My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 246: Cleverly grasp the characteristics of hard plug skills


I don't know if it is because I stayed in the studio for a while. Meng Fan practiced habitually looking for a closed space.

There are a lot of recording equipment here, and there is also a recording studio. However, it is a large recording studio. There are many people. It is absolutely impossible to drive everyone out and let Meng Fan practice it alone.

When asked the staff, I went to an empty lounge on the side and locked myself inside.

Although there is no dubbing equipment, Meng Fan has live broadcast aids and black technology headphones, ready to master his voice state.

"Fengsheng" this group of drama, Meng Fan has to match a lot of people, there are seven, two female voices, five male voices.

Meng Fan took the live broadcast aid and played this clip. He watched it in the movie, but after reading it for a long time, he also needs to be familiar with the content to help him find the character of the character.

Six of the seven characters that he has to match are not the original sounds. Only the white little year played by Su Youpeng is his original sound. The six original voice actors are also top voice actors. They can capture the characteristics of these six actors and their roles. They must have purposely imitated the voices of these six actors. Meng Fan is naturally impossible. To imitate these voice actors to imitate the actors, jump directly to catch the character of the character, the voice control does not deliberately imitate but also definitely rely on the actor's original voice.

Gu Xiaomeng played by Zhou Xun, Meng Fan grabbed the bright, and then added the talent and the meanness inside; Li Bingbing, the old ghost Li Ningyu, Meng Fan seized a cold, and then added a little tolerance and wisdom; Zhang Hanyu played Wu Zhiguo, Meng Fan caught the surface of the iron and blood, the stubbornness in the bones...

The childhood of Su Youpeng is very characteristic and the most difficult to grasp. It is really difficult to express his femininity, simplicity and rashness and a little stupidity. When I was watching a movie, I was told that Meng Fan was shocked by his acting skills and completely smashed the fragile product of Bai Xiaonian.

The characteristics of Takeda played by the Yellow Master are best grasped. It is only necessary to express the accent of Huaxia in the devil. As for the lines spoken by Takeda in neon, it is not a task in Mengfan.

The two roles played by Wang Zhiwen and Yingda, Meng Fansi wants to go, or follow the original.

After reading it, I took out the seven characters and practiced it separately. After grasping the character characteristics, the +8 dubbing technique plus the +8 sound appeal has no problem in the emotional energy density output. After solving this problem, it is very simple to use the sound range to go to the sound of the actor's own sound.

Dubbing, imitation is only the starting point, shaping the role is the purpose.

The seven characters were completely mastered without practicing a few times, and then began the conversion exercises between multiple characters. After these exercises were completed, they were matched with the movie clips, and that was smooth and smooth.

After two passes, and then technically processing the pictures in which multiple characters speak at the same time, basically it is completed.

Remember to live, or are you familiar with it?

Meng Fan's memory is still a success, the key is that there are black technology equipment, it does not matter. Of course, there are words on the recording site, and you can even hold the lines.

After a while, the determination is very smooth, and after solving several difficult points, Meng Fan will no longer practice.

I changed to the fragment of "Da Zhai Men". There are many people who spoke in the fragment, but many of them are mixed in one sentence. Meng Fan also selected four people to match. Bai Jingqi and Liu Peiqi played by Chen Baoguo Wang Xiguang and Li Xuejian played by Lei Shengsheng in the Eight Lords, all of which are old tricks of acting bursting.

In this paragraph, Meng Fan is under pressure, and it can be said that the pressure is very large.

"Wind Sound" will not be used for a long time, but this "Da Zhai Men" Meng Fan is still not satisfied with more than an hour of training.

"Wind" has a lot of voices, and Meng Fan dares to pat his chest and said that he will never be worse than the original voice. However, in addition to Bai Jingqi's role, "Da Zhai Men" is dubbed, and the other three are all original sounds, especially the protagonist Bai Yingyu of this play. That is to play in the bones, the other two are also strong to burst, Meng Fan is really a bit awkward, or awe.

And Chen Xin, who is voiced by Bai Jingqi, is also a big-level voice actor. The roles he has played can be described in countless numbers. Well-known characters include Zhang Wuji, Ma Yongzhen, Baxian Wang, Lu Zhenhua, Tibetan horse, etc. He used to be the permanent voice of famous actors such as Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Zhang Runfa and Zheng Yijian.

Now I don't want to shape the characters to add grace to the characters. I just want my voice to be worthy of these masters. In other words, this voice is a tribute!

I practiced for another hour.


After the door knocked, the door was pushed open and a head was made.

"How is it going?" The person who came is Su Qingying. "Bai Jie is getting his hair cleaned up. You shut yourself down. Is this show so terrible?"

"Oh, okay."

Meng Fan was also planning to take a break and went out. He asked, "Will you be so fast?"

Su Qinglan said: "It's still fast, it's almost nine o'clock."

When Meng Fan saw the time, it was really the first time to take a publicity photo on Taiwan. It took more than five hours to pass. Once I realized this, my stomach would be called directly.

Su Qinglan almost didn't laugh out loud, knowing how this situation can be seen, Meng Fan can't go out More and more teasing: "I am going out to eat supper, you can't go?"

"Go, of course!"

Meng Fan was originally prepared to eat something. When he thought of a bunch of delicious food that Su Qinglan had reported before the dish name, the stomach became more and more noisy.

Su Qingyi is a glimpse: "Ah? Really? Are you going?"

"Why can't I go, I practiced almost. Wait." Meng Fan went to Bailu and asked, "Sister, how are you here? When can the cooperation show be practiced? If it is late, I will be with my brother. I’m going to eat it. Oh, I’m almost done.”

"I haven't done this yet. Are you really training? Then go, come back early, it is estimated that Xu and the teacher in charge of the voice-over guidance will come to us later..." In the direction of the door, he said, "It’s a coincidence. It’s time to come."

The two laughed and said hello to Bai Yu, Su Qingying and Meng Fan. They laughed and asked how they were practicing, especially when they looked at Meng Fan. Some surprised and somewhat skeptical questions: "I heard that you have chosen "Da Zhai Men" and " The sound of the group of winds? These two stages of difficulty are not small, we selected the last season, no group dare to match. And, you have to be a person rounded up? What progress is now being made?"

These two people have already seen Meng Fan’s voice-over video when Bai Fan proposed Meng Fandang as a guest performer. Otherwise, even if Bai Hao’s strong request is made, it is impossible to promise, unless Meng Fan had the last season when Wang Jinsong played the teacher’s role. The same popularity of bit traffic!

Meng Fan was anxious to go out to eat, but if he went directly, the two misunderstood the white, said that he was looking for a guest who was so unreliable, and said: "The training is still smooth... I will try it, you two The teacher helped me to check."


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