My Star Teacher

Chapter 321: [Doing the wrong thing will pay the price]

Ye Guang's words were a little displeasing, but it made some parents look slightly changed. Teacher Zhou also said, "Several parents, I know the child was beaten. You are in a distress, but the parents of the light also apologized, and the children are fine Or else, just forget it? "

Middle-aged male parents said, "It was our children who were beaten. Of course you said that. If you were beaten, you try it."

Luminous, "What do you say then?"

Parents with black-framed eyes, "We are not unreasonable people, but you have no sincerity in such an apology, and we must not just let it go."

Luminous, "I'll set up a table and apologize to you, can this be done?"

Wavehead parents, "Who seldom eats your meal."

Black-framed eyes said, "That's the big deal about a meal. Be sincere if you apologize."

"How do you feel sincere?" Ye Guang asked.

The three beaten parents looked at each other, and then whispered and whispered together.

Black-rimmed glasses, "Do n’t all of you stars like to make a statement every now and then, you also make a public statement of apology."

The other two parents should also reconcile, "Yes, make a statement and apologize!"

"Issuing a public apology statement, even if this thing is over, or it is not over!"

Luminous did not hesitate, nodded and agreed, "OK!"

Luminous promised so refreshingly, it surprised the three parents, didn't it mean that the stars care about their faces? They just want to be embarrassed by the night light, why he just agreed so simply.

Before waiting for the three to speak, Yeguang pulled out his phone and started to edit Weibo ’s apology statement. At half-time, he asked the names of three friends and wrote it into the apology statement.

Apology statement: Because the child was naughty in the kindergarten, and three children were beaten, he issued this statement to apologize. I hereby solemnly apologize to Wang Ran, Tian Xu, Liu Zongzhou, the three children and their parents.

Yeliang Liliang said on his mobile phone, "It has been posted on Weibo."

The parents of the black-frame glasses pulled out their mobile phones and pulled for a while. They checked the apology statement that Ye Guang had just issued, nodded, and handed it to the other two parents.

No longer entangled, Ye Guang led Yiyi out of the kindergarten.

Several other parents have not relented. The previous statement was made by them, and now Yeguang has done it. Even if there is still reluctance in their hearts, they have no reason or excuse to make it difficult.

After all, people still have faces.

Moreover, these parents can't be described as bad people. Although Ye Guang felt that when children fight, adults don't need to be so involved, but he can't ask others to think so. From the perspective of other parents, he can also understand So, the parents said so uncomfortably before, but Ye Guang chose to endure hard and hard.

It ’s not counseling, it ’s just thinking and understanding, and he wants to take this opportunity to give Yiyi a lesson.

Even if you feel wronged.

Yeguang led Yiyi out, Yiyi walked away and broke away from Yeguang's hand.

"Yueguang, why do you apologize to them, they are all bad people, you shouldn't apologize to them, you are not beaten them."

Luminous froze, then squatted down, looked at Yiyi, and said positively, "They are not bad people. Violence can't solve everything. No matter how great, wrong is wrong, and doing the wrong thing will pay the price."

Yiyi Bianbian flat mouthed, "But you didn't hit them."

Luminous, "But you did something wrong."

"You ..." Yiyi pouted his lips, then lowered his head and muttered, "Sorry, I've done something wrong for you."

Yiyi originally wanted to say that you were not my dad, but he couldn't say anything to his lips.

Ye Guang frowned on Yiyi's hair, hugged her, and continued to go out, "Okay, go home, just know what's wrong, don't allow it in the future. This is the first time you make such a mistake, and I will not punish it. You, if I still be so careful in the future, I will teach you. "Then, Ye Guang patted Yiyi's little butt.

Yiyi tooted and said, "I see."

"Just know." Ye Guang, "Why are you fighting with your children?"

When Ye Guang came to the house, how did he start to confess his crimes, only to learn that Yi Yi beat the three children to tears. As for the reason, Ye Guang couldn't ask at that time.

Yiyi snorted, "Who made them bully Xinru."

Luminous snorted, "You still see justice for it?"

Yiyi was a little embarrassed, his face flushed slightly, "... Xinru gave me snacks, and then they came to grab ..."

Luminous froze, then fluttered and laughed, sure enough, this is the real reason.

So, do n’t grab food for sale! Otherwise, something might happen!

Ye Guang shook his head with a smile and said, "How about three people, and a big fat man, how can you beat them, haven't you hurt yourself?"

Yiyi was hugged by Luminous, raised her body, and shook her little fist quite proudly. "Huh, I'm much better than them, but you taught me Kung Fu."

Ye Guang smiled and touched Yi Yi's head. Ye Guang taught Yi Yi a little Tai Chi, but Ye Guang knows best what he teaches. They are all fake tricks. If Yi Yi wins three children with hard work ~ ~ Ye Guang didn't believe it.

But Yiyi did win, and cried three at a time. In this regard, Yeguang could only attribute this to a small cosmic eruption. In addition, the children were also spoiled and not beaten by wind and rain The child, so Yiyi beat him twice and cried.

Back home.

Liu Chiyan asked why, after learning that Yiyi was in a kindergarten fight, he was quite reproachful.

Yiyi's pitiful flat mouth was taught, and in the end, Yeoguang gave him a siege. "Okay, okay, don't talk about her, the children are fighting. It's not a big deal. I have learned on the road, you Just stop talking about her, it's time to cry. "

Yiyi nodded quickly, saying that she was about to cry!

On the contrary, Liu Chiyan was amused by her like this, and shaved Yiyi's little nose, "Okay, I won't say you, go play."

Yiyi quickly ran away.

Liu Chiyan glanced at Yeguang, "You, get used to her, be careful of being spoiled by you."

Yeguang was holding an apple and laughing, "What's so bad, rest assured. My girlfriend can't be broken if I look at it."


Liu Chi Yan stunned, glanced at the luminous light of the apple, and turned to look at Yiyi, who was still looking for toys in the cabinet on the balcony, and said nothing.

Yiyi went over the toy before, and she kept pulling and holding this exclusive cabinet full of toys, muttering with a voice so small that only she could hear herself, "It's not your daughter. "But the corner of his mouth held a smile.

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