My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 142: Painting skills have been super

Rabbit tooth Ji was already the grandmother of the 8 stations at the 8 stations before the live broadcast. The content of the submission was mainly based on games. The operation was very bullish, the sound was good, and the popularity was quite high. Later, 8 stations were broadcast live. After that, I started to broadcast various games.

The wide range of games involved is her characteristics. Some people say that this is one of the main reasons why she is destined to become a super big anchor with an annual salary of over 10 million. Of course, some people say that this is the main reason why she has been able to fire. This kind of thing is destined to have a trade-off.

Of course, what surprised many people is that even if the rabbit tooth Ji often changed the game, the rabbit army's adhesion is very high. It is said that a large part of the game anchor fans constitute the players of the game, and the rabbit army of the rabbit tooth Ji looks a little different. In addition to a part of the game powder, more fans of the rabbit tooth Ji itself, no matter what she plays, even if the game they have not played, even after watching the live broadcast will not play.

When Meng Fan used to live in her live room, she was playing "Fifth Personality", which is also the main game of her recent live broadcast.

This game has not been played by Meng Fan. The style of painting seems to be very Gothic. The content should look suspenseful or a bit strange. Imagine that the rabbit tooth Ji said that it was a sleepy man. Book powder, it seems that it is not a guest sentence.

Rabbit tooth Ji is to explain while playing, the sound is very good, and there is something to say.

When Meng Fan looked at it for a while, he began to brush the gift of the rabbit tooth Ji. A 1024-year-old ash was burned out, followed by another one, and another one, brushing ten in one breath.

This is an experience that can increase the experience of the financial mission. So far, more than 80,000 foreign wealth management experience.

The message expressed gratitude to the rabbit tooth Ji and the rabbit army.

Then... The role of the doctor controlled by Rabbit Tooth Ji does not know how to GG. Anyway, this game mechanism Meng Fan can't understand.

"666! Meng Boss God!"

"Hahaha Meng Meng boss came, the mood of the millennium ancient well rabbit tooth Ji is ups and downs!"

"A thousand years old well is still a dry well, please make it clear!"

"Is it not a well?"

"Ob, the rabbit sister is heartbroken!"

"I have been guarding for three years, waiting for a radish dealer?"

“Does Meng Boss bring radishes to raise relatives?”

"Meng Boss is a real man, I agree with this marriage!"

"What happened to the rabbit army today? What is the rabbit army that wants to interrupt the radish of the world?"

"How do you feel that you want to marry? What am I missing?"

The rabbit tooth Ji took a sip of water and came back to look at the barrage. He smiled and said, "What is it, scare the boss of Meng!"

When the words came out, the barrage was suddenly sour.

Meng Fan saw these smashing barrage, and quickly sneaked out, and then used WeChat to send a thank you to the rabbit tooth Ji.

Rabbit tooth Ji looked at it, returned a smile and continued to broadcast live.

After Meng Fan exited the live broadcast room, it was not too short to finish the game until now. He was really hungry, and he continued to draw until 3 o'clock.

While eating takeaway, I chatted with Wu Tong.

Wu Tong apparently also watched the live broadcast tonight. Like many water friends, he was very curious about what happened between Meng Fan and Rabbit Tooth Ji, and asked Meng Fan directly. If you want to know, I don’t think there is anything wrong with it. Meng Fan also said that he had caught a man in the night tour of Wuzhen.

Continue to draw after the chat.

The two cartoons on hand are all a week, and they are mostly cartoonists. It’s even harder every Monday. There is no pressure on Meng Fan’s Thursday.

Of course, this is very relevant to the scripts that others have already written and the adaptation of one of them. If it is original, even if Meng Fan is fast, he can't do it any more.

To create comics, Meng Fan still has a routine. First, draw one of the more important figures according to the specifications of the illustration, and then connect the illustrations and illustrations.

There is definitely a difficulty in doing this, and Meng Fan needs a certain jumping thinking and imagination.

The advantage, of course, is to brush the [illustrator] this task.

The next day I went to the school and ran for ten kilometers. Because there was no class in the morning, there was no basketball game today. Meng Fan went home and continued to paint.

Strive to be able to save the week's update, how to say that, there is food in the hands, the heart is not panic.

Another point is that because of the new serialization of comics, the enthusiasm of the sleepy lord is still quite good. Before he can still save the manuscript, he can save a little.


At ten o'clock, Meng Fan waited for a long time to complete the [illustrator] task prompt tone appeared.

[Illustrator] The task started very early, and 500 copies of the process three were completed very early. After this period of super-intensive comics, it finally reached the requirements of 1000 sheets.

"Hey! Complete the illustration 1000, and reach the "illustrator" mission process four. Reward: achievement points +1000, painting skills +4, imagination +1."

"Hey! Get the illustrator task, get the title of the illustrator [illustrator] (painting +10, imagination +3)."

After Meng Fan finished painting this illustration, he was waiting for this tone, and he looked very excited.

[Illustrator] The reward of the task is very powerful. It is divided into four processes. The rewards of the technical attributes of each process are increasing. From 1 to 4, there is an additional imaginative reward from the second process.

And the attribute of this achievement title is even more unacceptable.

Painting skills +10, imagination +3.

Coupled with the process reward, the total is +20 painting, imagination +6.

10 points of painting skills can achieve proficiency level, what is the concept of 20 points?

It can be said that it is very fairy!

Plus the [manga home] 3 points of painting skills reward, and then count their own initial attributes, Meng Fan this painting technique if converted to a number, can reach 30.

Super god!

Meng Fan was so excited that he walked three rounds back and forth in the study room. This was a little calmer. He sat down and picked up the black technology painting technique - this also had a 1 point painting skill bonus - and painted a straight line. Knowing whether it is a psychological effect, Meng Fan thinks this line is very beautiful.

Brush the brush.

Meng Fan quickly drew a bird out, the bird spread its wings and flew up - it was impossible to learn this metaphysics, but to be honest, Meng Fan, this bird feels really capable of flying栩栩如生!

Comics is an exaggerated art. Few people will describe the characters or things in the cartoonist's life as lifelike, but Meng Fan looks at his paintings at this time.

I took another one and drew a girl...

I took another picture and painted a scene. The scene in "Underground Spirit" is very dark and strange. Meng Fan will not be scared by his own painting, but I feel that others may be scared.

I still have a lot of people and scenes.

Meng Fan felt before and after. For him, the biggest change was the picture that he thought of in his mind. Basically, he showed it on paper through this super-god painting technique!

It can be determined that, in terms of painting skills, it is difficult for someone in the world to compare with him. At least in all the cartoonists and illustrators he knows, there is no such existence!

Including foreign countries.

There is a ability to stand on the peak of the world! ()

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