Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 149: Which country to join?

Latest website: Intis, Trier, a conference room in the White Maple Palace.

Sitting at the head of the table, the current head of the Sauron family, "War Bishop" Shire Sauron, glanced at the two family elders and more than a dozen elites present, sighed and said:

"It seems that we have to move out of this palace that carries the glory of the family again."

Since the assassination of the great consul of the Fulais family at the beginning of last year, the Sauron family has negotiated terms with the two major churches and taken the opportunity to take over the position of the highest official in Intis.

Harrison Solon, a senior member of the family and a "conspirator" with extensive experience in governing.

However, at this time, the Grand Archon, no, he should be called the "former Grand Archon" Harrison was sitting at the end of the conference room with a frustrated look on his face, and his originally fiery red hair had dimmed a lot.

Just one day ago, under the pressure of several major churches and Loen, he had to sign a humiliating defeat treaty and cede the largest city on the coast of the Sea, known as the "City of Thousand Castles". City of Leith.

The people of Intis and ordinary civil servants did not know that the War of Gods had reversed. They only thought that the current consul was incompetent. He was defeated by Loen despite such a huge advantage, and signed a treaty to cede land so quickly. ....

Naturally, someone has to bear this anger, and someone must bear the responsibility for the defeat. The Church of the "Eternal Blazing Sun" and the Church of the "God of Steam and Machinery" are unwilling to take the blame. Harrison, who is the "Grand Archon", and The Sauron family behind him is also involved.

"This is not actually Harrison's fault. Who would have thought that the goddess of the night would take the huge risk of her own anchor being shaken and set up such a terrible trap...

"Furthermore, according to the news from the Church of the Mother Goddess of the Earth, the newly emerged righteous god, the God of Truth, is also the key to reversing the war between gods.

"It is precisely because of his existence that the Earth Mother Goddess decided to turn to the Night Goddess in exchange for the power of the 'moon' in her hands."

The elder of the Sauron family, another "War Bishop" Taster Sauron, defended Harrison, the former consul whose head was getting lower and lower, for a few words, and then changed the subject and asked:

"Who does the Congress intend to appoint as Grand Consul?"

"The Church of Steam elected Fanny Surrey. She has always been a pacifist and is also the 'Saint of Toulon'. Together with our Elaine, she promoted the "Tillis Convention" and enjoyed great popularity among the people. With her huge reputation, everyone expects her to be in charge of Intis, and even the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun has no objection."

The one who spoke was Rubin, the demigod in charge of intelligence work in the Sauron family. This "Iron-Blooded Knight" who imitated Russell and had two delicate mustaches sneered before continuing, "Furthermore, this The saint of Toulon also has a close relationship with the secular spokesperson designated by the "God of Truth", the "Duke of West Jianhai County" Abner Brain of Loen... This is also the main reason why she can rise to the position. one of the reasons.

"It seems that those" elites in Congress want to copy Fusak's response strategy on the issue of territorial cession. "

Hearing this, Ciri, the leader of the Sauron family, showed a trace of surprise on his clean, beardless face. He looked at the elder Rubin with his deep eyes and asked curiously: "Fesac's strategy? What can those barbarians think of?" Is this method worth learning from Intis?"

"Actually, it's more like the self-rescue of Empress Sophia II..." Rubin curled his lips, then nodded and signaled to the family members he attacked.

The member immediately understood and stood up to report after bowing: "Queen Sophia II publicly announced her conversion to the Church of the God of Truth, and awarded the title of Duke of Indo to Abner Brain, allowing him to receive it. A large area of ​​land including Indo Port, as well as more than ten islands in the Sea of ​​​​Jian.

"The Church of the Night Goddess, the Church of the Earth Mother Goddess, and the Church of the Storms have all expressed their tacit approval of this plan, so the Loen official has no choice but to accept it."

After listening to the report, "War Bishop" Taste immediately smiled and said: "Fesac is planning a marriage...

