My Pet is a Snapping Turtle

Chapter 311 Get the photolithography machine (monthly ticket 1400 plus more)

If the container floats up, it means that it is well sealed and no water has entered at all.

If there is water inside, the container must be sinking. Knowing this, Liu Yong suddenly became happy.

In addition, Liu Yong also discovered that these four are not standard containers, but special packing boxes, which are stronger than containers, and the key is that they are very well sealed.

The size is also larger than standard containers, they seem to be the same width and height as standard containers, but the length is definitely longer, the length of a half standard container by visual inspection.

"Overlord, it's not too late. We need to take all these four boxes away before the people from country M arrive."

Overlord also understands this point. Time is of the essence. The tail of this plane is out of the water, and it is easy to be found by search and rescue ships or search and rescue helicopters from country M.

The Overlord temporarily held his giant spear with one of his front paws, and quickly left with the first box in his mouth, and soon he was far away.

Liu Yong reminded: "Bawang, find an uninhabited deserted island nearby, and hide these four containers on the island first."

It is definitely not acceptable to put it in the water, it will float up, and then drift away with the ocean current, so it can only be placed on land.

There is no land nearby, so we can only find a deserted island, put all four large containers on the deserted island and hide them, and then transport them back one by one.

Overlord swam dozens of nautical miles in one breath and spent more than ten minutes before finally discovering an uninhabited deserted island.

The area of ​​the island is not small, it is estimated to be two or three square kilometers. The trees on the island are lush and there are large jungles. It is best to put these containers on the island.

Overlord climbed onto the island and placed the first container in the jungle by the beach, ensuring that the container could not be seen from the air or from the nearby sea.

Then, the Overlord didn't dare to stop at all, the people of country M might find the wreckage of the plane at any time.

Three or forty minutes later, the second container was also transferred to the island, and an hour and a half later, the third container also landed on the island.

After Bawang hid the third container, he quickly swam towards the wreckage of the plane.

It was now past nine o'clock in the morning local time, and the white fog on the sea had dissipated a lot, and the visibility had increased by more than half.

If the visibility was 500 meters in the early morning, it would be at least one kilometer now.

Liu Yong prayed in his heart, there was still a container on the plane, God bless, those M country people don't come over, and find the wreckage of the plane later.

Bawang's speed was still fast, and it still didn't take more than twenty minutes to swim from this unnamed deserted island to the wreckage of the plane.

At this moment, Liu Yong's heart was raised, and a helicopter appeared on the edge of the third party's field of vision. It must be a search and rescue helicopter, only eight or nine hundred meters away from the wreckage.

"Bawang, if you go faster, the opponent may find the wreckage of the plane at any time."

"Okay, master."

Overlord finally got the last large container out of the plane and started to leave.

The helicopter in the distance obviously spotted the crashed plane. This is a large military transport plane, not a small plane. The tail of the plane is exposed to the sea, and the white fog gradually dissipates, making it very obvious.

Just a few nautical miles away from the Bawang, this helicopter came over, hovering at a height of 30 to 40 meters above the sea, and after confirming that it was the crashed large military transport plane, the people on the plane immediately shouted excitedly.

More than 20 nautical miles away, the search and rescue ship was driving towards this side at full speed. After arriving here, it immediately sent frogmen into the water to start the search and rescue.

On the nameless desert island.

Bawang successfully transported a total of four large containers here, about 50 nautical miles from the place where the plane crashed, not too far, not too close.

Liu Yong let out a long breath of relief, and said in his heart that he is safe for the time being.

Overlord said: "Master, I'm hungry, take a rest first, find something to fill my stomach before we talk."

It swam here in one breath from the waters of the Gulf of Aden, and did not stop for more than ten hours, nor did it eat a bite.

Liu Yong said: "Overlord, you have worked hard, you can find something to eat nearby, and take a rest by the way."

Overlord looked at the four large containers hidden on the island and made sure there was nothing wrong with it. He went down to the sea and started looking for something to eat.

Fifty nautical miles away, the plane crashed.

Several frogmen got off the search and rescue ship. They confirmed the situation, and the situation was quickly passed on to the search and rescue ship.

Ernesta, who was in charge of the search and rescue mission, looked disbelieving, "What, there is no shadow of the lithography machine, is the cargo compartment of the plane empty?"

How did that happen?

This is absolutely impossible!

Ernesta wished he could go into the water himself, he didn't believe it at all, but after several frogmen boarded the boat one after another, the reports were all consistent, so he had to believe it.


Where did our lithography machine go, is it eaten by fish? The fish in the sea don't eat this thing either.

Could it be that they were thrown out of the cargo hold before the plane crashed, but the possibility of this is almost zero.

Not reconciled, Ernesta ordered his men to start searching the sea area with a radius of several nautical miles around the plane, and even lowered the submersible from the ship to start searching the seabed, hoping to find a lithography machine.

above the island.

The Overlord ate and drank enough, and had a good night's sleep. When he woke up, he was full of energy and energy.

In the jungle not far away, under the shade of trees, there are four large containers.

In the sky, there seemed to be the sound of a helicopter, and Bawang hurriedly got into the water to prevent being discovered by the helicopter.

"Master, a helicopter has appeared."

Liu Yong immediately opened the third-party vision. Sure enough, there was a helicopter flying at a height of only about two or three hundred meters, flying over the island, and the distance from the island was no more than one kilometer.

Seeing the helicopter flying out of the third-party field of vision, Liu Yong thought to himself that this island is not safe, and the lithography machine cannot be placed on this island for a long time.

It needs to be transferred again, it is too close to the place where the plane crashed.

Liu Yong said: "Overlord, this place is not safe. Our four containers need to be transferred again, at least hundreds of nautical miles away from here."

Overlord understood in seconds, and immediately replied: "Master, I will find another island right away, and transfer all four containers to that island tonight."

Liu Yong said: "It's not too late, you should find a suitable island now, and transfer them all to the new island overnight tonight."

Overlord left this island and moved forward quickly to find a suitable island.

The fourth one is here!

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