My Senior Brother is Too Steady

Chapter 670: Damn it! [Must-see·Pseudo-High Energy·Medium Cup]

[Tiandao took action directly against Di Xin. 】

Xiao Qiongfeng, in front of the alchemy room.

Li Changshou stood by the pool with the yin and yang pattern, his vision was a little out of focus, and he was quietly lost in thought with his hands behind his back.

If I say that I have reached this step by step, it is a height that I never expected when I regained consciousness in the wilderness.

Tian Dao tore off the fig leaf today and took action directly against Di Xin. This was the worst case scenario that Li Changshou had considered before.

This means that the will of heaven has no scruples and requires all spirits to act out his script.

Plans cannot keep up with changes.

The taste is really unpleasant.

Within the scope of the rules, play with the makers of the rules; the worst situation is like this now, the other party tears up the rules and slaps them down.

In front of the Notre Dame Temple, this slap was merciless.

This means that most of the ‘win rate’ and ‘certainty’ that I have previously derived through calculation and evaluation have been invalidated. For me, the future that was originally controllable has become impossible to trace.

Today Tiandao takes action against Di Xin, and tomorrow he may take action directly against Yunxiao, Ling'e, and Brother Zhao!

Of course, the two are not comparable.

Di Xin is the core character and an irreplaceable chess piece in Tiandao's God-Fengting script.

But Yunxiao and Brother Zhao are pure [masters] and have no 'irreplaceable' attributes. If he wants to take them away, he only needs to convince them and ask the teacher and Uncle Tongtian to protect them. Even if the way of heaven blocks them, they can successfully leave the wilderness. .

The price is that he will never come back, and most of his arrangements and preparations will be wasted, and he will lose his only chance to balance the way of heaven.

Feeling a little unwilling for no reason.

Be steady and steady, don't be impatient.

We have worked so hard to level the West, subdue the underworld, and pacify the sea of ​​blood. All we have to do is become a god and we can rise in one leap...

Could it be that Tiandao is deliberately putting pressure on himself?

Can the subsequent steps be successful without him being a spoiler, thus forcing himself to leave early?

Or is it that Heaven is testing itself?

Thoughts appeared one after another in Li Changshou's heart, and Kong Mingdao couldn't bear it.


Kong sighed.

Kong sighed.

He stepped forward, as if he were stepping on a ladder and gradually ascended into the sky. He flickered gently in the forest and disappeared in front of the alchemy room.

It happens to be the truce period in the chess and card room, and the 'little bell' can be found in front of the tree.

The Chaos Clock emits a shadowy light, and Zhong Ling appears from the side, wearing a red dress that is gorgeous and yet somewhat uniquely ethereal.

She blinked lightly in the air and tilted her head in confusion.

Li Changshou appeared in her sight, showed a gentle smile to Zhong Ling, and then sighed slumpedly and sat by the lake.

"Oops? What's wrong?"

Chaos Zhong Zhong Ling came over curiously and joked with a smile: "Is there anything else that can't be done to live in the Second Heaven Emperor?"

Li Changshou glanced at Zhong Ling helplessly, pointed to the blue sky in the heaven outside the formation, and activated the Xiaoqiong Peak Sky-Covering Formation.

"How deep does Sister Zhong know the way of heaven?"

"Who are you calling eldest sister?"

Zhong Lingxing's eyes widened and she made a strangulation gesture fiercely.

Li Changshou smiled and said: "It's wrong, senior, don't blame me, how much does Aunt Zhong know about the way of heaven?"

"Go, go, call me eldest sister!"

Zhong Ling cursed angrily, turned over and jumped onto a tree branch, his body swaying up and down in the breeze, and thought about it carefully.

“We are magic weapons after all, and our understanding of the nature of the great road is different from yours.

The way of heaven is just that, it is generated by a will, and its foundation is the great road that has been established since ancient times. Now it has the power of six saints as the cornerstone, which has a strong binding force on heaven and earth.

Your Balance Dao should have a thorough understanding of this. "

"Sometimes I really want to not be so thorough," Li Changshou rubbed his eyebrows and muttered to the spirit of the Chaos Bell in his heart, "At this point, I really want to ignore it, rush over in one breath, and fuck him in one blow. Slip away.

Just care about your own grudges and don't care about the disaster behind you.

But the strange thing is that a selfish person like me who is afraid of death will also care about some people, things and things that he shouldn't care about. Alas, I always find it a bit ironic. "

Zhong Ling turned around and looked in the direction of the thatched cottage, where Ling'e was looking curiously.

