My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 92: Aftermath

Three days later.

The adjutant reports to Stanney.

"General, the girl still didn't wake up, but the doctor said that her injury was not that serious. The reason for her drowsiness was more likely to be overwhelmed, so her subconscious made her reluctant to wake up."

"You mean: never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep?" The wound on Stanney's face has begun to heal, but at the beginning, after the crust was melted, the needle was re-sewn, the sour taste, Shi Danny now remembered that the muscles on his face would jump, and at this moment, the wound turned into an ugly centipede crawling on his face.

"According to the doctor, she didn't pretend to sleep, but she did not wake up..."

There was a knock on the door: "Report, General, that girl is awake."

The front foot reported that he didn't wake up, but the back foot woke up, and the adjutant was very embarrassed.

"Get her confession right away!"

"Yes! General!"


Luqiu Hanyan's aunt's eyes were a little red.

"Thank you, thank the motherland for your concern."

"Yes, the citizens of Xia State, we should help when encountering such things abroad."

Hearing that Lu Qiu Hanyan was kidnapped, the embassy immediately called Lu Qiu Hanyan's aunt. Later, when someone called the police and found Lu Qiu Hanyan, she was rescued and sent to the hospital. The embassy has always maintained a high degree of attention.

Now Lu Qiu Hanyan woke up, the military attache of the Chinese Embassy immediately led people to the hospital.

At this moment, the entourage of the embassy walked over and said a few words in his ear. His face immediately changed, implying anger: "Unreasonable to make trouble!"

Several Westerners in suits and leather shoes appeared at the door of the ward.

The leader of them stepped forward: "Lu Qiu Hanyan, there is a criminal case that requires your assistance in the investigation."

Lu Qiu Hanyan's face was pale, and she didn't make a sound, turning her eyes on her aunt for help.

"Sorry, my niece is sick now, it is not convenient to accept your investigation."

"Xia Guo woman, we suspect that your niece has stolen a lot of secrets with overseas terrorists, and hope you will cooperate!"

"Wait, who are you?" the military attache asked with a calm face.

"Who are you?" the leader asked arrogantly.

"I am Feng Yisang, the second-class military attache of Xia Guo's embassy in the country. This is my certificate. Who are you."

"We are Agent Andre of the White Eagle Empire Homeland Security Agency!"

"This is Da Li country. I don't know when you have the law enforcement power of Da Li country? And this is our citizen of Xia country. If you don't have clear evidence, Miss Luqiu has the right to refuse your request!"

"The white eagle empire and the Great Ewase State have all-round military and political cooperation, and the Great Ewe State is an important alliance country of the White Eagle Empire..."

"Wait, the power of law enforcement is one of the sovereignty of a country. What you mean is that the country is no longer a sovereign country. You can directly enforce the laws of the White Eagle Empire in the country? Are you saying this for you? Responsible?" Feng Yisang looked at the White Eagle with sharp eyes.

Andre concludes that if he directly emphasizes that he can enforce the law in the country, it will cause an uproar in the international arena.

His tone eased a little: "We want to ask Miss Luqiu some questions about this case."

"Which case? Is it a kidnapping case or what you call theft of secrets?" Feng Yisang pressed step by step.

"This... both need to be asked." Andre hesitated.

"We need to be present in the kidnapping case to steal secrets? Sorry, Miss Luqiu is not obligated to cooperate with you!" Feng Yisang sneered. Bai Ying thought he was facing the country before the rise of Xia? Is Xia Guo one of the bipolar ones now?

At this time, Luqiu's memory returned to three days ago.

"If you go back directly like this, there will be a lot of trouble, you must think of a way." Bai Yu paced in the room.

"I don't want to go back anymore, will you take me back to China?" Lu Qiu Hanyan begged.

"No, this time my itinerary is confidential. I can't bring civilians. You will have more trouble with you." Bai Yu shook his head.

"Are you leaving me again? I'm afraid you will forget me again." Lu Qiuhan said quietly, she stood up hard and walked to Bai Yu.

"No, I haven't forgotten it. I have been hiding it in my heart. It's just... I can't remember some situation before." Bai Yu sighed. Who knew that Zi Xiao Jie Lei would actually hit the piece that belonged to Her memory? Fortunately, it just broke up.

"You promise?" Lu Qiu Hanyan raised her face and looked at Bai Yu resolutely.

"I promise! I'm waiting for you in the country." Bai Yu nodded.

Luqiu Hanyan suddenly took a step forward and hugged Bai Yu.

She heard Bai Yu's heart beating fiercely, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

"Remember what you said." After all, Lu Qiu Hanyan had never been so close to the opposite sex. She let go and took a step back.

"I will let you go into a coma, and then call the police. At that time, you only need to know nothing. There is no doubt about your life state before, and no one can make you difficult."

In the end, the White Eagle Nation failed to question Lu Qiu Hanyan about the so-called "leakage" incident. Everyone knew that this was nothing more than the White Eagle Nation was doing nothing, and even everyone in the White Eagle Nation knew it well!

So, raising it high and putting it down lightly, the local police station of the country made a transcript of the "kidnapping" incident, and this matter has come to an end.

Bai Yu was already on his way back to the country, but along the way, Bai Yu was restless, and his true energy was boiling and active. He understood that this was the integration of the five veins, and the "Five Aggregate Jue" had reached a critical point, a sign that it was about to build a foundation!

