My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 782: Comprehension revisionism

"How to disperse Qiu Ling's cultivation base?"

Old Jin Xian Hong Miao twirled his beard and said: "The easiest way is to break the three dantians."

Bai Yu hesitated for a while and said, "Father, what are the hidden dangers?"

After all, he was his precious apprentice, and Bai Yu couldn't do anything about it.

Hong Miaozi said: "There won't be any hidden dangers, it's just that when you disperse your cultivation, you will have great pain."

Don't look at Bai Yu's cruel expression when Yin Qiuling acted like a baby, but at this time he began to feel heartache for his apprentice.

"Does fellow Daoist have any way to make it less painful?"

Hong Miaozi said: "Of course, her middle dantian and lower dantian are sealed...but listening to your statement, you must not have the cultivation base in the recasting of the flesh in your door, and the seal also has the cultivation base, I am afraid it is wrong."

Yin Qiuling boldly said: "Master, I am not afraid of pain!"

Bai Yu turned to look at her: "It really hurts terribly."

Yin Qiuling said, "Master, don't worry, I will hold it back!"

Bai Yu said: "Friends, it's better for you to do it. You have a deep cultivation base, and you should be more stable."

Hong Miaozi nodded: "Qiu Ling, I can do it!"

Yin Qiuling nodded, Hong Miaozi pointed out two points in succession, two bright lights flew out, one was printed on Yin Qiuling's chest, one flew towards her lower abdomen, she snorted, but Hong Miaozi opened up the power of the fairy spirit to protect it. She, in order to prevent her from being contacted by the immortal power from the outside world, the immortal power here is extremely high pressure for ordinary people who do not have the innate power to protect the body, and the spiritual pressure at that moment is enough to burst her.

Yin Qiuling bit her lower lip and trembled all over. To the monk, the pain of breaking the middle dantian and lower dantian was like death once.

Bai Yu said: "Qiu Ling hold on!"

At this time, he could only encourage her.

Yin Qiuling's face was pale, and she nodded tremblingly.

The pain came extremely violently. Finally, Yin Qiuling fell softly to the ground, as if she had no bones. After losing her cultivation base, in the immortal world, losing her cultivation base was to restore her body to a mortal womb. She only felt that her body was heavier than a mountain. I can't move a finger.

Bai Yu didn't dare to move her at this time, Yin Qiuling's state was now as fragile as a glass doll.

Bai Yu carried her into the room and lay flat in the water tank that had already been prepared for her.

"Qiu Ling, are you still sober?" Bai Yu asked.

Yin Qiuling responded in a low voice.

Bai Yu said: "You take this pill, it will be activated in about half a moment, and I will bring Minglian over."

Yin Qiuling whispered: "Master, don't leave."

Bai Yu said: "You are a girl after all. Master is inconvenient to guard you like this. You still have to come to Minglian. You take the medicine first."

Yin Qiuling nodded slightly, Bai Yu took out the third change pill and placed it on Yin Qiuling's lips. She opened her mouth slightly, and the pill fell.

Bai Yu said warmly: "You will raise your gods for a while, I will bring Minglian."

At this time, Yin Qiuling lost all his skills, and felt the extreme insecurity in his heart, extremely scared, and said, "Master, come back soon, I'm afraid."

Bai Yu nodded, stepped out, and said to Hong Miaozi: "I have to trouble fellow Taoist to take care of my apprentice."

Hong Miaozi nodded readily and said: "You can rest assured that fellow daoists, with me, your apprentice can't get into trouble."

Bai Yu thanked him for leaving, from the teleportation formation to Danxiangzhai.

"Uncle Zhu, it's me."

Feeling a divine mind swept, Uncle Zhu found that someone had suddenly moved the teleportation array, and he was relieved when he received a message from Baiyu’s divine mind.

"Mr. Bai is doing anything?"

"I'll take Minglian to Xiaodongfu." Bai Yu said.

"But Miss...?" Uncle Zhu said nervously.

Bai Yu nodded and said: "Exactly, I have already begun to recast Qiuling's body. Although she is young, she is also a little girl. It is not convenient for me to take care of her."

The sound of footsteps has been heard from the outside, Bai Yu heard the light footsteps, it should be Minglian, and Uncle Zhu said: "Mr. Bai, be sure to... take care of the young lady."

Bai Yu said, "She is my apprentice. I must take care of her. Uncle Zhu, don't worry."

Ming Lian walked to Bai Yu and said uneasy: "Mr. Bai, what can I do for you?"

Bai Yu said, "Follow me to Xiaodongfu and take care of Qiuling."

After speaking, she had entered the teleportation formation, and Ming Lian was worried, and then walked into the teleportation formation. In front of her, Yihua had reached the small cave mansion hanging peak, but there was a low cry of pain in her ears.

Minglian said nervously, "What's wrong with Miss?"