"The instinct of living things is to survive, and there is nothing wrong with that," Zhong Ling said with a smile, "I can't understand what you said.

Do you know why I came here to find you after leaving Tongtian's hand? "

Li Changshou smiled and said: "It can't be because of my position as an ordinary powerful minister in heaven."

"The Heavenly Court is just a puppet of the will of Heaven. Although the current Heavenly Court is powerful and standardized, in my eyes, it is not as good as the ancient Demon Court.

I feel like you are a pretty good guy, but you also have a lot of contradictions, duplicity and so on.

He said he didn't want to be involved in cause and effect, but now he has taken over everything. "

Li Changshou shrugged and said calmly: "Let's talk about the Ancient Demon Court."

"Ancient Demon Court...what's there to say?

Although they could not escape the fate of being manipulated, at least they had a period of freedom. A group of creatures gathered together to fight for survival, fighting with heaven and earth, and finally became one of the world.

Don’t you hate hearing what I’m saying? You are a human race and are naturally hostile to the demon race. I’m talking about the time before the human race was born. "

Li Changshou asked in a voice: "Were the taboos of heaven in the Demon Court at that time?"

Zhong Ling trembled and said hurriedly: "Don't ask this, God will tear you apart!"

"Okay, I got it. I just wanted to check with you."

Li Changshou breathed a sigh of relief and stood up, half of the confusion in his eyes faded.

"Sister Zhong, do me a favor," Li Changshou turned his head slightly and looked in the direction of the thatched house, "If things change later, protect my junior sister to the sea of ​​chaos."

Chaos Clock blinked: "Are you going to flip the table?"

"You are joking, how can I be so qualified to flip the table?"

Li Changshou smiled and sighed: "Tell Ling'e not to worry, I'll go out for a walk.

She is actually very perceptive, I am afraid of what she will think too much. "

After saying this, Li Changshou's figure turned into a wisp of smoke and gently dissipated with the breeze by the lake.

In the thatched house, Ling'e couldn't help but tilt her head and smelled something unusual.

The Chaos Bell slowly floated over and became as big as ten feet tall. Miss Zhong Ling sat on the top of the clock in a charming manner, smiling charmingly at Ling'e.

Ah, the way of heaven.

By the Tianhe River, Li Changshou walked aimlessly with his hands behind his back, feeling the majestic waves of the boundless Tianhe River, and felt some unspeakable feelings in his heart.

[When Emperor Shang Jun paid homage to the Nuwa Temple, he was disrespectful to the human mother goddess Nuwa. First he asked to see the face of the Virgin, and then showed an infatuated image of the Virgin. He wrote a poem on the wall of the Nuwa Temple:

The scenery of Feng Luan Bao's tent is very special, and it is full of intricate decorations made of gold and gold.

The mountains in the far distance are emerald; the sleeves are dancing gracefully to reflect the clouds.

The pear blossoms are blooming in the rain; the smoke in the peony cage is full of beauty.

But you can act charmingly and take back Changle to serve the king.

Then he laughed a few times, turned around and left the temple.

Within half an hour, the earth shook in many parts of Nanfangbu Continent, the icon of the Holy Mother Temple collapsed, dark clouds gathered over Chaoge City, there was lightning and thunder, and there was a faint sound of dragon roaring.

Wen Zhong, who was in the process of conquering various places, heard about this and almost fainted, and hurried back to Chaoge City. 】

Oh, let the contemporary Emperor tease the Holy Mother of the Human Race.


No, it's simply disgraceful!

Even if Li Changshou knew that Fengshen would have such trouble, he really didn't expect that it would be caused by this method.

Heavenly Dao took action directly, immobilizing the Emperor Xin's destiny to protect him, and affecting the Emperor's mind.

What cannot be done by great tribulations, God will do.

What Maitreya missed in the dark chess game was made up for by Tiandao himself.

for what?

Just for the ridiculous script, just for the established end of the world?

Ridiculous, ridiculous!

But what can I do?

People like him are greedy for life, afraid of death, and devoted to avoidance, so they are entrusted with important tasks by Heavenly Dao and become the creatures under the order of Heavenly Dao who can influence the world.

People like him seek stability in everything, consider everything carefully, and can see the whole picture of the way of heaven, so they dare not easily disturb the foundation of the way of heaven.

