My Little Country

Chapter 781: Fly it!

The rear of the miracle star battleship spewed azure flames.

The huge force propelled this giant to begin to accelerate in the air.

Soon, the interstellar battleship Miracle reached a speed of 600 kilometers per hour in the real world, chasing the black nether dragon Ivan who was running away.

In the real world, the speed of sound is only 1,240 kilometers per hour.

Six hundred kilometers per hour is close to half the speed of sound, far exceeding the speed of many professional cars.

At the last minute, the black nether dragon Ivan was forced to use the dragon clan's forbidden technique, burning the dragon's blood in his body in exchange for an amazing speed.

At this time, the black nether dragon Ivan had not considered how to defeat the giant to win back his dignity.

It just wanted to hurry away, away from this sad place, away from the giant, and then find a way to locate the rock continent and go back to find his friends and relatives to avenge himself.

However, Ivan the Black Nether Dragon soon discovered something was wrong, and behind it somehow appeared a steel floating battleship.

And the most terrifying thing is the body of the steel floating battleship, sitting on the 300-meter-high steel giant soldier who will make it frightened at first glance.


"How can such a bulky battleship keep up with my speed!"

The black nether dragon Ivan saw a big shock in his heart after seeing this scene.

Its current speed is already one of the best on the rocky continent, which means that the Morning Star wizard can use the power of the world to cheat and open the plug-in to win him.

But I don't want to, on this lost continent, it looks at increasingly clear and large steel floating battleships.

Heart shock: "No, not just keep up with my speed, it... clearly faster than me!"

"How to do?"

After the black nether dragon Ivan's brain was blank, he gritted his teeth and decided to use the life-saving dragon scales given by his elders to forcibly escape.

Its neck was already bombarded with broken scales, hiding a dull, but without any damage to the scales.

The scale was urged by Ivan the Black Drake, and snapped off its neck, and then slammed, and a giant black nether dragon that appeared more than two hundred meters in length gradually appeared in the sky.

"This is the appearance of the morning star!"

"It must have been that the black nether dragon Ivan used a morning star wizard or a dragon **** to temporarily summon its treasure!"

"What should we do, once the phase of the law takes shape, we can only retreat as a wonder?"

Around Xiao Yu, the wizard of Enodia saw the phantom in the sky above the black nether dragon, and quickly reminded.

"Can't it be destroyed?" Xiao Yu asked.

"Unless Ivan the Black Nether Dragon is severely damaged, how can I stop the other party from casting spells?" Wizard Aynodya stunned and replied slightly, "but our speed has reached its limit."

"No matter how fast, many witchcraft models on the battleship will collapse!"

Xiao Yu frowned slightly, and he was unwilling to let go of this extremely valuable black lizard in this way. He made a decision.

"The floating slate will not collapse, and the warship will not fall no matter how bad."

"This opportunity cannot be wasted!"

"Captain, keep your direction on the ancient black dragon!"

"Energy storage system... maximum power reversal!"

"Give me... hit it!"

Xiao Yu shouted at the order, but first jumped from the interstellar battleship Miracle.

In the power system of the miracle star battleship, the energy storage wheel carefully crafted by the Uturu wizard suddenly stopped, and then under the guidance of witchcraft, it began to quickly rotate in the opposite direction, accumulating the usual energy. All energy is exported.

As a result, the trailing flames of the miracle star battleship instantaneously skyrocketed ten times, and the airspace covered by the blaze almost exceeded the miracle star battleship itself!

In an instant, the speed of the Miracle Star battleship doubled, reaching 1,200 kilometers per hour!

This speed is close to the speed of sound in the real world.

Putting it in the villain is a speed that only the morning star wizards can achieve under certain conditions!

The eyes of the black nether dragon Ivan slammed wide and looked at the suddenly-fastened Starship Battleship, slightly opening his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

The phantom of the Fa-phase above it was condensing, and it was about to take shape.


The next moment.

The galloping Starship battleship, already galloping, had carried the afterimage and the dazzling firelight, and hit the black nether dragon Ivan with a blow.

The collision between the two sides is like an egg hitting a stone.

In an instant, the body of Ivan the Black Nether Dragon was like a small stone hit by a car, and he flew out with a bang, smashing out a small basin.

There are underground rivers around this small basin.

So a lot of cold water was constantly infiltrating, and when the black nether dragon Ivan crawled out, it might become a freshly baked small lake here soon.

"Call, call."

The black nether dragon Ivan lay on the ground, only to feel as if he no longer belonged to himself.

Bone or wings, eyes and mouth.

It seems to be rotten and broken.

The black nether dragon Ivan can only barely use perception to detect the situation above.

Then the black nether dragon Ivan saw that the phase he had summoned with the scales had been returned to the void because he was knocked out.

The steel floating battleship that hit him still hovered in mid-air, but the tail may emit a smoky smoke because of excessive force.

"It's over."

He noticed that the unscathed 300-meter-high steel giant soldier stepped on the floating flying disc and wobbled.

The black nether dragon Ivan, who could not even lift his finger, gave a wry smile in his heart and sighed deep inside his heart.


Xiao Yu landed on both feet, looked at the broken body of the Black Nether Dragon Ivan, stretched out his right hand, suddenly the hand of the flame and the hand of the ice appeared at the same time and flew onto the Black Nether Dragon Ivan, and immediately tore the Black Nether Dragon Ivan Large flesh and blood.

"An ancient black dragon without damage and absorption talent, the muscle defense is so bad after losing the dragon scale, even some Yalongs of the same level are not as good?"

"This is what you gain and what you lose?"

Xiao Yu grunted, but determined that the black nether dragon Ivan had no resistance.

So Xiao Yu let the Miracle Starship battleship hover in place for emergency but he stretched out his left hand and mentioned this black lizard, which was 1.2 meters and 3 in Xiao Yu's eyes, Quickly ran back.

at this time.

The stone apes are in the basin.

As the black nether dragon Ivan escaped, the stone ape king revived and gathered the tribe together, holding a group to keep warm.

As for leaving this ghost place, the stone ape family certainly thinks.

However, look at the superb barbarian who is drooling all around.

There are also steel giants that are standing on the ground, just looking at the stone ape's scalp.

The stone apes have no courage to take the initiative.

The King of the Stone Apes, after recognizing the gap between the enemy and the enemy, gave up the idea of ​​a desperate battle, and hoped that the other party would spend so much effort to ambush his own family, and should ask for something else.

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