Bai Yu said: "I want to restart the path for Qiuling, so I must give up my work and recast the body. Now it should be the medicinal power, don't panic when you go in..."

Ming Lian walked into the room seemingly understanding, a big smell of blood came through the room, and she almost screamed.

Bai Yu said: "Qiu Ling, you must hold back the pain and don't faint!"

At this time, Yin Qiuling "layed" in the water tank made by Bai Yu according to the big bathtub, and replied lowly: "Master, don't worry, I can bear it."

It is said to be "lying", because now she has been soaked in the tank by the blood flowing out of her body, and it can be seen that she is now covered in blood and blood, and she has skin peeled off.

Ming Lian trembled: "Mr. Bai, is it really important?"

Bai Yu said: "It doesn't matter, it is very painful when recasting. Please talk to the young lady and don't let her faint."

Minglian replied: "Okay, Mr. Bai, I will speak with Miss... Miss, are you okay?"

Yin Qiuling gritted his teeth and said with a trembled: "You'll know if you come to try..."

Minglian shuddered and said, "Forget it, miss, I'm afraid it hurts a lot."

Yin Qiuling smiled and said: "Then you are really useless!"

Ming Lian said: "Yes, miss, why don't I tell you about the recent business in the fast?"

Yin Qiuling took a careful breath: "Whoever listens patiently to those things, you can talk about other things."

Ming Lian said: "Then...Miss is not at home recently, so Uncle Zhu misses you so hard..."

Yin Qiuling said, "I also miss Uncle Zhu...Is there anything else fun? I remembered, didn't the second Dong Dong say anything to marry you?"

Ming Lian said shyly: "Cut, a little fairy, I don't bother to care about him!"

Yin Qiuling gritted his teeth and said: "You lied to me. Before I left, I saw you and his eyebrows."

Ming Lian quickly denied it three times: "I don't! I am not! I don't care about him!"

Yin Qiuling has gradually melted away, and his words have begun to be vague: "Don't coax me, I know you still hate him, how about it, do you want to promise him? Or invite him in?"

Minglian's face was pale and said: "Miss, are you okay, do you want to... I'll sing for you?"

Yin Qiuling's nose and mouth were already soaked in his own blood: "Forget it... I will lose my life if you sing!"

Minglian was ashamed and scared: "Miss, are you okay?"

Yin Qiuling was so painful that his "whole body" was burned into a pool of flesh and blood. Although his consciousness was still there, he had lost all the feelings beside him.

At this moment, a voice intervened: "Qiu Ling, hold on for a while, wait for the medicinal power to mix with flesh and blood, and give birth to innate aura, you can cast the Taoist body! The pain at this time will also be an important gain for you!"

The blood in the tank slowly decreases.

Those flesh and blood slowly gathered and turned into a ball of flesh!

It is like turning insects into cocoons and then turning butterflies into cocoons.

All the blood was sucked in by the **** fleshy cocoon, and a translucent film slowly formed on the fleshy cocoon.

Although Bai Yu was outside, he also focused on the room with his divine mind, but it was not convenient to be there when he broke the cocoon.

Bai Yu said: "Autumn Spirit, you have become a cocoon of flesh and blood. It is exactly the same as I thought. You can break out of the cocoon only after completing the three changes! In the cocoon, the medicine power will resonate with the spirit of the fairy and give birth to innate aura , The more you absorb these innate auras, the greater your future achievements will be!"

The original silent meat cocoon throbbed like a heartbeat a few times, as if responding to Bai Yu.

Bai Yu carefully observed the situation of the meat cocoon with his spiritual thoughts, and suddenly a smile of joy appeared on his face: "Friends, don't need to protect her, you have already given birth to innate aura!"

Hong Miaozi sighed: "The Taoist alchemy is really...horrible, it can actually do this step..."

With that said, his eyes were full of incredible expressions.

Bai Yu said: "If you want to change your fate, it is naturally impossible to be as gentle as a treat and gift. Without blood and gore, how can you have a ray of life!"

Hong Miaozi shook his head: "Although this is the case, I am really shocked by the poor Dao."

Bai Yu said proudly: "Although my Tiangong Qiqiao Gate is only the inheritance of the lower realm, I am not weaker than the inheritance of your mighty powers in the lower realm."

Hong Miaozi nodded and said: "Sure enough, it is well-deserved. I think it is too vulgar for your pill to be called a Sanhuan pill. You should change your name."

Bai Yu nodded and said, "I always don't like naming, can fellow Taoists have suggestions?"

Hong Miaozi said: "It seems that after taking this medicine, it is like rebirth. Why should it be called birth and death reincarnation pill? The word cast is concealed, and it is considered blank, rebirth has the meaning of rebirth..."

Bai Yu complied with kindness, nodded and said, "According to what fellow Taoists said, this pill will be called birth and death reincarnation pill in the future."