Tiandao must have taken advantage of this.

This time Tiandao took action against Di Xin, Li Changshou did not expect that it would touch him so much.

He has actually thought of an idea to counter Tiandao, but what he fears most now is that his idea is exactly what Tiandao wants...

The explanation here is very complicated, and the number of layers exceeds sixteen or seventeen.

This is not a simple matter of "bearing it for a while and getting more and more angry, taking a step back and telling me to go", it involves too much and contains too much.

To put it simply, it was Senior Lang who used his own death to buy himself the only way to 'win the world'.

But Tiandao suddenly did not play its cards according to the rules set by Tiandao itself, and this road began to collapse.

If you take action to amend these rules yourself, stabilize this path, and use the power to restrict Tiandao, you will expose your trump card and lose your ability to threaten Tiandao. This may be the result that Tiandao wants.

But if you remain silent this time, Heaven may take advantage of the situation to intervene in the catastrophe, push the person you want to save to the guillotine, and then continue to force yourself, making all your previous efforts in vain...

It's very annoying.

The extreme asymmetry of power was the biggest dilemma he faced at this time.

However, in order to be qualified to compete with Heavenly Dao, Li Changshou had almost tried his best. However, after he had ensured that Heavenly Dao could not directly obliterate him, he was unable to change too much.

Suddenly it felt a little ridiculous.

After working hard for so long, I am still like a baby in front of heaven.


The water of the Tianhe River hit the embankment formed by the gathering of stars, creating waves that made Li Changshou's heart tremble slightly.

Clear your mind and restart.

Want to fight back?

Do you really want to correct the way of heaven and jump into the trap set by the way of heaven for the sake of a human emperor who has nothing to do with you?

Although the matter is quite complex, the underlying logic is clear.

[When the clenched fist is punched out, it loses the power of a charged punch. If you need to use this fist to strike in the future, the effect will be greatly reduced. 】

The immediate and the final, it is really difficult to choose between the two.

There were shouts in the distance, but he inadvertently walked to the place where the Tianhe navy was stationed, and saw Bian Zhuang who was conducting military exercises.

This guy must have discovered his presence early, and he was shouting quite enthusiastically at this time.

Li Changshou shook his head with a smile, and his figure turned into clouds and disappeared.

Suddenly I felt a little sad.

I have mentored many people and arranged for many people so far. Who can come to mentor me?

I can only go to Taiqingguan.

No matter where you go next or what you want to do, it will all be based on your teacher’s support.

Confused and in a trance, Li Changshou had arrived at the Nine Heavens Palace and found the small courtyard. He looked outside and saw that the wooden door of the courtyard was open.

Li Changshou stepped forward. This time was different from the past. As soon as he entered the small courtyard, the surrounding scenery changed rapidly, as if he was in clouds and mist.

The left side is pitch black, and the right side is somewhat hazy pure white;

The skinny figure of Saint Taiqing sat cross-legged not far away. At this moment, he opened his eyes with some effort and showed an ugly smile to Li Changshou.

Although ugly, it is very warm.

Li Changshou felt at ease inexplicably, bowed to the teacher, and was pulled to the front of Saint Taiqing.

Taiqing brought a futon and motioned Li Changshou to sit down. After Li Changshou sat firmly, he asked in a voice:

"What's wrong?"

"Teacher," Li Changshou felt the tip of his nose was a little sore for some unknown reason. He raised his hand to rub his nose to hold it back, and said with a smile, "This disciple is a little confused."

Taiqing spoke with some effort, but his voice was quite gentle:


"Teacher, can you see what happened at the Notre Dame Temple just now?"

Taiqing seemed to know that he was speaking a little slowly, and nodded slightly.

Li Changshou smiled bitterly and said: "This disciple really doesn't understand why Heaven is so impatient, and why he has to... That's all, I actually know the answer, but I just don't want to admit it.

Teacher, do you know the details of what my disciple has been doing? "

Taiqing's eyes showed thoughts. He nodded slightly, but then slowly shook his head.

"Some...guess...can't figure it out."

"Disciple should not have concealed it from you, but I never found a chance to report it to you."

Li Changshou raised his fingers, danced lightly, and spread a chessboard in front of him.

"The disciple has a thousand-year plan, which has been implemented 80%. The plan is called the disappearance of 'Akers'. This 'Akers' actually means variable and unknown.

In prehistoric terms, it is a variable.

