My Wife Has Been Blackened

Chapter 204 Xie Jingxiu Takes Off His Vest

"Ha, are you from a major in acting?" The dean's words made Xie Jingxiu's whole body stiff.

The old mother's smile suddenly stopped.

Zhou Yanci was in a trance and didn't pay attention.

The saint didn't pay much attention to this sentence after she finished speaking, she just looked at Zhou Yanci and sighed.

"Don't think too much, some things are predestined, look how cute the three children are..." The saintess teased the child in Xie Jingxiu's arms.

Dabao and Erbao tilted their heads, pursed their mouths, and shrank their heads into their swaddling clothes with a look of disgust.

Xie Jingxiu couldn't help but laugh when he saw it.

"Since some things cannot be changed, let it be. It's better to be here..." Before the saint finished speaking, Zhou Yanci spoke out.

"I was assassinated by someone. A sorcerer took advantage of my luck and took away my soul, my soul, and made the soul nowhere to rest. I was replaced by others, and I became like that." Zhou Yanci Said lightly, the tone is really calm.

Xie Jingxiu looked up at her, then lowered his head and hugged the child again. Seeing Dabao twisting and turning, he put it down and took a look. Yo, I did pee.

He fetched water himself, changed diapers for the two children, and scrubbed their bodies.

"I am in the courtyard. Although many people know that I am extraordinary, there are no rumors outside. The person who can take my luck and beat my soul out of my place is probably not an ordinary person." What's more, with her good luck, Born to an ordinary peasant girl, it is really of no use.

At most, the harvest will be better this year? Or make a small fuss and make some small bargains. But born to a person with a high starting point...

That is the great benefit.

I'm afraid of being watched. Born by luck.

The dean felt cold all over, and looked at her suddenly.

Even as soon as her accident happened, the hospital was immediately withdrawn from funds, and immediately moved its position to rebuild the hospital. Everyone had a car accident on the way to the hospital. Isn't that very likely?

"It's grandma's, it's disgusting! There are so many lives in my hospital, I'm already crazy. Are you going to let them go?" The dean immediately burst into flames, his eyes flushed. His fists were clenched tightly, and he couldn't say anything about it.

It's fine if it's an accident, the dean can't accept this salary. Also unacceptable.

He can create a world in another world, and he can become a master here without restraint, but he can't accept being killed by others.

"I'm going to look for the first sister." The dean rushed out the door, without the crutches, and angrily left with his buttocks twisting.

From the beginning to the end, Xie Jingxiu didn't say a word.

The three children were all asleep, Xie Jingxiu still turned his back to her, looked at the child, touched that little face again and again. Love it to the extreme.

He had thought countless times that he would have a child with Yan Yan, but he never expected Yan Yan to give him such a big surprise.

Three, three!

What a blessing in this life, what a blessing! I am so proud of my family, I am so proud of my family, hahahaha...

Under Xie Jingxiu's calm face, the Q version of him was laughing with his hips on his hips.

Zhou Yanci stepped forward silently.

If, if... If those three children can be so smart, it would be great. Instead of having dull eyes, not knowing whether to be hungry or full, not knowing how warm or cold, not knowing whether to be happy or sad, just drooling and giggling.

Zhou Yanci hugged his waist from behind, and after a while, Xie Jingxiu felt a warm current from behind. It seems that the clothes are wet.

Silent crying, silent sobbing.

Those three children, without father or mother, seem to have no soul-like wooden pillars, what should we do...

She never thought that she would have a child there after she fell asleep. Even relied on scientific methods to survive. Just thinking about it makes Zhou Yanci feel numb all over, and his heart hurts so badly that he can't breathe.

She always thought that she was just an unloved daughter of the Zhou family. After the Zhou family suffered backlash, she was almost like an orphan.

Except for one Xie Daiqi, she felt that she had nothing to worry about. Heartless joy, just want to live up to this life.

I don't know...

Thinking of children who are like triplets but have become dementia, Zhou Yanci can't help but regret.

"You're just confinement, don't cry. Leaving confinement disease can't be cured, silly girl. I'll always stand behind you." Hearing Xie Jingxiu's helpless sigh, he turned around and took her into his arms inside. The second half of the sentence was in a low voice, and Zhou Yanci did not hear it.

Only then did Zhou Yanci feel relieved and burst into tears.

"What should I do if I do something wrong, what should I do if I can't let it go. My husband, I, I..." If the soul is out of place and can't go back, that luck can't find the owner, and it's easy to be borrowed by others.

To put it bluntly, her unnatural luck can almost turn an idiot into an extraordinary intelligence. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a new life.

Xie Jingxiu patted her on the back lightly to comfort her.

"Whatever you do, I will always protect you and accompany you. Wherever you are, I can find a way to keep up with you." Even if it spans time and space.

"Have you forgotten? We are people in the world who can't match us except each other." Xie Jingxiu patted her little head.

The little girl just reached his chin, not as tall as before.

In the past, at least he could reach his ears. Every time she got close, he would compare secretly.

With red eyes, Zhou Yanci snuggled into his arms. This embrace seemed to carry a somewhat familiar atmosphere. Even though he tried his best to cover it up, even after several showers, the smell still lingered.

Zhou Yanci was taken aback. The tip of the nose is red, and the eye sockets are red, like a little hamster, which is cute and cute.

Seeing it, Xie Jingxiu's heart felt warm, and he really wanted to rub her little head.

In his previous life, Xie Daiqi had a problem, he liked to spray perfume on his body. Well, a mass fragrance. Where to go, where to take.

And the name is widely known, almost from the old to the young, and everyone in Huaguo knows everyone.

Later, that perfume also invited him to endorse. For a while, he jumped onto the international stage.

In foreign countries, a certain perfume in Huaguo almost entered the same position as Chanel.

Even his fans pre-ordered a lot for it, driving up the sales of that product. For a long time, the smell can be smelled almost everywhere.

Later, it is said that a high-definition version appeared, and it became an unaffordable existence.


How could this guy have it on him? ! ! !

Zhou Yanci raised his head abruptly, Xie Jingxiu looked terrified, and cold sweat broke out on his back.

Brother dei, did you forget to tell me something after you woke up?

"Good luck, eat tonight..." Zhou Yanci looked at him. asked quickly.

Without raising his eyes, Xie Jingxiu casually said, "No appointment." As soon as he finished speaking, he froze.


Hehe, big brother dei, how did you come up with the formula of Liushen toilet water? Why don't we talk?

Xie Jingxiu: What if the vest fell off? Wait online, it's urgent!

PS: Those of you who want to see both in the comments, do you want to receive the blade sent by Tuanzi?

Today is more complete.

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