"That's right. It seems that Abner Brain is not yet 21 years old. He currently has no wife or children. It is indeed a marriage.

A good candidate.

"And as long as his wife is a member of the Fusac royal family, their future children will naturally have the right to inherit the Fusac Empire.

"At that time, as long as we work hard and let that child take the throne, he will be the emperor of the Fusac Empire and the lord of Indo Port and Beldan and other places... For the Einhorn family, this is equivalent to They counter-occupied part of Loen’s territory.”

As an "old" man who was born when the Sauron family was still a royal family, Taste was no stranger to similar methods. At that time, many noble territories were "merged" using this method.

Speaking of which, although Lundborg and Maxi are two different countries now, their top leaders are the same person, and this is how his two grand duke titles came from.

After hearing Tast's explanation, all the members of the Sauron family nodded, feeling that this method was indeed a good one...Whether it will be successful or not remains to be seen, but at least it is more decent and sounds much better than giving the land to Loen.

However, while nodding, Patriarch Ciri once again had new doubts: "But how can we Intis learn from Feysac?

"We are not a kingdom, nor an empire...There is no way we can ennoble Abner Brain or grant him land."

When he said this, he suddenly came to his senses and asked in surprise: "Are we really going to implement the 'popularly elected emperor' system that was rejected more than a year ago?"

"Yes... the electoral system has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in Intis, and the people will not agree to the restoration of the monarchy rashly, and most families in Intis want to use this opportunity to restore their titles...

"In addition, the elected emperor is not a hereditary system. Every noble noble who originally had a "legal claim" has the opportunity to stand for election, and we can accept it.

"So, this plan has been passed by Congress." "Iron Knight" Rubin said, picking up a newspaper and handing it to the clan leader. While Shire Sauron was reading carefully, another "War Bishop" Tust asked: "Then how did Fanny of the Surrey family get to the position?

"The Surrey family has never been a noble. Where did she get the inheritance law?" "

Rubin sighed and said: "The Surrey family is the descendant of Russell Gustav's eldest son Charles... This has been confirmed by the Church of Steam."

He was only in his forties and had no ill feelings toward Russell. On the contrary, he had some admiration for Russell like the patriarch. However, he still had some complicated feelings about the alternative restoration of the Gustavus dynasty.

What is even more complicated is the "War Bishop" Taste Sauron. As Florent's youngest daughter and Bernadette's former "best friend", he is now a "middle-aged uncle" who is nearly two hundred years old. He is very interested in Rose. In fact, I hate him very much, but Russell's children are all his former friends...

"The Surrey family... no, there are two angels in the Gustav family now. Fanny is also on good terms with Abner Brain. She cannot be hostile to him. She will continue to fight until her ancestors have regained their full strength. Try to be kind...

"In addition, Elaine also has a good relationship with Duke Blaine. Let her contact us and try to get the mortal spokesperson of the 'God of Truth' to also support us. "The patriarch, Shiri Sauron, put down the newspaper and decided on the Sauron family's strategy.


Backlund, Thordrak Palace.

The Queen of Loen, Vera, had just finished talking to the great nobles and councilors about the cession of land and Abner Brain. They guessed that Intis would most likely use similar methods to Feysac, and they all expressed their determination. degree of concern.

But Vera didn't panic at all. She looked up and seemed to notice something, and then she said with a smile:

The "God of Truth" needs stable believers, so each of the three countries giving a portion of their land to Abner is something that the righteous gods have decided long ago, and we have no way to object.

"Jianhai County will never belong to Fusac or Intis... Well, I will discuss this matter with Duke Blaine in private, so you don't have to worry.

"We should be more concerned about how to withdraw the troops from the southern continent now."

In the "Knowledge Palace" of the Kingdom of God "Apocrypha".

After watching several "videos", Clay

En clicked his tongue twice and couldn't help teasing: "So, which country are you going to let your future children join?"

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