"No." Yazhiguo picked up the sandwich, put it in his mouth and chewed it, and returned to his usual handsome look, with meaningful eyes.

Shirakawa Natsu discovered that Yazuki looked very sexy.

But if he is strong, he will become M again.

"Then help me." Bai Chuanxia narrowed his eyes. After last night, he had recovered from his depression. As a man, he must take the initiative to take responsibility.

The culprit of all this is Nao.

If she wants to win over other women, she must not cause trouble.

If pure love doesn't work, you have to find another way.

He decided to get hard!

"Okay." Yazhiguo nodded and took the sandwich into his mouth: "What do you want me to do?"

"Uh." Shirakawa Natsu hesitated again after hearing the specific execution plan. With Nao's strength, it seemed that he and Yazugao were tied together, so he was no match.

Chapter 461 This scumbag woman

Shirakawa Natsu knew what Nao wanted, and her long lifespan made her fear losing it more than anyone else.

Rather than saying that she is possessive, it is better to say that she is insecure, which is why she shows strong attachment to anyone.

"I want to see her." Shirakawa Natsu got up from the sofa and stayed next to Nao first.

Compared to other women, Nao is the easiest to get into trouble.

"Want to go out?" Mi Zhiguo asked.

"Yes, you..." Shirakawa Natsu wanted Yazuki to stay as usual and call her when needed.

It always feels weird to take her to meet other women.

When he was about to say something, he saw Yazuki's eyes.

A picture suddenly appeared in his mind. The little dog had been waiting at the door after its owner left.

If she left, she would sit here all the time, looking at the door, and wait for her to come back.

After all, she only has herself now.

Baichuan Xia put on a smile: "Let's go together."

"Well, okay, wait a moment." Yazhiguo took out his mobile phone and typed quickly on it with his fingers.

"Okay, who are you talking to?" Shirakawa Xia normally wouldn't care about his brothers' affairs. After all, their relationship is different now, so he couldn't help but be curious.

"College classmate." Yan Zhiguo grinned and took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth: "I have been training before and I didn't have time. I originally made an appointment to go play together today. You have something to do, so I have to change the time."

After she spoke, she didn't hear Bai Chuanxia's answer and raised her head strangely: "What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay." Baichuan Xia forced a smile: "Thank you for putting my things first."

"Oh, it's okay." Yazhiguo waved his hand, lit the cigarette, bit it in his mouth, and continued typing with two fingers: "After all, your first time is important."

"..." Bai Chuanxia's mouth twitched. From this tone, she had a lot of things that were not so important.

What's going on with this subtle feeling of jealousy?

When I saw her come back last night, I was obviously very moved, as if the whole world had been healed by her.

Why do I feel like this woman is a bit of a scumbag today?

He looked at it for a while and found that after Yazhiguo closed a chat, there were still several unread messages in the chat.

"You look quite busy."

"Yes." Ya Zhiguo nodded: "They heard that I had finished my fighting training, so they all came to make an appointment."

As she spoke, she raised her head and looked at Shirakawa Xia, half-smiling but not smiling: "What, are you jealous?"

"Not at all." Bai Chuanxia covered his forehead and waved his hand: "Don't make random appointments in the future."

"Okay." Mi Zhiguo put down the phone, stood up, and dragged his chin with his hand: "If the appointment is approved by you, the three of us will go together."

Shirakawa Natsu pointed her **** at her.

After being teased like this by her, my depressed mood felt better.

I said I was going out, but actually I was going to the fox's house next door.

Nao has always lived there.

"She didn't come back." Fox put down the tome in her hand and lay on her side on the sofa with a lazy posture. She kept looking at Yazhi Nao.

She was more interested in Yazuki than Shirakawa Natsu: "You already have the answer."

"Yes." Ya Zhigong put one hand in his pocket and put the other hand on Shirakawa Xia's shoulder, with a casual posture: "Just stay together. Identity, relationship, these definitions are not important."

"Ahem." Shirakawa Xia coughed twice and looked at the fox: "Where is she now?"

"I don't know either." The fox raised his head and looked at Shirakawa Xia: "Shouldn't you be the one who knows best where she is? She loves you."

"I..." Shirakawa Natsu was at a loss for words. She usually paid very little attention to Nao, and she was always the one taking the initiative.

"Then what are you going to do?" Fox's eyes narrowed: "You have so many women who love you now, and there is no shortage of her. And you like to leave women without saying goodbye. It's quite annoying, isn't it? ? How about you continue your life, she will come back anyway, just like last time."

Shirakawa Natsu was silent. The first time Nao left, he went to the airport to chase her but didn't find her.

Then he gave up and came back.

Later I found out that Nao’s real purpose was to see Arina, and later, she came back on her own.

"I will find Nao." Shirakawa Natsu took a deep breath.

He always relies on Nao's preference for him to be confident, forcing Nao to relent time and time again.

"Oh?" The fox seemed to be interested and closed the book: "Do you have any clues?"

"No." Bai Chuanxia shook his head and said with certainty: "But I must find her. No matter where she is or where she wants to go, I must see her."

