My Parents Are Omnipotent

Chapter 321: Aboriginal advantage

  Song Wei is a native of the Northern Territory, and is also Bai Qingzhi's confidant. His understanding of the Northern Territory and the Hu people is far from that of Ye Anlan and Li Jing.

  Now that they are going to deal with Hu people, Ye Anlan and Li Jing certainly won't let such a ready-made good candidate go unused.

   Soon, Song Wei, who was going to find the cook to get breakfast, was invited by Chang An.

  Ye Anlan told Song Wei all the news she had received, and then asked him if he thought it was possible for the Hu people to sneak into the northern border through the exit on this side.

  Song Wei nodded vigorously, "They must have guessed that Master Hou would send someone to intercept them at the exit of the mountain. It is undoubtedly the safest thing for them to make a detour."

   After a pause, he continued: "And I suspect that the number of Hu soldiers is probably not just what the Marquis and the others saw."

  As Bai Qingzhi thought before, it would be too stupid to climb mountains with torches in the middle of the night. Although the average level of intelligence of the Hu people is not as good as that of the Han people, they are not all well-developed limbs and simple-minded.

  Song Wei suspected that some of their soldiers actually chose to go over mountains and mountains quietly under the cover of the 2,000 people on the surface, where the Dingbei Army could not notice.

He told Ye Anlan and the others his doubts, "Master Hou was busy guarding the gate at the time, so he might not have thought thoroughly for a while. And even if he could think of all the possibilities, the barbarian army would hold him back and let him It is impossible to divide the troops again. This is also the meaning of the barbarian's desperate onslaught."

  Ye Anlan glanced at Li Jing, and Li Jing said slowly, "If General Song can trust us, we are willing to help Dingbei Army guard the mountain pass to the east."

  Since they entered the northern border, supplies have been slowly decreasing bit by bit.

In every prefecture city guarded by the Dingbei Army they passed by, they distributed part of the supplies to the local garrison according to Song Wei's wishes, and then the local garrison distributed the supplies to those prefectures that Ye Anlan and the others did not pass by. city.

  Up to now, only about 40% of the original materials they escorted remain. These are all for the Juyongguan defenders, Li Jing and the others plan to be good people to the end, and directly help Song Wei deliver these supplies to their final destination.

  Since a lot of chariots and horsemen have been vacated along the way, now Li Jing and Ye Anlan are free to take action, helping the Dingbei Army soldiers deal with the barbarians passing through the mountains.

   "Naturally, I can trust the two of you!" Song Wei and Li Jing have been convinced by each other's character, resourcefulness, and military skills since they got along this way.

In addition, Li Jing and Ye Anlan are here to deliver military supplies to Dingbei Army. If neither of them can be trusted, Song Wei doesn't know who else they Dingbei Army can trust in this land. .

  He slapped his chest loudly, "What do you two plan to do, even if you tell me, Lao Song, I will definitely cooperate with you!"

   Once excited, he immediately revealed his true colors, from "under" to "my old Song".

  Ye Anlan and Li Jing looked at each other and smiled. After laughing, Li Jing poured a cup for Song Wei himself, "General Song said the opposite. It's not that you fully cooperate with us, but we fully cooperate with you."

He raised his hand and pointed at Chang'an, "Chang'an will lead people to guard the military supplies, so you don't need to count him. Miss Ye and I, and our nearly 20,000 soldiers and horses, you can dispatch as you want. "

  Chang An objected subconsciously, "Master, let me kill the barbarians, you."

  Ye Anlan coughed, not loudly, but Changan seemed to be strangled by someone, and the words that followed were immediately silenced.

   Well, even if he is worrying blindly, what about Miss Ye, why is he worried about the personal safety of his young master!

  These two people get together, one with explosive force value, and one full of heart, whoever meets them should worry about his own life, right?

  Changan, who was in the middle of objecting, suddenly stopped objecting. Song Wei was confused and curious, but he knew that now was not the time for him to explore these trivial matters.

  He took a deep breath, then solemnly bowed to Ye Anlan and Li Jing, "Then I, Lao Song, would like to thank you two for your generous help."

  Ye Anlan and Li Jing hurriedly stood up and returned the salute, "You are welcome, General Song."

  The three looked at each other and smiled, then sat down again and continued to discuss how to intercept possible Hu soldiers.

Song Wei knew the topography of the northern territory well. He pointed to the crude map and said to Ye Anlan and Li Jing: "This area is a mountain pass, and there are no villages, towns or people around here. If those who sneaked in If the Hu soldiers want to catch us off guard and help the main force of the Hu people outside Juyong Pass hold back the Dingbei Army, then their best choice is to sneak eastward from here, and then attack the surrounding villages and towns where our defenses are weakest.”

  The closest state capitals to Juyongguan in the northern territory are Youzhou and Shunzhou. These two state cities not only have thick gates and high walls, but also have heavy troops.

  At this time, it was a time of heavily guarded wars. If the soldiers of the Hu people did not want to simply die in vain, then they would be unlikely to do such a thing as attacking two states.

   On the contrary, they are ordinary villages and towns in these two prefectures. The Dingbei Army will only send small teams to patrol regularly, instead of sending heavy troops to garrison them.

  As long as the Hu soldiers who crossed the mountains and entered the northern border moved fast enough and caused enough damage, the soldiers of the Dingbei Army had to divide their troops to chase and intercept them.

   And as long as they keep walking the soldiers of the Dingbei Army in circles in these two states, the pressure on the main force of the Hu people outside Juyongguan will be greatly reduced.

  If the main force of the Hu people can take this opportunity to break through Juyongguan in one fell swoop, then these Hu people who sneaked into the northern border earlier will not only have to die and die in a foreign country, but will also be rewarded for their hard work.

   At that time, whether it is status, wealth, beauties, or fine wine, they will have everything they expect.

  As for those Hu soldiers who unfortunately died early, their families will also receive extra care from the tribe because of their sacrifices.

   It was precisely because of such a temptation hanging in front of them that the former small group of Hu soldiers willingly sneaked into the northern border to do such a mission with an almost predictable ending.

"No matter which part of the mountain they sneak out of, as long as they go east, they will definitely pass through the Swallow Valley. Although the two sides of the Swallow Valley are not high mountains, they are better than strange rocks on one side and lush trees on the other, which is very convenient for us to set up an ambush. "

  Ye Anlan and Li Jing followed Song Wei's finger on the map, but there was nothing displayed on the small area Song Wei was pointing at.

   Obviously, this so-called Swallow Valley is not a place worthy of special marking by mapmakers.

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