My Wife Has Been Blackened

Chapter 331 Dean Yang

After the party, those leaders no longer dared to come to the hospital.

It is said that it cast a heavy shadow on the hospital. Director Yang wanted to invite everyone out for dinner several times, but no one dared to come.

Nonsense, the patient won’t even let you go, why should I come here to torture you? Beautiful thought!

Well, actually Dean Yang himself was a little scared.

What's more, what's more scary is that those patients don't know if they are targeting him. I always feel that the chance of meeting a patient today is too high...

"Hello, Dean, have you eaten, Dean? What have you eaten, Dean?" greeted the middle-aged female patient who was walking.

After coming out of the hospital parking lot and entering the office, I usually encounter at least a few patients here and there. now……

It seems like it has never stopped, as if...

Being targeted by patients. This is really a terrible thing.

"Dean, does your son have good grades? I used to see you giving education lectures on TV. He must have trained your son to become a successful person..." A middle-aged man looked at him with envy.

Dean Yang can be considered a winner in life. He has money and status, a beautiful wife, and a smart son. He graduated from college this year. Yesterday, he heard that several foreign companies were contacting him. We can decide where to go today.

Although it is somewhat unethical to show off to patients, many parents are proud when talking about their sons.

"I was driven crazy. My wife thought I was poor and ran away with someone else. My son was a bad student and was imprisoned. I couldn't even afford the money when I sold the house. Alas..." the man sighed.

Dean Yang opened the door to the dean's office and saw that the man seemed to be chatting, so he said casually.

"It's better for us adults not to interfere too much in our children's lives. My son has never had much control over him. He has always studied and found a job by himself. I am a very cheerful person. My son is admitted to one of the best universities in the world. He gets endless scholarships every year because of his own efforts. I don't care about the children..." Dean Yang shook his head in a pretentious manner.

She never mentioned that she enrolled her son in cram school since he was three years old. There was only one day in each month when his son did not have cram school. On that day, he summarized his results for the month at home.

It is no exaggeration to say that my son has not been studying every day since he was three years old!

It's just that there are some things that you don't need to tell outsiders.

As expected, the man in front of him had a look of envy and admiration.

"I heard Sister Yan say yesterday that your son is very promising. He said that your son has been receiving bonuses since childhood and has excellent grades. He is a complete replica of his father. His son has succeeded in everything that his father could not do. He also said that he graduated from college Later, I will wear a yellow robe and be accompanied by big fish and meat every day. It looks like it's all right!" The man sighed with emotion.

After listening to the first half of the story, the dean's face changed slightly.

His son is excellent, but his relationship with him is very poor. Because of the high-pressure education since childhood, the children will develop some negative traits when they grow up. But he didn't care, he stayed until graduation anyway.

Even though they had a falling out in the middle of last night over which company to choose for employment, he was still proud of his son.

His son is his living sign!

Ding bell, the phone on the desk rang.

Dean Yang picked up the phone and when he heard the voice was his son, he knew that it was his son who had chosen the unit. He had already made plans in his mind and was ready to promote his son's education career.

"Dad, I ordered takeout this morning."

Dean Yang hummed. He didn't even bother to mention the low-level and low-level delivery people.

"Dad, you have planned everything for me for so many years. I have never known what I like or what I pursue, until today... I see them wearing yellow armor, walking on the road, in the field of takeout, they He is the king, he is the emperor. So..." The voice on the phone paused.

Dean Yang suddenly felt a chill down his back.

"Don't speak for now. Wait until I come back." He didn't want to say anything at the moment. Something feels wrong.

"Dad, I applied for a job at Meituan Food Delivery. Now that I have an order, I'm going to experience life! It's so exciting, I've never done it before!" With a click, he hung up the phone.

Dean Yang felt a chill in his heart. He suddenly remembered that he was wearing a yellow robe and serving big fish and meat every day...

"F*ck!" he exploded on the spot. He was so angry that he was like a red-hot shrimp, spinning around, unable to vent his anger.

"The treasonous son, the treasonous son, this damn treasonous son! I have arranged everything for him, and he actually goes to deliver Meituan takeaways! This beast! Where is my electric baton, where is my electric baton! I want to shock him to wake up! The treasonous son !" Dean Yang had veins bulging on his forehead, took off his white coat and ran outside.

"You won't go to so many top companies abroad, and you won't go to so many domestic poachers, but you go to deliver food! I should have thrown you against the wall more than 20 years ago, but you are angry with me for being such a traitor! This picture I've lost my face!" Yang Yongxin was so angry that he was shaking when he walked and ran away like a gust of wind.

The middle-aged man behind him sighed faintly: "Every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite..." In the blink of an eye, the story of Dean Yang's son delivering food spread everywhere.

After all, I come from an education background, so everyone is still very concerned about this.

Zhou Yanci watched him leave the courtyard with his own eyes, and then entered the dean's office in a swaggering manner.

Look, it doesn't take any tricks to make him go out in panic.

Sure enough, the iris lock inside was unlocked, and I only had time to lock the key lock when I left.

Fortunately, the patient who comes to the office every day has already printed the lock shape, and he quickly asked the patient to prepare the key.

The mental hospital is full of strange people and strange things.

With a click, the key opened.

Several encrypted files lay quietly in the archive bag.

Zhou Yanci took a quick glance at it and saw the hospital demolition order and nurse mobilization order. The documents were dated several years ago.

It turned out that someone had given the order to demolish the hospital and transfer the doctors and nurses a long time ago.

And the new location of the institute is abroad.

But something seemed to happen later, and the file was added and the address was changed afterwards. This place was hastily chosen to build a new courtyard.

And the document states that all patients will be transferred to other hospitals. No one should be left behind in any way.

Zhou Yanci guessed that it was probably because she knelt down halfway and became a vegetative state, so she had to temporarily build a hospital here.

So, someone really invested a lot of money in her.

Looking through other files, many files about her are incomplete.

What's amazing is that there are still a few people in the Zhou family who are still alive, it seems...

Dean Yang knew where they were, and he was afraid that they had been bribed by him.

Zhou Yanci asked a patient to pick up a two-yuan mineral water bottle yesterday. After selling it, he bought a lottery ticket and won three thousand yuan.

Only then did I get a new mobile phone in my hand.

I took a photo of the file, then locked it and put it back in its place.

Within five minutes of leaving the dean's office, the dean hurried back, locked the iris lock, and then turned around and walked out of the door.

See you tomorrow...oooooooooo...

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