Hong Miaozi sighed: "Even if you don't practice the inheritance of Taoists, the Tao will be born again, and with innate aura, tsk tsk, this aptitude is not a good way."

Bai Yu nodded and said, "I estimate that Qiuling will be able to climb into the fairyland in four to five years."

Suddenly, Bai Yu's complexion changed, and he rushed into the room, holding the tactics, and imaginary paintings in the air, forming a talisman and landing, forming a pure heart and solid soul formation.

It turned out that Bai Yu felt in his divine mind that Yin Qiuling's soul was almost in danger of coming out of the cocoon because of his pain. At this time, the formation was laid, and Yin Qiuling's soul was finally stabilized.

Bai Yu looked at Meat Cocoon and said: "Qiu Ling, hold on for a while, wait until the physical body remodeling is completed, and you're done, you have to bear it now!"

The cocoon fluttered twice, and it was probably Yin Qiuling who said he knew it.

Bai Yu's spiritual thought swept away, and in the cocoon, an unformed fetal body was immersed in the liquid mixed with blood and pill, and it was growing at a weak speed.

The pill that Bai Yu made this time has absorbed some biochemical things. The drug caused the gene to collapse. The pill kept his soul and formed the artificial child palace with his own body. The blood in the pill became After the introduction, he slowly grows in this flesh-making palace, and finally absorbs the essence of the flesh, discards the dross, and forms a new flesh.

Because it is his own flesh and blood, it is naturally impossible to have any rejection, and it can be said to be very safe.

Ming Lian said: "Mr. Bai, what can I do?"

Bai Yu said, "After Qiu Ling has finished recasting her body, you will have to help her out and change her clothes. I am a stinky man and it is not convenient to do this."

Ming Lian suddenly realized: "Understood, Mr. Bai, here is my own lady looking at me, if you have anything to do, go ahead and do it!"

Bai Yu shook his head: "I need to guard Qiuling, in case something is wrong, I will take action in time."

Hong Miaozi said: "About how long will this situation last?"

Bai Yu thought for a while: "Fast is three to five days, slow is nine days, but at most it will not exceed nine days."

Hong Miaozi smiled and said: "I thought that fellow Taoist would let Qiu Ling stay in it for a long time."

Bai Yu laughed and said: "Then I should put some more precious metals in, light the pill fire, and see if I can make a baby."

Hong Miaozi said again: "Isn't Qiuling just a big baby? It's estimated that her aptitude... Tsk tsk, Poor Dao drools when she thinks of it, fellow Daoist, can I talk to you?"

Bai Yu said vigilantly: "What are you doing?"

Hong Miaozi said, "Could you let Qiu Ling be a disciple with me? I want to preach her Zhendao."

Bai Yu just relaxed now. He didn't have any opinion on the family. It would be a good thing to have an apprentice who could be worthy of his own apprenticeship.

"Yes, all monks in the world are pursuing purity, but my natural craftsmanship requires completeness and knowledge. She can cultivate into a fairyland in four or five years. She is afraid that she has no time to study sample things well? Hehe, other monks are the ones who can cultivate into a fairyland in four or five years. The more I learn, the more stupid I become, but the more I learn, the stronger I become!" Bai Yu said proudly.

Hong Miaozi wondered: "If you want to be skilled, you must be specialized, so it's called specialized. Why is the more complex you learn but the stronger it is?"

Bai Yu said: "Many, it doesn't mean miscellaneous. The miscellaneous is chaotic, and it is not a system. Tiangong Qiqiao is to learn the same and set up the same system. The monks of other families do not save it, follow the picture to find out, swallow the date, know it, but don't know why it is; My Tiangong Qiqiao Gate not only needs to know why, but also why, so the more thorough and in-depth research, there will be the possibility of linkage between these systems, so we can strengthen it."

Hong Miaozi thought for a long time, nodded and said: "I have been taught... Listening to the words of a fellow daoist is better than me thinking for hundreds of years."

The monk is so contradictory. He wants to go against the sky, but he is very willing to obey the rules of the sky and the earth. To put it bluntly, he is a little thief between the sky and the earth, sneaking a little oil from the sky and the earth. The saint is different, and he simply deceived the sky and the earth: you see , I’m your own person, I can’t eat too much, right?

It is precisely because of this that there is a saying that the saint is immortal and the thieves do not stop. The saint is the soul of the void, and it is integrated with this world. It is equivalent to the anti-thief being recruited and can eat the oil and water of the system with integrity.

Therefore, the cultivator is actually a kind of "revisionism" that most monks have planned to surrender to the heavens. The ultimate goal of all monks is to become holy. The so-called saints are holding the banner of heaven, but in the end they obeyed this scene. Tiandi, to become a coordinator of this world, isn't it just being recruited? My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Collection\" below to record the reading record of this (Chapter 782 Correctionism), next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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