While Su Lun was busy opening up new waterways, the development of Zhenbei City did not stop, and several towns began to be built one after another from the distance from Zhenbei City to the deep-water port.

The size of these towns is not large, and the population is only about a thousand people. All the towns are located along the Hongsha River. The original purpose of these towns was to serve as supply stations for passing ships. Seeing that these strongholds are developing well, the governing hall directly allocated the immigrants who came in the past few months to these strongholds along the river.

Since the construction of Deepwater City, the supply of materials here in Zhenbei City has not been interrupted. It can be said that the waterway of Hongsha River has become extremely prosperous. There are more than a dozen boats coming in and out every day, and the towns along the way are also developing very rapidly.

Waterdeep City also sent a fleet to sail to the southern waters, this time their goal was the southern seas. The wealth of the southern countries is famous among the surrounding countries. Every year, there are caravans from all over the world to trade here. The nobles of these countries can be said to make a lot of money.

The aristocrats of these countries lived more extravagantly than the nobles in Florence. Things like sugar, honey, high-end wine, perfume, and paper were in short supply here. All kinds of luxury goods produced in Zhenbei City can be sold at high prices here.

The goods traded in ocean trade from the very beginning are luxury goods. The risk of sea trade is much higher than that of caravans on the road. There are endless pirates, powerful sea monsters, and those terrible storms. There will be heavy losses, and if the value of the goods transported is low, even the salaries of the sailors will not be paid.

The southern sea area is also the most prosperous area for the slave trade. Unlike the northern part of the mainland, the southern area has been thoroughly developed, and the land that has been formed has also been developed in large quantities. For example, the large wastelands between cities in the north rarely appear in the south.

The mild climate, abundant rainy season, and fertile land make the grain output in the south much higher than that in the north, and the sufficient grain feeds a large population. Although the nobles here are more greedy than the nobles in the north, the population in the south is still far away. beyond the northern states.

Just like Spice Harbor, the largest port in the Tudor Kingdom, the resident population exceeds 400,000, and the population of the capital of the Tudor Kingdom reaches an astonishing 500,000 people, plus the floating population, the number even reaches 800,000 .

A large number of people were bought and sold here, and Su Lun planned to immigrate directly from here, transporting a large amount of goods from Zhenbei City to the southern sea area for sale, and then buying slaves from here to send to Deep Water City, which is much faster than emigrating from the Kingdom of Florence.

A boat can easily transport hundreds of immigrants, and at least 3,000 immigrants can be transported in one trip. Compared with the immigration of the Kingdom of Florence, the money and time spent are much less.

The number of merchant ships in Deepwater City continues to expand. As the fleet grows larger, the number of immigrants will also increase. Zhenbei City will soon undergo rapid development again.

The first problem restricting the rapid development of the Beifeng Duchy is the sparse population. The entire Beifeng Duchy has a combined population of just over 300,000, which is not even comparable to the population of a single city. The population in the north of the Kingdom of Florence was originally insufficient, and the cost of emigrating from the south was too high. Now using a fleet to emigrate will undoubtedly greatly reduce the cost and increase the number of people.

The development of the waterway in Deepwater City went smoothly, and various commodities from Zhenbei City were also sought after here, and the immigration work in Zhenbei City also became very smooth. The arrival of a large population has also made the deep-water port more prosperous.

In the laboratory, with a flash of spiritual light, Hathaway's eyes flashed with joy, and then excitedly picked up the freshly baked starry sky robe on the alchemy table. This is a wizard robe she specially made for herself. The main material is white dragon skin, and it is also a legendary wizard robe. After Su Lun possessed an artifact, Hathaway couldn't help it. Take out the dragon hide to craft a legendary wizard robe.

As a legendary wizard, Hathaway's equipment can be said to be crude. Previously, due to insufficient materials, she had been using fourth-order extraordinary wizard robes and staffs. Last time Su Lun brought back a large number of dragon skins from the legendary stage. , finally had enough material.

Hathaway directly changed into this wizard robe. The starry sky robe looks very beautiful. The wizard robe is blue and white all over, and there are silver and white decorative patterns on it. The spiritual light on the decoration is shining like starlight, which is very beautiful. Wearing it dignifiedly, because it is made of dragon skin, this wizard robe itself has high defense. It can be said that with this wizard robe, Hathaway's strength has increased by at least three levels.

