Latest website: My name is Aurore, I am only fourteen years old this year, and I am a little girl with a great sense of justice.

My original name was not this, it was a new name given to me by my stepfather.

Speaking of which, my biological father was a run-down nobleman. His family was not wealthy, but in order to maintain the so-called respectability, he borrowed money everywhere. Later, he became obsessed with gambling, and eventually used my mother and me as "asset" mortgages. Got out...

At that time, my mother even thought of committing suicide in order not to be humiliated!

But luckily, just when we, mother and daughter, were about to fall into a tragic situation, the gang behind the casino was completely destroyed by the "Iron Man" who went around doing chivalry, and my mother and I were saved.

From that time on, I developed a deep admiration for "superheroes" and often imagined that I could become someone like them.

After escaping from the gang behind the casino, my mother did not return to my father's side. Instead, she took me away from her hometown and came to Limon City in Jianhai County.

Since my mother was quite favored by her parents when she was young, she went to public school and could write and do math, so she got a job in this city with a fairly good salary. Relying on this, we, mother and daughter, could barely make ends meet. livelihood.

Alas, it’s a pity that my grandfather and grandmother passed away suddenly, which led to my cold-blooded uncle not only directly embezzling the assets in my mother’s name, but also marrying her to my glamorous father for the sake of good looks...

However, after arriving in Limon City, my mother and I finally got rid of the gloomy life we ​​had before. Although our lives were not rich, we were happy and hopeful every day.

Especially after the construction of the film and television city of "Viscount Beldan" began, it injected vitality into the surrounding cities, and even the common people felt the benefits... At least my mother's weekly salary increased by 1 sole.

Later, the appearance of my stepfather made my mother and I experience true happiness.

My stepfather's name is Simon. He is a gentle, strong, and responsible man... I was wary of him at first, but soon after contacting him, I completely recognized him.

Every time I sweetly call him father, I can see a loving smile on his face... This is something my biological father has never given me.

But such an excellent stepfather actually has a sad past.

He was originally a skilled worker in Stone, the capital of East Chester County, with a good income and a wife and children he loved deeply...

But suddenly one day, the manager of his factory told him that his wife was actually the manager's lover, and his son was actually his son.

The reason why his wife married him was because the manager married the factory owner's daughter and could not be exposed, so she used him as a cover.

At that time, my stepfather thought about fighting with the other party, but in the end he did not take action due to some special reasons. He only quietly took the manager's compensation of 100 gold pounds, left Ston and came to Limon.

I should be grateful to that short-sighted woman, and I should also be grateful to that sinister and cunning manager. If it weren't for them, my stepfather would not have appeared in my mother and I's destiny, allowing us to have those few years of happiness...

Unfortunately, happiness is always short-lived... Because of the outbreak of the war, my stepfather had to join the city patrol to protect the happiness that belonged to our family.

During that time, my mother and I were always on tenterhooks, fearing that terrible news would come.

Fortunately, none of that happened. It was just the so-called "Miss Maigu" that my stepfather mentioned every time he came home from patrol, which made my mother worried.

Although it was later confirmed that my mother was overly worried...

After the war, my stepfather made a fortune from the trophies he captured on the battlefield, and then rented a three-story townhouse near the town square.

Our family was very happy at that time, but we never thought that it would be this house that would shatter this hard-won happiness again.

I clearly remember that my stepfather had just gotten off work that day and was enjoying a delicious dinner with my mother...but suddenly a big hole was opened in the wall, and a man with a human head but all over his body was revealed.

But things with countless "mouths" have invaded our home.

My mother and I were so frightened that we could not move... Looking back now, I was really cowardly at that time... If I had been braver, my stepfather might not have died!

In short, my stepfather bravely stood in front of my mother and me, fought with the monster, and bought time for my mother and me to escape...

But he also paid for it with his life!

My mother and I didn't even get to see his body... because we were also "contaminated" by monsters at that time and were taken to the headquarters of the "Truth Church". Only by the beautiful female pope herself did we escape and become " The fate of "monster".

That was the first time I saw extraordinary power. Stimulated by the death of my stepfather, I had a strong idea of ​​becoming an extraordinary person.

For several months, I prayed to God over and over again, asking him to give me that kind of power...

Maybe my sincerity moved the gods. In early March of this year, I finally received the favor of the "God of Truth" and received the revelation of the address of the "Star and Gate" bar. Then I met Ms. Wall and got the gift from her. "Ranger" potion.

Soon, I became a Sequence 9 Beyonder, and this "Ranger" sequence not only suited my heart very well, but also fulfilled my dream of becoming a "superhero".

After realizing that I had become an extraordinary person, Sister "Mai Gu" not only told me a lot of extraordinary knowledge, but also gave me a magical item that can transform my appearance... Therefore, the Night Ranger "Green Shadow" Lady "is born.

Speaking of sister "Maigu", she was not only the advisor of her stepfather's patrol team, but also the maid of the Duke's Palace, and she was also an extremely powerful extraordinary person.

After my stepfather died, she and her comrades from his team gave my mother and I a lot of help... It was with their care that my mother was able to open a hotel in the old town of Beldan, with a good reputation. income.

In the past few months, I have been able to fight crime as "Ms. Green Shadow", but I have not been too targeted by the official extraordinary people. This is probably because of the "care" of my sister "Maigu" and my stepfather's comrades.

A few months have passed, and my "Ranger" potion has been digested, and the subsequent "Investigator" formula has been obtained through a believer of the "God of War and Destruction". Now I just wait to save up enough. With money, you can purchase the corresponding materials.

But just yesterday, I heard something from Sister Maigu that made me extremely angry. That is, Wright, a comrade of my stepfather’s stepfather who helped my mother and I, was defrauded of all our money. , finally couldn't bear the blow and committed suicide in despair... And the liar's name was Victor Dale!

The name was familiar to me. It was the name of the manager of my stepfather's factory in Stowan...

He turned out to be a professional liar and even killed Uncle Wright!

But according to sister "Maigu", the official divination failed to pinpoint him. Apparently the other party was also an extraordinary person and had counter-divination methods.

But I won't give up just yet, so at tonight's "Star and Gate" bar party, I posted a reward with the 1,000 gold pounds I finally saved up to buy materials... I hope I can gain something.

Publicly or privately, I will not let him go!

After writing this, Aurore closed her diary, looked at the silver moonlight outside the window, sighed slightly, and couldn't help but think to herself:

"Although I have had the habit of keeping a diary since my stepfather passed away, I seem to have written a little too much today..." Ms. Wall said that if I advance to the Master of Sequence 5 through this path, I can Stepfather's calling, come out...

"By then, mother will be very happy, right?"

In the "Observer Castle", Russell withdrew his "prying" eyes, glanced sideways at Abner, and sneered:

"The witch who was born from the fallen mother goddess", the monk who was favored by the "unknown" and "mystery", and now this little girl who was once polluted by the "declined king"...

"Tsk, tsk, according to the words of our time, this is 'the wheel of fate is starting to turn!

"There's just one missing

main character……"

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