My Star Teacher

Chapter 325: 【Calligraphy Association】

Without talking at the door, Yeguang and Dad Liu were invited to the clubhouse.

"Liu kilometers, please."

They were led inward.

Come in.

Luminous discovered that the clubhouse was unusual.

I used to look very elegant from the outside, and when I came in, I found that there are no holes.

There is a large screen facing the door, blocking the line of sight and bypassing the screen.

The eaves are angled, carved beams and painted buildings, pavilions and pavilions, small bridges flowing water, rocky mountains, quiet and chic.

A good old-fashioned clubhouse, no, it should be said to be a garden.

No wonder the calligraphy society is held here. Most of the literati who loves ancient characters and ancient characters are mostly fond of such ancient places.

"Is Shu Hai here?" Father Liu asked the man who led the way.

"Here, everyone Shu and Moshan Taidou and Zhang Qian are now in Zhiya Garden."

Father Liu nodded. "Okay, let's go then."

Luminous went along with Dad Liu, this garden is very large, and the scenery is unique.

Yeguang kept looking at this place, not to mention, the scenery of this clubhouse is really unique, and it can only be seen in places famous for their gardens, such as Suzhou and Hangzhou.

Father Liu suddenly stood still as he walked. "If you like to watch, just go around, don't follow me."

Luminous for a moment, what does Dad Liu mean?

The person who led the way also said, "Today there are also some young calligraphy lovers and some young people who accompanied the master. They are now in the West Garden of the West. You can go down this road. You can go and see , Are young people, good communication. "

Luminous thought for a while and nodded, "Okay, then I'll walk around by myself."

Father Liu nodded, leaving Luminous in place.

To tell the truth, Luminous was still a little embarrassed. I didn't want to understand whether Dad Liu really let him go shopping or not.

Forget it, the big brother's mind can't guess, just walk around by yourself, and feel comfortable.

Without immediately going to Boxing Garden, Ye Guang turned around blindly for a while, and saw some people along the way, of different ages, but most of them were of some age, at least the elders of Lu Guang at least.

It's no wonder that calligraphy is something that needs to be worked out over time, and most of those who have achieved success generally get older.

Ye Guang, a young man, appeared in this meeting. Many people also cast a curious look on him, but didn't ask much. It is not that the elders in the family brought the younger generations to see.

In fact, at least half of Bozhiyuan was brought to the world by the elders of the family like Yeguang. Calligraphy may understand a little, but it ’s hard to tell how many accomplishments. The difference is that Yeguang really knows calligraphy, and it looks pretty good. Than.

The garden is quite large, but it is also so large that, unwittingly, the night light wandered to Bozhiyuan.

A small arched door, Ye Guang glanced into it, and in a gazebo gathered a group of people who looked indeed slightly younger.

Young is relative. Compared to those you saw before Yeguang, Dad Liu is so old, even older than Dad Liu, who is bent and humpbacked with white beard is much younger.

But compared to Luminous, at least Luminous doesn't think these people are young, and they are all middle-aged people!

Ye Guang is not a person willing to gather in crowds. He is not very communicative. He wanted to turn around, but Ye Guang has already been seen.

"That little brother over there, come and come." Someone in the gazebo shouted at Yeguang.

Luminous froze slightly and walked over.

As soon as I walked in, I heard the man say, "I said I'm not the youngest today, you don't believe it."

It is a young man who speaks. It does not seem that he is very old, but he is a lot older than Ye Guang when he looks at him. Ye Guang estimates that he should be in his thirties.

"Hello everyone." Ye Guang walked in and greeted everyone.

The crowd also greeted luminous or nodded or smiled.

"Oh, a little familiar." Someone in the crowd said.

Everyone looked at Luminous up and down again, and someone asked, "Are you ... Luminous?"

Luminous smiled slightly, "I am Luminous."

"Oh, it's you." The man said with a smirk.

"Luminous? Which luminous?" Someone wondered who Luminous was.

The young man in the blue shirt who originally called Ye Guang came over, said, "It's the hot glow on the Internet now."

"do not know."

"That night light that hits the Koreans."

"Ah? Playing Korea? Uh, I still don't know."

"Do n’t you run, brothers, Ye Guang did it."

"I haven't seen it, I don't know."

"Do you know the video of Tianmu? You know the law of air pollution prevention? You toss it out."

"Ah! I know this, he made it?" The man looked surprised.

Others questioned Luminous, "Why are you here?"

Luminous smiled, "I came with my elders at home."

The crowd nodded, expressing their understanding that many of them were brought by their elders. This kind of assembly is all a calligraphy attendance. Normally, they will not be invited directly.

The big guy didn't ask much about who brought Luminous. He took him together and began to talk about heaven and earth, and also talked about calligraphy, but most of them were in Kanshan, and few words were about the topic of calligraphy.

But this is also good, at least the atmosphere is more active, and Luminous also makes a few sentences in the crowd from time to time, it does not seem to be bored.

There isn't any silly X no-brainer plot, even if some of them are usually high-profile and perverse, as long as they are not really brainless, they will pay special attention on this occasion. The protagonist who actually participated in the rally today is not them. There is also a group of real big names.

No one dares to mess around, and casually offending someone here may result in great consequences, and the elders in their family will not allow them to mess around.

Many calligraphers are not purely with only one identity ~ ~ is not just a calligrapher, for example, father Liu who attended the calligraphy society, calligraphy is just one of his hobbies.

For example, Shu Hai, Papa Liu's friend, has a much higher level of accomplishment than Papa Liu's calligraphy, and has become a contemporary title, but his more prominent identity is the vice president of Beijing University.

Furthermore, the back of a calligrapher can be regarded as a scholarly pedigree. Generally speaking, it is usually not bad to cultivate from an early age. Even if you are outgoing, you will not go wild.

On the contrary, those families who have no background, except that the family has money and has nothing, are more likely to produce some young masters who like to wear 13 without a brain.

Among a group of people, the young man in the blue shirt who stopped at Ye Guang at first seemed to be interested in Ye Guang, and this man did not recognize his life, and was a self-cooked person. .

He is a few years older than Luminous. According to his own words, Luminary and his age span is not big, but it is quite talkable.

This man's name is Shu Yong. Hearing the name shows that he has something to do with Shu Hai. Yes, he is the son of Shu Hai.

Ye Guang also had a good impression on him, and he liked to be in contact with such cheerful and straightforward people. Those who had a lot of flowers in their stomachs, and those who were meandering, could not play.

When he and Yeguanghu were playing blindly, Shu Yong himself told Yeguang that this name was obtained by his laozi, and the word Yong was taken to allow him to practice calligraphy from an early age.

Isn't there such a sentence, practice word first and practice forever.

However, it seems that he has deviated from his Lao Tzu's expectations and traveled further and further.

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