My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 285: Beautiful man

Meng Fan came out from Changi Airport, picked up his hat, and soon got a taxi, and the phone quickly received several WeChat.

"I have fallen asleep, suddenly woke up, miss you."

This article was sent by Wu Tong, which made Meng Fan very excited and somewhat guilty.

Why do you suddenly wake up to think of yourself, of course, that is to remove the hat to restore the sense of existence.

This is also a reason why Meng Fan is not particularly willing to wear a hat. It is quiet to wear a hat world, but those who think of themselves can't think of themselves. This is a sad thing to think of.

Of course, Meng Fan is still excited. It is not that Wu Tong thinks about himself, but he will think about himself.

Estimated to be tired, Wu Tong chatted a few words and yawned and said a good night to continue to sleep.

Meng Fan then quit the chat interface and returned to other WeChat, one of which was sent by the sleepy man. The comic book was published very smoothly. At present, the sixth volume has been published. Of course, it’s not that the good news is not good news. He said that a lot of Meng Fan’s recent updates are not to force.

Update is not to force!

Still to say that others, this is undoubtedly a great point for the sleepy man, cool can not be cool in the cool.

Hey, boy, you have it today.

Ha, I have it today!

The sixth volume, that is to say, one more book, the [Professional Cartoonist] task requires the publication of ten copies of the book, which is satisfied, and the sales requirements are completed early, and the title can be obtained.

"Take this robbery early!"

Meng Fan is in a hurry and his dream is comics and dubbing.

Dubbing is now completely formal, even if the "Sound Big Coffee" program has not yet aired, so many professionals looked at it, Meng Fan if you want to pick up the work, it will definitely kill him And can also pick a role.

In the case of comics, as long as you win the title of [Professional Cartoonist], you will get a reward of +5 for painting, setting, and scriptwriting. You already have original stories in your mind, and you can start serializing your first original anytime, anywhere!

It was quite late to go back to the hotel. I took a shower and lie on the bed. There was a movement outside the door. This made Meng Fan have some accidents. In the past, I saw through a cat's eye and saw a drunken woman leaning on the stick. On the door, and then rummaging in the bag, it is estimated to find the card.

Meng Fan sees this, the guess is definitely drunk, opened the wrong door, I just want to ignore it, but there is always movement outside the door, it is not comfortable, just open the door, want to tell the woman to open the wrong door, I did not expect Only when the door was opened, the woman slid down the door directly, and the body just caught between the doors.

"This is drunk!"

Meng Fan was speechless, and once again, it was a little blushing. The woman’s body was also hot and hot. The deep V was open, and this lay was almost gone.

Meng Fan patted it gently: "Hello, wake up, you are going wrong."

"You go wrong? You want to go that door?"

This woman will speak Chinese, but how to listen to it is like a nightmare, content, the degree of fire is proportional to her body and wear.

"What is this special?"

Meng Fan wanted to help her up and then the waiter came over, only to meet the woman, this woman is like a snake, wrapped around Meng Fan, and said: "How do you not move?" do not stop!"

Meng Fandun was red-faced, what happened to Nima!

Then, the woman who had been wrapped around Meng Fan began to hold Meng Fan to kiss.

Meng Fan saw this and jumped. He quickly reached out and opened the woman. He wanted to push it away. He was afraid to fall directly on the ground. If he thought about it, he would raise it directly. If the woman wants to do anything, she will not be able to do it.

The woman’s discovery that her body was lifted directly was also a shock.


Meng Fan’s observation was very keen, and he immediately felt what was wrong. He placed the woman on the carpet and quickly stood a little farther. He frowned: “You are not drunk! What do you want to do? Play fairy jump, or fishing?”

The woman snorted, and still kept a drunken look, but her eyes also showed a hint of shyness and sorrow, and found that Meng Fan’s strength was so loud, and the body lying on the ground was involuntarily A seductive posture, even the clothes went down to the side, and fell out of a proper charm, stupid and delicately said: "Sorry, I drink too much, may go wrong The place is, I am not what you think."

