My Little Country

Chapter 603: World of great struggle

Having made a decision, Xiao Yu first confirmed the time when the disaster occurred.

Twelve days later, at 7:10 a.m. local time.

A large earthquake will suddenly occur at that moment, shaking the mountains, tearing the ground, and turning many high-rise buildings into ruins in an instant.

Natural disasters of this level cannot be countered by human power.

And even the country of Sakura, which has the most pre-seismic techniques, cannot predict the occurrence of a successful earthquake.

Earthquake prediction systems that have been eaten by all kinds of fantasy in China are nothing but the results obtained by using signals that are faster than seismic waves to compete for time.

It is not true that experts and professors predict the earthquake in advance through tools and data analysis.

Xiao Yu touched his chin and whispered, "Now the question is coming, what identity should I use to minimize the danger brought by this unstoppable natural disaster?"

"Go directly to the polar bear country embassy and say that their steel acropolis is about to collapse. Will they be blown away?"

"With Qingyun Jianxian, revealing that you can predict a major earthquake?"

"I am afraid to tell others directly, and others will not believe it, but will feel that there is a hidden conspiracy among the extraordinary forces in it, right?"

"Do you want to continue to let evil forces come on the scene?"

"Will the evil forces that created earthquakes of magnitude 9 and above scare the countries of the real world?"

Xiao Yu rubbed his eyebrows and let out a natural sound, no longer thinking about this issue, started to open the computer to search for relevant information and prepared to go to the polar bear country.

Xiao Yu, an incarnation of Qingyun Jianxian, made a trip to Zhenwuguan. After he had harvested some grass and earth, he was puzzled by the preaching and teaching in Zhenwuguan.

Later, he became a Qingming Yinyang master. After declining Jiankang's invitation, he boarded a flight from a private airport and returned to the Qingming Jingu Shrine in the outskirts of the cherry blossom country.

After the Qingming Yinyang Master Xiao Yu turned into the shrine, he noticed that the shrine maidens who practiced the exercises were indeed much more beautiful.

At least in Xiao Yu's eyes, it's much more pleasing.

The witches saw the evil and enlightened Master Qingming Yinyang come back. During this time, they felt that there were countless benefits. They also rushed to wait for them.

It is believed that at this time Qingming Yinyang Teacher suddenly proposed to practice an eighteen practice.

These witches will gladly agree and then scramble, lest they rank backward.

The Qingming Onmyoji division of Xiao Yu has not planned to enjoy these witches for the time being, and intends to raise them more pleasingly and then consider them.

He checked the practice lessons of the witches and used the pot of the greedy to replenish the surrounding spirits.

So I found the partners and informed them that they planned to go to the capital of the polar bear country ~ Mosca!

Late at night, in the back room of the Ampere Family Manor in the outskirts of Yingdu.

"Why Master Qingming wants to go to Mosca, Kangfu, you know something!"

The elders of the Ampey family gathered together and asked Ampec on behalf of the royal family and the rich.

As the only extraordinary person in the Ampere family, Ampangfu has naturally surpassed the status of elder.

He looked at the elders who had looked down on him for decades, but now he had said all kinds of good things. All kinds of intimidation and lure used up only a few words for himself.

Ampangfu couldn't help but smiled and said: "Is Lord Qingming's idea, can you mortals be able to peep?"

"However, Qingming has a lot of adults, don't care about these, and he also told me that the change between the world and the world is intensifying. No matter whether it is the mortal world or the world like me, we need to ask for change, so that change can last for a long time."

"Oh?" The elders widened their eyes and watched the passion, with the danger of mountains and rivers in their hearts. They raised their ears and dared not hear a word.

"Master Qingming said."

"At this time, it is the world of great struggle!"

"Combining verticals and horizontals, forming alliances to fight against powerful enemies, and carrying out big catastrophes are all essential things!"

"Master Qingming, when he went to Mosca this time, he was going to work with the local jointly resist the catastrophe."

"Great tribulation? What great tribulation?"

The elders stared at Amperk.

But when he saw Ape Kangfu laughed, his hands spread out and said: "You think a beginner like me can still know that the details are not successful."

"If you want to know more, go to Mosca yourself."

After a smile imitating Qingming Onmyoji's actions, Ampangfu said:

"But what I can tell you is that the lord once mentioned a sentence next to me."

"This big catastrophe will happen in the polar bear country. If it cannot be stopped immediately, it will be better than the polar bear country... I am afraid there will also be a danger of extermination!"


The elders were frightened.

Senior officials of the Intelligence Department of the Sakura Country, tens of thousands of meters away, were also scared pale.


Citigroup intelligence officials who got a step late but also got news through the monitoring of the cherry blossom country intelligence department also experienced a brief state of distraction after learning of the news.

"This is impossible!"

"Yes, absolutely impossible!"

"Although the polar bear country has fallen, it is still a front-line military power, and it has the largest land area in the world!"

"These countries are in danger of annihilating the country? Just kidding, unless his family, Ivan, explodes."

Citizen intelligence officials one after another found various excuses to deny Ampangfu's remarks.

However... no matter how ridiculous, Ampangfu who spoke this rhetoric is also an extraordinary person.

The Qingming Onmyoji, whom he studied under, was the most powerful transcendent who appeared on the surface of the cherry blossom country.

At this time, he went to the Mosca in the Polar Bear Country, and made people like Ampangfu speak out.

It's hard to believe that the ridiculous words are really just a few jokes.

Silently... Citigroup began to call back its overseas fleets, which were distributed in various oceans, back to their hometowns.

At the same time, homeland security has increased by two levels, and many military bases have been reopened.

Many retired pilots, pilots and other technical arms have also been found and registered one by one.

It can be said that although Citigroup said it did not believe it, it felt impossible.

In fact, he is already in the midst of a rainy day.

Such big news cannot be concealed.

Perhaps those small and weak countries thought the world was still peaceful.

The ancient Eastern countries, several Europa countries, and the polar bear countries and even the stick countries close to the two countries have all learned the contents of the news revealed by Ampangfu.

After repeatedly confirming the authenticity of this source.

Take a breath of air.

Especially the polar bear country.

Several grumpy intelligence officials even waved their fists and shouted intends to suggest that the Ministry of National Defense send troops to invite Qingming Yinyang Division as guests.

In any case, make this crisis clear!

Mosca's big president is naturally not as crazy as those drunkards.

He sent a special envoy to the airport to greet the Qingming Yinyang division's private jet.

Only news soon came.

After Qingming Yinyang Division’s private plane arrived at Mosca Airport.

Master Qingming Yinyang Master who was supposed to be inside disappeared!

This time, the personnel of all parties could not help getting nervous.

In addition, when Xiao Yu, who was about to die, launched the world's wonder and disaster pocket watch, there were many visions in the polar bear country.

A little restlessness surrounded many people's hearts.

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