My Pet is a Snapping Turtle

Chapter 366 Go Down to the Seabed in person

Liu Yong saw a huge space, as if I entered a science fiction movie.

So shocking!

It took Liu Yong a long time to come back to his senses, and then he swam around with the light source and looked around, but he didn't dare to go too deep for fear of getting lost.

Because the inside is too big!

Very spectacular! ! !

After about a few minutes, Liu Yong began to return along the original road, because the pressure of the sea water was too great, Liu Yong could not hold on for too long.

The wreckage of the spaceship came out soon. Once outside, Liu Yong immediately swam up to the sea surface, more than 3,000 meters, and it took only 20 minutes to come up from the bottom of the sea.

Out of the sea!

Liu Yong let out a long breath of relief, he felt relieved, and saw the big yacht parked in the distance.

After getting on the yacht, Liu Yong finally relaxed completely, and the scenes he saw just now began to appear in his mind.

This is undoubtedly the wreckage of a spaceship, a little damaged, especially the part that came in from the big hole.

A little further inside, the damage was not so severe, and Liu Yong didn't know what part of the spaceship he entered.

It was a huge space, and there were thick pipelines in front of him. Each one was thick, and the length was unknown.

Everything displayed in front of Liu Yong is so spectacular, so shocking, it is worthy of alien technology.

"Boss, are you okay!"

Chen Hu came over and asked with concern. It could be seen that he was very concerned.

Even if Liu Yong didn't say anything, he roughly guessed that the boss might have gone down to a depth of two or three thousand meters.

He said in his heart several times, my God, the boss is so powerful, he can go to such a deep seabed.

His admiration for Liu Yong is even stronger, it is completely from the heart.

What about Liu Yong?

After boarding the big yacht, the main thing is to rest and recharge your batteries. After a period of rest, you will definitely continue.

It is a pity that it is too deep, more than 3,000 meters, and the pressure below is too great.

If it is not so deep, if it is only more than 2,000 meters, Liu Yong will stay on the bottom of the sea for a longer time, and it is estimated that he can stay for more than an hour.

The seawater depth of the spacecraft wreckage exceeds 3,300 meters. At such a depth, Liu Yong can only stay for a maximum of ten minutes.

It takes about 20 minutes to go down from the surface of the sea to the bottom of the sea, and it takes at most ten minutes to enter the spaceship before returning.

Under the water depth of 3300 meters, the time spent is too short!

If you want to stay longer, you have to wait for the overlord to grow bigger.

The overlord grows bigger, with more powerful attributes, and can go down to deeper seabeds.

As Bawang grows bigger, Liu Yong will also become stronger, and he will be able to go down to deeper seabeds, and stay longer at a depth of 3300.

Liu Yong rested on the big yacht for about an hour and a half, and even made a cup of coffee. Feeling that he had almost rested, Liu Yong went into the sea again.

Holding the deep-sea light source, Liu Yong swam towards the bottom of the sea again.

As the depth gradually increased, the light also gradually dimmed. At two or three hundred meters underwater, the light was already very dim, and further down, the light became darker and darker.

At a depth of four or five hundred meters, although the sea water is very clear, it is almost pitch black, and the light from the sea cannot reach here.

Liu Yong turned on the light source in his hand, and it was bright, at least the range of hundreds of meters in front of him was relatively clear.

Overlord swims over.

"Master, please sit on my back and go."

Liu Yong said: "Okay, let's go to the entrance of the cave, I'll go in there this time."

Having had the experience of entering just now, Liu Yong plans to enter more deeply this time, and maybe there will be some gains.

Ba Dynasty swam to the bottom of the sea, faster than Liu Yong, but not too fast.

Going towards the bottom of the sea is a process of gradually increasing water pressure. If the speed is too fast, the water pressure will increase too fast. Although Liu Yong is strong, he will feel uncomfortable and even uncomfortable.

The same is true from the bottom to the sea surface, the speed should not be too fast, about 20 minutes is more suitable for a depth of 3300 meters.

When Bawang reached the entrance of the big hole again, it stopped, and Liu Yong swam in with the light source.

According to the previous experience, Liu Yong was relatively fast when he entered the big cave, and he swam for a few minutes before slowing down.

While using the light source in his hand to take pictures around and take a look, he swam slowly.

Besides viewing the interior of the spaceship, what Liu Yong most wanted to get was something of value.

It's just that it's not clear what part of the spaceship it is for the time being. Seeing these huge pipelines, Liu Yong speculates that this location may be the power compartment of the spaceship.

After a while, I felt that it might not be accurate, because I didn't see the engine or the like, only thick pipelines leading to the distance, and the interior of the spaceship was very huge.

Some pipelines were intact, and some were obviously damaged, and the place where it came in was also obviously damaged. Liu Yong guessed that maybe it was because of these damages that the spaceship stopped here without fear.

Will there be aliens in here?

With such a thought in his mind, Liu Yong continued to swim forward. After another few minutes, Liu Yong felt that he should go out.

There is a slight regret in my heart, it seems that this trip will not gain anything.

Suddenly, Liu Yong saw something within the reach of the light.

At first I thought it was a robot, but when I swam over, I saw that it was the corpse of an alien.

Full body armor, more than five meters tall, not two hands and two legs like humans, but four hands and four legs.

After lying here for 50,000 years, the body has only bones left, but the armor seems to be relatively intact.

Liu Yong is overjoyed!

What would happen if such a set of armor was taken back?

As soon as this idea came up, he immediately started, holding the light source in one hand, and dragging the alien's body (including the armor) to the outside with the other.

Liu Yong had a lot of strength, but still felt that it was difficult, so he barely dragged out of the cave, threw the body on the ground, and then quickly swam towards the water surface.

At this time, Liu Yong already felt very uncomfortable and had to go up to the sea surface. Under the sea depth of 3300 meters, he really could only hold on for such a short time.

As he ascended, Liu Yong gradually became more comfortable. After reaching a depth of more than 1,000 meters, the discomfort almost completely disappeared.

Liu Yong got on the big yacht again, and needed to rest again before going down to the bottom of the sea.

The first thing to do after boarding the big yacht is to rest and recharge your spirits.

Put the big light source under the yacht, take off the rubber diving suit, take a shower on the yacht, and change into clean and comfortable clothes.

He went down to the seabed at a depth of 3,300 meters twice in a row. This time, Liu Yong may have to rest for more than two hours before going down again.

The first one is delivered!

Thanks to "Tianze Dragon King" for the 4 rewards totaling 8,000 coins, thanks to "Reading Book 1 Pay 1" for the reward of 5,000 coins, thanks to "Bian Ge Lecture" for the two rewards totaling 3,000 coins, and thanks to "☆Stupid Scholars ☆" and "Book Friends 20170517204536800" are rewarded with 100 coins each.

thank you all! ! !

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