It is also fortunate that Bai Yu chose to practice the "Five Aggregate Jue". On the earth, the five elements that can be practiced during the Qi training period are very easy to obtain. If you change the star power and spiritual power as the basis, you still don't know when you can get started.

It’s just that the "Five Aggregate Formula" will be extremely difficult to improve in the later stage. I only hope that we can find the essence of the five elements suitable for foundation building and above for Baiyu to pick and refine. Such treasures are naturally not lacking on the earth, but with Du Ziqiang and himself, Bai Yusuo There are only two practitioners who know, how big is the earth? How can such a treasure be found so easily? The reason why he half-pushed and half-situ agreed to cooperate with Longwei, apart from the general situation dictates, Bai Yu may not have the reason to find resources for himself through the power of the government.

However, after the foundation is built, he has officially become a practitioner. It is no longer like the Qi refining period, but only the starting point of the practice. The foundation period can have a life span of three hundred, three hundred years, and it is not enough to find the essence of the five elements? Bai Yu is very confident in finding the essence of the five elements.

It was just the relationship between Lu Qiu Hanyan and herself, but Bai Yu could only not think about it for the time being.

Dharma, wealth, companions, and land required for practice; Dharma refers to the method of practice. Bai Yu remembered a belly in Tiangongmen, and naturally there is no shortage. It is nothing more than choosing a place that is more suitable for him in the real world, which is the end of the law. It means that all the treasures and materials needed for practice can be found on the earth, up to the golden core and the Yuan Ying; the essence of the five elements of the foundation period and the extract of the five elements of the golden core for self-cultivation are on the earth. There is probably no shortage of the above. The resources needed to break through the Nasal Infant are fateful. As long as you can enter the Nasal Infant, you can travel the universe in a physical body and travel hundreds of thousands of miles in a flash. Where can you not go? What can't be obtained?

The term "luo" refers to the like-minded Taoist friends during the practice. It does not refer to the partners. Those who can confirm each other and promote each other on the road of practice are Taoists; Du Ziqiang is considered to be a practitioner, but all the Taoism he practiced is provided by Bai Yu, and he can't get up at all. Stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade; Taoists need to be peers, not teachers, not subordinates, and even less likely to be subordinates, so Du Ziqiang is not a Taoist companion; but in this world of the last law, he wants to find a Taoist companion. , It is also as difficult as climbing to the sky, but you can ask Longwei to find out if there are people who have inherited from ancient times to hide from the world.

The land refers to the dojo, and practitioners sometimes have red dust to refine the heart, but they cannot always live in the ordinary, because in the ordinary, the five colors of wine, color, gas, and wealth, the five colors are chaotic, the eyes are charming, and the five sounds are chaotic. Disturbance, all kinds of greed, hatred, and ignorance are no longer good places for practice. Being out of the world and entering the world are all practice. As the saying goes, there are no gods in the secular world, only mountain people living in seclusion; most of the gods who walk in the world are It’s called, but it’s mostly swindlers; Shanren is actually a dismantling character, living in the mountains as immortals, dealing with the seven things that open the door every day, unending favors, unwelcome contacts, and repairing a fart immortal.

But then again, there are no unfilial gods in this world, but as long as Bai Yu builds a foundation, he can live three hundred years, and he can naturally take care of his mother Han Lin for a hundred years before retreating from the world.

Therefore, it is extremely selfish to make a mandarin alliance with any woman. After forty or fifty years, the red face is old, and the white feather face is as young, how can Lu Qiu Hanyan deal with it?

If nothing else, Bai Yu will embark on a long journey of spiritual practice. There are many beauties around him. Luqiu, Hua Ying (Hua Wu), and even his cheap girl Wu Zhiqing have a lot of affection for him. Bai Yu is not a fool, dreamland. Zhong Zhushi, his mental age is not too young, of course he knows their affection, but what should he do? Bring them around, and see their youth fade away and their beauty decayed?

The path of cultivation is not easy to step into. Some people are poor, some are rich, some can be officials, and some can only be coolies. Originally, Bai Yu only thought of this as idealism, but after entering the gate of heaven, I found out that this may not be false! Some people have the life to practice, but some people cannot practice; this is not the same as compulsory education. You will be given knowledge, and you will be step-by-step in exams and upgrades. Naturally, you will no longer be illiterate.

Without comprehension and preaching thousands of chapters, Bai Yu would like to attract family, friends, and beauties around him into the Tao, but the time is not right. Even if he has the intention, he is also powerless. Perhaps this is a lifetime, but then again. Lost the time needed for monasticism.

Some people have practiced since they were young, and they have never achieved anything in their entire lives. Some people have read Dao Zang widely in their middle age, and once they have enlightened the Tao, they have become powerful. This is the reason.

It is destined to practice for a hundred years to build a foundation, so what's the point? He is destined to live eighty, and he still owes twenty. Stop repairing and try to be a rich man!

Bai Yu sat in the small single room arranged for him in the submarine and sighed. Although his destiny is unknown, these people around him can always teach them some basic cultivation methods, right?

After making up his mind, Bai Yu stopped thinking too much, closed his eyes and thought, and the submarine slowly returned to Xia Guo with him. The latest chapter address of my dream can come true: dream can come true. Read the full text address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this reading (Chapter 92 Aftermath), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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