Just as Lu He was communicating with the witch, he suddenly felt an active breath of life coming from far to near.

This breath is full of vitality and vitality, and also has the unique freshness and nature of plants, but the breath seems a little unstable and slightly disordered.

But the intensity of the aura is relatively high, reaching the level of a knight.

Sula and Jose looked at the door of the hall in surprise.

Lu He smiled, asked the maid to add a set of tableware, and then poured a full glass of warm goat's milk.

It's the half-elf Selya who's here. Judging from this aura, he should have been successfully promoted to a high-level elf.

It took half a night to complete the transformation, which was a little slower than the promotion of a knight, because Selya was not simply promoted this time, but more of the evolution of the elf blood in her body.


This was Sula's first feeling after seeing clearly who was coming.

A perfect face, her skin is as smooth as jade, but whiter and softer than jade. Her eyes, nose, mouth...everywhere is beautiful and exudes charming charm.

As a woman, Sula actually felt the jealousy and...admiration deep in her heart!

But when she saw the pair of pointed ears, she suddenly realized that they were elves.

Elves are the epitome of beauty, no wonder they are so beautiful.

Selya saw everyone in the hall looking at her, and the pink color appeared on her cheeks again, feeling a little at a loss.

After seeing Lu He's wave again, a shy smile appeared on her face, and she quickly came to sit next to him.

"You should wear a mask next time." Lu He suggested as he handed her the warm goat milk.

Because half-elves are so eye-catching, they are just a walking beauty trouble in the human world. Now that their bloodline has evolved, they have begun to move closer to true pure-blood elves, and their appearance and temperament have changed, becoming more unnatural.

And the most important point is that Lu He found that his half-elf seemed to have some social anxiety.

"Yeah." Selya held the cup and sniffed it slightly, her little face turned a bitter melon color.

Seeing the closeness between the half-elf and Sauron, Sula felt sour in her heart and lowered her head to cook silently.

Butler Jose had a worried look on his face and hesitated to speak.

He was worried that in the future, the blood of the Soros family might be adulterated with the blood of foreign races, resulting in impure blood.

Just look at the half-elf's beautiful face like a fairy in a painting, and then look at Lu He's ordinary face.

He suddenly felt that it was not unacceptable, at least it could greatly improve the appearance of the Soros family.

finish breakfast.

Lu He couldn't wait to drag the half-elf away.

Come to the underground laboratory.

Even though the half-elf pouted to express his dissatisfaction, he still drained half a beaker of elven blood.

The evolved blood is of much higher quality than before, and it meets the requirements with just a simple treatment.

Lu He thought for a while.

The index finger of his right hand pricked the center of his eyebrow, squeezed out a drop of red blood, and turned it into a thin line.

The thin thread was guided by a ray of his mental power to pass through the air, forming a red vortex.


The vortex released a powerful suction force, sucking in the processed half-elf's blood one by one. The vortex was blessed by the blood, became larger and larger, and finally formed a blood-colored object in the shape of a funnel as high as a person.

Lu He stared at the funnel, with black lines of light flashing in his eyes.

After a few minutes, when he felt there was no problem, he took off his clothes, walked naked into the funnel, and sat down cross-legged.

After a moment, a green fluorescent light suddenly bloomed from the top of the funnel and shone on him.

Dense green vines slowly grew out of the green fluorescent light, and the vines also bloomed with charming blood-red flowers. They penetrated from the surface of Lu He's forehead and were quickly absorbed into his brain.

Lu He maintained this posture, with red light spots flowing from time to time on his forehead, and gradually fell into a semi-sleep state.

The capital of the Crescent Empire, a manor somewhere.

On the green and tidy grass, there is a small private lake as clear as a mirror.

Not far away are patches of gray-white rockery rocks, interspersed with clusters of green grass, dotted with purple or white wild flowers, and butterflies flying among the green and purple white.

Dressed in white casual clothes, Hossiman stood quietly by the lake, looking at the calm and ripple-free lake surface.

"Sir, how about I go to Highland City and bring that little brat back!"

The speaker was a burly short-haired man kneeling behind him. The man had a bloody scar on his right face and looked very ferocious.

Hosiman shook his head calmly, looked at the calm lake and said calmly: "What Count Sauron said is reasonable, high school students should put study first.

"Students and learning are one of the most important orders in this society, and we should understand it."

"But he killed Dylan..."

"That's because he didn't obey the order, but we can't disobey it." Hosiman interrupted the short-haired man.

The corners of the short-haired man's mouth twitched, and he cursed the Speaker's words, but he did not dare to refute.

I heard that the Speaker came from the Sword of Order, one of the oldest knight organizations in Western Province. The Sword of Order is responsible for maintaining the basic order of the human world.

Now it seems to be well-deserved.

"What if Count Sauron doesn't come after the final exam is over?" the short-haired man couldn't help but ask.

He was worried that the Soros family would find some other excuse to delay the visit.

"Students must abide by the teacher's order at school, and they should abide by the parent's order during the holidays."

"If he doesn't listen to me as a parent..."

Hossiman paused, and he slowly stretched out his right hand, aiming at the lake in front of him and holding it lightly with his backhand.

I saw a vast and majestic energy flipping with his right hand, instantly covering the small lake with a radius of several miles, filling every inch of space with a majestic and majestic aura.

The slightly rippling clear lake water, the flocks of birds spreading their wings in the sky, the floating clouds, and the chasing and playing fish all stopped immediately, as if the pause button had been pressed.

It's like an ink painting describing tranquility and distance.

"Then kill!"

A weird smile appeared on Hossiman's face, his right hand formed into a palm, and he waved it down melodiously.


The empty space seemed to be cut open by his palm. In an instant, spider webs became dense, and the dense cracks extended to his palm and spread to the hills in the distance.


Countless cracks appeared on the surface of the mountain, and large blocks of soil and rocks were divided like scenes in a picture.

After a while.

With a loud bang, the hill collapsed, and the sword energy escaping from the mountain swept away all the rocks and trees, smashing them into countless pieces of powder and scattering all over the sky.


There was a sound of rushing water, and large amounts of groundwater emerged from where the hill disappeared, flowing towards the lake.

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