Meng Fan asked his eyes to look flat and said, "Nothing, go back. If there is no way to go back, I will call you a waiter."

When the woman heard it, the grievances and fascination in her eyes were even bigger. The grievances said: "If people drink too much, can you rest assured that I will go back alone? And, one person sleeps, it is very cold."

Everything went to this, and Meng Fan certainly said with a smile: "Reassured."

Say, just call the waiter.

When the woman saw it, she jumped up from the ground and threw a white eye to Meng Fan: "The guy who doesn't understand the style, are you really worried that I am playing fairy jumping and fishing?"

When I said, I walked toward the door, but after all, I turned around and said, "I am not what you think. I just think that you are very attractive. If... I live on this floor. Room, you can come to me at any time."

Seeing that Meng Fan was still indifferent, he smashed his foot and twisted the full-fledged peach hips that he had practiced all the year round and walked out of the door.

"This Nima is much more exciting than the small hotels in China."

Meng Fan quickly closed the door. If there is no incitement, it is impossible. The reason why he decisively persuaded him, Meng Fan did not say that the first time he thought of it was to keep Wu Tong as jade, but this woman’s The way of getting drunk is close to oneself and accepting incompetence. This gunfire is also too direct. In addition, if it is really fishing or fairy jumping!

Ok, Meng Fan is really nervous.

Being so troubled, Meng Fan was lying on the big bed of a hotel in a foreign country, his mind was a bit messy, floating and floating, and he didn't know when he fell asleep.

After the next day, Meng Fan put on the sportswear sneakers out of the room, went downstairs and asked the front desk where it is suitable for running. The front desk enthusiastically told a park near Mengfan that it was very suitable for morning running.

The park is very large and there are many people running. Unlike the country, there are many young people in this morning exercise, not middle-aged and elderly people.

Meng Fan's step-by-step standard, tall and tall, the outline of the sportswear is also more and more fit and fast, and this road still attracts a lot of attention.

After running back and forth, Meng Fan was preparing to run back. More than one woman suddenly felt like she had seen it. I thought about it. I fell in the direction and caught up with the woman. I looked at the shoulder position and determined the woman 100%. It is a flight attendant on the flight that was sitting before the rebirth!

Meng Fan did not expect to meet here with the flight attendant on the flight before the rebirth!

This flight attendant is not a robber.

The reason why Meng Fan is meaningful to this flight attendant is also very simple. This flight attendant is very similar to the teacher Yu Ya, but it looks like a statue, even a voice.

Of course, if you look like a teacher on the third floor, you will definitely look good. It’s good to see, it’s really easy to be remembered.

Meng Fan has some doubts. He remembers that this flight attendant like the teacher of the Three Masters should be a neon. The flight is a flight of neon airlines, and the crew is mostly neon. How can it appear here? Still running up the steps?

Then, the brain turned again, because he suddenly realized that it was right when he met the flight attendant at this time.

At this time, the running flight attendant found that a person was still staring at himself and looked at him. This time, his eyes lit up, and then he immediately removed the headphones, and the teeth were slightly exposed. Asked: "Hello, is there any need to help?"

It’s English, of course, and the content is a little professional.

"Hello there!"



In addition, three languages ​​were used in succession. It is estimated that Meng Fan did not understand it. There is always a lot of patience for attractive men.

When Meng Fan was asked this way, it was not tangled. Since it happened, it means that there is a fate. At least it is a change. Maybe there is any unexpected gain.

Then I put it into a very serious look and a little doubt, and asked directly in Chinese: "Hello, have you seen where we have been?"

Well, this is definitely the most old-fashioned way to talk, and Meng Fan really can't think of anything else. However, in the way Meng Fan throws out such a old land at this moment, coupled with the smile and appeal, let alone very effective.

That is, the flight attendant apparently blushed and said: "Maybe because I am growing up with a woman..."

The flight attendant is talking about Huaxia, with an accent. Obviously, she is also very familiar with China. I want to say that the actress is really an actress in neon, but she knows that in most Chinese people, the actress is actually a single. Refers to an actress in the form of performance, and indeed because of the image of Meng Fan, so she is more willing to mobilize her brain, even if she may be because he and the person look like, or replaced: "The female star is very Like it."

