My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 297: 1 photo

After getting on the plane, the seat was still seated according to the original seat number.

Xu Enqi found the figure of Meng Fan in the first time. After talking with his parents, he walked toward Meng Fan and bowed his eyes to Meng Fan. Then he said to the middle-aged woman next to Meng Fan: "Auntie , can I change your position with you?"

The middle-aged woman stood up and smiled and said, "Of course." Reaching out and holding the little girl into the seat, "Come, the little princess and the big hero sit together. This picture looks good."

The people on the plane also laughed, because after going through the airport, the atmosphere between the passengers on the plane was very harmonious and joyful.

Enn’s parents came over and some embarrassed said: “Mr. M, bother you.” Then Enn’s mother said to Enn, “If your brother waits, if you are tired, you can’t bother your brother. ""

Grace gracefully nodded and waved to his parents and said, "Dad, mother, go to the position and sit on the plane, don't run on the plane, fasten the seat belt."

Then I took out two apples from my little pig's bag, one big and one small, and handed it to Meng Fan. He said, "Brother, this is for you to eat." Also specifically lowered the voice, "Brother The magical power must come from the apple."

This is estimated because Meng Fan was able to calm down the apples after she saw the "big killing of the Quartet" at the airport.

This childish language has caused a laugh.

When the plane took off on time, Enn was very active and talked to Meng Fan, but he was very polite and very vocal, like whispering. After a while, Enn took out the iPad from the small bag and shared the cartoon with Meng Fan. Coincidentally, this cartoon that Enn looked at turned out to be "Forest Adventure".

"Children's cartoons of "Forest Adventure" have already been broadcast, but it is not known to Meng Fan, and it looks like the response is very good.


Looking at it, Enn suddenly looked at Meng Fan, slightly frowning, very puzzled and asked: "Brother, why do you think the crocodile uncle's voice is like your brother?"

Meng Fan heard the words and laughed. This cartoon has a lot of characters. It does include the crocodile uncle. When using the crocodile uncle, it is basically the original sound. There are not many changes. It is certainly not very strange to hear it. Things, think about it, and said: "En grace is great, if you have doubts, you must ask questions bravely."

"Ah? Duck teacher!"

When Enn listened to Meng Fan’s voice, he almost screamed out, then held his mouth tightly and looked at Meng Fan with a look: "Brother, is this a voice change?"

Meng Fan originally wanted to say that these sounds were their own. I didn't expect Enn to mention the magic of his own magic. He smiled and nodded, then whispered the voice of other characters in the cartoon.

"Wow, my brother is too good!"

Grace's happy applause, seeing Meng Fan's eyes are all worship.

At this time, late in the night, I watched two episodes of cartoons. Enen fell asleep in Meng Fan’s voice and leaned on Meng Fan’s body. Without Meng Fan pressing the lights, the flight attendant took two blankets, apparently always paying attention to Meng Fan.


At this time, the airport's press conference has ended. Relevant news about the airport's attempted hijacking has also spread at the speed of light and has made headlines on the major media.

In addition, the relevant units were also involved in the investigation and follow-up investigations of the incident, such as the Lion City Government and Interpol.

Before the news exposure, in fact, the outside world has already spread the speculation of this incident. After all, there are still many people at the airport who have discovered the anomaly on the apron. There is also a saying about hijacking, and several incidents have occurred. Among the photos.

These statements and photographs were not sent by others, but by the passengers. However, it was not after the signing of the confidentiality agreement, and of course not after being taken to the lounge, but on the ferry to leave the apron to rest. In the process of the hall.

The passengers who sent the photos did not think of the seriousness of the matter at the time. They also informed the airport side when signing the confidentiality agreement, but they did not want to be held accountable.

The airport is also very helpless. This confidentiality work is indeed not in place. I have seen the photos sent by the passengers. It is still good that there is no positive photo of Meng Fan. It can only be used to delete the photos and make follow-up public relations. jobs.

All the media also cooperated and did not send relevant photos.

However, one of them is still widely circulated on the Internet soon.

A tall man stunned a little girl, the lights in the night were scattered on both of them, and it happened that they could not see the two, but the picture looked good.

In addition, the airport’s public information also mentions a heroic act of hijacking passengers to save themselves and save others. Many people know that the tall man in the photo is the heroic passenger, and the little girl is Another hostage being rescued.

In this context, the meaning of this photo is even more extraordinary.

The spread of nature is also broader.

This photo has many names, like the light of the lion city, the light of Asia, the light of the hero, and of course, the most recognized is the "heroless name."

It’s always not too big to watch the bustle. Many people are curious and even ask online and search for who this unsung hero is.

The airport is very helpless about this. It has to increase the public relations efforts. Naturally, it is not to let Meng Fan’s identity leak out.

A famous singer who had been kidnapped on Twitter with tens of millions of fans posted a tweet on the matter: "I am very touched by the 'hero no name' that was sent online today, and even moved the story behind it! But because of this The incident is horrible. I hope that everyone will not forward the photos for the safety of the unknown heroes, let the light stay in our hearts. Don’t guess and search who he is, even if you know who he is, don’t say it., kept the cold warmth of the airport; we must also hold the justice in our hearts!"

This picture has no pictures, only text, forwarding, comments, and likes are very high. Most people agree with him. They also want to automatically delete pictures.

There are also many big stars and influential publics in the forwarding and commentary. The special message, such as the actor who plays the second in the game, is the classic line in the game: "No-one!"

The most lively area of ​​event paradox that has been of concern to the whole country is certainly Asia. It is interesting that everyone no longer guesses who the unknown hero is, but guesses that he is the person of that country. From a vague outline, It is determined that it is the appearance of East Asia, and the Chinese, the neon, and the Koreans are the most likely.

Of course, Chinese and neon people are still speculating, and South Korea directly identifies the unknown heroes as South Koreans!

If Meng Fan knows, he will certainly vomit blood.

If the South Koreans know it, huh, huh, it is estimated that it will vomit blood. After all, Meng Fan is a hot search for the South Koreans twice before and after! Please read the latest domain name when reading this site.

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