My Parents Are Omnipotent

Chapter 329: to act like

  Pingkang Wang's lineage is honest and peaceful, and the empress dowager who is behind the curtain in the palace is at ease and happy, but with Pingkang Wang's son like this, it is extremely difficult for the Han family to find an opportunity to get close to him.

   They planned for several months before they finally heard the news that Prince Pingkang was leaving Beijing with his younger sister and younger brother.

  The Han family was afraid of missing this good opportunity, so in a hurry, they asked the Han family brothers and sisters to go out of Beijing with guards and servants to chase after them.

  Of course, on the surface, they went out of Beijing to visit relatives.

  Because the family's financial situation is not optimistic, the Han family brothers and sisters went out this time, and the Han family did not bring them much money.

However, the daughter of the Han family feels that she has a great responsibility, and she needs to pay attention to the appearance in front of Prince Pingkang's son, so she always gags her brother with "what if I run into the son by chance" along the way, asking him to bring a Eat well and live well.

  If she spends too much, the eldest son of the Han family will have to save money in other aspects. Therefore, the food and accommodation conditions of the guards and servants who followed them are getting worse day by day.

   These people were dissatisfied, but seeing that the Han family might marry Pingkang Palace, not only did they not show their dissatisfaction, but they worked harder than usual.

   But after being cheated for a long time, those servants of the rich and powerful families who are getting used to taking cards will inevitably be somewhat unable to control their hands.

  For example, this steward who wants to make Ye Anlan suffer a lot by relying on his status as servant of a wealthy family.

   He obviously received the double deposit that should be given to Ye Anlan from Mr. Han, but he forfeited the money halfway.

Originally, he thought that Ye Anlan, a man of the rivers and lakes, would give some face to the dignitaries in the capital no matter what, and even if he really saw through, he should suffer this secret loss in silence, but unexpectedly, Ye Anlan was an instant bomb , opened his mouth and taunted the brothers and sisters of the Han family.

  The steward wanted to speak clearly and threatened Ye Anlan, who was ignorant of the world, when Mr. Han and Miss Han, who was waiting impatiently, walked over together.

  They heard Ye Anlan's ridicule, and the expression on their faces was very ugly.

  Master Han gave the steward a hard look, and Miss Han slammed a money bag over.

  The doorkeeper Ye's personal guard raised his hand and caught the money bag accurately.

  He was about to look at Ye Anlan's eyes, when the arrogant girl Han raised her chin and said to Ye Anlan: "One thousand taels is enough for you to make room!"

  Ye Anlan raised her eyebrows slightly. I'm afraid she's a fool, right? Giving them one thousand taels just for the sake of comfort?

  She glanced at the personal guard, "Open it and have a look."

  The personal guard still opened the purse, and then took out two five hundred taels of silver bills and two small silver coins weighing five taels from it.

  He checked the two bank notes carefully, and found that they were genuine, and they were the kind that Ye Anlan carried with him that could be exchanged nationwide.

   "Master, it's true."

  Ye Anlan clicked his tongue, "Then give them the house."

What they are renting now is a big house with three fronts and three entrances. Because it is located in the town, this house is both big and cheap. This house is not bad.

   Such a house, in fact, can accommodate all of them in one house, but if there is no good reason, Ye Anlan would not be able to enclose all her family members in the same house in order to save such a little money.

   Now that the prodigal girl Han gave her a chance, she wished she could move to the next door immediately to join some of her personal guards.

Anyway, they are not real strangers, and living in the same house will not make them feel uneasy. Apart from saving money, she can also rely on the act of "combining houses" to further solidify her image of a profit-seeking philistine and businessman , Lowering the vigilance of others can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

   Well, the most important thing is that she is really short of money~

  Supporting the Dingbei Army to repair and expand Juyongguan, it emptied her small coffers all at once, not to mention, she in turn owed the Dingbei Army a sum of labor money_(:з」∠)_

  She didn't want to touch Ye's public treasury, because it belonged to the people under her command and the people under her rule, but she didn't want more Dingbei Army's great son Lang to die on the battlefield against the Hu people because of the pass.

   It's not that she is so selfless, she just thinks that she can live on her own one-acre three-point land with peace of mind because the Dingbei Army is carrying the burden for her and the people under her rule.

   If there is no opponent to resist foreign enemies, how can all the rebel forces including Ye's cede territory and rule in the hinterland of the Central Plains?

  Since they leaned against the big tree to enjoy the shade, shouldn’t it be natural for them to help the big tree loosen the soil, fertilize, water, and catch insects?

  With this in mind, Ye Anlan decided to go to the capital to make a fortune. After all, looking at all the lands that she can reach, I can’t find a place that has more rich people than the capital┓(`)┏

   In addition, she also sympathized with Bai Qingzhi very much, and wanted to help him get the best of both worlds, so this time, she set the destination for the trip of robbing the rich and helping the poor in the capital of Dazhou, where the rich and powerful in the old dynasty were most concentrated.

  Then, because of this huge debt, she added one more. When she saw the money, she subconsciously converted the money into how much labor she could hire to give the Northern Army a small problem of building the city wall_(:з」∠)_

  For example, the 1,000 taels that the Miss Han who wanted to save face and suffer was thrown to them casually, and Ye Anlan quickly used it to settle the score in her heart.

  She was very satisfied with the result of the settlement, so she simply let the yard be vacated for that Miss Han to live in.

   It took less than a quarter of an hour for Ye's personal guards and Li Jing's bodyguards to drive the chariot and lead the horse to vacate the house to the Han brothers and sisters.

  Miss Han snorted contemptuously at Ye Anlan, but Ye Anlan gave her a particularly bright smile.

  Failed to get angry with Ye Anlan, Miss Han made herself so angry instead.

  She stomped her feet resentfully, "Seeing that money is open, it really is a lowly merchant with the smell of money!"

  Yang Xiaotao was so angry that she pulled out the knife, but Ye Anlan held her hand down.

  She smiled and patted Yang Xiaotao, "Don't be angry, don't cause trouble, keep a low profile."

  Although she could easily teach this little girl how to talk to people with her fists, if things got serious, how could they sneak into Beijing as quietly as possible?

  Since she wants to pretend to be a businessman, she can't get angry and show her true colors to justify her name just because she has suffered a little bit of idleness.

She waved slightly at the other companions who also looked angry, "Okay, don't stick around here, we have to go to the newly rented house to wash and cook while it's still early, don't you guys And dilly-dally to waste lamp oil."

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