My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 289: It’s not the time.

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The next game is as usual. If there is any change, it is estimated that it is Sakurai Minako. It has become more viscous. Looking closely, the state is a bit like Eliza, who is wrapped in Ohno Hideo.

Meng Fan is also very helpless, and it is not good to be too blunt in front of the four people, especially Gaodao Xiangtai. You have promised to play with Sakurai Minako, if a pair of people refused to be thousands of miles away. Obviously, it is very weird. Even if you hold it, you have to show how you are interested in Sakurai Minako.

Well, if Meng Fan doesn't enjoy this kind of beautiful girl's pursuit, it must be fake. However, in order to avoid further misunderstanding, Meng Fan tries to make himself not so good, for example, imitating in these theme areas. With the lines of classic movie characters, if Wu Tong is in this kind of thing, Meng Fan will definitely be like a head peacock, and will show his charm.

As for physical contact, Meng Fan has to keep a distance.

However, when I arrived at Sakurai Murai, I became a gentleman of Meng Fan. What is the solution?

At the dawn of the night, the night in Universal Studios is naturally very fascinating. However, at least half of the pedestrians have their own ghosts, but they have not continued to play.

At this time, Meng Caiyu also called and came to see Meng Fan want to go back. Sakurai Minoko naturally did not have the interest of playing, so it was naturally scattered.

Sakurai Minako is a hotel that lives in a hotel, just in the vicinity of Mengfan’s hotel, so Sakurai Minako and Meng Fan take a car and the other four take a car.

Takashima Xiang is sitting in the co-pilot position, the other three are sitting in the back seat, and Hideo Ohno is sitting in the middle. Takashima Shota will take a look at the rearview mirror from time to time. Although he did not see any substantial movements in the back seat of the dog and man, he was able to see the flushing of Shibuya's face and the breathing of Ohno Hideo.

As for Eliza, she fell asleep on the shoulders of Ohno’s repair.

In another car, Sakurai Minoko also fell asleep on Meng Fan's shoulder. At first, the eyelashes would be beating from time to time, and later... I really fell asleep.

It is also estimated that I really slept very well on Meng Fan. I adjusted several postures on this road. From the beginning, I fell on Meng Fan’s shoulder, and then half of my body was attached to Meng Fan. I found one of the most. Comfortable posture, then from time to time like a kitten like a few times.


Sakurai Minoko is sleeping very comfortably, but Meng Fan is somewhat like a needle, especially in the last position. The girl doesn’t look very long. It’s like a voice, but the difference is not small. !

When it was approaching, the car accident happened to be in front of the car. The driver stepped on the brakes. Although it was not the kind of slamming, Sakurai Minoko was still affected by inertia. The body slipped completely on Meng Fan’s body. Meng Anyone can only hold her hand and hold it, not letting her fall.

Although Sakurai Minako, who was crushed in Meng Fan's arms, was awakened, she found that the position at the moment was somewhat happy. I was embarrassed to say, "Sorry, I fell asleep."

Then, with a red face, Meng Fan’s face was also red.

Sakurai Megumi sat in the arms of Meng Fan who had left some of his disappointment, and the car continued to go to the hotel.

"Meng Fanjun, you, is it okay?"

Sakurai Minako couldn’t help but squint, his face fluttering red, then he lowered his voice and approached Meng Fan’s ear and said, “I can go to yours.”


Meng Fan is a spirit.


At this time, Meng Caiyu’s phone came in again: “Where have you been? Haven’t come back yet!”

"Reaching soon."

After Meng Fan hung up the phone, he smiled embarrassedly: "My sister is waiting for me."

Sakurai Minako’s face is hot, and it’s a pity: “Then, are you okay?”

Meng Fan is speechless, how is this still happening, and he is not poisoned. Only smiled and shook his head, let the driver stop in front of him.

Sakurai Sakurai said: "Then I will contact you later, okay?"

Meng Fan rushed out of the car.

"I didn't expect Meng Fanjun to be shy!"

Sakurai Minako's face is hotter.


"Playing for so long? Wouldn't it be an affair?"

Meng Caiyi wanted to say that it was impossible, but when he saw Meng Fan’s present appearance, he long sighed: "Even if there is no affair, you will definitely encounter a lot of conversations. Hey, these 22 articles of our old Meng family ancestors. The autosome x or y can't be hidden."

Meng Fan turned his eyes: "Hurry and take me to eat, I am starving."

Meng Caiyu took Meng Fan to eat the canteen of the National University tonight. This is to make the end of his career to declare a boyfriend.

When eating, Meng Caiyu pulled a group video again, and the seven sisters Barabara did not stop talking. Meng Fan did not stop eating.

After dinner, Meng Caiyu took Meng Fan out for a lap, and smiled with Meng Fan to go to a nightclub not far away. This is an activity that was not born before the rebirth. On this night before rebirth, Meng Caizhen took Meng Fan I went to visit a relative in Lion City, and also brought Meng Fan to "a relative". The blind date was a relative of the relatives. As a result, no one saw anyone.

However, this time Meng Fan already has a girlfriend, of course, can not bring a "blind date."

This time I went to the nightclub, strictly speaking, Meng Fan was officially entered into this occasion for the first time. He had a lot of knowledge and a lot of losses. Oh, he was smashed a lot of oil. Of course, it is also simmering oil. After all, Meng Cai is here, and the average woman really has no confidence to come up with a good time.

It is also one of the most popular nightlife experiences for young people, and it is still a little exciting.

Of course, the re-stimulation also stimulates the content that is heard in the headphones.

At about 10 o'clock in the evening, Meng Fan came out of the nightclub and sent Meng Cai to go back to the hotel. He heard the quarrel between Takashima Yuta and Shibuya from the earphones. From the content of the quarrel, it is still much compared with today’s Shibuya. Hideo Ohno disappeared for a period of time. Gaodao Xiangtai Shiguya is a monk, sweeping goods, and Shibuya Takashima is too tricky and perverted. When he quarrels, he quarrels, and then...

In the process Meng Fan also heard through the translation that Shibuya sighed and said that he went to the toilet in the afternoon and Hideo Ono, how Toyoshi Hideo is how to deal with himself, how much he enjoys... ...and also ridiculed that Takashimata is too fond of listening to these things, is it more and more stimulating, is it more and more humiliating and more exciting...

Takashima Xiangtai is a roar of the whole process...

This content, and then Meng Fan's imagination, the picture is too strong!

Destroy three views!

This story is too neon!

"Meng Fanjun!"

On the way less than a hundred meters away from the hotel, Meng Fan heard a voice called himself, and turned to look at Sakurai Minako!

How come you meet her?

This is too much time.

It will happen!

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