My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 229: Sell ​​out


Meng Fan began to imitate Jackie Chan's Duang. It was already a surprise to the water friends. However, before this, Meng Fan also imitated the thief? Guevara, it was very exciting, so it was not shocking. Unexpectedly, just the next few seconds of continuous seconds and seconds are a little bit...not a human!

"Meng Fatcheng does not deceive me, it really is an advertising area 666!"

"This ad is convincing!"

“Isn't it a single book? Buy it!”

"It’s a bit late to say that Meng Fei’s advertisement is playing. I bought it yesterday!"

“The advertisement of Shenbao reminds me of the embarrassing picture of seeing this advertisement when I was watching TV with my parents!”

"Advertising words are too shy, hahahaha!"

"Wait! What is the female voice?!"

"This female voice is Meng fat?"

"It has appeared again!"

"Meng fat? Female voice!!!!"

"Is this a royal sister?"

"Young woman sounds right!"


"The cow has been approved!"

"This picture is too exciting!"

"Give it a big bang!"

"I want to call the women's clothing for me, hahahaha!"

"You are crazy! Let Meng fat this one-eight-eight-eight tall women's dress? Is the female Yao Ming in the coss rights tour?"

"Female Yao Ming? I am Breen, the first beauty of ice fire! You are called Fahahahahaha no one!"

"Hold the grass and become Grandpa Ge, a little adaptable to incompetence!"

"Grandfather is the only man in this world who can let me lie down!"

"Even the excavators are out!"

"The cow has been approved! Ask the anchor to come and talk to Situ!"


Estimated that even if you want to get rid of it, Meng Fan Meng said: "Stop! Shameless old thief!"

The sound still imitates the voice of Tang Guoqiang's teacher, but unlike the excavator, it is full of a son's arrogance, the voice is not that big, but gives a feeling of vibrancy: "shameless thief! Speaking of the rough language of my women's dress! A broken back, dare to **** in the **** of my tens of thousands of waters! I have never seen such a brazen person!"

"It’s coming, the cow is approved!"

"I rub, this is definitely the sound that I have heard the most like the imitation of the prime minister so far, too powerful!"

"What is the ghost of the broken back hahaha!"


Meng Fan is not finished yet. This time it is screaming and the kind of blue-streaked: "Two battalion commanders! Your Italian gun, please pull me!"

This is not just imitating, but imitating the dubbing brought in again, the momentum is very strong, many of the water friends who watched the live broadcast were shocked, then laughed. If there are other people on this side, it is estimated that other people can be shocked by his sudden laughter. Hey, can you see the neuropathy when you watch a live broadcast?

Meng Fan also imitated Li Yunlong's voice, but the tone is not so iron and domineering, but turned into his very iconic kind of swearing: "Hey~ this group of people, watching the fun is also watching for a long time, also I didn’t buy a single book. I didn’t buy it. The second battalion commander fired the old man!”

This is not the line in "Liang Jian". It is exactly what Meng Fan imitates Li Yunlong's voice. This is also the most representative of the dubbing strength.

Then, the voice changed: "No matter who is selling the book, my 358 team must help the field!"

This voice, this tone, needless to say, the head of the Chu is coming!

"Buy and buy!"

"I bought it yesterday!"

"Chong this ad, I will buy more!"

"Meng Boss, two more female voices, I buy one hundred!"


Meng Fan changed his pattern and drank for more than half an hour. The object of imitation was basically the big scorpion from the eight-station ghost area. As for some stars requested by some water friends, Meng Fan is really not coming, mainly unfamiliar with those. The characteristics of the star's voice. This imitation does not mean that you can hear it, but you must be familiar with it.

You let Meng Fan come to a Kim Carrey no problem, you let him come to a Justin Bieber, he really can't come.

After more than half an hour, the advertising effect is still quite good. From the beginning of Meng Fan’s broadcast, he seems to have a sales experience of [professional cartoonist].

On the first day of 34,000, the truth was a bit of a drop on the second day. At 0:00, Meng Fan sold more than 3,000 copies at 21 o'clock before the broadcast. It is true that the main purchasing power is placed on the first day, and then the sales volume will definitely drop and then fall to a stable figure. In the follow-up, if you can sell hundreds of copies a day, it is not bad.

Before and after the advertising of Meng Fan, a total of nearly 7000 points of experience, that is, half an hour of sipping and selling, nearly 7,000 copies, this is the second day after the shelves, many water friends have long bought, if it is On the first day, it must be higher.

Can see the purchasing power of this live broadcast!


"Meng fat, what website you have broken, has been sold out!"

"It seems like several other websites are gone!"

"Is this sold out?"

Meng Fan has determined that the total experience is only 44,000. Isn't that the first print of 50,000?

Of course, the sleepy master is watching Meng Fan’s live broadcast. At first glance, I immediately asked about it, and then sent WeChat to Meng Fan: “The first print of 50,000 copies is divided into 40,000 copies and sold in the online store for 10,000 copies. The online 40,000 copies have indeed been sold out. I am here to open the printing with the publishing house."

Meng Fan directly sent the voice of the sleepy man to the water friends, and then said in the original voice: "I'm sorry, I underestimate your purchasing power! I knew you were so bullish, I will do TV shopping early! That, things to sell When it's over, then I will close it up."

When you say it, you are ready to broadcast, and the water friends in the live room will not do it.

"Is it so sloppy?"

"Put the ruthless Meng anchor, never drag it even more!"

"Leave your women's dress and go!"


Meng Fan is of course joking. If you dare to do this, you can sit down and continue to sip advertising. It’s impossible to do it without painting. Instead, follow this imitation and sing with the all-star lineup of ghost animals. A few songs.

As for the female voice, occasionally it’s amazing, and when it’s more, it’s a shock.

Around 23 o'clock, with a sentence "one for me 哩giaogiao" as Ending broadcast.

After the broadcast, Meng Fan ordered a takeaway, while drawing and waiting, before three o'clock, sent the painting to Chen Daqiang, and then uploaded the cartoon content that was sent later to the penguin animation network. The update time is fixed, and it is not necessary to have time to draw in the next two days.

At 10 o'clock in the morning on the 24th, Meng Fan went to the Shanghai South Railway Station.

"Sister Sun, I am in trouble."

It’s Bai’s assistant who picks up Meng Fan.

Bai Hao and Su Qingying need Meng Fan to help the MV are related to sand painting, so they are about to come together, easy to shoot, but also save some time for Meng Fan, still a college student.

Also in order to get together, although it was not long before I met.


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