Accompanied by a teleportation aura, Alex's figure appeared on the astrologer. As soon as the teleportation array appeared, Alex saw Hathaway and was attracted by the wizard robe on her.

"Sister Hathaway, have you finished?" Seeing the wizard robe on Hathaway, Alex was also surprised.

"It's finished. I tested it just now, and it has exceeded our previous estimate." Hathaway said excitedly.

"Really, then my wizard robe should also be made according to this template!" Alex directly decided.

"There are production diagrams in the library, and you can replace the spells on them by yourself. There are still a lot of materials that Su Lun brought back, and you can make a few star robes." Hathaway said with a wave of her hand.

"Then I won't be polite!" Alex said excitedly.

"By the way, how is your research going?" Hathaway suddenly thought of something and asked.

"It's worse. The information that Su Lun brought back last time is very sufficient. I have verified it, and there is no problem at all." Alex said.


Alex waved lightly, and a silver metal ring appeared in her hand. The metal ring was very small, only slightly bigger than a palm, and countless arcane runes were engraved on it. The material of the entire metal ring was silver-white , this strong force circulates above.

"It looks good!" Hathaway nodded and said.

"This floating ring has only undergone a simple test, and further tests require a large amount of data for analysis."

The floating ring made by Alex is not for the wizard tower, but for the floating city. Of course, this floating ring is just a model.

The floating ring of the floating city needs more powerful power, and these power items need to be distributed to various positions in the floating city. In this way, the floating city will not be broken due to its own gravity.

"Test it first!"

Alex nodded, and then Hathaway and Alex surrendered their eyes to the steel golems standing beside them. Hathaway waved her arm lightly, and then the heavy bodies of several steel golems flew up directly. The range covered by this floating ring is very large, ten times the range covered by the previous floating ring. Several steel golems are all floating at the same height.

This floating ring has been modified to distribute the buoyancy evenly around it. It is specially made for the floating city. There will definitely be more than one set of floating rings installed on the floating city in the future. In order to prevent a set of floating rings from appearing Fault, at least three to four sets of floating rings will be installed in a floating city. Once the running floating ring has a problem and stops working, a spare floating ring will be restarted immediately. Prevent the floating city from falling from the sky.

The two legendary wizards worked together to test the floating ring. With the continuous injection of magic power, the floating ring shone with a faint aura. Several steel golems moved around under the control of the two, rising and falling, and panning left and right.

The two quickly became proficient in operating the floating ring, and recorded while operating the floating ring.

"The experiment was successful!"

"The information about the part of the floating ring will be organized and archived."

With the end of the test, Hathaway's hand flashed, the floating ring slowly closed, and several steel golems also slowly descended from midair.

"Based on this ratio, a floating city that weighs tens of thousands of tons or even hundreds of thousands of tons needs a floating ring hundreds of times larger." Alex said slowly.

"According to this ratio, the materials we need are not enough now!"

The manufacturing process of the floating ring is very difficult, and the materials required are also very precious. After all, this is to support a city weighing hundreds of thousands of tons to the sky, and there must be no mistakes.

Part of the metal used in the floating ring is Mithril. Besides that, it also needs to use a lot of alloys. This alloy is a special metal researched during the Arcane Empire period. Its main function is to make the floating city.

The two cores of the floating city, the energy system and the floating ring system are very important. Only sufficient energy can maintain the work of the floating ring. After solving the problem of the floating ring, the next step is the element fusion furnace.

The theory of elemental fusion furnaces has long been perfected, and even elemental fission furnaces have been formally applied, but it is not a simple matter to actually manufacture elemental fusion furnaces.

In fact, during the period of the Arcane Empire, element fusion furnaces have been widely used. Compared with the strong radiation and pollution carried by element fission furnaces, element fusion has almost no radiation, and the energy output power is hundreds of times higher. Even thousands of times.

The elemental fission furnace can also be used as the energy core of the floating city, but this requires the elemental fission furnace to form an energy matrix, relying on several elemental fission furnaces to supply enough energy, but the elemental fuel consumed by this method will be several times higher times, battery life will be greatly reduced.

"Sister Hathaway, how is the research on the elemental fusion furnace going?" Alex asked after putting away the floating ring.

Hathaway shook her head, "There are still some problems. The energy generated by the elemental fusion furnace is too great, and ordinary materials can't support it, but I already have some ideas."

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