My Star Teacher

Chapter 441: [Project Bidding]

Yeguang promised the three brothers of Wei family that they wanted to do something.

However, I don't really want to do something luminous.

However, it is not anxious at this time, and there is some time for Luminous to consider.

According to the idea of ​​Luminous, in fact, he was intent on making a movie, and he planned to make a movie with a larger investment.

Earlier, when there was an appointment in Yeguang, there was a big talk. The sword refers to the top five domestic box office. This leather is still hanging in the air. It is necessary to find a suitable opportunity to implement the leather.

When Luminous considered, Jiang Fengxian came over.

"Xiao Ye, there is a case you want to consider." Jiang Fengxian Men said.

Luminous, "What case?"

With a mobile phone, Jiang Fengxian opened a page and handed it to Luminous, saying, "This morning, the Third Military Region Cultural and Industrial Regiment publicly invited a project, a military-themed TV series, for details.

Ye Guang took Jiang Fengxian's mobile phone and looked at it. Jiang Fengxian's mobile phone was the bidding documents of the Third Military Region Cultural Regiment.

A lot of words, a lot of content, after reading at night, I roughly understand.

Basically, it means that the Third Military Region will openly invite public bidding to find an entertainment company to invest in cooperation and jointly shoot a military-themed TV series.

Its purpose and slogan are also shouted very clearly, and it is clear: to enhance the image of soldiers, expand their influence, and develop their spirit.

Jiang Fengxian also made a point of explanation on one side. "This tender is the first voluntary bidding project for military arts and crafts corps in China. Therefore, it can be seen that this project is highly valued, otherwise it will not be so popular."

Luminous nodded, "I see two bidding places."

Jiang Fengxian said, "There are two, maybe there is an idea that eggs cannot be put in a basket." Jiang Fengxian paused. "There are two key points in this tender, one is to see the amount of investment, and the other is to see the script and invest. The quota may be secondary. No matter how poor the troupe is, it will not be possible to really raise money for a TV series. The key is the script, and the director ’s strength is the key factor. Therefore, the bidding standards are multi-faceted, but If there is no clear standard, it depends on how the other party chooses. "

Jiang Fengxian continued, "If we bid, I feel certain that we have no shortage of funds. I don't doubt your talents if you write the script. If you write the script, there will be no problem, plus the film you directed last year. The box office is so well-received that it has such a good reputation and is in the limelight, so if we put it all together, our chances of winning the bid should be great. "

Yeguang looked at Jiang Fengxian and said, "Lao Jiang, talking so much, it seems like you really want us to vote for this bid."

Jiang Fengxian nodded affirmatively and said, "Of course I hope, this is a good thing. The military-themed TV drama art troupe is open for tender. It can be seen how much this project is valued. If I say, this is definitely not just a project prepared by the third military corps. Still ... above ... "

Luminous froze for a moment, pondered it a little, and figured it out.

Jiang Fengxian, "So, this project will definitely be strongly supported. It's hard to say how much profit the winning entertainment company can get, but there are definitely hidden benefits. It can only depend on the relationship between the military and cultural corps. This project It will make a lot of entertainment companies crowd their scalp and want to do it. "

Luminous nodded, thought about it, and said, "Roughly I know, I think about it."

Jiang Fengxian, "Consider what, do it. You just want to find something to do. What you don't do is just how good this project is."

Luminous waved his hand, "Let me think about it first."

Jiang Feng stopped talking, then nodded and said, "Okay, then you think about it and decide to tell me the news as soon as possible."

Jiang Fengxian finished going out, Ye Guang squinting his eyes and still thinking.

Speaking of it, Luminous is also a little tempted. Indeed, as Jiang Fengxian said, this project is worth doing by relying only on the relationship of the military corps of the military region. With this layer of relationship, if there are still military lenses and some props and the like Support can get great convenience and preferential treatment, and other hidden benefits are even more.

However, Yeguang also has some concerns. The concern is that this project is valued. Jiang Fengxian is right. This project may not only be valued by the Cultural Group, but may also be valued at a higher level. Under this multiple eyes, a little minefield can be You can't step on it.

In addition, Yeguang actually refused to deal with the political military and some other things. Although he was only shooting a TV series, he was also afraid that there would be some invisible deep water in it.

Just when luminous consideration.

The phone rang.

The caller was Father Liu.

Luminous pick up.

"Hey, Dad."

"Xiaoye, are you busy?" Dad Liu asked at the end of the phone.

Ye Guang, "No, Dad, is there anything wrong? You say."

Father Liu, "Well, it's a little bit. Today, the Third Military Region Cultural Regiment has publicly invited a TV drama project. You can go and see if you intend to try to bid.

At night, Dao Liu called and said that it was a coincidence. He just knew about it and was thinking about it. Besides, Dao Liu knew that and called him. Come to the notice, either it's weird, or it's that Papa Liu just happened to see it and wanted to let the night light do it. There is also a possibility that the attention above, this one ... it may be very good.

Luminous, "Oh, ah, Dad, I just saw it and are considering whether to bid ~ ~ Dad Liu," You can bid as much as you can, oh, it ’s okay if you do n’t want to do it, you think about it yourself . "

After Father Liu was not so disgusted with Ye Guang, yes, I can only say it was not so disgusted. He still respected Lu Guang ’s father. This is also considered to be the merits of Father Liu. He will give you opinions, but in the end he will It's up to you to decide, and you won't rely on you being an elder, asking you to do what.

Although Luminous wouldn't basically refuse Father Liu, this approach really made Yeguang very comfortable.

No matter who it is, what kind of identity it is, the identity of the other person, from the heart, they want to be respected.

Yeguang said, "Okay dad, I'll make bid preparations, but I can't guarantee if I can win."

Dad Liu was silent.

Luminous, "Dad, is there anything else to explain?"

Father Liu was silent for two seconds and then said, "If you win the bid, take a good shot, and take the power of our Chinese soldiers!"

Luminous nodded and said, "Relax, Dad, I'll take good pictures and won't let you down!"

Hanging up the phone, Ye Guang thought about it again, and then brought Jiang Fengxian to tell him to do this project and let him do the bidding.

Father Liu's call gave Ye Guang a thrust, which is undoubtedly one of the main reasons that Ye Guang decided to do.

Furthermore, Luminous also figured out a bit, whether there would be anything in him, I was just a TV shooter, do my job well, it is enough to take a good film, the rest, nothing to do with us!

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