Teacher, you should have noticed that I have been particularly actively involved in the growth of the children of the Conferred God Tribulation. Do you think, teacher, that this is because of the disciple’s special background and that the disciple is looking for a sense of participation? "

Taiqing frowned slightly, his expression seemed to be asking:

‘Isn’t it? ’

This was the first time that Li Changshou took the initiative in talking to the teacher and successfully avoided falling into the vicious circle of the teacher's average sentence of eighteen days.

Li Changshou said slowly: "My disciple's temperament actually does not allow him to participate in this. When I learned that my fellow countryman was killed by Tiandao and Daozu together, I wanted to leave.

Moreover, this feeling is so urgent that the disciple often cannot breathe.

The disciple couldn't sleep or eat well because of this, and he didn't dare to stop for a moment. He was thinking about how to escape unscathed every day.

Finally it occurred to me.

Be the one to escape. "

"Oh?" Taiqing's eyes showed some clarity, as if he had understood Li Changshou's full plan, but he motioned for Li Changshou to continue.

Li Changshou sighed and continued:

"To be precise, it is to be a person who has escaped from an era.

When the disciple became a golden immortal, he opened the door of the great road and saw the bottom road of the ancient world. That is, things are not perfect, there is no true perfection, and the truth is flawed, which is the principle of fifty to one.

In order to protect the heaven and earth, or in other words, to control the heaven and earth, the way of heaven must annex and accommodate these rules while deducing the infinite avenues. This is the basis of the way of heaven.

Therefore, if one of the fiftieth Dao and the forty-nine Heavenly Evolutions escapes, this one cannot be controlled by the Heavenly Dao.

What the disciple has to do is this one within a thousand years before and after the Great Tribulation of the Gods.

So the disciple made plans and arranged for Yang Jian, to arrange for the sons of each calamity in the Conferring God Tribulation, to promote the great prosperity of the Heavenly Court, to suppress the prosperity of the Western Sect, to arrange the Three Thousand Worlds Lintian Palace, the Immortal Alliance... and so on.

Eighty percent of all the variables in the world today involve disciples, and the disciples themselves are also variables in the world.

Ever since His Majesty the Jade Emperor granted him the position of Taibai Jinxing, in charge of reform and killing, and deduced the new order of the Six Paths, and obtained the list of gods and whips in Zixiao Palace, his disciples have become the biggest variable.

Disciples have become [one] of this era. "

Li Changshou sighed slowly, his eyes full of helplessness, and saw the encouragement in the teacher's eyes, and whispered:

“During this process, disciples have three major advantages.

First, he is a chess piece of the way of heaven. The disciple is greedy for life and afraid of death by nature. He only wants to leave the primitive world, and the way of heaven is the most popular;

Second, I have your support, teacher. Without the teacher's protection all the way, Heaven would probably have already taken action to obliterate what the disciple did when he noticed it.

Third, the disciple has a gift from the senior, which can be regarded as a last resort.

The Avenue of Balance is only the foundation of all of this, and when the disciples were able to comprehend the Avenue of Balance, it was probably the work of Heaven, in order to allow the disciples to take away this avenue that could threaten it when they left.

There seems to be a tacit understanding between the disciple and Tiandao;

The Avenue of Balance is separated from the ancient sea of ​​laws, and the laws of heaven are somewhat less constrained.

Now, the way of heaven is already waiting for the disciples to escape, or forcing the disciples to escape after the great catastrophe of becoming a god. At that time, the way of heaven can be perfected to a certain extent, and the temporary perfection can be eternally stable.

After Master Qi Yuan was killed by a spit of fire from the Golden Crow, his disciples already understood this path.

Can! But it!

In front of the Notre Dame Temple, so unscrupulous!

So carefree!

He chose Maitreya to take action! Why did you choose Maitreya to take action!

This is just mocking the disciple. The disciple can only be its pawn of heaven. It has already begun to put pressure on the disciple!

Tiandao couldn't wait any longer. He either forced his disciple to take action and let him reveal his trump card in advance, or he started to force his disciple to escape in advance!

Yes, the Great Tribulation of the Gods has been fully launched, and it does not require the disciples to do anything else.

This is the way of heaven!

What do you think of living beings? What did you think of the human race again!

Then the contemporary Human Emperor is a joke!

He is a joke who doesn’t even know the appearance of heaven and earth! "


Saint Taiqing gave a soft drink, and Li Changshou's excited expression suddenly calmed down, and he breathed out slowly.