When Meng Fan came up with this old-fashioned way of arranging, he really didn't realize this. It was a bit awkward, but he still pretended to be loaded: "No, no, I just think you and where you have seen it."

The stewardess was obviously very useful, whether it was the truth or the lie, because the heartbeat was faster because of running, and the whole person was more cheerful and emotional than usual. He squinted at Meng Fan’s cute eyes. : "Maybe in a dream."

Meng Fan knows that he has been defamed again, but this time, he is not ready to hide, and even feels that he can use the next man's plan properly - Meng Fan is a bit crazy when he thinks he can use the beautiful man!

The flight attendant then said: "Whether we have seen it before, I am very happy to see you now." Then he jogged and stretched out his hand toward Meng Fan. "Hello, my name is Sakurai Minako. Please advise."

Meng Fan stretched his hand and said: "Hello, my name is Meng Fan, please advise."

Sakurai Murai loosened his hand and saw Meng Fan still running, and he continued to run, but the speed was not fast, obviously it was also often running, so the breath was OK, not so much breathing, very positive Chatting with Meng Fan: "Is Meng Fanjun a Chinese in Lion City, or a Chinese?"

There is not much breathing, but listening to Meng Fan’s ears is still a teacher’s breath, and it’s a bit fatal. Let’s ease it by chatting: “I am a Chinese, come here. What about you? Call you Minako."

"of course can!"

Sakurai Minoko is very happy and said: "I am a flight attendant, mainly flying in the Lion City and Neon Kyoto. This time there are two days of vacation, so I stayed at the Lion City side."

"Yeah? Well, I recently had the idea of ​​going to neon travel, maybe, next time, I met you on the flight."

"Really? If Meng Fanjun came to the neon, I would be willing to be a guide for Meng Fanjun, I don't know if I have this honor?"

The two had a sentence without a word, there was no substance, Meng Fan did not dare to say that he would be the flight she was on to go to the neon, but the two chatted very happy, at least Sakurai Minako was very happy. of.

Chatting and chatting, and then ran for a while, the two acquainted together to go to a small shop near the park to have breakfast, exchange of contact information is naturally a natural thing.

Meng Fan returned to the hotel, and quickly went in for a bath. After a while, he warmed down and lifted the muscles to open the cold water.

Last night, I was forcibly tempted by drunkenness. In the early morning, I met a flight attendant who looked like a teacher and a gasp, and she was very gentle and really cute. The most important thing is to show myself to myself. This combined impact, that is terrible!

After rushing for cold water, I finally calmed down.


I accidentally met this flight attendant and made Meng Fan a little messy.

what's the function?

This is all done with a beautiful man. Is it possible to make a breakthrough?

Meng Fan was pondering, a phone call came in, Meng Caizhen called, let him quickly get up and said that it was breakfast together and then went out to play.

Meng Fan did not tell her that she had already gotten went down to have a breakfast.

"You eat so little? Brother, weight loss is not a hunger strike!" Meng Caiyi thinks that Meng Fan is not scientific in this way of losing weight.

How did Meng Fan explain to her, this has eaten breakfast, and then it is really supportive.

As in the case of rebirth, I visited the Lion City Botanical Garden and the National Museum in the morning. I was eating Hainanese Chicken Rice at noon, and in the afternoon I was going to Universal Studios, the southernmost point of Lion City.

Meng Fan wanted to persuade Meng Cai not to go, because before the reunion, the two men went to visit Universal Studios. It was not long before Ms. Meng’s mentor called and called her back, saying that there was something.

But if you think about it, if Meng Caiyu leaves, he will stay with the original and continue to visit, and then he will have his own space for activities.

And the fact is the same, no long time to go, Meng Caiyu left.

Unlike the original, it was not long before Ms. Cai was taken away. Sakurai Minako called and happened. The place where she went to play with Meng Fan was also Universal Studios. Please read the latest domain name when reading this site.

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