"I know." Fox nodded, and she smiled beautifully: "This is a unique characteristic of human beings. They always do some irrational things, but I don't hate it."

She stood up and leaned into Shirakawa Xia's ear: "But I can't help you this time, because this time I don't know where she went."

"Okay." Bai Chuanxia nodded, and then looked at the smiling fox: "You are running around."

"Don't worry." The fox's eyes turned into slits with a smile: "You are more interesting now than before."

Shirakawa Natsu said goodbye to the fox and went to her aunt's house with Yazuki, but they were not allowed to enter.

"I made it very clear last time." Concubine Ma was dressed in home clothes and crossed her arms with her chest: "I am no longer young..."

"Auntie, has Nao contacted you?" Shirakawa Natsu asked.

"Nao?" Concubine Ma asked strangely, "What's wrong with Nao?"

"She's gone." Shirakawa Xia sighed: "I don't have time to explain now. If you see her, please contact me."

"Okay." Concubine Ma nodded with complicated eyes.


Shirakawa Natsu stood beside the Tokyo Tower where she and Nao had their first date, and angrily shouted to the crowd: "Nao, if you don't come out, I will jump from here!"

His unusual behavior immediately attracted the attention of the people around him, and they all looked over.

I lament that this boy is young and handsome, but he has a bad mind.

"She's not here." Mi Zhiguo leaned on the railing and pointed to his nose: "There is no smell of her around, and it may be that she is far away, but if you jump down, it will definitely be too late to save you."

"Hey." Bai Chuanxia finally let out a long sigh, and his body became weak and fell down to squat down.

He had searched all the places where Nao might go today.

The result is of course nothing.

When walking through familiar places, the image of walking with her always appears in my mind.

She is always so jumping and happy.

No one knew how many other emotions were hidden beneath her smile.

"Go back?" Mi Zhiguo asked.

"Let me be alone." Bai Chuanxia waved his hand.

"Oh." Mi Zhiguo nodded, turned around and wanted to walk away a little, but his hand was grabbed.

"How about you stand next to me." Shirakawa Natsu looked complicated: "Where do you think Nao is going?"

Chapter 462 Will not give up

"I don't know." Yazhaku leaned on the railing and looked sideways at the night view of Tokyo: "But she probably doesn't want you to go find her."

"Hmm?" Bai Chuanxia looked up at her, really talking about his understanding of women.

He admits to being inferior to his brothers.

"When a woman yells that she wants to leave, she wants you to keep her, or leave you a clue." Ya Zhigong turned his head: "When she really leaves without saying a word, she really plans to leave."

"No." Bai Chuanxia shook his head: "She asked me to tell her after I find the answer."

He clearly remembered that Nao left with these words that day.

Mi Zhiguo raised the corners of his lips: "A woman will not choose to leave you just because of the answers you give her."

Shirakawa Natsu was silent. Just like Yazugao said, Nao had expressed dissatisfaction several times, but she had just dealt with it perfunctorily and not paid attention to it.


Take a long breath.

"Forget it, let's go." Shirakawa Natsu stood up. He believed Yazhi Nabu's nose, and there was no point in staying here.

"Yeah." Mi Zhiguo nodded and followed him.

The two walked from the noisy crowd into the alleyway home.

Human beings are always very mean. When they get something, they never learn to cherish it. After losing it, they feel infinitely beautiful.

This is probably the reason why most famous novels end in tragedy.

"Where have you gone?" Shirakawa Natsu's mind was filled with every detail of her time with Nao.

The smile that was so close suddenly became so far away. He stretched out his right hand and only grasped the moonlight. When he tightened his grip, it slipped from his palm.

A hand reached out and held his palm.

Mi Zhiguo seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and his eyes were deep and firm.

Shirakawa Xia's heart suddenly skipped a beat, and her heart beat faster for a moment. The sense of security that suddenly appeared from time to time, brother, was really easy to fall into.

Suddenly, a memory echoed in his mind.

"Hehe, you have to accompany me then." Nao leaned on his arm, her smile was bright and her eyes were bright: "Go to the place where I grew up. There are so many white birch trees there, all over the mountains and fields, so beautiful. We can definitely go together!"

Shirakawa Xia's body trembled, and she held Mi Zhiguo's hand with her backhand: "Let's go quickly."

He hailed a taxi on the street and gave his apartment address.

The taxi moves quickly.

Yazuki sat next to him and held his hand tightly.

Soon the taxi stopped under the apartment building, and Shirakawa Xia couldn't wait to turn on the computer.

Searching it, he remembered clearly that Nao once said that she grew up in Moscow.

Just find the birch groves near Moscow.

When they saw the query results, everyone was confused. There were more than ten birch forests in Mexico alone.

"The white birch represents the test of life and death, purity, and never compromise." Ya Zhigong looked at the screen: "What are you going to do next?"

"Of course it's to book a flight." Shirakawa Xia closed the website. Since there were too many places displayed on the website, it was useless to continue searching. It was better to go and see on the spot.

"Okay." Mi Zhiguo turned around and said, "I'm going to pack my luggage."

The time came early the next morning.

After Youcai washed up, Xiangtian lay on the bed. She was debating whether to go to Shirakawa Xia.

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