My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 177: Nobody wants to escape

Tiger Cat Platform, Baiyun Concert Live Room.

The song "Long-term plan", when Meng Fan's voice came in, the words related to Meng Fan appeared in the barrage in the live broadcast room, and the live broadcast room was quickly occupied.

When Meng Fan was broadcast live, the number of online users of 100,000 and 200,000 is still common. The number of followers in the live broadcast has also broken 800,000. In the past few days, Meng Fan has been promoting the concert tonight through live broadcast. The water buddies of the 8 stations naturally came to the station to support.

Not to mention that 800,000 people are coming, that 200,000 are always there.

These 200,000 water friends have heard Meng Fan singing, and he knows that he will sing this song for the present, Meng Fan’s voice is coming out, and he must call crazy!

The number of online people in the live concert room is more than five million. There are not many 200,000 lost in it, but it is still terrible to launch the bullet.

"Meng fat is coming!"

"Confirmed the voice, met the fat person!"

"The voice of Meng Boss is really good!"

"Meng Boss 666!"

"The cow has been approved!"

"Come out, hahahaha, my family Meng fat is not hiding this tonnage!"

"Meng fat Ming Ming is not fat, okay?"

"It's really a little handsome!"

Seeing the live room suddenly was occupied by the words related to Meng Fan, most of the water friends in the live room are a look of each other, who is Meng Bo, who has never heard of it, how it seems to be very popular.

Of course, there are also some people who are not friends of Meng Fan’s live broadcast, but they know that because of the time when the "small news" of the Baiyun concert came out, it was related to Meng Fan. It is impossible to avoid it, and there are Some people searched and found out that the world record of the seven-ball system of the shooting machine - what ghost record - and from Hangzhou to the Shanghai stock market and the concert smiles, as well as painting and other information.

"Nima is so good to play with a shooting machine?"

"Is this anchor not painting?"

"It's him who adapted "Underground Spirit" into a comic book!"

"The sound line is very charming!"

"Is the current anchor so versatile?"

"Singing really well!"

"This Nima will not be a fake singer?"

"... broke the sound! It’s not a fake sing!"

"This broken sound is too destroyed. Hahahahahahahaha!"

"Killing me!"

"This is one of the most wonderful sounds I have heard this year!"

"This year's China Good Sound Champion is you!"


Watching the live broadcasts, all of them are not too big to watch the bustle, and the sound that Meng Fan broke out is indeed ecstasy. The live broadcast room suddenly appeared full of ridicule and smashing barrage.

Of course, it must be inevitable.

On the stage, the white cricket was also listened to by this voice. Of course, the mouth was still habitually sang a few more times, then the voice changed, as if it was a smile, but had to sneer, then sing I caught the laughter in it, and finally managed to sing the words. After the Meng Fan sang, I put the microphone down and turned and laughed.

The audience couldn't see the white smile, but everyone saw the twitching of her shoulder.

What can Meng Fan do, he is also desperate!

He didn't know how he suddenly broke his voice. It might be the reason to know each other and hold hands, but the biggest reason is that he still has no experience in going on stage.

Seeing that Bai Hao turned and laughed, Meng Fan could not wait to bring the hat.

It was his turn to sing.

Meng Fan closed his eyes directly, but he did not dare to look at the audience.

After Meng Fan sang a few words and then turned to the day, Bai Hao tried to restrain the smile, then turned around, and then saw Meng Fan's eyes closed, this time I couldn't help it, just put it down. The microphone hahaha laughed, then reached out to play Meng Fan, and after Meng Fan blinked, he signaled Meng Fan to help him sing, and he would laugh for a while.

Meng Fan is a glimpse, but still honestly sing, although this car accident is a 100% car accident, but you can't really sing it, and anxiously open, this time the sound is not broken, but the beat is beaten, then Going to the sound... I don't know if there is a sense of existence. At this time, I played a metaphysical homework. Meng Fan grabbed the film and then went to the sound, and directly took the live band to the run.

When the band went off, Meng Fan couldn't sing. After sang a few words, he could only put the microphone down. He looked around and found that in addition to the white smile, the band was laughing, and watching the game was laughing...

Smile laugh!


No one wants to escape!

What Meng Fan can do, he can only hold the microphone on his chest and smile like a prayer.

To be honest, Meng Fan really didn't have any "heartfelt" about this concert. When he was ready, he must sing seriously. As for what smile, what [song killer] mission, I didn't even think about it.

Now, the car accident has reached this point, the best way, it seems that only you show a magic smile.

I hope that everyone will laugh and go beyond thinking about breaking things and getting out of tune.

Meng Fan thought, since it is so decided, then don't rely on the smile to attract the power, even the sound of the infection is also launched together, then picked up the microphone and said: "I don't want to."

Then I followed everyone's smirk and the sound came out from the microphone, which was quite clear and penetrating.

Next, there is no doubt that the scene of Su Qing’s concert in Shanghai has reappeared in the concert of Bai Yu!

The scene was a laugh, and the live room was also very lively.

"Nervous disease, hahahaha!"

"There was a legendary poisonous smile!"

"Is this special intentional?"

"Last time at the concert of Yamamoto today, I did this today! It’s funny to have a fart, hahahaha!"

"Happy today!"

"Why, my tears will laugh out!"

"This person is poisonous!"

"Destroyed! A good concert is ruined!"


Su Qingying, who has come to the makeup in the background, has held the head that she wants to laugh The whole body is pumping: "I know hahahaha, I know!"

Then I tried to stand up and walked to the side of the stage. I took out my mobile phone and opened the WeChat of Meng Caiwei. Then I clicked on the video and took a picture of the scene. The hand was completely shaken, the voice was shaking, and I took my voice while shooting. Recorded in: "Wei sister, your brother is really poisonous hahahaha! Bai Yanjie's concert style has been completely biased!"

The hand was released and sent out.

After a minute, Meng Fan only put his smile and laughter together, and after a dozen or so seconds, the laughter is slowly getting smaller, but there are still some laughter points. Still pumping.

"Hey! Complete [Songs Killer] Process 2; Reward: Points +100, Sense of +1, Lens +1, Singing +1"

At this time, Meng Fan’s mind sounded a tone.

[The concert killer]'s lethality refers to the comprehensive judgment value of the degree of damage to the concert, non-positive guidance, etc., only one time in the concert can only be judged once every hour. It is estimated that the system finds laughter at Reducing the lethality will not increase any more, so I made a judgment.

The result of the judgment is 97!

Accumulating the lethality of the last concert at Su Qinglan, accumulating more than 100 points of lethality, directly completed the second process.

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