My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 275: Can't let him learn again


Wu Ji chased the Budokan, and even the clothes did not change. Wearing a pair of slippers, he followed Wu Tong into a taxi.

See Wu Tong as soon as he returns to the Academy of Fine Arts, and carefully ask: "Don't you eat?"

"I am full of gas."

Wu Tong gave him a squint and was really angry: "Brother, how many times have you been? I will say nothing, it is useless, right?"

"Useful, useful!"

Wu Ji quickly said: "This is not, after you said it last time, I am gone again? That is, this stinky boy is too much! I say that I like you to chase you, so that the whole beauty salon thinks that you two are one. By the way, at the end of the day, hey, and a female celebrity came out of the scandal, this is not what it is! What is the female star you are beautiful? No! This shows what, 瞎 渣 slag!"

Wu Tong is helpless: "You said it was an episode."

Wu Jiyi refused to listen to this: "It’s an anecdote, I only started to light it. If it is true, huh, you can stand back and go!"

Wu Tong sneered: "Oh, then how do I get in, you see that you are being held by him."

Wu Ji's old face is red: "Then I let him be! I only use him to beat him. Otherwise, he went to the hospital early!"

"Yes, yes, I know you are amazing." Wu Tongzheng said, "Brother, it is because you are so powerful, so I only let you leave me alone. I don't worry about others, I am afraid that you are guilty of martial arts. ""

"I know, I know how important."

Wu Ji was most afraid that Wu Tong began to reason with himself. He quickly stopped and said: "Tong Tong, I also saw it. You are really interested in the kid, right? You have someone you like, and your hands are raised. Both feet are in favor, absolutely support, and must be supported. However, this kid can't do it, it's too treacherous. It's also a matter of heart, don't say that the gossip doesn't gossip, why doesn't the female star tell others about it, just rumored with him! It must be this The boy has a heart!"

"In addition, this kid is not attacking twice, not because of what fights, nor is it right or wrong, but you have to admit that this kid is violent. You have to be with such people, brother is not at ease. Ah! Tong Tong, you are smart, but it is too simple, I don’t know that people are sinister!"

Wu Tong can't smile: "Brother, if you want to say this, then you will definitely play the future scorpion?"

"I am different, I am professional!"

Wu Ji repeatedly shakes his head, and his old face is another red. This is really for the sake of Wu Tong. If you can't stop it by playing, you can only use persuasion.

Obviously, his persuasion is very poor.

"Well, I know, brother, I can handle it myself, don't worry about it. Say it again..." Wu Tong looked a little slow, but smiled and said, "He is better, can you be better than you?" ? after such time, he must have been awed you, doubtless afraid for my bad for me is not good, then you beat him, it can always be right? brother, you will not worry about it, but he beat ?"

"How come that? He is like this, I have no problem with playing ten. Rest assured, after this time, he must be safe and honest, absolutely not afraid of you bad... wait!" Come over, "What did you just say, what do you mean, is there really a future?"

Wu Tong laughed and directly transferred the question: "Brother, how did he recognize you?"

"Don't you say it? I don't know. He said at the beginning that I was familiar with it and asked me if I knew it. Later, when I hit it, I recognized that I came. No, you answer the question before me! ”

After three down, Wu Ji did not persuade Wu Tong, but Wu Tong gave the set of words.

After Wu Tong was sent to the Academy of Fine Arts, Wu Ji returned to the Budokan with a full stomach and told Yang Feng to go to his office and signaled him to sit down and said, "You put the boy to come here to learn the details. Say it to me."

"Meng Fan?"

At this time, Yang Feng probably knows what happened. He is also very surprised. Meng Fan can actually make a difficult relationship with Wu Ji. As for the things between Meng Fan and Wu Ji, it is not of great interest.

When Wu Wu asked this question, he would say that Meng Fan’s characteristics, such as strength and speed, were also mentioned. In addition, he also said some details when he taught him to throw skills and skills. For example, learning ability is very fast. , observation ability is very good, and so on.

"Grand brother, this Meng Fan, the conditions are really good, nothing to say. Even if there is no foundation before, if you carefully adjust your mind, it is definitely a limitless future." Yang Feng curiously asked, "Grand brother, you will not think with me." Similarly, I also want to train this Meng Fan well? Although he only wanted to learn the practical experience of the crash, but I think he has been exposed to the charm of fighting, he will definitely learn it. If you add it, Then..."

"What to learn, learn!"

Wu Jiyi was completely anxious: "Yang Feng, I can tell you well. From now on, this kid will not teach anything, no matter what he wants to learn! I still want to train, I can’t wait to let him go, even practice. Don't give him the opportunity!"


If you don't learn much, you can make yourself like this. If you want to learn something How can you manage this kid!

Never let him learn again!

"Ah? Oh, good."

Yang Feng did not understand how it happened. This is not like the style that Wu Ji is afraid of.

After Wu Li looked at Yang Feng and went out, he grabbed his head again. Yang Feng did say that it was true. This kid is indeed a good material for learning to fight. Although he had not had any basic foundation before, he learned from yesterday that he can fall on it today. Technology and his own tie, can be seen how terrible talent, and his physical quality is still good!


Wu Ji grabbed a long hair like a chicken coop, and tied it neatly. He calmly walked out of the office and walked toward the private teaching room. He pushed the door in, and the old black was taken by Meng Fan’s skill. Live and shoot the land again.


Wu Ji stretched his face and said, "I am coming, there are two things. One is to apologize, but I listened well. I just apologize for the first time I fell, and later, you should deserve it!"

Apologizing for this hard, Meng Fan can only be convinced, but also have to shake his head: "No, you are right, seven brothers, I am not good!"

"Don't call me my seventh brother!"

Wu Ji really wants to go up a naked twist!

Meng Fan smiled and nodded: "That, seven brothers, don't you say that there are two things, what is one?"

Wu Jizhen did not want to look at this kid at a glance. He turned away and after a short while, Yang Feng came in.

Yang Feng is very curious about what happened to Wu Ji. Just now, if you bite it, you can't teach Meng Fan any new skills. How can you suddenly change your attitude? And, haven't you already gone in, how come out and let yourself go in and say.

Yang Feng asked Meng Fan: "Mr. Meng, my brother asked me to ask you, are you interested in becoming a professional MMA athlete?"

Meng Fan decisively shook his head: "No."


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