My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 167: Posting sound distribution

Forgetting to play for one morning, in the process of dubbing, in addition to familiar with the sound control, Meng Fan also tried to control the appeal of the sound, and the smile is the same as the smile, it is simple. It is the amount of emotional input, and the point of complexity is the energy density.

Of course, Meng Fan also found a voice suitable for his usual speech in this process. It must be based on the original voice. After all, the original sound is fundamental. If it has been performed, let me not mention whether Meng Fan can accept it. The key is to continue the output of energy density, ah is tired.

Meng Fan’s original voice is very common. The sound range, tone, and sound quality brought by the increase of singing power are improved. Now, even if it is not deductive, it is also a little charming. If you speak a little more seriously, then the deep feeling is the standard. With it. Meng Fan thinks that this kind of voice and Wu Tong’s talk is ok, and it’s a bit inappropriate for everyone to come.

Tell Wu Tong... Meng Fan smirked at the thought of this whole person.

Counting yesterday's, there are seven or eight hours before and after, and the familiarity is familiar. Meng Fan decided to carefully select a piece of his own as a "CV".

With the dubbing ability, Meng Fan certainly wants to try to dub the voice, and use the voice to shape the right voice of the character.

In this respect, Meng Fan certainly has resources and ways. Let's not talk about Meng Caiwei. Just in the process of learning the dubbing, there is also a group of students and like-minded voices. There are several groups.

These groups are not all dubbing enthusiasts, and some are practitioners, including voice actors, dubbing guides, dubbing directors and so on.

Of course, most of these practitioners are network partners, that is, network dubbing, mostly participating in network radio drama dubbing, most of them have no professional background, and they all have such enthusiasm and experience as Meng Fan, but there is no real system. Learned.

This is also the largest group in the industry.

Since it is enthusiasm, then what makes money is basically nothing to do with them. It’s not that you have enough water, but you really can’t make money.

If you want to make money, you have to transform into a business match, which is a commercial dubbing.

In fact, it is said that the business match is a star dubbing, which is the top practitioners in the dubbing industry, very rare.

I don’t even say it on the Internet. Nowadays, the Chinese TV series comes and goes, and the four people, “Bian Zhang Qiao”, are in love.

Exaggeration is an exaggeration, but it is also a fact.

The four voice actors are awesome, the crew trusts them, and the other side reflects the scarcity of the Chinese voice actors.

The main reason for the scarcity is undoubtedly the low pay.

Many enthusiasts come in with enthusiasm, and after two or three years of enthusiasm, they will quit and fill their stomachs. Naturally, they will withdraw. The base of the pyramid is small, and there is less to choose from. The top is less, the crew or The production can only give less pay; the film pays less, fewer people enter the industry and leave earlier...

This cycle does not know how many years have passed.

However, in recent years, with the booming development of the entire secondary industry, the demand for dubbing of animation and games has increased, which has enabled more network partners and even merchants to have more choices and a broader development platform. At the same time, it further highlights the value of the dubbing actor itself, and the entire industry is slowly moving in a better direction.

For example, in the past, animation was basically introduced from the United States and Japan. In fact, there are not many TV stations playing, so there are not many Chinese dubbing. The rest are played on the network side, basically based on the original sound. There are some famous Chinese dubbing, which are also free to match with love.

Nowadays, the annual output of domestic animation is already quite high. You must find a voiceover for the animation, and the job needs will be there.

Being able to make money from this job or hobby is the cornerstone of an industry development.

In addition, in order to solve the dilemma of low income of voice actors, star voice actors such as "Bian Zhang Qiao" also started their own attempts, such as setting up a dubbing studio, for example, as a dubbing director of a crew, such as starting a related platform. For example, teaching and training institutions, and so on.

To the far of the word, the most developed neon of the second-element culture, the dubbing industry is already very mature. It has entered the idol seiyuu era from the most basic sound-shaping characters. The seiyuu not only act as voices for animations and sounds. Work, from behind the scenes to the front of the stage, out of the album, photo, book and even host TV programs, open concerts, and so on.

In addition to the big brother of Yamamoto, Meng Fan’s house is still more of these idol CVs!

Before going to life, I took a flight from Lion City to Neon, just to see a CV concert!

Having said that, Meng Fan went to the dubbing training to help Meng Caiwei find it. The teacher of the training is still quite a batch of cattle. The group established by this teacher is also very popular. Most of the voice actors are capable of matching. Guides and directors also have jobs on hand.

Of course, it is also because the teacher knows that Meng Fan was introduced by Meng Caiwei. Therefore, the salted fish Meng Fan, who has no qualifications and works, has not been kicked out in recent years. He has been diving well in this extremely energetic group. Meng Fan looked for it and sent his voice-over work to several dubbing directors. Then, it was the result. Although it is possible to find a dubbing job quickly through Meng Caiwei's words, I think it seems that I am in a hurry, but I am not so anxious. Besides, my voice-over ability has changed so much, even if it is said that there is always a hard training, Meng Caiwei will still ask the West.

After being sent out, Meng Fan went to the school to find Wu Tong to have dinner together. He had classes in the afternoon and did not plan to escape.

The class did not escape, but during the class, Meng Fan was focused on drawing comics. Qin Lan on the podium did not look at him, but did not say much. However, I stopped Meng Fan after class.

"The last time you transferred the money, I have already donated it in your name. This is a donation certificate." Qin Hao gave a voucher to Meng Fan, indicating that Meng Fan went out and asked, "Do you have anything in the afternoon?"

Meng Fan asked: "What is it?"

"Do you know that your sister is looking for a job for you? Is it that I built a studio?" Qin asked, seeing Meng Fan nodding his head and saying, "So, I built it."

"You built...?" Meng Fan was really awkward this time. "Is this a bit too self-willed?"

"It's still a success." Qin Lan walked to the side of the road and took out the car key and said, "Go, take your studio and see, and then sign the contract."

"What did I sign the contract? Is it related to me?"

"It doesn't matter, your studio is built because you are looking for a hand-painted poster."


"Hurry up, or I will tell Wu Tong about who your mother is."

Meng Fan listened and wanted to say that she had already known it, but after thinking about it, she swallowed it and then got on the train.

Of course, the premise is that he absolutely trusts Qin Qin, can not force him to sign unequal treaties, but also want to see the studio.

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