save as many people as possible... Maybe I was too loud, but at least try to reduce the pressure of being attacked for the city." Lovell said.

"Oh, you are the captain, let's listen to you, after all, even if you die, everyone should die together." Anthony sighed.

"It's not that serious, I have prepared new weapons for everyone."

Bai Yu made a lot of Xie Xie Crossbows, and it was just one of the more general ones for Anthony, because these four people really didn't know the details, but after separating their performance before, Bai Yu felt that they were still quite satisfied.

After the Zhuxie Liannu was manufactured, a large part of it was only whiteboard equipment, without the blessing of runes. By this time, Bai Yu had reached the realm of Taiyi True Immortal, and Liannu’s attack power had more than doubled. Lingshi... …When he found the Redstone Clan, although he was only in the desolate area of ​​the border, he couldn't help being alone. Many mineral veins of the fairy stone were discovered, and he did not carefully count how many fairy stones there were.

"Let's go, we are heading towards Dickson City, and don't know what the state of Dickson City is now."


"My lord, the soldiers outside the city have already withdrawn." The guardian returned to the tower and returned to Kostu.

"Very well, Tikka is arranging the evacuation of the people. You can help him. These ordinary people are not worrying. After teleporting to Fadia City, you will follow along and help Tikka settle down. After all, they are the people of Ditterson, so I'm afraid that Alpha won't give this face." Kostu said after listening.

"I'll be where you are. I won't go to Fadia." The guardian shook his head.

Costu was silent for a while: "Colin, this is my order."

The guardian took off his chest badge: "Please allow me to disobey, you can treat me as a deserter."

Kostu laughed: "You kid, to stay in order to resist orders, would you rather be a deserter?"

Colin sighed: "We Ditterson has a shameless city lord, and when we heard some news, we immediately fled to other worlds. Of course, there is no shortage of military chiefs who rest with the city. If there are not many military chiefs around A subordinate who is willing to live and die together... Our God Realm is too desperate."

Kostu shook his head: "You are still young and have a lot of time to improve yourself. I want to leave some seeds for our human race. Human race needs blood. Bloody men are all dead on the battlefield. Who will protect the gods? World?"

Colin also shook his head and said, "My lord, if I go back, I will be a deserter, Colin, who is not bloodless. My lord will become the eternal star in the sky. How can the lord star not emit a few glimmers next to him? Where’s the little star? My lord will allow me to die with you."

Kostu: "Go to the arsenal and distribute all the high-concentration holy water on the four walls. I can't tell if it can be used up... Don't dilute it, mix it with fire oil, burn those... Tika, how do you get back? Up?"

Tika: "My lord, I'll return to my life after completing the task! My lord, don't drive me away. I'm a little man. No one will listen to me when I get to Fadia. Ordinary people... Am I fighting for them to have fish and meat?"

Costue: "You..."

Tikka said: "My lord, Ditterson's entire planet has been sealed by Cthulhu. If you want to escape, there is nowhere to escape. What's the point of living for a few days? Instead of staying with the mediocre people to die together, it's better to help you. Kill a few more Cthulhus."

Kostu sighed: "How many more kills? You look down on me too much, I hope you have this opportunity... The shield... is almost broken."

Hearing what he said, the crowd turned their eyes to the shield. The evil animals that flooded like a tide were blocked by the invisible shield. The evil animals behind were squeezed forward desperately, and some of the evil animals had been squeezed alive. The dead, and some of the living, are also desperately biting the invisible shield. These demonized animals stepped on the demonized animals below to climb up, piled higher and higher, like a fixed wave, getting higher and higher but Never left.

"Close the city gate, the magician will strengthen the city gate soon!"

"Water Mage! City walls and ground! All over the water! Let the Ice Mage freeze the ice on the ground and walls!"

"There are still capable men among the soldiers coming up from the new barracks!" Kosturki said when he heard the commanding voice from the soldiers in the new barracks who had just returned.

"It seems that these veterans are in command. These veterans who can survive on various battlefields are all called elites. Unfortunately, they are only temporarily recruited. If they can survive and break through from the upper realm on their own, they should all be A good achievement." Colin replied.

"Haha, elite?" Coaster sneered, and finally resisted not spraying the high-level human race with harsh words.

Thinking of the past hundreds of thousands of years, all of the future elites of the human races of the world have been used as cannon fodder, everyone is silent.

"The guard... guard... broke down!" Suddenly there was an uproar on the wall, and someone shouted in a crying voice.

Without the protective shield, the city’s walls will directly face the enemy’s attack. The evil flying beasts and birds in the sky can drive straight into the sky. The defense will be zero casualties, and it will jump to hell-level difficulty in an instant. The difficulty of calculating the death toll has increased by more than a hundred thousand times.

The demonized animals that had been piled up to a height of four or five meters suddenly lost the invisible support of the protective shield and collapsed. However, amid the screams and wailing, these demonized animals were still blood-red and rushed towards the city wall. The protective cover is about 150 meters away from the city wall. It has been sprinkled with water and then frozen and becomes extremely slippery. These evil animals slipped on the ice one after another, and their inertia caused them to fall directly into the moat. Here, the water in the moat had already been released. At this time, sharp wooden stakes were erected. A large number of evil animals could not hold their feet. They fell and pierced their bodies. After a while, the entire moat was covered. They were all filled up, and a faint wailing sound could be heard from the bottom layer.

But this is also good for the siege party. Under the city wall, there is nothing to stop the charge of evil animals in Ma Pingchuan. The intensive impact sounded, and the city wall was as majestic as before, but there was a large amount of ice splashing.

"If it were not for Cthulhu, these demonized animals would not be able to break through this city wall if they came one hundred times, one thousand times, or ten thousand times. Although it was just a wall built by an earth magician in three days, it was not like this. Mere animals can break it." Kostu's face was completely unwilling.

A large number of Cthulhus slowly approached the city wall surrounded by evil animals. These are just god-level Cthulhus...

As long as there are other gods in the city, not too many, there are...five to six, there can be one on each city wall, and two more travel to support...

It's a pity that although there are so many people from the **** level in the God Realm, but every time you need it most, you can't find it. What are the top people thinking?

At present, in Ditterson City, there is still only one middle-level **** from the gods, that is, he has been desperately, at most three or four Cthulhu, and the same level Cthulhu can't make a move...

"Fire-breathing oil!" A small boss is directing the battle.

Four or five strands of fire oil like a water dragon sprayed out and fell on the evil animals, and suddenly bursts of blue smoke rose up, and the evil animals screamed, because the fire oil had already been mixed with high concentration. Holy water, these holy water brought great pain to evil animals, and immediately some magicians played low-level magic such as fireballs.


Everyone felt that their faces were hot, and the flames rose into the sky, mixed with a milky white halo. That was the effect of the holy water being volatilized. Under the moxibustion of the fierce fire, the holy water evaporated quickly. These high-concentration holy waters, Spreading out in mist, even the Cthulhus who were marching stagnated for a while.

There was a burnt under the city wall, but the faces of all the soldiers were full of pride. No matter how many demonic animals you have, you will never want to break through the city wall! My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 716 Protective Shield Break) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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