My Star Teacher

Chapter 302: [A sudden reversal]

Just when Luminous wanted to tweet about it clearly, the phone rang and it was Liu Tianwang.

"Xiao Ye, hitting people is so fierce now, haha, you have been scolded." Liu Tianwang laughed, "How about, can I explain it for you?"

Luminous smiled, "No, I'm going to post to make things clear."

King Liu Tian: "Okay, then you send it quickly. I'll give you a platform in a while. It's weird. What did Jin Taixu think? We had so many people present that day, all of them were witnesses. How could he dare? Black and white upside down? "

Luminous smiled, "Who knows which muscle is wrong, maybe ... just stupid!"

Liu Tianwang smiled, "This IQ ... you were right that day, it is a miracle that he can live to this day."

It ’s true. I do n’t know if Jin Taixu was fainted by hatred. IQ is really offline. If it ’s just the resentment of Ye Guang and the others do n’t know, then he ’s nonsense. There are one or two hundred people! How could he dare to see so many people passing by? Well, leave out the staff and villagers, because this group of people has little influence. If it is not for judicial reasons, what they say has no great influence on public opinion. Even if they say what happened then, netizens may I also feel that it is luminous.

However, don't forget, there are guests from the running team at the scene, Liu Tianwang, Xu Chen, He Xing, etc. The words of villagers and staff may not be believed by netizens, but what about Liu Tianwang? They are all the best witnesses with big speakers!

Perhaps Jin Taixu took Luminous as the only object of hatred in his subconscious, so he focused all his attention on Luminous, so he subconsciously ignored other people who saw everything, including Liu Tianwang and others ... Okay, edit No more, he is stupid!

Hanging up Liu Tianwang's phone, Yeguang's cell phone rang again immediately, Xu Chenlai's call.

"Xiaoye, just ask you if you are sprayed, haha, I'm glad to see you." Xu Chen joked with a smile.

Luminous, "You're gloating, don't forget that you have a share that day, be careful I will give you out."

Xu Chen laughed, "Haha, you can give it. In other words, you want me to make a statement. I'm itching. I wanted to send you a proof to prove it, but I think your kid must be bad. Otherwise you Will you suffer this loss? "

Luminous smiled, "I'm preparing to post a Weibo to make the truth clear, and you'll be calling without this."

Xu Chen, "Okay, then I'll wait to see the big show, and I will open a Weibo platform for you."

The call hung up, and then another call came in. Luminous glanced at He Xing's phone.

"I rely, is this an appointment?" Ye Guang muttered.

He Xing came to the phone to say the same thing, but Ye Guang really encountered a big coincidence today. After talking with He Xing, Sapphire and Zhong Jing called one after another, okay ... except himself With his daughter-in-law, the running group was all together.

Afterwards, Ye Guang occasionally asked about this at a party, saying whether they had made an appointment, but the big guys shook their heads to deny it, and it really happened.



Luminous was going to make the story of the original public and upload the video, was typing on the keyboard, writing the matter, Luminous thought for a while, "I am such a mother-in-law to explain what it is, what is the difference with Jin Taixu, No, the force is too low to make those amused look at the joke. "Luminous refers to the running group guests who just called him.

So, Yeguang deleted all the written content.

"Go directly to the video?" Yeguang said to himself, "Too dry?"

Suddenly, Ye Guang remembered that he still had a poet's name. To be honest, Ye Guang felt a little blushing when he thought about this. What kind of poem would he write, and even if there was a collection of poems in the world in the dream for him to learn from plagiarism, he could not. Qiqiqijing found a suitable poem. Therefore, Luminous has not displayed any verses for a while, so I am afraid of losing face.

However, at this time, Yeguang thought of a poem that was once seen on the Internet by Dream World.

"Just use this!"

Yeguang wrote on Weibo:

Behind the poisonous tongue stirs right and wrong, and there is no desire to add sin.

Black and white splashed dirty water upside down, netizens mistakenly suffered.

The explanation needs to start from the beginning.

Attached video, video name: Sorry, I want to call again.


Luminous Weibo was only sent out within two minutes and immediately attracted many netizens to reply.

"Luminous, you are shameless! Shameless, who the **** is wrong, who is pouring dirty water, you are a scum, dregs!"

"The luminous smell is shameless, you still have no reason to lose, and it is also a state of being shameless to you."


The angry response of these netizens was conditioned. The video uploaded by Luminous was about ten minutes. They didn't even watch the video sent by Luminous, and they immediately scolded, let alone, such a person is really not Less, but within ten minutes, all of his comments were abusive, and Weibo just sent out that there were more than 600 messages in just ten minutes.

Ye Guang shook his head and smiled bitterly, "How much I hate this, how many netizens who have nothing to eat."

However, the situation began to reverse quietly after ten minutes.

Netizens' messages are still growing. One netizen said, "Yueguang, I am not a fan of Jin Taixu, but I fully support Jin Taixu in this matter. You are ashamed of our people!"

A netizen replied to his message, "Go and watch the video and talk. I don't know what to say. Some people have become shameless. ~ Then, a The netizens who watched the video all started to reply.

"Behind the poisonous tongue is the right and wrong. There is a desire to add sin to the innocence. The black and white is upside down and dirty water is shameless! Shameless!"

"MMP, I can't bear it! I want to hit him!"

"Shit, it's too cheap to beat him, this kind of person will kill him directly!"

A netizen with an ID named Dandan continued, "Yeah! The shameless scum like Luminous is to kill directly! It has stained Langlang Qiankun!"

Then, the egg netizen was immediately stabbed.

Justice messenger: "@ 迷途 着 死 你 妹 啊! Who said that to kill Luminous, we are talking about Jin Taixu! Silly X, please talk after watching the video!"

"Jin Taixu's sin is unforgivable! Shameless!"

"Night light is good! Such people deserve to be beaten!"

"Yueguang, call me next time you hit him !!!"


Suddenly the reversal, netizens are a little bit embarrassed, what is the situation?

Isn't the cruel light coming? Why are you all facing Kim Tae Wook all at once?

What's in the video?

Netizens quickly opened the video on their mobile phones. First, a small prompt popped up. ‘Please use the traffic to play the video. ’

Where do netizens go to pay attention to these, immediately click to play.

Many netizens who are watching are also curious. Why did they suddenly make a big reversal. What exactly is in this video that can make everyone change like this? So, I couldn't bear the curiosity and opened the video one after another to see what happened.

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