My Wife Has Been Blackened

Chapter 822 The scam is exposed

Ke's Enterprise changed people overnight. Mr. Ke, who held 100% of the shares, transferred 51% of his shares to Ayin.

And he made a rare statement on President Ke's certified Weibo: I have always been unworthy of her!

Everyone was in an uproar.

I've always been unworthy of her.

As soon as these words came out, the entire network was almost paralyzed.

"Ah ah ah, husband, don't belittle yourself like this. You are the best. You are the best. My husband wants to marry me..."

"That's right, you know she is just a fisherman. It would have been great if you had met me back then..."

"Honey, it hurts my heart to be like this."

"The national husband is so popular that Weibo is paralyzed..."

"With so many people lining up to get married, does it look like an emperor choosing a concubine?"

On Weibo, some proposed marriage and some made fun of her, but most people felt that Mrs. Ke had taken advantage of her.

"I heard that Mrs. Ke is an orphan at the beach, and she doesn't look like that kind of stunningly beautiful woman. I'm really blind..."

All the comments are attacking Ayin. I have to say that women's jealousy is terrible.

Many male netizens did not dare to say anything when they saw her. Although half of Mrs. Ke's face was exposed online, even though the male netizens did not think she was very beautiful when they saw her.

But it looks like a very comfortable type.

It feels like first love.

If that person hadn't already been married to Mr. Ke, there would probably be many people on the Internet teasing her about her beauty.

"To put it mildly, your so-called orphan girl on the beach is now the largest holder of Ke's. She is already the largest shareholder...your Mr. Ke is already Mrs. Ke."

Someone said something, and everyone was yelling at him.

"I seriously suspect that Mr. Ke is crazy. He has lost his mind! Fifty-one percent of the shares, my God, the money can circle the earth several times!"

"Now Mr. Ke can't live without his wife, hahaha. If she doesn't love him anymore, even the company will become hers."

"So what if you just scold me, it won't change anything."

"Now it seems that hugging Mr. Ke's thigh is not as good as hugging his wife."

Many people envied Ayin, but more people were crazy with jealousy.

However, a sudden revelation was a slap in the face.

"Do you all think that Mrs. Ke is holding on to Mr. Ke for nothing in this marriage? You are all dumbfounded!"

"They took the photos in our bridal shop!"

"And Mr. Ke was very generous when he made the move. Although he didn't expose himself, I'm sure he has recovered his memory. He has recovered his memory before getting married. What kind of deception is this? And he continued to get married without telling his identity. , it’s just that he refuses to let go!”

"I'm really envious. He's such a domineering president. Who said that Mr. Ke lost his memory and got married and couldn't get rid of his wife after marriage?"

"She obviously got married after she had recovered her memory!"

The internet exploded, but Ayin was shocked and broke the bowl in her hand.

The chicken soup was scattered all over the floor, and the nanny hurriedly came out to clean it up. Seeing her looking at the things on the computer as if she was struck by lightning, she quickly turned off the computer.

"Madam, don't think too much. Those little girls call Mr. Ke the national husband. They are jealous of you marrying Mr. Ke. Don't listen to what they say about not being worthy. You two are perfect for each other."

"We have so many shares in our company, and Mr. Ke has changed his name to you. How loving you are, Madam." The nanny helped her sit down, but found that her hands and feet were cold.

Bai Yi came in after answering the phone. Now that Ayin's due date was approaching, he was afraid that something would go wrong.

All those stand-ins were used, I just hope that Ayin and her son can escape this disaster.

"What's wrong? Shaan Sui is safe, it's okay." Bai Yi was afraid that she would think it was unlucky. She was about to give birth, and women loved to overthink it.

Ayin looked at him blankly, with no expression on her face.

"How much have you hid from me?" A Yin's calm words made Bai Yi's heart beat with fear, and the hair on his whole body stood up.

Bai Yi's face stiffened for a moment, and A Yin's heart sank even more when she saw it.

"Ah Yin, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand a word?" Bai Yi now looked a bit like Ah Hai.

But after all, it’s different from before.

The aura that spreads all over his body cannot be concealed. The nobility around him is so overwhelming that people can see that he is extraordinary at a glance. Even if he suppresses that aura, he is not the same as the once silly and simple Ah Hai. people.

Ayin was in a daze, whether she loved Mr. Ke or the original Ahai.

"I don't even know how much you lied to me. From the moment I entered your world, I looked like a blind man. Whatever you tell me, that's what it is." Ayin's tone was bleak.

Bai Yi's mind was racing rapidly, was it murder? Or the mothers and sons who took their place? still…………

After thinking a lot, I realized that it was Ayin's Achilles' heel, and I didn't dare to say anything.

"I only want you. No matter what I do, I only want you." After thinking about it, I said it firmly.

"Yes, you want to lock me up, and I am your canary. Even though you know that my parents died because of you, you still hide it from me and let me marry you and have children!"

"You are so cruel, you are so selfish. How can you be so selfish? How do you want me to face my parents!!" Ayin yelled suddenly, her eyes red.

"You lied to me, you lied to me! You have recovered your memory a long time ago, right? You have already remembered that you are Mr. Ke!"

"You remembered it when we were taking wedding photos, and you remembered it when I begged the village chief to let them enter the ancestral hall!"

"Ha, how on earth do you have the nerve to face my brutally murdered parents! You have actually been lying to me for a long time, you liar!"

"You hurt me, you hurt me!"

Ayin went crazy and threw all the dishes and chopsticks on the table at Bai Yi. Tangtang water flowed down Bai Yi's face, and a bloody hole was made on his head by the plate.

The nanny stayed behind closed doors, and there were some jokes that she couldn't see.

"You, a murderer, kneel in front of my mother's grave and beg my mother to marry me to you. Isn't it interesting? We must be stupid to be fooled by you!" Ayin's face was pale and his whole body was shaking.

She could accept that the two fell in love, but she couldn't accept that it was his scam from the beginning!

In fact, she no longer dared to think about whether he had lost his memory.

Everything about him is questionable!

The suspicion in Ayin's eyes stung Bai Yi's heart with sharp pain, a heart-gnawing pain.

I have never experienced such a feeling in my life.

A bitterness spread in his heart, making him feel extremely uncomfortable. He didn't even know how to express the panic in his heart.

The word love, for him, actually means more pain than joy.

But the only joy he had was that he couldn't let go no matter what.

It's my birthday tomorrow, so I'm going to eat...hey, wait until I get back with two pounds of weight

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