"Teacher, this disciple has lost his temper."

"Nothing," Taiqing smiled a little, and his smile was softer than before.

Saint Taiqing seemed to want to say something, but he just looked at Li Changshou with pleased eyes. He seemed to be quite pleased that Li Changshou could see this, understand this, and do this.

"Teacher, this disciple really doesn't know what to do now."

Li Changshou smiled bitterly and said: "This disciple wants to go to Huoyun Cave to wake up Senior Suiren, and go to Zixiao Palace to ask the master to give an explanation to the human race.

But the disciple knows that Heavenly Dao is waiting for the disciple to do this, so that the card of Huoyundong can be played at this time.

And without this card, no matter what the disciple wants to do after the great tribulation of becoming a god, it will be like having a broken arm.

But if you don't interfere with Tiandao's direct action at this time, Tiandao will definitely use Yunxiao to coerce the disciple... Disciple, the disciple feels quite powerless.

The rules are set by heaven, and disciples cannot break out of these rules.

I originally thought that the way of heaven could not kill the disciple, and the disciple was qualified to compete with the way of heaven. Unexpectedly, in the end, everything was still under the calculation of the way of heaven.

Heaven will not give its disciples the opportunity to complete all their ideas, it will not sit still and wait for death.

It's easier said than done to win over half of the world. "

"You are already...very good..."

Saint Taiqing said with some difficulty:

“Let go and do something.”

"But teacher! If this disciple fails when the time comes to take action in the future, you and the two uncles will... all living beings will be completely defeated, and there will be no chance to make a comeback!"

Taiqing slowly closed his eyes and slowly said one word in his mouth.



Li Changshou was startled for a moment. The black and white aura slowly surrounded him, and wisps of insights penetrated into Li Changshou's Taoist heart.

This is……

Yin-Yang Avenue·Interchange of Life and Death!

Li Changshou's Taoist heart trembled slightly, and Yin and Yang Qi surged everywhere in the spiritual platform. A layer of insights filled his Taoist heart, but he was dissolved into the deepest part of his soul.

He suddenly understood many things.

He suddenly saw the misunderstanding in his thinking.

To use "one" to win "forty-nine" and to use "zero point two" to win "ninety-eight", you must understand a truth.

He can no longer be thorough, he cannot grasp the 98% chance of winning, and must look for the 0.2% 'fish that slipped through the net'.

The teachings of Jiejiao provide a glimmer of life for heaven, earth and all living beings.

People teach doctrines to let nature take its course, be quiet and do nothing, yin and yang are easy to change, and life is toward death.

With four ounces and a thousand pounds, ants can shake a tree!

If you don't jump out, how can you reach the same level as Tiandao? If you change your mind and don't play all the cards on the bright side, Tiandao will not be relieved after all.

It is completely nonsense to want to conquer the sky like this. Everything is under the control of heaven.



If Bo Tian pretends to be reckless this time, there is no way that Bo Tian has a 98% chance of winning, and his life must be taken back at that moment.

No matter how thoughtful I am, I can't be more comprehensive than the way of heaven!

Not only himself, but also the Six Saints together could not calculate the way of heaven! Because the calculation itself is to borrow the power of heaven!

Live towards death, only live towards death!

Well, it was the prehistoric life that was born towards death. Li Changshou saw all the situations that happened next, and he was quite safe.

"Teacher, disciple Wu..."

After Li Changshou spoke for a moment, he saw that the yin and yang energy around him was slowly dissipating, the Taoist charm of the Tai Chi diagram quickly faded away, and the teacher in front of him was only a shadow, smiling and nodding to himself.

‘Go ahead. ’

Yes, the teacher always knew what he was doing.

All of this is also a game between the teacher and the way of heaven. The teacher said that he couldn't guess it before, but it was actually to relieve the depressed emotions in his heart.

Li Changshou stood up and bowed deeply to the teacher's shadow.

And when the surrounding yin and yang energy dispersed, a huge tree crown appeared in front of him.


Guanghan Palace?

The teacher took it seriously... He even deduced clearly what his next step would be.

Li Changshou breathed out softly, his eyes filled with divine energy, and he walked to Guanghan Palace with his hands behind his back.

Sorry, Chang'e.

This time, I will use your identity as a disciple of Senior Lang.

It's time to expose this taboo of Heaven's Law, expose it to the sun, wash it, and put pressure on Heaven's Law.

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