My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 152: See also interview

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The Fengshen, who scored the best score of 818 this year, finished the third time in Group b, and he knew that his hope of entering the provincial final this year was very slim.

That tower adult cast a 827 for the third time!

Casting 820+ is not a good feeling, but a normal play!

The one in the group A has the strength to fight for the 800 mark. Before Meng Fan’s third vote, he basically gave up the idea of ​​entering the provincial final this year. However, I don’t know if it’s a state of mind relaxation or how. Quite good, the third time not only broke through the 800 mark, but also cast the highest score of 809 in his history.

"The classmates around."

After watching Meng Fan’s third round, Wu Tong, who has a little understanding of the shooting machine game, knows that Meng Fan will definitely advance to the next round with the first place. He can’t help but be curious and ask Zhang: “Before, he Is it so powerful to play the shooting machine?"

"I have never seen him go to the video game city before, of course, I have never seen him play a shooting machine." Zhang paused a little around and added, "Since he followed you to start running, I became more and more watching." I don't understand him."

In this regard, Xing Tie Ge and Chen Daqiang nodded and expressed their great agreement.

Wu Tong heard a smile and smiled. He didn't understand Meng Fan's past, so he didn't know what they said around Zhang. They didn't understand what they meant. If they knew, she would know that they are coming around Zhang. The more I can't understand, it seems that only running is related to her.

If this is the case, her doubts may be even bigger.

What do you doubt?

Doubt about the changes of Meng Fan.

Around Zhang, they thought that Meng Fan’s changes were related to Wu Tong. If Wu Tong knew Meng Fan’s past, then he would know that Meng Fan’s change had little to do with himself. Then naturally he would wonder why Meng Fan changed. So big.

She should use this as a "topic" to study and deepen her understanding. In that case, it may be found that Meng Fan is more unusual.

However, if there is no such thing, Wu Tong can only attribute everything to Meng Fan's hand speed.

Painting is fast and shooting is fast.

If you are ready, you can practice.

Although Zhang has never seen Meng Fan play the shooting machine around Zhang, it is not excluded that Meng Fan has played and played many times.

"Italian Tower, Si Guoyi!"

In the cheers of Qu Jingjing's four maids, it was determined that Meng Fan, who entered the next round with the first one, came over from the playing field and waved his hand to indicate that the maid's army was low-key, then smiled and said: "I just asked, The second round of the singles will start after the first round of the men's doubles and mixed doubles, starting at half past twelve. We are going to find a place to eat while waiting for something, or to finish the men's doubles first. Going to eat early after the round?"

This group is all for Meng Fan. It doesn't matter if you don't watch the game. However, since it has come, there is more time. Everyone has discussed it, and they still choose to watch the men's doubles match.

"Hello, I am a reporter from Qiantang TV. Can you do a simple interview with you?" A female reporter walked over to Meng Fan with a photography team.

Cgl basketball competition, fame is OK, Qiantang TV station will naturally not let the game materials of Hangzhou Station, there are some media reporters here to sneak a point, of course, of which less than the special organizer invited.

As the best player in Hangzhou Station, Meng Fan has naturally received attention.

"See interview again!"

"This is the second time that Meng Duan introduced the reporter to the interview?"

"The last paper media, this time is the TV station, it is amazing for me!"

"This reporter's sister is much better than the last time."

"This time, the photographer's big brother can't be as strong as the last time!"

"Ha ha ha Meng fat is a serious saying that he was a fan since he was a child?"

"This fan is not a fan, Meng fat was originally named Meng Xiaoxin."

"To understanding!"

"But he said that because of the relationship between the body and the basketball, it is still very real to play the shooting machine!"

It is said that the real power of the media reporters will be after a single event, but Meng Fan’s presence is too strong, and his strength is strong. Everyone knows that the champion is basically locked, so After interviews with reporters at Qiantang TV, other media reporters also started.

Anyway, I want to interview, but I don’t want to be late. If this is the end of the game, the tower man who is sitting in a maid’s corps will leave, and then miss a group of materials.

"That, can I go to eat first?"

The men’s doubles match is over. Meng Fan finds that there are also reporters from the media who are rushing to himself. It’s a bit of a panic. It’s not that there are a lot of reporters in this game. In fact, it’s four or five batches before and after, but it’s more terrible. The reporters did not know what it was because of the length of the interview.

Saying that it is a simple interview, basically all of them are more than ten minutes. It’s hard to make interviews into interviews. Is it because you have to wait until the end of the game is idle?

Meng Fan took a closer look, as if the machine was on every time.

"Brother dei, you really don't want to be interviewed, you can sit in the player's rest area!" After Dafei heard Meng Fan's troubles, he erected the middle finger. "When you are sitting there, the reporter can't go in and bother the players." Do you know what to rest? You are so poked here, but you are telling everyone that you are a wild flower, everyone is coming!"

Meng Fan stunned for a long time and said: "I am a very straight person, but I don't mean I hope my friends are very straight!"

Dafei smirked and said: "I may not really bend."

A group of people went to the upstairs to have lunch, and Meng Fan did not even hear the arrival of the flight, or Wu Tong and they stood here to watch the onlookers.

Disgusting interview?

It's a bit.

But this is not the task of a news person. The subordinate task is reported by the local media for 10 times. After the completion, the reward is the presence +1 and the charm +1. The former does not matter, the latter can be important!

This subtask is not very But it doesn't mean that I want to go up, it's a bit of a thing, even if it happens today, Meng Fan certainly hopes to accept more interviews, though not to say Assuring that the interview can be reported, but what is the improvement success rate.

Well, there are two more left, and they are not allowed to stand here waiting for them.

Just to escape, it is just hungry.

"It seems that you really want to be interviewed."

The second round of the men’s singles is about to begin, and Meng Fan has entered the circle. Dafei met, and he erected the middle finger.

Meng Fanxiao smiled, hey, asked a question: "This interview is an interview, but how can you tell them to report?"

Dafei asked: "Do you want to be famous?"

When Meng Fan is not good at telling the real reason, he shrugged his shoulders: "It is not a bad thing."

Dafei Hehe: "Your cow batch has broken the record of the event, and the report will definitely not be less."

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