Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 131 Honorable Name

Latest website: As the strange substance that combines the Sequence 1 Extraordinary characteristics of three different pathways and the uniqueness of the "Wheel of Fortune" enters the body, Abner only feels that his head, body, and soul are all extremely fast. It expanded, as if it might explode at any time.

Almost in an instant, he lost his sense of the physical body and the many "wisdom eyes", and watched them disappear and disperse, about to disintegrate into abstract and complex information.

At the same time, a crazy, contradictory, chaotic, indifferent, aloof, but extremely powerful consciousness derived from extraordinary characteristics gradually awakened in Abner's spirit.

It conveys one picture after another. Some of these pictures are about the power of "knowledge", "wisdom" and "destiny", and some are grand scenes of dust igniting into the sun and various stars. They all have a sense of desolation and indifference. The spiritual imprint of , cruel, crazy, condescending, and without any emotion quickly assimilated Abner's spirit, making him change his state uncontrollably.

However, the image of the "Mechanical Emperor" formed by his anchor was retreating steadily in the face of this terrible pollution of consciousness, as if he could not compete with it at all.

Just when Abner's consciousness was almost unable to maintain his self-awareness, the worship from the three "sages" and their heartfelt "reverence" and "surrender" triggered something from " The power of "knowledge" itself - "eternal faith", "devout prayer", "immortal mind", they briefly protected Abner's humanity, which could be overturned at any time like a boat in the storm, and turned the divine The pollution blocked for a second.

It was at this second that the situation took a turn for the better.

Because deep in the "unknown land", the eyes of the "unknown" existence opened a slit!

Although he is not fully awake yet, he no longer has the only instinctive response to the outside world as before.

In an instant, the "unknown" "pollution" swept over, and the "divine nature" that seemed so "overbearing" just now was eroded by this force. In the end, it was only with the cooperation of the "anchor" that it was defeated. He has resisted the opponent, but he is still at a disadvantage and may become part of the "unknown" at any time.

But Abner's "human nature" protected by the power triggered by the worship of the "Three Sages", at this time used the "favor" and "blessing" of the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom" carried by the nine "Asmo" , cleverly leveraging divinity and anchor to block himself, and did not face the "unknown" directly at the first time.

However, the "unknown" pollution is obviously at the level of the old days, and cannot be completely resisted by the divinity at the "ancient god" level.

I don’t know how long it took, but when I saw that divinity, anchor, and even Abner’s fragile humanity were being assimilated by the “unknown,” the aura of the existence deep in the “unknown land” suddenly weakened a lot—He He fell into a deep sleep again, but his half-opened eyes did not close, as if he might wake up at any time.

As the "unknown" existence fell asleep again, the ferocious "unknown" pollution finally eased, and a dynamic balance was barely formed between the remaining "divinity" and "anchor".

However, since "Divinity" and "Anchor" together are not as strong as "Unknown", the three cannot form a "triangular" structure, but the recovery speed of "Divinity" and "Anchor" is temporarily the same as the erosion speed of "Unknown" , thus stabilizing the current state.

However, this balance is extremely unstable and may be broken again at any time.

At this time, Abner finally recovered his memory bit by bit and initially returned to the state before taking the properties.

"It's really scary... Even if I only had a brief contact, I was almost completely assimilated by that person's spirit...

"Fortunately, it is still 1351, and it is still within the time range of the original story. This is when the concept of 'unknown' is the weakest in this universe. Otherwise, even if I am promoted to 'Ancient God', I will definitely be 'contaminated' and assimilated."

"Is that being sleeping deep in the 'unknown land' really the 'me' from before?

"What on earth did I go through to become so terrible?!

"Could it be that my original world also appeared?

What happened that caused me, who was just hanging around on the university campus, to embark on an extraordinary path and become a great person? Finally, due to various reasons, I fell into the universe of this dimension, which led to all of this?

"Well, it's a pity that the moment I came into contact with Him, all I got was the 'original' understanding of the 'unknown', and there was no relevant memory of 'Liu Bo'...

"Yes, I am the ancient god of 'knowledge, wisdom and destiny'. The first thing that must be gathered with me is the content of knowledge, and then the rest."

Thinking of this, Abner waited for a while. While calming down the "shock" caused by the divine impact on himself during the advancement, he was also waiting for the back-up move from the "God of Luck".

He became an ancient god, and the only thing he used was the "Wheel of Fortune" that came from the "God of Luck." Abner didn't believe that he didn't do anything.

However, after waiting for a long time, Abner never found any problem, and could only wonder in his mind: "Did the arrangement I made in the Temple of the God of Luck before coming for promotion work?

"Or is it that the 'God of Luck' has no intention of competing with me when he becomes a god... He is waiting for a better opportunity?"

As his thoughts turned, Abner, who had returned to his best condition, no longer waited foolishly, and his consciousness returned from the "River of Destiny" to his own body.

Although the process of establishing a balance between divinity, anchor, and the unknown can be described in only a few sentences, it actually takes an entire

Days of time, Bernadette, Cattleya, and Yaluo Lan

The "sage" who came to "worship" had already passed out due to spiritual exhaustion.

Abner, who was sitting on the throne of the "Blood Emperor", looked at them with soft eyes and was about to use his authority to restore the three of them to their normal state.

But at this time, nine "Asmo" who looked like blond women suddenly knelt down in front of the throne and asked loudly at the same time:

"Dare you ask for God's name?" "Dare you ask for God's name?" "Dare you ask for God's name?"

They asked three times in a row, their tone was humble but firm.

Honorable name...Abner pondered for a few seconds, then stood up. With illusory and transparent brass-colored "eyes" emerging around him, he solemnly declared:

"I am the emperor of knowledge, the owner of all knowledge. The knowledge I want will naturally emerge."

As soon as he finished speaking, countless bookshelves appeared out of thin air and extended in all directions, layer after layer, with pages floating in the mysterious wind.

"I am the source of wisdom and the interpreter of phenomena and rules. The principles I explain are the only truth in the world."

The environment of the "Blood Plain" immediately changed drastically. The original desolate land disappeared and was replaced by a library with no boundaries.

The name of "Blood Plain" has also been permanently erased. It is now called "Apocrypha" and has been transformed into Abner's Kingdom of God in "Explanation".

"I am the Lord of Destiny and the controller of the fate of all things in the world. The destiny I declare will surely come true."

The physical condition of the three "sages" instantly returned to the day before. They woke up and looked at each other with surprised expressions in their eyes.

Then, the three "sages" reacted one after another, stood around the throne, and began to listen to the first order of the new god.

"I am the Lord of Secrets, the Lord of all secrets. No one can know the information I declare as a secret."

In the real world, Amon, Ouroleus, Will and other angel kings or archangels, who originally noticed some changes in the ripples of "destiny", and even the true god behind them, can no longer decipher any more information.

After a pause, Abner glanced at the three "Sages" and the nine "Asmo" Holy Spirits present, and finally declared:

"Therefore, my words are the truth of the world. "I shall be the 'God of Truth'!"

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