Myriad Worlds Food Delivery System

Chapter 2110: What did Monkey King do to the Seven Fairies! ?


the most important is,

Ye Chen attached great importance to this last takeaway!

Wanjie Takeaway is about to end!

Use the flat peach feast as the last takeaway feast,

Most suitable!

after all,

It is Ye Chen's ultimate dream to make the biggest takeaway feast!

Just at this time!

"Is the emperor here?"

A sound of exhalation, like a blue, came from outside the hall like a musical note to Ye Chen's ears in the hall.

Ye Chen was slightly startled!

He got up from his chair and walked outside.

On the square outside the temple, seven fairies stood in order!

And it was the big fairy who just spoke!

"You go and come back, is there anything to come to me?"

Ye Chen looked suspicious, and scanned the faces of the seven fairies!

Seven fairies look at me, I look at you,

In the end, all eyes fell on the big fairy.

The fairy opened her mouth, she was angry!

"There is nothing important, I just want to ask the Emperor!"

"Tomorrow is the arrangement day for the flat peach event. What do we need to prepare in advance?"

Ye Chen looked at the beautiful seven fairies,

He knew that he was the Emperor of Heaven now, with one order, what the seven fairies must do!

Ye Chen showed a playful smile!

"That's right, let your questions go first, and I also have a question to ask you!"

"That's how Sun Wukong made a big peach event!"

"After fixing your seven fairies, have you done anything?"

All of a sudden, the seven fairies were on the spot in a daze, and their minds went blank!

At the same time, the seven fairies recalled in their minds the 500-year-old Sun Wukong's uproar in the Heavenly Palace!

That happened when Monkey King went to the Heavenly Palace for the second time and was made a fairy officer guarding Pan Taoyuan!

At that time, the Seven Fairies disturbed Monkey King’s dreams!

Make Monkey King angrily question!

When Monkey King heard that the list on the banquet did not have his own name, he asked again!

"Is there anyway?"

The Seven Fairies said with an innocent look:

"Never heard of it!"

Monkey King thought he was not on the list of this flat peach event.

Only then did the Seven Fairies settle down, and ran to the flat peach event alone to make a big fuss!

The seven fairies who came back to their senses, their faces appeared at the same time!

They waved their hands, stepped back at the same time, and said in unison:

"No, nothing!"

"After being held by Monkey King at the time, I went straight to the Pantao Party!"

Ye Chen was stunned!

What a special thing!

I really didn't do anything! ?

Too disappointed!

"This monkey brother was too afraid to be interested in women back then!"

"Seven fairies are such a beautiful woman, no one will be indifferent to any man who sees it!"

"But this monkey brother just fixed the seven fairies with magic, and didn't want to do anything wrong!"

"It's a waste!"

"It's a pity that it wasn't me who made trouble in the Temple of Heaven back then!"

"If I were to make trouble in the Heavenly Palace, I would definitely be able to make the seven fairies fit snugly, I guess by now..."

"Even the offspring of grandchildren can come out!"

"I previously suspected that Brother Monkey had fixed the Seven Fairies. He must have done nothing good?"

"One of the seven fairies fell in love with Dong Yong, the mortal, and she was pregnant with a child!"

"I used to think that Brother Monkey had always done this, and Dong Yong was just a shield used by Monkey Sun!"

"It turned out to be a rumor!" Ye Chen was extremely surprised!

"Everyone says that Ye Chen is an eunuch, and the book is almost over. I'm still a virgin. He brought beautiful women to the room and played flying chess with them against the landlords!"

"Unexpectedly, your monkey brother is stronger than me!"

"Great Sage Monkey, I'm not as good as you!"

Ye Chen sighed in his heart!

"The Emperor... The Emperor... Are you listening?"

The Seven Fairies and the others stood there, seeing that Ye Chen seemed to be thinking about something, so focused, she couldn't help asking.

Ye Chen came back to his senses at this time...

"The emperor, tomorrow's flat peach event, how we should arrange it, please give me a favor!"

Every year of the flat peach event, there are so many programs without outcalls, and I have been tired of watching them, and there is nothing new.

For the Seven Fairies, they are already a little tired and bored!

Furthermore, these years have greatly shortened the time of the flat peach event!

This has been done too many times, and some gods will not buy it!

Ye Chen smiled lightly at the Seven Fairies!

"Don't worry too much about this little thing, just leave it to me!"

Their days in the sky are not short, and they are already familiar with the maps in the heavens!

Ye Chen could find the location of Pan Taoyuan with his eyes closed.

On the way to Pantaoyuan!

Ye Chenfu thought about it, and the seven fairies at the back followed him!

For this flat peach event, Ye Chen is also thinking about how to make this flat peach event grand?

The previous tasks of delivering food in Journey to the West!

But let him get a lot of benefits!

And this time, the flat peach event, if it were to be held quite grandly,

Then the rewards given must be higher than the previous takeaways!

After all, there are a lot of gods participating in the flat peach event. If they give themselves the same treasure, wouldn't they be rich!

The rewards of the system can overwhelm yourself!

Ye Chen couldn't help laughing when he thought of this, and the Seven Fairies who followed whispered whispered:

"Sisters, what do you say the newly appointed Emperor is laughing at?"

"Sister, you're really kidding, I'm not the worm in his stomach, how do I know what he is thinking?"

"Don't be mentally or mentally abnormal, right?"

"Should we recommend him to visit Taishang Laojun?"

When the sisters talked about this, they couldn't help but teased each other.

Suddenly, without Ye Chen's gaze, he started to fight on the spot.

Ye Chen heard the messy laughter behind, and immediately turned around, stopped and started to watch!

This is a rare scene in a hundred years, seven beautiful and moving fairies chasing each other and making trouble!

The fragrance of the body radiated from the body, even the butterflies living in the heavenly palace were attracted one after another!

I don't know how long it has been...

The seven fairies stopped fighting, and at the same time they noticed Ye Chen's gaze.

Immediately arranged the formation and stood aside!

The seven fairies blushed like crystal peaches.

Ye Chen smiled indifferently, unexpectedly, this fairy also has such a lovely side!

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