My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Two hundred and eighth ideas for cooperation

Just when Xiao Feng felt drowsy and about to fall asleep, Helen suddenly raised her head and put a red stamp on his mouth, almost suffocating Xiao Feng to death, and she didn't speak to him until he regained consciousness.

"Xiao, is the wine you drank today really produced in your winery?"

"Of course, what's the matter?"

It was the first time that Helen spoke to Xiao Feng so seriously, seeing her serious expression, Xiao Feng also had to cheer up.

"Your wine is really delicious, when will it be energy-produced?"

Xiao Feng was stunned by Helen's question, and he couldn't help but ask back, "Why are you asking this?"

Helen looked at him several times, and then said to him: "That's right, I probably didn't tell you before. My family is actually a public relations company in the United States..."

Helen began to introduce her family situation to Xiao Feng, Xiao Feng was a little confused, what do you mean? You and I are just a short-lived dewy marriage, why are you introducing your family to me? Could it be that it's only been two days, and you want to rely on me?

But after hearing it, he gradually understood what Helen meant.

It turned out that Helen's father was the first to run a winery. Their family had three wineries in Napa Valley. Her grandparents had been in the wine business since her grandparents, and the family business has always been good.

Later, her father went to college in Los Angeles, where she met her mother, a third-rate actor. Later, after her father graduated from college, her mother failed to make it in Hollywood, so they went back to their hometown in Napa to make wine.

Although Helen's mother was unsuccessful as an actress, she met many celebrities during that time, and she was also very business-minded. After returning home and brewing wine with her father for two years, she set up a public relations company, specializing in Over there to undertake the organization of various high-end banquets, wedding banquets and so on.

And by virtue of her opportunity to hold various high-end banquets and sell their own wines, her mother's business has grown bigger and bigger over the years.

From the very beginning, it was just helping the stars in Los Angeles to organize parties, and later it took on the birthday banquets of various celebrities, wedding banquets, and then to the coming-of-age banquets for children and so on.

Later, it began to undertake large-scale celebrations of various companies, or various economic forums, various celebrity receptions, charity auctions and other business celebration activities.

Their family's public relations company is getting bigger and bigger, and they have come into contact with more and more celebrities.

There are also more and more picky customers encountered.

So much so that in recent years, she watched her mother's hair turn white when she was sometimes picky by customers.

And as their public relations company grows bigger and bigger, they face more and more competition. In the United States, there are quite a few public relations companies like hers that specialize in hosting various business banquets, and many of them have good hands and eyes. Seniors, the competition in this industry is extremely fierce, without some special means, it is really difficult to gain a foothold in the industry.

And today, after drinking Xiao Feng's special fruit wines, this Helen has moved her mind. Their public relations company has faced extremely fierce competition in the same industry in recent years, and they want to stand out from the competition. , then you must come up with your own uniqueness to attract customers.

So what is unique about their PR firm? Helen thought and thought, she definitely didn't have it before, but after getting to know Xiao Feng today, she felt that she had it, but the premise was that she had to get Xiao Feng's consent.

" you want to buy the wine from my winery and sell it in the United States?"

Xiao Feng roughly understood what Helen was thinking, but Helen rolled her eyes: "Not to buy your wine, but to win the exclusive agency right of these wines in the United States? Then we will help you package the hype and get you It is sold at various high-end banquets in the United States! You must know that the upper class in the United States basically like fruit wine, and champagne and red wine are indispensable in general high-end banquets. But now these wines are basically bad at banquets. But your fruit wine is different. I tasted it today, and it has a unique taste. The taste is really indescribable. After drinking it once, I feel addicted. I believe other Americans will also like it. At that time, I won the exclusive agency right and introduced this wine to the upper class of the United States. You have to know that once a kind of alcohol becomes popular in the upper class of the United States, it will soon become popular in the middle and lower classes. The wine, even if it has opened up the market in the United States.”

Helen spoke eloquently, but Xiao Feng listened very carefully. Some of Helen's words were true, but he didn't quite believe some of them.

For example, when Helen said that she recommended these wines to American high society, she clearly wanted to use Xiao Feng's wines to attract more customers.

Xiao Feng is extremely confident about this fine wine from another world. With such a unique taste and taste, once it is mass-produced, it will definitely be a success in this world.

And Helen won the exclusive agency in the United States, and then told the Americans, you see, only I have this wine. When the upper class in the United States holds high-end banquets, if they don't have these wines, wouldn't it be embarrassing?

So to hold a banquet, her mother's public relations company will definitely be found. She wants to use the exotic wine provided by Xiao Feng to erect their family's signboard and establish a unique image of their family.

But she is right in another sentence, any good thing actually spreads and radiates from the upper class to the lower class.

For example, if your new wine is promoted in the United States, no matter how much you advertise, ordinary Americans may not accept it. Your fruit wine from Huaguo.

But if the upper class in the United States say, wow, these special fruit wines from Huaguo are really delicious, not only delicious, but also good for human health, what kind of virtue will the ordinary people in the United States see at that time ?

Not to mention the United States, this situation is the same all over the world, even in China.

But this is precisely the fastest way to open up the market for these new fruit wines, and considering that most Chinese people have the characteristics of blindly following the trend, especially the characteristics of being more superstitious about foreign products.

For example, the electronic toilet cover has been produced in China for a long time, but the common people think that it is expensive and the quality is not good. If they have used Japanese toilet covers in Japan, they will say that Japan is good, and then buy them back in Japan like crazy. , only to find out when I got home that it was made in Huaguo.

The same is true for this fruit wine. If you promote it in China, you may invest a lot, but it is not yet accepted by the Chinese people. But if foreigners say it is delicious first, then it may be much easier to sell when you bring it back to the domestic market. The most important thing is that it can still be sold at a high price!

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